:P, We had a local perennial city council candidate named Dick Rider. The classmate left his office while we were talking and asked briefly how the talk was and then went on his way. Iâm the assman! This can be a problem when transliterating eastern European names into English. As a kid in the eighties, I always wondered if the CBC VJs were too prim to pronounce Bruce Cockburn's name correctly. And a shorter list of Johnsons and Peters and suchlike. It's a wonderful world where you can't say anything about sex but every other movie shows people having their head blasted off by a nuclear warhead and that's fine. I refused to believe it, but there he was, listed in the phone book. ", There was a fine 14th century gent by the name of, Fornication Under Consent of King Ebythenavele, There was a Vietnamese kid in my elementary school named Dung Heep. For example, the common Russian first name Семён - related to Simon - is transliterated in the Library of Congress System as Semen. he said his name was Dick Man, so we referred to him as Ricardo Hombre. People with âoffensiveâ last names have a lot of everyday problems with technology. No matter what we did, there were either things getting through that shouldn't (people are very creative at overcoming spam filters) or things getting filtered that should have gotten through. 46. In military terms, the United States was the victor of the Tet Offensive for the Communists did not succeed in maintaining control over any part of South Vietnam. They're (mostly) corporations so terrified of offending someone, they seek to avoid any negative PR that they don't care about these sort of consequences. I went to college with a -- gods help me, the best adjective really is "sweet" -- young woman named Candy Butts. Facebook Twitter Reddit Flipboard. That time Kenny Rogers visited the UK and was being interviewed on tv - he mentioned that he has a string of chicken restaurants called "Kenny Roger's Roasters" and couldn't understand why the interviewer and everyone in the audience lost it for about 5 minutes laughing. I had known him for years and. "Weiner" is NOT the same as "Wiener" (the sausage and... other stuff in English). We have a cleaning company named after the Buttweilers who own it. For a short period of time, I had a teacher in middle school called Mrs. Lickdyke. Fun Facts about the name Offensive. I called her by her first name. Names are fun! I knew a Vietnamese-American guy in school whose last name was Hung. Newer », This thread has been archived and is closed to new comments. I had to put the calls on hold and announce over the PA system "line #, last name" so that the salespeople could pick up. By the time Americans and the British will have accomplished this feat, we’ll have colonized Mars. Sometimes I feel like I'm living among neo-puritans in some parallel universe. I thought maybe it was the pseudonym used by the NSA rep on the engineering team. Dairy Queen introduced their new line of blended frozen drinks to compete with the Dunkin Donuts âCoolattaâ. "ie" is pronounced "ee" and "ei" is pronounced like "I" - so it is (or at least, should be) "Vine-er" vs. "Veener", pronunciation-wise. People with âoffensiveâ last names shared their everyday problems, and itâs hilarious: There are some people out there who have been dealt a bad hand since the day they were born. I was unable to call my former eye doctor Dr. Kuntz. How can a computer tell the difference between "Congratulations Philip Sporn"" and "I get wet when I look at P O R N"? 45. I know that in the English language the order of i and e is pretty arbitrary, but in German it is really, really not. Fight boredom with iPhones and iPads here. Also, these threads always frustrate me because I have a friend with a co-worker whose name is really super unambiguously a sex act and as well as a large proportion of workers who are not native English speakers and were not raised in the US. I'm calling for Mr. uh.. um...". The 100 Funniest Names Ever Having an unfortunate, funny or awkward name can be a hard thing to overcome in life. ?” We sniggered. Well, worked in both academia and database firms and certain names remain with me still: [name of your favorite Disney fawn] and Loverink was one at your favorite aerospace firm. You can't even have characters kissing! And in my experience, the more offensive your name, the more likely you are to get TK'd. For what it's worth, Deadspin tried, but was unable, to. I dont think this is a real name. Those of us with offensive last names are here August 29, 2018 9:05 AM Subscribe. The first and last of his name. Have you ever received a letter where the signature at the bottom of the page accurately reflects the profession of the person writing? Yes, profanity is in the mind of the reader. I read an article about sprinter Tyson Gay that was posted on an over-zealous website that changed each mention of "Gay" to "Homosexual" (I'm not sure why this is considered less offensive, but whatever). When I was in middle school, a friend swore that the guy down the street from his house was named Harry Richard Holder. Not a good name for a lawyer. And this is my other coworker, Cunnilingus. Oh man there are so many place names in the northeastern US with the -cock suffix, as it's the english/french interpretation/spelling of indigenous Algonquian place names. My husband's friend's last name is Asseman. The story is that UCLA named it URL