Mirabai is held to have been a disciple of Ravidas.. Mirabai composed between 200 to 1300 prayerful songs called bhajans. 59 poems of Mirabai. Notify me of new comments via email. As her father was away much of the time, she was then sent to be raised at her grandfather’s house. Mirabai A Great Krishna Bhakta. 46 Mirabai Poems ranked in order of popularity and relevancy. We are too near history to either add to her greatness or detract from it. Read more → Browse all Famous poems > By Mirabai . Meera Bai attained the status of a Hindu saint by practicing devotion towards Lord Krishna. more… All Mirabai poems | Mirabai Books. Despite not being a poet of Mirabai's birthright, he has attained the position of poetry in devotion. Mirabai is said to have been devoted to Krishna from a very early age, and in one of her poems she asks, "O Krishna, did You ever rightly value my childhood love?" Some 1,300 pads (poems) commonly known as bhajans (sacred songs) are attributed to her. She expressed her deep devotion and love to Lord Krishna. One of the most quoted women in India’s history, Mirabai composed bhajans that express deep love for Lord Krishna and are sung throughout India today.. At the heart of Mirabai’s life was her devotion to the Lord. Mirabai was a born poet. Mirabai (1498–1547) was a poet-saint of Rajasthan and Vrindavan, India. Mirabai was a 16th-century Hindu mystic poet and devotee of Lord Krishna. Born in Rajasthan in 1500 AD, she was married against her will to a prince of Chittor, near the fabled city of Udaipur. May 29, 2020 - Thanks to an explorer's grant from Kensington Tours, I will be going to India to trace the journeys of 16th century poet Mirabai, a woman ahead of her time. Mirabai is a literary and spiritual figure of legendary proportions. A translation of over two hundred of the songs attributed to the early sixteenth-century female bhakti poet Mirabai. Although she was a queen, she traded all her riches to worship Shri Krishna … These poems express an intense love for Krishna. With her ektaro in hand, she sang hundreds of kirtans that she composed each full of piety, love, and dedication. Jul 14, 2015 - Mirabai was a devotee of Sri Krishna. Her poetry expresses the longing and seeking of her soul for union with Sri Krishna. From poets Robert Bly and Jane Hirshfield, English versions of impassioned poems by Mirabai, the beloved Indian poet-saint Mirabai is a literary and spiritual figure of legendary proportions. I Am Mad With Love, Do Not Leave Me, A Cowherding Girl 4.0k views +list. Mirabai wurde für ihre Lieder der Hingabe an Krishna bekannt und für die traditionellen Frauenrollen verlassend Leben Krishna-Verehrung zu widmen.Sie war ein Bhakti Heiligen, Dichter und Mystiker, und auch eine Rani oder Prinzessin. Meerabai or Mirabai (alternate orthographies: Meera, Mira, Meera Bai) (Hindi:मीराबाई Bengali: মীরাবাঈ;) was an aristocratic Hindu mystical singer and devotee of Lord Krishna from Rajasthan and one of the most significant figures of the Sant tradition of the Vaishnava bhakti movement. Sie lebte von etwa 1498 bis etwa 1545. Meerabai’s Marriage to Rana Kumbha. Mira Bai was a Rajput princess, the only child of Ratan Singh, younger brother of the ruler of Merta. Mirabai, a princess, was a devotee of Lord Krishna, she was in love with him from her early childhood and her poems are of love and devotion to her Lord. Mirabai. Mirabai’s mother smiled, and half in jest and half in earnest, pointed towards the image of Sri Krishna and said, “My dear Meerabai, Lord Krishna—this beautiful image—is your bridegroom”. Mirabai wrote many poems in praise of Sri Krishna that are even used today by Krishna devotees. She also wrote over 200 songs. Mirabai was a poet since birth. She expressed her deep devotion to Shri Krishna. It originated in the seventh-century Tamil south India, and spread northwards. Mirabai ji has composed many of his posts in Rajasthani mixed language. Oct 30, 2018 - Mirabai was a great Bhakti saint and a devotee of the Lord Krishna. Even today many people still sing her kirtans. Despite facing criticism and hostility from her own family, she lived an exemplary saintly life and composed many devotional bhajans. Poems of Mirabai. Although she was a queen, she traded all her riches to worship Shri Krishna … At PoemSearcher.com find thousands of poems categorized into thousands of categories. For, five hundred years in the history of a nation that stretches back several millennia is a short period. Meerabai was a devotee of Krishna and did not like anything other than Krishna, Meerabai died in 1546 AD. Meera who is also known as Mirabai or Meera Bai was a well-known mystic poet or saint belonging to the Bhakti Movement. These are popular throughout India and have been translated and published worldwide. Meera (Mira Bai[1]) was