wv state employee directory

WV Divsion of Personnel. Office Website: https://wvde.us/state-superintendent/. Year Employer Name Title Annual Wages Source; 2018: West Virginia University: Huggins Robert E: $4,085,469.07: West Virginia State Auditor: 2019: West Virginia University Load Next 50 of 406. Charleston, West Virginia government works for you. The benefit programs include unemployment, workers' compensation, retirement, and insurance. Click Here for More Info ‌ ‌ 43785 First Name: Last Name: Department: Phone (Ex. January 29, 2021. Page Content. Box 1000 Institute, WV 25112-1000 Athletic Department Phone: (304) 766-3165 Darcel Vermillion, Executive Assistant. Below West Virginia Department of Education 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East Charleston, West Virginia Phone: 304-558 … West Virginia AMBER Alerts Receive AMBER Alerts on missing children based on your View Wirt County office directory by department including employee name, address, and phone number. The Director's We are here to provide you with efficient government services to assist your living, recreational, work, and business needs. Office Name: Office Address: Phone: Fax: State Office: 1550 Earl L. Core Road, Suite 200 Morgantown, WV 26505: 304-284-7540: 855-857-6448: integration of six functional areas, which are administered by the Director of West Virginia University 1549 University Ave. | P.O. Assistant Professor of Radiologic Technology and Clinical Coordinator. Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits employment discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities in businesses with 15 or more employees and to all state and local government entities regardless of the number of employees. Below are the instructions and information on applying for a West Virginia State Government job for an individual who has been or is a certified permanent employee by either having been previously employed or currently employed beyond the probationary period. WV State Americans with Disabilities Act. 304-558-3950. The Employment Services office electronically processes and approves data concerning payroll and administers employee benefit programs and other related items for the Division of Natural Resources through the statewide WVOASIS system. Welcome to the 50States West Virginia government offices directory. 1900 Kanawha Blvd E … For e-mail address, click the name. Key Offices. Perform a free Kanawha County, WV public employee directory search, including state, county, and city employee directories, employee names, and employee emails. Online Directory allows you to lookup WVU Library employees, faculty, staff, librarians, and research assistants. West Virginia’s Commemoration of the 26th Amendment. Current and Former State Employees. It allows you to search by building, department, and … Box 6069 Morgantown, WV 26506-6069 Phone: 1-304-293-4040 Fax: 1-304-293-6638 The Official Website of the State of West Virginia. Search It also offers a range of handy government services based on the state and county you enroll in. The main telephone number for the Division of Personnel is [email protected]bluefieldstate.edu. January 19, 2021. State Employees. WVU Libraries . Personnel Transaction Review  -  304-414-1855, Classification and Compensation  -  304-414-1856, Organization and Human Resource Development  -  304-414-1857. West Virginia AMBER Alerts Receive AMBER Alerts on missing children based on your state of residence. Office provides overall management of the Division. The Division of Personnel was created by statute in 1989 to provide leadership in human resource management, including administration of a merit system (i.e., civil service), for the executive operating agencies of State government. Find West Virginia Government Office addresses, phone numbers and more contact info. Commemoration of the 26th Amendment Gov2Go is a personal assistant for government that allows you to always stay on top of your required government interactions. [email protected] West Virginia Secretary of State's Office Staff Directory Enter your search criteria (name, title, department, email address) in the search box below to quickly find contact information for a … 3047660000): Email address: To return to the WVSU home page click here. WVSU Directory To search for someone, fill in one or more of the fields below. Clayton Burch, Superintendent of Schools. I want to... West Virginia State University Youth STEM Camps Adjust to Pandemic Realities. civil service), for the executive operating agencies of State government. The agency's human resources department regularly updates employee information. West Virginia Elections and Voter Information Receive information and notifications for primary and general elections. A comprehensive system of personnel management is achieved through the integration of six functional areas, which are administered by the Director of Personnel with oversight by a five-member State … West Virginia County and State Taxes This service reminds you when your county/state tax payments and assessments are due. Gov2Go learns about your needs, tracks your government deadlines and reminds you when it’s time to pay or complete a task. Go To: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. 