Curley whimpers like a baby and cries helplessly with the pain. Curley attacks Lennie because he assumes Lennie is laughing at him when really he is laughing and smiling about the ranch him and George dreamed of. Describe the fight between Curley and Lennie. What happens to Curley? 11. How does Slim persuade Curley to say it was an accident? When Curley picks the fight with Lennie, he does not realize the danger he is in. 12. Chapter 4 1. Why does Curley attack Lennie in the bunk house? What does she end up telling him about herself? George knows that if he doesn’t kill Lennie himself, Curley will torture and murder Lennie in a more inhumane way, making Lennie suffer for killing his wife. What ends up happening to her in the barn? Badly shaken and in pain, Curley … What happens as a result? In what ways does Curley's wife tempt Lenny? The men enter and Curley demands that Lennie be found and killed. Carlson says that his gun is missing and they suspect that Lennie has taken it. Why does Curley attack Lennie? 10. ... Why does Lennie become angry with Curley’s wife? Why did Curley's wife come to see Lennie? 9. 2. Explain your answer. What role does Candy play in helping George and Lennie try to buy land? 13. When Lennie kills Curley's wife, Curley sees this as … 10. What does Slim make Curley agree to? Curley wears a “glove fulla Vaseline” on one hand because, according to Candy, “he’s keepin’ that hand soft for his wife.” Since farm work is physical and tough on a person’s hands, the Vaseline will prevent at least one of Curley’s hands from becoming chapped and rough—something he clearly believes his wife would find undesirable. When Lennie does, he crushes all the bones in Curley's hand. 5) Why does George kill Lennie? Why does he make Curley do this? How does Lennie feel after the event? 12. 14. What is Crooks attitude towards Lennie when Lennie … 3. Curley picks on Lennie and attacks him violently, despite the fact that Lennie has just been smiling and has not done anything wrong. 9) Why does Curley wear a glove on one hand? Why does Candy want to join George and Lennie? 4. Evidence. What happens to Curley? What happens as a result of Curley’s attack on Lennie? What. Curley comes at him and swings a few times, then George tells Lennie to fight back and he grabs his fist and practically takes it off. What does George decide to do? Why is Crooks jealous of Lennie=s friendship with George? 9. Who finds Curley… Slim says they must get Curley to a doctor, but he cautions Curley that if he tells on Lennie and gets him fired, they will spread the word about how Curley's hand really got hurt and everyone will laugh at him. Describe Curley's attack on Lennie? Is she personally responsible, in any way, for what happens to her in this chapter? The men tell Curley that they haven't seen his wife, and he quickly surveys the room, noting that Slim is missing. Curley thinks Lennie is smiling because of what the men are saying about his wife. What does Curley think Lennie is smiling about? How does Lennie know where to go to avoid getting in trouble? 8. Slim is the one who warns Curley that if he gets George and Lennie canned everybody will find out about his loss and he will be the laughing stock of the area. Once George allows Lennie to fight back, Lennie smashes Curley's hand, breaking every bone. Please help, thanks! Curley attacks Lennie because he assumes that Lennie is smiling at him.
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