Contacts | © UNESCO-UNEVOC, YEM: Youth Employment in the Mediterranean, BILT: Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET. Most girls don't grow up in a world of opportunity. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 24 January as International Day of Education, in celebration of the role of education for peace and development. .booktable td { font-size: 11pt } The current situation calls for solutions to change the pattern of the traditional training strategy. Every action counts. World Hemophilia Day 2020 Get+involved virtually and stay safe. Share stories of inspiring adolescent girls or girl-led organizations who are developing innovative solutions or leading efforts towards positive social change, including gender equality, in their communities and nations. In response to the COVID-19 crisis, my strategy has evolved from the face-to-face teaching of my students to facilitating their learning through digital platforms such as WhatsApp, Zoom and Google classroom. World Lion Day: 08-10: August 10 World Elephant Day: 08-12: August 12 ... 2020 Decades. Good Friday Quotes 2021. dilshad. How will you mark the day? World COPD Day activities are organized in each country by health care professionals, educators, and members of the public who want to help make an impact locally and worldwide. The day is celebrated to pay honor to the students from all across the globe for their hard work, dedication, and determination. The following report presents the results of the trends mapping study on the future of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) teaching, conducted by UNESCO-UNEVOC. Strengthen the role of the family in improving the status of girls. Among them, the education and vocational training sector. The theme for each International Day of Forests is chosen by the Collaborative Partnership on Forests. The day provides the occasion to celebrate the teaching profession worldwide, take stock of achievements, and draw attention to the voices of teachers, who are at the heart of efforts to attain the global education target of leaving no one behind. Nurses currently account for over half of the global health workforce. } Learn about the history of World Ocean Day, find Annual Reports, and gain insight into the Conservation Action Focus. Every year on 11 October, the International Day of the Girl, UNICEF launches an annual campaign with girls to amplify their voices and stand up for their rights. color: #055857; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; Kids are reimagining a better world. View All Result. .bookbox { text-align: right; height: 300px } World Plumbing Council Home. Past Activities: i-hubs project | TVET Global Forums, Our Services & Resources: Publications | TVET Forum | Virtual Conferences | TVET Country Profiles | TVETipedia Glossary | Promising & Innovative Practices It calls for a world where every girl and woman can realize all her rights, such as to live free from violence, to attend and complete school, to choose when and whom she marries, and to earn equal pay for equal work. World Children’s Day is UNICEF’s annual day of action for children, by children. Early Childhood Educators' Day recognises and celebrates the work of Australia's educators in early learning services for their wonderful contribution to the wellbeing and healthy development of the young children in their care. More information about World Teachers’ Day 2021 will be available soon. Eliminate discrimination against girls in health and nutrition. See more. 12 th March 2020: World Kidney Day: Theme: “Kidney Health for Everyone Everywhere–from Prevention to Detection and Equitable Access to Care. Students should be encouraged to have a sense of meaning and purpose, to build positive relationships, and engage in collaborative activities with their peers. International Day of Education 2020: Learning for people, planet, prosperity, and peace. This year, under the theme, “My voice, our equal future”, let’s seize the opportunity to reimagine a better world inspired by adolescent girls – energized and recognized, counted and invested in. Watch the International Day of Forests video spot . World Wildlife Day 2020 is being celebrated on Tuesday, March 3. Learn More. Training through small groups to achieve social distancing and adapting to the epidemiological situation, and continuously taking all necessary measures of sterilization and wearing masks before and after the completion of training. TVET Forum But Internet and AI technology will never replace human beings in terms of empathetic intelligence. Together, youth can create a healthier ocean that sustains us all, no matter where we live. Watch and share the International Day of Forests video 2021 (English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish). 12 th March 2020: World Kidney Day: Theme: “Kidney Health for Everyone Everywhere–from Prevention to Detection and Equitable Access to Care. Explore the Network, Inclusion and Youth We must expand access to safe toilets and leave no one behind. They do outstanding work to support people living with a wide range of health concerns. As adolescent girls worldwide assert their power as change-makers, International Day of the Girl 2020 … margin: 16px 32px 16px 0; World Mental Health Day 2020: World Mental Health Day, observed every year on 10 October, aims to create awareness about mental health issues around the world. Ongoing reforms have resulted in an expansion of support mechanisms for TVET teaching staff in many countries, specifically concerning new pedagogies, curricula and use of new technologies. One necessary skill for the future is resilience. We mark this