a Hindu mystic poet and devotee of Krishna. At times, she expresses the pain of separation and at other times the ecstasy of divine union. Saint Nabhadas of the early 17th century praised her in his hagiography, “Renouncing respect in society and all family ties, Mira worshiped Lord Krishna in the form of the divine mountain-lifter Giridhari.” Downloadable! We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe. Born a princess in the region of Rajasthan in 1498, Mira (as she is more commonly known) fought tradition and celebrated a woman's right to an independent life in her ecstatic poems. Mirabai inherited a long, rich tradition of song-poems dedicated to Krishna. Born a princess in the region of Rajasthan in 1498, Mira (as she is more commonly known) fought tradition and celebrated a woman's right to an independent life in her ecstatic poems. Mirabai wrote her songs in Rajasthani and Braj Bhasa languages, and they were translated into Hindi and Gujarati. Written By: Varanasi Rama Murthy . Mirabai also influenced women in the Hindu community to have their voices heard since Hinduism considered men to be superior to women. Alston. Her royal education included music and religion as well as instruction in Mirabai was known for the incomparable beauty of the poems and bhajans she composed and sang in devotion to her beloved god, Krishna. Mirabai was a born poet. Poem Hunter all poems of by Mirabai poems. The founder of this tradition was a thirteenth-century poet, Jayadeva, who wrote in Sanskrit. Mirabai (1498-1547CE) was a Hindu mystical poetess whose compositions are popular throughout India. Her devotion of Lord Krishna made her go against the traditions and customs of her time and made Mirabai is the most famous of the women bhakta poets of north India. She expressed her deep devotion to Shri Krishna. The Devotional Poems of Mirabai by A.J. Mirabai – the poet. Mirabai is one of the brightest stars in the star-filled spiritual firmament of our country. Strange Is The Path of Love: Devotional Poem by Hindu mystic poetess Mirabai Mirabai August 24, 2016 Poems In English 2,129 Views Do not mention the name of love, Mirabai was a 16th-century Hindu mystic poet and devotee of Lord Krishna. FAVORITE (0 fans) Discuss this Mirabai poem with the community: 0 Comments. The Bhakti movement refers to the theistic devotional trend that emerged in medieval Hinduism. Check out this biography to know about her childhood, life, achievements, works & timeline. The Bhakti movement regionally developed around different gods and goddesses, such as Vishnu, Shiva. She was one of the most significant Sants ("true" or "saints") of the Vaishnava bhakti movement. Apr 16, 2018 - Mirabai and Krishna | Hindu Vintage India Kalyan Print Metaphorically, Mirabai points to the longing of the personal self, atman, to be one with the universal self, or paramatma, which is a poet’s representation of Krishna. Mirabai replied there was only one real man in Vrindavan, Krishna; everyone else was a gopi of Krishna. Much of what we know about Mirabai comes from her poetry. Her life was marred by persecution as she struggled to manifest her ardent desire to compose, sing and pursue spiritual studies. Her devotional poems were designed to be sung as bhajans, and many are still sung today. Mirabai, also known simply as Mira, is a favourite among Hindu poet-saints, particularly in the North Indian bhakti tradition, and thousands of poems have been attributed to her. Mira Bai, Hindu mystic and poet whose lyrical songs of devotion to the god Krishna are widely popular in northern India. OUR BACKUP CHANNEL IS MOMZILLA : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwjjgh5KjUsFaikt-VTzS2gPlease subscribe to this channel. Historical information about the life of Mirabai is a matter of some scholarly debate. Update this biography » Complete biography of Mirabai » Child Meerabai began to love the idol of Krishna very much. Meera, also known as Mirabai (मीराबाई; c.1498–c.1546), was a 16th-century Hindu mystic poet and devotee of Krishna.She is a celebrated Bhakti saint, particularly in the North Indian Hindu tradition.. Mirabai was born into a Rajput royal family in Kudki, Pali district, Rajasthan, Mira then spent her childhood in Merta, Rajasthan. She influenced her husband to respect Krishna, and he resulted in building a temple of Lord Krishna so that Meera could worship her lord. With her ektaro in hand, she sang hundreds of kirtans that she composed each full of piety, love, and dedication. Even today many people still sing her kirtans. These bhajans are in the bhakti tradition, and most passionately praised Lord Krishna.The extant version of her poems are in a Rajasthani dialect of Hindi and in Gujarati. Publish × Close Report Comment.
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