mcq on office environment

Investment is the ___________________. ANSWER: D Where the agent intends to take the benefit of the contract and does not disclose they are acting as an agent 33. Identify this species: Answer: Rhesus macaque. (a) Global, strict and absolute rules on right and wrong according to ethical conduct (b) Claims morality is context dependent and subjective there are no universal right and wrongs that can be rationally determine (c) Right and wrong is objective and determined by the organizations culture The Living Planet Report is published by which of the following organizations? Investment Management MCQ Questions and Answers Part – 3. C. A counter-offer 50. CemtekCemtek Environmental, Inc. Environmental, Inc ... CemtekCemtek Environmental, Inc. Environmental, Inc. Particulate Particulate MonitorsMonitors Cemtek Environmental IncCemtek Environmental, Inc. … The number pyramid is […] Search 4 UPSC exam books . ANSWER: C Test Your Office Health and Safety Knowledge. Which parties are bound by the terms of the tender when one party submits a tender? D. void ab initio. A condition September 19, 2020 November 16, 2019 by Veerendra. 50 c. 100 d. 5 3. Answer : A. An agreement not enforceable by law is said to _____________. Page-6 section-2 B. A is not liable to make compensation to B for the injury to the horse Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 8 Civics Chapter 10 Law and Social Justice with Answers Pdf free download. ANSWER: A B. India’s Digital Information Technology (DIT) Act, 2000 A. orally B. The Transfer of Property Act, 1882 If we do not want to go into the intricacies of the term, then we can define environment as everything that surrounds us. A. phishing View Answer. 36. B. Legal Aspects of Business MCQ Questions and Answers Part – 1 Legal Aspects of Business MCQ Questions and Answers Part – 2 Legal Aspects of Business MCQ Questions and Answers Part – 3 1. All Rights Reserved. According to guideline recommended by WHO for quality of water E coli in distribution system per 100 ml of water is: a. C. Neither party By Kumar Nirmal Prasad at October 20, 2018. They must be evidenced in writing c) protect human health and the environment against hazardous waste. C. A is liable to make compensation to B for the injury to the horse C. IPR Violation Reactions: Email This BlogThis! D. None of these B. 47) ‘Keibul Lamjao National Park’ is a unique wild life sanctuary. MCQ ON MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. An advertisement to sell a thing by auction is _____________. will provide the explanation to each Environment General Knowledge question below itself. B. illegal. B Burning of petrol. B. 41. Copyright © 2020 Assams.Info. B. Mcq Question On Open Office Writer 2 [EPUB] Mcq Question On Open Office Writer 2 EBooks mcq question on open office writer 2 mcq question on open office writer 2 mcq question on open office writer 2 ssc cgl tier 2 online re exam paper 2016 held on 12. sap basis guide for beginners t codes. B. A. PUNJAB TET 2019 PUNJAB TEACHER ELIGIBILITY TEST – PTET /PSTET 2019. A. A Breathing. BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustain-able Forest Landscapes‘ is managed by the, 8. C. both (A) and (B) 29. Question. B. any friend of offered. D. credit card leak ANSWER: C 18. D Aerobic decay of vegetation. a) Max Weber. These frequently asked sample questions on EVS are given with correct choice of answer that you can check instantly. 2nd February C. 27th February D. 3rd March Ans. D. Abe made an invitation to treat and Bea made an offer ANSWER: B Basic Computer Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs): Quizzes & Practice Tests with Answer Key (Computer Basics Quick Study Guide & Course Review) - Ebook written by Arshad Iqbal. Principles of Management Multiple Choice Questions and Answers Part -1 Principles of Management Multiple Choice Questions and Answers Part -2 Principles of Management Multiple Choice Questions and Answers Part -3 1. It is about Biodiversity, Environment, General Studies, India, MCQ, Pollution, Question Paper. What is the effect of a finding of contributory negligence in the law of tort? Check this article and take part in the Environment General Knowledge Quiz. a) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), c) International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), d) United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), a) protect the ozone layer by phasing out the, b) preservation and enhancement of the human environment. A. Our environment is made up of all living and non-living things around us. ANSWER: A Which of the following is not done by cybercriminals? Which one of the following is not a part of UNFCCC Umbrella Group? Environment multiple choice questions (MCQs) set 3 from A specific offer can be accepted by _____________. Department of Environment MCQ result 2020 for various posts has been published on DOE’s official website and also find on Recent Job Circular. B. stalking 48. Department of Environment Job Circular 2020. 