World Refugee Day in the midst of dramatic social change. ” 15 th March 2020: World Consumer Day: To raise global awareness about consumer rights and needs. In particular, it will invite reflection on the meaning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Celebrated on the 10th October, it provides an opportunity to place the spotlight on the mental health challenges experienced in our world today. Innovation and Future of TVET The third International Day of Education (January 24) will be marked on Monday 25 January 2021 under the theme ‘Recover and Revitalize Education for the COVID-19 Generation’.Now is the time to power education by stepping up collaboration and international solidarity to place education and lifelong learning at the centre of the recovery. World PT Day 2020. THANK YOU to every one who participated in World Children’s Day 2020! The toolkit for World PT Day 2020 includes infographics and posters aimed at the general public promoting the role of physiotherapy in rehabilitation and COVID-19, and infographics focusing on the delivery of physiotherapy via telehealth.. In recent years, both topics – the future of work and the future of learning – have been widely researched and debated in the context of global disruptions. We have to learn from them too! 225 likes. April 17, 2020 is World Hemophilia Day. On World Health Day, we are launching the first ever State of the World’s Nursing Report 2020. UNEVOC Network News, The UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre: Who We Are | What We Do | Working With Us | Get in Touch, The UNEVOC Network: Learn About the Network | Explore the Network HOW TO RESPOND. No matter who you are or where you come from, pandemic or not; every one of us can make a difference. In order to adapt to the “new normal” brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve tried to shift my teaching strategies in the following three aspects. education national world pharmacist day international pharmaceutical federation fip. box-shadow: #666 5px 5px 5px, #666 -2px 2px 5px, #666 -2px -2px 5px, #666 2px -2px 5px; Each year organizers in more than 50 countries have carried out activities, making the day one of the world's most important COPD awareness and education events. Finally, I believe that working in a collaborative way with my peers as well as with the students themselves is fundamental. 10 February 2021. 16 th March 2020: National Vaccination Day: Theme: VaccinesWork for All: 18 th March 2020: Ordnance Factories Day: The day is celebrated by … Others. March 8, 2021. The second, to adopt an optimistic attitude. width: 220px; My strategy as a teacher has changed and adapted as the days and weeks have gone by, and we've realized that online classes are here to stay. YEM: Youth Employment in the Mediterranean It's a very important day for the World Federation of Hemophila (WFH) and the bleeding disorders community—but nothing is more important to us than your health and wellbeing. The theme of World Students Day 2020 is ‘Learning for people, planet, prosperity, and peace’. Read about what the global network of supporters are doing. The theme for 2020, Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Nursing the World to Health, demonstrates how nurses are central to addressing a wide range of health challenges. HALLOWEEN; Animal; Plumbers; Quotes; Tag: good friday quotes 2021. World Book Day aims to get children excited by reading by offering every child a free book and plenty of supporting events, resources for teachers and celebrity involvement. Today, on 24 January 2020, the world celebrates the International Day of Education [1]. In 2020, World Teachers’ Day will focus on the theme Teachers: Leading in crisis, reimagining the future. The 2020 theme for World Wetlands Day is an opportunity to highlight wetland biodiversity, its status, why it matters and to promote actions to reverse its loss.. .coverimg { As adolescent girls worldwide assert their power as change-makers, International Day of the Girl 2020 will focus on their demands to: The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action is the most progressive blueprint ever for advancing the rights of not only women but girls. 10 February 2021. box-shadow: #ccc 5px 5px 5px, #ccc -2px 2px 5px, #ccc -2px -2px 5px, #ccc 2px -2px 5px; No Result. There continues to be a lack of evidence on and insight into how TVET teaching and learning can be better organized and TVET teaching staff better supported to deliver the skills demanded in a rapidly changing and increasingly complex labour market. On 11 July, World Population Day, UNFPA aims to raise awareness about the sexual and reproductive health needs and vulnerabilities of women and girls during the pandemic, to highlight how we can safeguard hardfought gains and ensure that SRHR stays on the local agenda, and to explore how to maintain the momentum towards achieving the SDGs by 2030 that we rallied at the Nairobi Summit. That’s why we must think again about what we throw away – seeing not waste, but opportunity. TVET Country Profiles This celebration draws attention to the contributions of teachers in educating their communities and developing a more inclusive and sustainable society. Creating an environment of mutual trust so that students can feel comfortable and learn, whether this environment is virtual or physical. The WDP 2020 program is based on Jesus' encounter with a person who, although We have seen the growth of World Day of Prayer Zimbabwe from churches to schools At the core of the service is the Bible story the theme is based on. Thirdly, a shift from input-oriented evaluation to output-oriented evaluation. Eliminate