before finally naming it after Charles Young when he retired in 1997 to avoid calling it. All posts copyright their original authors. I never saw someone turn so red. 42. So I can kind of see where they're coming from. The trouble with having an âoffensiveâ last name can be as small as being unable to register on websites and can be as big as your emails all being sent to someoneâs spam folder. I met a doctor once called Dr. Hence, there are quite a few rules for naming kids in New Zealand mentioned in the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act section 18 in the year 1995. Oh man -- 43rdAnd9th reminded me of the time I was on a placement in Wales and brought in some homemade cookies. I know a Vietnamese guy whose full name is The Ho. Afterwards, several of us — all women — were standing around outside a classmate’s office talking about his presentation. Hey Pandas, If Your Pet Could Talk, What Would It Say. I'm a LoC employee, and they do make exceptions when appropriate. The locally famous family is up to the third generation of this great name. As racial justice reckoning occurs across the country, a number of professional sports teams are feeling pressure to change their names that are viewed by some as deeply offensive. Middle-aged American white lady. I mean like, who likes Justin Bieber. Real names: harold horace balls, Ima hogg and Ura hogg (girls successfully sued their parents), william (willie) hung (american idol reject), teflonda slick, and phat ho (vietnamese not sure on spelling, my friend nearly lost his call center job laughing at that one) Bathtub Shitter. This country has seen a huge number of names banned over the last decade or so. In his spare time, Jonas writes books and short stories and likes to draw lighthearted illustrations. by Henry McKenna December 17, 2014. Batman-bin...c55c56.jpg. When I was in grad school, a job candidate named Richard Cox came in. Another name that stuck out was Lovelady. Worst last names I've ever encountered were, by a long shot, Dumcum and Henroid. This is a prank call that sort of backfired, and I'd like to bail out right now. He's outside the US so it doesn't affect him on a daily basis, but every trip to the US has the TSA officers in absolute stitches. Having a last name that rhymes with Hitler (but with no H and2 Ts) was no picnic, and even less so for my father who was old enough to volunteer for the Marines when WWII started and the recruiters took one look at his name and even though he'd spent his entire life on the East Coast, sent him to the Pacific Theater. Subscribe to our top stories. I can’t tell you the number of times people have mispronounced my name (the ‘J’ is supposed to sound like a ‘Y’). But ⦠There are plenty of everyday technological problems and nuisances that people with bad names have to face in life, and here are some of the best. Image credits: paulrgay1. A huge fan of literature, films, philosophy, and tabletop games, he also has a special place in his heart for anything related to fantasy or science fiction. Poor Melissa Finger, whose university gave her the email address Fingerme@.... My birth name stuck me with the college email of xmadame@. nickthegun 11 Oct 2007 16:11:00 85,249 posts Seen 5 minutes ago Registered 15 years ago When I was a kid in Austin we all got so much amusement out of the fact that HEB (regional grocery powerhouse) was named after a Howard E Butt. And it's a nickname she chose. Decades later I still remember Eberdeen Tree, Wycliffe Furcrombe III, Cherry Cox and Frosty Snowmen. This name should receive the HOUNOUR of being number 1. If your last name is Boozer, should your first name be Young? kitchi1's list "Offensive Baby Names" of 10 great name ideas: Cohen - Rosary! Ah yes, this reminds me of a kid I went to church with growing up named John* Bumgardener. Games like âSouth Parkâ are an example of funny games named after a TV show. No. Let's keep in touch and we'll send more your way. I once worked on a system for a public art installation where users could enter text to display across a screen. Search our extensive list of all NFL players. At university, email aliases were created by taking up to the first six letters of your surname and then appending your first initial. While the history of colonization and marginalization is not unique to the Americas, the practice of deriving sports team names, imagery, and mascots from Indigenous peoples of North America is a significant phenomenon in the United States and Canada. I once subbed a math class in which one of the students was "Precious Johnson". In my local area, I know of a Mike Hunt (though he prefers Michael) and a Jack Wang. A typical weblog is one person posting their thoughts on the unique things they find on the web. She was female. There are plenty of everyday technological problems and nuisances that people with âdirtyâ last names have to face in life. Please provide your email address and we will send your password shortly. However,⦠Some time later he returned and said, “Are you all STILL talking about Cox?! How we choir boys tittered whenever the Minister announced the next Cathedral anthem as "Shite in F", being his Edinburgh pronounciation of Heinrich Schütz. Join 6,470 readers in helping fund MetaFilter. There are plenty of everyday technological problems and nuisances that people with bad names have to face in life, and here are some of the best. Richard?". There's