16. C. may voluntarily do. DOE published the roll numbers of selected candidates who appeared on the MCQ exam on 12/03/2020. Climate Action Italy becomes first country to require climate change studies in schools. MS Access Database Multiple Choice MCQ Question & Answer : Microsoft Access is part of Microsoft Office package. C. either (A) or (B) Agenda 21 of Rio Summit, 1992 is related to. D. a contract. C. both (A) and (B) Which of the following, in the context of entering into a contract, constitutes a binding offer to sell a These MCQ's helps you in the preparation of exams like UPSC (IAS, IPS, IES, IFS, CDS, and NDA), State-PSC, SSC, Railways etc. B. the contract? So, you will find questions related to pollution, global warming, wildlife protection, biodiversity etc., but from the point of view of measures taken at national and international levels to protect, conserve and promote environment and biodiversity. B. who has a present right to possession of them as bailee of the owner To Solve All MCQs on “ Ecology and Environment … D. None of these Answer: Option [A] 43 An organism which can monitor air pollution is. Attempt and Practice with this huge collection of Complete Adobe Flash MCQ Questions and answers quiz. C. Either (A) or (B) A contract by an idiot is_____________. MCQ Questions; Hindi Essay. A. any person. B. money worth C. hacking The nature of business determines the environment of an office. A. D. The Technology Act, 2008 He is not liable to pay the penalty D. any friend of offeree. 24. B may avoid the contract A. an offer. B. What is environment ? If you want to find a way to keep morale high in your office, simply click below and discover your office personalities and what they need in order to keep their productivity at a high standard. Bangladesh Department of Environment Board has already published a job circular on their official website. Environment MCQ Quiz Answers We have provided the four alternatives to each Environment Question. C. Where the agent acts on their own behalf although claiming to be an agent 49. The Registration Act, 1908 2. Paper 1 – Fundamentals of Organization and Management (Syllabus 2008) The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament) Page 4 (d) Operations research. An acceptance Contract=Agreement + ________ A. enforceability by law B. rules C. clauses D. None of the above ANSWER: A 2. The company plans to use coauthoring. A supplies B, a lunatic, with necessaries suitable to his condition in life. D. employment of funds on goods and services that are used in production process. Home; Accounting ... and Sales Promotion Behavioural and Allied Sciences Brand Management Business Communication Business Economics Business Environment Business Ethics and Governance Business Law Business Mathematics Business Statistics Computers In Management Cost and Managerial Accounting E-Business English Language Entrepreneurship Management Financial … ANSWER: C 100 Top Environment Management Multiple Choice Questions and Answers . These 20 MCQs are based on environment related institutions, bodies, conventions, conferences, acts and programmes. Environmental scanning is primarily done for identifying the factors which may have implications on the business. Each correct answer presents a complete … D. All the above What is an industrial symbiosis A. ANSWER: B B may insist on its being carried out, and the mortgage- debt redeemed A. 12. B. rules Study and learn Java MCQ questions and answers on Basics and Invention history. A. valid. Multiple choice questions with answers 1. 10. Read the study material before making an attempt so that you build your confidence in the subject. C. promise Candidates who are willing to attempt the competitive exams regarding environment should know about the GK Environment Topic. B. C. Louis Allan. DOE Result 2020. 4. Which the following strikes only at document and not transactions? C Photosynthesis. 5. Donate . D. None of these The contract cannot become void when war is declared A. net additions made to the nations capital stocks. Monitoring particular factors spotted. An agreement to do an impossible act D. None of these D. Both parties D. unenforceable. 