discrimination against girls in education, skills development and training. I have also had to develop my own digital skills. The good thing is that since young people live in a much more digital world than we adults, they are also empathetic and patient with me. Monday, March 1, 2021 . Education; Contribution; 2020 WCPD Resources; What’s Happening; Blog; Contact; View The Map. .bookimg { Today, these movements have expanded. World Hemophilia Day 2020 Get+involved virtually and stay safe. I’ve put more focus on enabling students to achieve outcomes that need adaptability, creativity, and collaboration to better prepare them for an ever-changing world. The day is celebrated to pay honor to the students from all across the globe for their hard work, dedication, and determination. International Day of Education 2020 will be celebrated globally around the theme of “Learning for people, planet, prosperity and peace”, including two key celebrations @UNESCO HQ in Paris and UN HQ in New York. Furthermore, it was necessary to stop solely talking and dictating to students through cameras and start producing step-by-step activities in order to encourage students to work: read, write and talk to each other. Together Q23. Students are the people and the minds that are going to take our countries forward. This year, under the theme, “My voice, our equal future”, let’s seize the opportunity to reimagine a better world inspired by adolescent girls – energized and recognized, counted and invested in. The future of education, in my opinion, is sure to be reshaped by COVID-19 towards a more digitalized trajectory. They do outstanding work to support people living with a wide range of health concerns. BILT: Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET I have also kept them engaged with interactive assignments, projects and sessions that promote their understanding of the course material. Technology has come in handy, along with shared documents and presentations that have allowed us to reach and teach students. text-align: left; padding: 0; margin: 0; line-height: 20pt; font-size: 16pt; font-weight: 200; text-decoration: none; color: #005673; The theme for 2021 is "Forest restoration: a path to recovery and well-being". The first thing has been to listen with empathy: the students are scared, incredulous and distressed in this uncertain present. This year, set against the COVID-19 crisis, children and young people were joined by stars and leaders to reimagine a better world for every child. The World Student Day is celebrated on October 15 to commemorate the birthday of the great Indian scientist and former Indian President Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam was loved by students throughout India. World Teachers’ Day is an annual event aimed at thanking all teachers. Mar 07, 2021 The World Plumbing Council (WPC) is an international organization which World Plumbing Day is an international event on March 11 every year, ASSE International have published ANSI/CAN/ASSE/IAPMO 1055-2020 They are being organized by and for adolescent girls – girls from all walks of life who are boldly demanding action against discrimination, violence and poor learning opportunities. It will highlight the status, challenges and feasible solutions for TVET teachers and teaching in times of crisis from the perspectives of various stakeholders. Now, nearly 25 years later, the Platform for Action remains a powerful foundation for assessing progress on gender equality. World PT Day 2020. } The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly added to the challenges faced by already over-extended education systems throughout the world. The world will celebrate the International Day of Education on 24 January 2020, a day proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly to honour education and its centrality to human well-being and sustainable development. The theme for World Diabetes Day 2020 is The Nurse and Diabetes. March 20th is the International Day of Happiness. .pubboxright { float: right; width: 65%; } It is therefore of great significance and importance that the theme for World Mental Health Day 2020 will be: Mental Health for All Greater Investment – Greater Access. Croatia’s island wetlands: how local initiatives can reverse trends. The repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic have cast a shadow over the whole world. Stay Wise. The theme chosen by the Holy Father for the 106th World Day of Migrants and Refugees is “Forced like Jesus Christ to flee” to focus on the pastoral care of internally displaced people (IDPs).. .bookbox { text-align: center; height: 330px } Though I think we were forced to change, I do believe we also gained some structured methods from this situation, and in a sense, opened ourselves to new and effective teaching methods and learning tools. Valuing Wetlands: Stories from around the World. Today, on 24 January 2020, the world celebrates the International Day of Education [1]. Optimism is contagious and with a positive attitude, we are all capable of learning better. The United Nations’ aim to spread education that is included in the basic needs and privileges and in turn human responsibilities and duties. Firstly, a shift from classroom-based teaching to internet-based teaching. Let’s amplify their leadership, actions and impact to inspire others. The Platform for Action specifically calls on the global community to: Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, A New Era for Girls: Taking stock of 25 years of progress, Five actions for gender equality in the COVID-19 response, Learn new skills towards the futures they choose. The theme of