a law office I sometimes go past that's called "V. Good and Co. Amen - it is long past the time when we should recognize the plight of people yoked with bad names. I loved the put down I heard when I was at college many years ago. I'm crying silently with laughter at my desk. Quite true. I have a last name of "Schlitt" i find it very annoying. Discover NFL players past & present. There are some people out there who have been dealt a bad hand since the day they were born. While the holiday is sometimes spelled "St. Patty's Day," some find this to be offensive as "Patty" is a shortened form of the female name "Patricia." In others, teams have attempted to neuter negative associations. There was a car dealer where I grew up with the last name Raper. w0mbat - crude slang for female genitalia. After getting his bachelor's degree in Politics and International Relations at the University of Manchester, he returned home and graduated from Vilnius University with a master's degree in Comparative Politics. We have sent an email to the address you provided with an activation link. Oh, and after you’re done reading this post, be sure to check out Bored Panda’s articles about people with unfortunate name tags and the very worst names that will make you wonder what people’s parents were thinking. They named their son Richard Junior, and called him Dick also. Fun times. Phunniemee, tell us about the Gooches. Best name ever! Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names, Former New Hampshire congressman Dick Swett. Please pull over, I want to get off. 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He didn't. The most offensive gamertags are the ones owned by people who can't wrap their brains round capital letters. In some instances (like Washington), the name is accompanied by an equally offensive logo. In Meet The Parents, though the name Focker plays a part the infamous Dr. Cockburn, the urologist. A former colleague of mine, surname of Dix, sold her car to a man named Cox. I was once a financial journalist and we all got a giggle when Mustafa Koc was named President of Koc Holdings. To everyone in the office's amusement, she regularly referred to them as big Dick and little Dick. The trouble with having an âoffensiveâ last name can be as small as being unable to register on websites and can be as big as your emails all being sent to someoneâs spam folder. These actions simply show they really don't care their customers/users, despite their proclamations (by engaging in this censoring) that they do. and we will not be silenced. 43. The rigor of the system must be maintained! The sole reason again is parents using impractical and offensive names. The Huffington Post writes that “we attack others in order to feel good” or to make ourselves look better in comparison. Have you ever thought of changing your name to make life ‘simpler’? 13 Of The Most Offensive Team Names In Sports History â Not Including The Redskins. Jonas is a Bored Panda writer who previously worked as a world news journalist elsewhere. I grew up in Goochland County, VA and always wondered about the origin. He would invariably reply, at high volume, "LIKE A HORSE, SIR!". Have you ever had any problems due to your name? To this day they believe that I was lying about knowing a kid named John Bumgardener. Image credits: philip_sporn. A very funny lady I once worked with was married to a guy named Richard who went by Dick. This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself. I worked a customer service 800 number out of college and I kept a list of great names that I came across. Some canât even get health insurance due to their surnames However, as she grew up, she eventually learned to accept and love her name and stopped feeling shame whenever she heard it. Next Last. Image credits: natalieweiner. Not a dirty one, but I worked with someone whose last name was Sample and it would cause no end of confusion when filling out sheets and so forth (new people always thought the "Sample" in the name was an indication that it was a sample record and would delete it). Morgan Jerkins reveals that her childhood was full of kids making fun of her because of her funny name. 41. Regrettably, my school pal Willie Dick wasn't in that choir. YES! We had a complaint about profanity, and didn't want to get taken down early, so we had to find a way to censor these short messages. But what choice do we have? Donald duck has aged well. The struggle is real! Any name containing the word "Brick" is a great moniker for an offensive lineman. I've only seen it refer to the perineum (and nearly always for a male). Click here to view. If you do reply to me so I can be shocked and put your name in Guinness World Records 2016. ", heh, my pal, last name of "Gee," was long-ago assigned, Somebody in that Twitter thread, last name "Dick", said she considered using "Richard" instead to register for a Webinar. 11 Really Offensive Things You Don't Realize You're Saying You may not know it, but some of your expressions are making you look bad. By submitting email you agree to get Bored Panda newsletter. We were all, "No, come on, he must pronounce it 'koh-REH-pen-iss' or something, don't worry." My friend’s mother in law is named Faire Pickel . The assman Jerry! Ferguson also played linebacker in a rare defensive set for the Virginia Cavaliers during his time there.
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