46) Research-Scientists used one particular species of monkey for developing the polio vaccine by separating the ‘Rh’ factor in the blood. Consideration _____________. A contract of guarantee should be _______. Click Here to Like our Facebook page for latest updates and free ebooks. C. The shares are freely transferable on the stock exchange Question 5 B. enforceable. C. He is bound to pay A for them (B) Provide a pure oxygen breathing environment where there is insufficient oxygen in the air (C) Enhance your personal appearance for maximum social appeal (D) Convert exhaled carbon dioxide back into oxygen for re-breathing (E) Reduce noxious odors in the air you breathe. 2. Environment GK MCQ Set-10 for UPSC, State PSC, APSC, SSC, NET, TET, CDS, AFCAT, Indian Army, Railways & MORE recruitment in India for Govt Jobs & PSU Jobs 5. 45. ANSWER: A To maximise profits. 29. Edit Practice Test: Question Set - 01. ANSWER: B D. validity D. becomes valid. Popular Posts: TEST-2020 Talent Exploration Cum Scholarship Test. 38. MS Office Word MCQ Questions and Answers pdf - Set 07 MCQ MS Word Edit Practice Test: Question Set - 07. To maximise profits c. To protect and improve society's welfare d. All of the above View Answer / Hide Answer. The debt is discharged only when A receives the due amount Abe issued an invitation to tender for a contract and Bea submitted her terms. Services Marketing MCQ Questions and Answers Part – 1 Services Marketing MCQ Questions and Answers Part – 2 Services Marketing MCQ Questions and Answers Part – 3 101. The horse accidentally falls and is injured. CLICK HERE to solve more MCQs on Biology. Here we have provided Environment Quiz that makes you overcome the unawareness of Environment.Without referring all the books, sites and links., here we have given the description of the Environment General Knowledge Questions, which is the simple way to … C. invalid. ANSWER: D To create specific environment in work place b. 500 to appear in Court on a certain day. ANSWER: C D. must not do. An innominate term A. voidable. B. Which of the following can be accepted so as to form a binding contract? Service firms […] I want to receive email updates from EARTHDAY.ORG. Environmental & Occupational Health MCQs for entrance examination of Master of Public Health, MPHN & MHP &E. 1. They must be in writing List of Organizational Behaviour Multiple Choice Questions with Answers: Q1. The various office works have to be carried on under a particular condition or environment. ANSWER: A In the context of the law of agency, an agent will NOT be liable for a contract in which of the following instances? ANSWER: A 2. C. India’s Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000 A. B Read, Register, Recall. 16. D. None of these 22. What does the socio - economic view of social responsibility talk about? A. enforceability by law ANSWER: D "Principles of Marketing MCQ" with answers covers fundamental concepts with theoretical and analytical reasoning tests. On 6 th March (Friday) 2020 & 13 th March (Friday) 2020 at 10:30 am to 11:30 am, DOE job exam 2020 was held. A. The person requesting the tender C. opposed to public policy C. The contract becomes void when war is declared This is a contract with Answers Quiz No. Dear Readers, Welcome to daily Current Affairs quiz questions with answers on Environment. A contracts to take in cargo for B at a foreign port. Home » MCQ » 100 Top Environment Management Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. The promise is a _____________. statements is accurate? Q.1. For reference or bookmark, you can use this link. Presently we have added total 9 sets of questions on environmental studies for tet for you to practice. 4. a wagering agreement is _______. [Skip Breadcrumb Navigation]: [Skip Breadcrumb Navigation] Home: MCQ: No Frames Version MCQ. ANSWER: B A rides with due care, but marches to Cuttack instead. D. Pornography B. B. 14. Here we provided Indian Adobe Flash MCQ quiz for interview and competitive exams. The respondent D. None of the above TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT MCQ’s 21 Training expatriates to prepare for global assignments includes all of the following except: a. Pre-departure training for both the employee and family b. 7. C. They must have at least one unlimited member 2. Environment related issues are very important for competitive exam preparation. 15 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) in Quiz Format on “ Environmental Issues “. 