World Philosophy Day 2020 is the importance of philosophy in times of crisis. Early Childhood Educators' Day recognises and celebrates the work of Australia's educators in early learning services for their wonderful contribution to the wellbeing and healthy development of the young children in their care. .coverimg:hover { This year's theme is "Voyages." This theme intends to highlight the centrality of development ambitions for our collectivity with humanitarian objectives. Secondly, a shift from teacher’s instruction to the construction of a learning community. About Global Recycling Day Every year, the Earth yields billions of tons of natural resources and at some point, in the not too distant future, it will run out. Moreover, TVET teachers and trainers have to be motivated to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to remain current with sectoral and methodological changes. In particular, it will invite reflection on the meaning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Get in Touch, Learn About the Network The resulting transformations, especially the emergence of new job roles, call for learners to continuously upgrade their knowledge, skills and competences to remain relevant in a rapidly changing labour market. However, the implications of global disruptions for the future of TVET teaching and learning are yet to be fully unpacked, understood and synthesized into an actionable framework. Students working as a team, connected with students from other institutions and other countries. TVET Global Forums, Publications The conference culminated in the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action: the most comprehensive policy agenda for gender equality. As a first step to developing an actionable framework for improving TVET responsiveness to future skills needs through capacity development of TVET staff, UNESCO-UNEVOC commissioned a study to identify trends shaping the future of TVET teaching and learning. It is no exaggeration to say that the world is at a crossroads and, now more than ever, we must work with teachers to protect the right to education and guide it into the unfolding landscape brought about by the pandemic. Teaching methods, such as case studies, discussions, academic games or competitions, and student-led discovery, are all effective in helping students to learn through online collaborative interaction. Virtual Conferences In the years following, women pressed this agenda forward, leading global movements on issues ranging from sexual and reproductive health rights to equal pay. Private Sector Engagement, COVID-19 response By trying to find innovative solutions, new ways to present processes and results, adapted ways of working in teams, and giving feedback at every possible occasion, students see our concern for their learning and they appreciate it. Check here for World NGO Day 2021 History, Theme and Activities to observe it. The published synthesis reports in French and English, as well as the webinar recordings are available here. The campaign aims to raise awareness around the crucial role that nurses play in supporting people living with diabetes. I’ve worked out the most suitable internet-based platforms and tools in recording instructional videos, conducting live streaming lectures and giving feedback so as to foster learning and stimulate interest. World Storytelling Day 2020:Voyages. width: 98%; height: 98%; padding: 0 2% 2% 0; .pubboxright { margin-top: 10px; float: none; width: 97%; clear: both } width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 0; Eliminate all forms of discrimination against girls. A day proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly to honour education and its centrality to human well-being and sustainable development. The study aimed to engage the international TVET community to: (i) imp ... Data privacy statement | .pubboxleft { float: none; width: 97%; clear: both } Mental health is a human right – it’s time that mental health is available for all. All around the world, people and communities have had to adapt to big changes caused by COVID-19. Eliminate the economic exploitation of child labour and protect young girls at work. In the meantime please revisit Queensland World Teachers' Day website to find out how we celebrated during 2020. It’s our world, let’s take action together! While WIPO promotes a general theme each year, it is up to you to decide how best to use the event to make a splash, or to meet your organization’s own public awareness raising goals. See more. The International Education Day occurs in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic that led to a global learning disruption of unprecedented scale and severity. Home » News » World Education Day: UNICEF host maiden edition in Kano, Borno. World Teachers' Day 2020: The day honours educator's associations around the world.This day was created by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) not … .bookamore { Furthermore, in order to maintain social distancing, solutions and alternatives are needed to change the training paradigm. Learn more about supporting World Ocean Day. Nurses currently account for over half of the global health workforce. The material you find on this page is for you to download, use and share with others! .morepages { margin: auto; width: 100% } The theme for World Environment Day 2020 is, 'Time for Nature,' with a focus on its role in providing the essential infrastructure that supports life on Earth and human development. As we face a global crisis together, let’s find positive ways to look after ourselves and each other. Get Ready for World Ocean Day 2021! These shifts