no air filter engine damage

Jan 12, 2020 #4 yup plausible happens even without a after market air cleaner . The air filter is used to filter the air and removes all the dirt from the air and allow clean air to enter to the engine. The air enters the engine via the air filter. Given the precise clearances and high levels of heat and pressure in the cylinders, even minor amounts of debris can cause extensive damage to internal components over time. It probably would not hurt your car to drive it a short distance without an engine air filter but you don’t want to do that much. Air filters work by passing the inlet air through very small holes. Without adequate air intake, the fuel mixture will be too fuel-rich so won’t burn properly and the engine will be starved of the oxygen it needs. Your engine breathes in a lot of air, and its air filter will eventually fill up with whatever dust and debris are floating around. Eventually the increased dust and dirt can damage the cylinders and valves. While you might find an air filter made for a different vehicle that has the same dimensions as the one made for your vehicle, it may not seat perfectly onto the filter mount. TriPolar April 23, 2016, 3:33pm #14. Fine enough to keep out any sizeable stuff that may actually damage the turbo. I haven’t tried it, not going to either, but I assume the Check Engine comes on in a modern car if there’s no air filter. As the fiber of the air filter becomes worn out, it may allow small amounts of dirt and debris to enter the engine. Clog-free air filters for diesel engines allow for optimal airflow into the engine. The additives (active ingredients) in the oil only last so long, after that they are no longer providing protection. It can be made of metal, foam, or ceramic. H. honeeagle. Your engine has an air filter to keep dust, particles and insects from getting into the cylinders and mucking up the works. This can allow unfiltered air to slip past and damage your oil and engine. A Clean Diesel Engine Air Filter is Key to Fuel Efficiency. What if You Use a Different Air Filter? Over time, a dirty air filter could choke your engine, even damage … Most manufacturers recommend replacing your air filter every 12,000 miles (approximately 19,000 km) or every 12 months, whichever comes first. Oil in filter is used to prevent rusting in metal filters, because the rust can enter the engine and cause damage. A clogged air filter will restrict the performance of the engine, a clogged oil filter & dirty/old oil will be doing mechanical damage to the engine. However, it won't destroy your engine, at least not right away. He has no filter but runs a turbo gaurd screen. This is my buddies setup, 1990jmcturbo on here. Messages 109 Location Canada. Air is one of the key ingredients that put your wheels in motion, after all. Even if pure, unfiltered air made It's way into the engine, it wouldn't do damage that quickly. A clean air filter increases the overall performance of car engine where as a dirty air filter causes serious damage to the interior parts of car as well to the person using that car. No way the air filter caused engine damage. I think the dealer is trying to pull a fast one on your friend. Just like oil treated disposable air filters, once our oil is properly and evenly absorbed through the cotton, no oil will come off, even under extreme engine conditions. If you're talking about big street cars that see tons of miles(5k+ a summer) then I may say run a filter. Anything else I'd just run a screen. Correct amounts of air combined with diesel fuel create that spark that makes your ride move.

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