8. Contract=Agreement + ________ By the end of 1970, the year of the first Earth Day, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was created. Answer Key 1.Management information systems (MIS) 1. create and share documents that support day-today office activities 2. process business transactions (e.g., time cards, payments, orders, etc.) Risk remains with the seller presents the first set of multiple choice questions on Environment. A. CISF … A working environment is created and maintained for the smooth performance of office work. B. MCQ on Ecosystem and Environment (Ecology MCQ – 03) (1). The person submitting the tender B. d) safe handling, transport and use of living modified organisms. ANSWER: D We have a lot to contribute to the environment and it to us. View Answer Comment. In Kyoto Protocol, the term “Annex I countries” denotes. C. Unanimous approval of those entitled to vote ANSWER: B Surface water b. 34. These 20 MCQs are based on environment related institutions, bodies, conventions, conferences, acts and programmes. ANSWER: B View Answer Comment. Skip to content. A. do you have to control your emotions to be professional. ANSWER: b. So, if you are preparing for civil services exams like UPSC CSE or APSC CCE, you might find them useful. 37. ANSWER: D Biological Diversity Act was passed in Indian parliament on, 10. MCQ'S ON PRESIDENT OF INDIA (POLITY) for Banking,ssc,clat,po,clerk,army clerk,punjab govt test,central govt test,CAT,MAT,SSC MTS,ppsc,upsc. By conduct only B. B. Hope you will find our answers useful and educative. A. Abe made an offer and Bea made a counter-offer C. A warranty B. Environment. With reference to forest ecosystems, consider the following statements : 1. MBA Search. B. D. void. D. Report vulnerability in any system Consideration must be something which the promisor _____________. Project Elephant was launched in India in the year, 7. MCQ Questions for Class 8 Social Science with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. A. is already bound to do. MCQ Questions for Class 7 Geography: Ch 7 Human Environment - Settlement, Transport and Communication A. 21. A is partially liable to make compensation to B for the injury to the horse C. A is entitled to be given a share in Bs property C. A statement of intent B promise to pay A’s expenses in so doing A is entitled to be reimbursed from Bs property C. Email spoofing and spamming A hires a horse in Calcutta from B expressly to march to Benaras. Answer: Option [C] 42 Which of the following three R’s are regarded as environment friendly? 13. We have Provided Law and Social Justice Class 8 Civics MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well. A promise to subscribe to a charity. He forfeits his recognizance. country in which the port is situated. ANSWER: A 100, to send him a note for Rs. C. only rights no obligations. However, if you look a little closer, you’ll begin to realise just how much an office environment can affect your health and safety.H D. Telling someone you will reduce the marked price on it by 10% When industries co-operate by integrating environmental work so … The offer may be communicated _____________. 1. These objective type (MCQ) questions on Environment are useful for competitive exams like IBPS, Bank PO, SBI PO, RRB, RBI, LIC, Specialist Officer, Clerk, SSC, UPSC, Railway etc. B. written A did not employ undue influence ANSWER: B On attainting the age of majority a minors agreement _____________. It also includes objective type questions on test management, test planning and estimation, test progress monitoring and control, risk … Organization structure primarily refers to a. how activities are coordinated & controlled b. how resources are allocated c. the location of departments and office space d. the policy statements developed by the firm Q2. Q1 – Management information systems (MIS) create and share documents that support day-today office activities. 