in turn are changing not only the content and format TVET programmes, but also TVET teaching and training methods (both theoretical and practical). Nurses: improve your understanding of diabetes care. This theme intends to highlight the centrality of development ambitions for our collectivity with humanitarian objectives. A day proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly to honour education and its centrality to … As well as the WTD Opening Ceremony and UNESCO-Hamdan Prize Awards Ceremony on 5 October, and the Closing Ceremony on 12 October, there will be a series of national, regional and global events throughout the week. How many states will be covered under the Strengthening Teaching-Learning and Results for States (STARS) project? In 2020, World Teachers’ Day will focus on the theme Teachers: Leading in crisis, reimagining the future. It is… It’s a life-saver, dignity-protector and opportunity-maker. For this reason, it became a necessity to develop some instruments to ‘see’ students even without seeing them in person. } The theme of World Philosophy Day 2020 is the importance of philosophy in times of crisis. The 2020 edition of World Philosophy Day will focus on the importance of philosophical thinking in helping us cope with the multiple challenges the world faces. World Toilet Day 2019 is drawing attention to those people being left behind without sanitation and the social, economic and environmental consequences of inaction. UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme This year, in view of the current situation, the celebrations will take place online. What is the theme of the 2020 World Food Day? box-shadow: #666 5px 5px 5px, #666 -2px 2px 5px, #666 -2px -2px 5px, #666 2px -2px 5px; World Lion Day: 08-10: August 10 World Elephant Day: 08-12: August 12 ... 2020 Decades. 16 th March 2020: National Vaccination Day: Theme: VaccinesWork for All: 18 th March 2020: Ordnance Factories Day: The day is celebrated by … @media screen and (max-width: 600px), screen and (max-height: 500px) { box-shadow: #ccc 5px 5px 5px, #ccc -2px 2px 5px, #ccc -2px -2px 5px, #ccc 2px -2px 5px; World Hand Hygiene Day 2020: इस साव विश्व स्वच्छता दिवस की थीम Save Lives: Clean Your Hands है. Who We Are SDGs and Greening TVET World Education Day: UNICEF host maiden edition in Kano, Borno. It's a very important day for the World Federation of Hemophila (WFH) and the bleeding disorders community—but nothing is more important to us than your health and wellbeing. Since 1994, World Teachers’ Day has been celebrated annually on October 5th. .bookh3 { Every action counts. UNESCO will host a webinar on the Industry Experience of TVET Teachers in Times of Crisis on 8 October at 14:00-15:30 (CET).This webinar is jointly organized by OECD and UNESCO in collaboration with World Bank, ETF and ILO. height: 343px; World AIDS Day 2020: Date, History, Current Theme, Importance, Significance World AIDS Day 2020: Every year, World AIDS Day is observed on December 1 to … World Standards Day Each year on 14 October, the members of the IEC, ISO and ITU celebrate World Standards Day, which is a means of paying tribute to the collaborative efforts of thousands of experts worldwide who develop the voluntary technical agreements that are published as International Standards. We mark this World Refugee Day in the midst of dramatic social change. Join the Global Education Week from 16 - 20 November 2020. Notifications; State Level PSC. The last decade has been the hottest on record, and we are now facing a climate emergency of unparalleled proportions. World Hand Hygiene Day 2020: इस साव विश्व स्वच्छता दिवस की थीम Save Lives: Clean Your Hands है. } The day also provides a platform and opportunity for people who work on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what needs to be done to make mental healthcare a reality for citizens around the world. Answer: Gandhinagar Q24. It is about taking action to tackle the global water crisis and achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6: water and sanitation for all by 2030. The COVID-19 crisis was and has been a predicament for the school system, the length of lockdown and suspension of ‘in person’ schools could hinder or in some cases stop the ability to learn and study. World Wetlands Day marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971 in the Iranian city of Ramsar on the shores of the Caspian Sea.. Promising & Innovative Practices, Major TVET Events Comments. Education is a human right and a fundamental need for individuals to be able to reach their potentials. St. Patrick’s Day 2020; World Kidney Day; International Women’s Day 2020; wildlife Day 2020; Health; Others. Our Key Programmes & Projects: COVID-19 response | YEM: Youth Employment in the Mediterranean | BILT: Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET | UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme | WYSD: World Youth Skills Day The theme of World Students Day 2020 is ‘Learning for people, planet, prosperity, and peace’. Sixteen adolescent girls from nine countries film their lives locked down by inequality, injustice and coronavirus, How a cohort of women masons are transforming gender roles in India, How a Nubian girl in Egypt found her dream job across the sea. World Mental Health Day was first observed on 10 October 1992 as an annual activity of the World Federation for Mental Health aimed at promoting mental health advocacy and educating the public on relevant issues. WYSD: World Youth Skills Day, i-hubs project Report. Keep Calm. People with cerebral palsy have mastered dealing with change, breaking …
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