304-558-4331 x 57004 (Voice) 304-558-2999 (Fax) If you: have previously been employed by the State of West Virginia and have surpassed the probationary period to become certified permanent are currently working as a state employee and have surpassed the probationary period to … … (304)327-4480/ 9295452. Division of Personnel was created by statute in 1989 to provide leadership in Search for a job. The Staff Directory. The State Employee Directory Search gets its information from the Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM)'s Personnel Management Information System (PMIS). More Info Administration Dept Personnel. 112 California Avenue | Building 4, 5th Floor | Charleston, WV 25305 Phone 304-558-2317 | Fax: 304-558-1475 Contact Us | Site Map Administration Our mission is to provide a safe and comfortable environment for employees to function better, smarter and more efficiently, while maintaining a pleasing experience for those visiting all buildings owned and operated by the Department of Administration. human resource management, including administration of a merit system (i.e., West Virginia State Government Directory 5 Executive Assistant: M. Ellen Briggs .....(304) 558-0664 Lobbyist Registrar: Teri L. Anderson .....(304) 558-0664 General Counsel: Theresa M. Kirk .....(304) 558-0664 ... DWWM - State Revolving Fund/Engineering Section Email: [email protected]WV.GOV Phone: Fax: Featured Online Services. Joint Statement from NASAA and West Virginia State Auditor’s Office on Stock Volatility. WV.gov is the official Web site for the State of West Virginia and is the result of an innovative public-private partnership between the state and West Virginia Interactive. Renee Clark, Receptionist. West Virginia State University Department of Athletics 210 Fleming Hall P.O. Here are some of the services available for West Virginia: When you visit Gov2Go, you will be able to manage your reminders at any time as well as sign up for additional services. is a list of staff phone numbers and email addresses by section, including section is a list of staff phone numbers and email addresses by section, including, Administrative Secretary to the Director - Layna Valentine-Brown, ​Assistant Attorney General - Karen Thornton. Current and Former State Employees. Statewide Launch - Educational Transparency Site. ( [email protected] ), phone 558-2681. WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION EMPLOYEE DIRECTORY LAST UPDATED 10/1/2020 Directory is updated at the beginning of each month ... DWWM - State Revolving Fund/Engineering Section Email: [email protected]WV.GOV Phone: Fax: Work Location:Charleston Ext. comprehensive system of personnel management is achieved through the For employee extensions, use the "Show" button above. 501 Virginia St. E Charleston, West Virginia 25301 304.348.8000. The following links are provided to assist State agency supervisors, managers, Human Resource/Payroll staff, and agency heads with human resource administration and various other employment-related topics. WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION EMPLOYEE DIRECTORY LAST UPDATED 3/2/2021 Directory is updated at the beginning of each month Email changes to [email protected]wv.gov . Once hired, we want to retain our employees, and we recognize the importance of supplying them with information and resources to … Personnel with oversight by a five-member State Personnel Board. The state offers a wide variety of career opportunities, and is seeking motivated individuals who want to make an impact in the lives of West Virginia residents. Kim P. Nuckles State ADA Coordinator Building 1, Room E-119 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East Charleston, WV 25305. ( [email protected] ), phone 558-2681. For more information about the Gov2Go app and website go to getgov2go.com. A Wyoming County Employee Directory Report Link https://www.wyomingcounty.com/county-agencies.aspx Search Wyoming County, West Virginia government employee directory by contact name, title/position, agency, department, or phone number. State Auditor John B. McCuskey will be sworn-in for a second term. Below The Kanawha County Employee Directory Search (West Virginia) links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to Kanawha County public records. If you enjoy serving the public and are looking for a challenging career, search for a position below. WV School Counselors; W. Clayton Burch State Superintendent of Schools Miller L. Hall President, West Virginia Board of Education Contact Info. The employees of West Virginia State Government are our greatest asset. February 02, 2021. By hiring the best, most qualified applicants, we build and maintain a quality workforce to serve the State’s citizens; however, the hiring process is only the beginning. USDA Service Center Employee Directory WV Contact information may be found by searching for the employee name, city, all employees in the state, or by Service Center. numbers. Clear Search.

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