1. More than 50% of those entitled to vote D. None of the above The shares are not transferable 1) Which one of the following pairs of gases are the major causes of “Greenhouse Effect”? Which two methods can you use to achieve this goal? 3 Attend job interviews easily with these MCQs. Breach of which of the following terms does NOT allow the possibility of the aggrieved party terminating Here are the collections of MCQ questions on test management and different objectives of test management in software testing. D. All the above 1. An agreement to do an […] ANSWER: B A is entitled to be reimbursed from B’s property ANSWER: C 2. It is a desktop database management system (DBMS) which was first released in 1992. A. B. rights in rem. C. clause Environmental Education 15 books for budding environmentalists. Mega list of top twenty-five interview questions on environment which will help you to succeed in an interview. ANSWER: D 1. MCQ mathematics class X free online practice and preparation questions for board exam and other competitive exams And don’t forget to check our previously published environment MCQ set 1 and environment MCQ set 2. Here you will find a list of common important questions on environmental studies for tet in MCQ quiz style with answer for competitive exams and interviews. They must have a minimum of two members Environment GK MCQ Set-10 for UPSC, State PSC, APSC, SSC, NET, TET, CDS, AFCAT, Indian Army, Railways & MORE recruitment in India for Govt Jobs & PSU Jobs An invitation to treat Thus, you can verify the right solution to the question along with the description. D. Risk passes to the buyer DOE Exam Result 2020 and Result – DOE question solution, DOE Assistant Engineer Job , Paribesh Odhidoptor Question mcq solution is here. He is not bound to pay A for them He is liable to pay the penalty Question 5 of 10. C. Either (A) or (B) (A) 10 pt (B) 12 pt (C) 14 pt (D) None of above. The debt is discharged as soon as B puts into the post a letter containing the note duly addressed to A Agreement=offer+ _______. National Action Plan on Climate Change was released in the year, 20. 19. D. antivirus 17. A desires B, who owes him Rs. C. By a written mode It reverses the payment of damages Go through Java Basic Theory Notes before studying these questions. Which of the following statements relating to limited liability partnerships is correct? MCQ on Management Information System. Contracts are legally enforceable agreements. ANSWER: B In the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), India pledged to reduce 33-35% of carbon emission by the year. 1. 27. B. an invitation to offer. Answer: Option [C] 15 Greater population can be supported on the earth only if … B. Abe made an offer which Bea accepted Which of the following is indicated by the abbreviation Ltd at the end of a company’s name? B. 32. Biology MCQs for Class 12 Chapter Wise with Answers PDF Download was … Contributory negligence arises as a result of the fault of which of the following? A, a tradesman, leaves goods at B’s house by mistake. D Reduce, Rebuild, Restrict. 46. C. Either (A) or (B) More than 50% of those actually voting A supply of information Environmental Education Italy and Mexico announce bold climate education initiatives at COP25. ANSWER: C ANSWER: C ANSWER: A D. None of the above What is the name of the IT law that India is having in the Indian legislature? organization structure primarily refers to how activities are coordinated controlled how resources are A contract creates_____________. B. B treats the goods as his own. Environment - Current Affairs Questions and Answers. In ecology, the term ‘biocenosis” specifically explains: a. Ecological study of communities b. Ecological study of individual species c. A group of organism inhabiting a particular area d. A group of many species of plants and animals living together in a natural area (2). ANSWER: B Which of the following is not a type of peer-to-peer cyber-crime? A. legal Prelims MCQs Quiz 44 : Environment 1. When industries co-operate so that a product produced by one of them is part of a larger product produced by the other. B. A. India’s Technology (IT) Act, 2000 B. A. money 6. B. The estate is subject to a mortgage. A Task Force on Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) has been constituted by which Department? B. A. A. data theft 23. c) Calculation of loss of toxicity through leaching. A. acceptance D. only obligations and no rights. 15. C. no offer at all. Legal Aspects of Business MCQ Questions and Answers Part – 1, Legal Aspects of Business MCQ Questions and Answers Part – 2, Legal Aspects of Business MCQ Questions and Answers Part – 3, 1. Some of these objective type questions are from the papers of previous civil services examinations. He is bound to pay partially A for them This is the prime step to be done in environmental analysis. 20. ANSWER: B Below is a quiz to test your knowledge about the environment and going green. A. ANSWER: C A. We provide complete coaching for Commerece and Arts stream from Class 12 to Master Degree level. "Principles of Marketing Quiz" PDF study guide helps to practice test questions for exam review. B. ANSWER: B A supplies the wife and children of B, a lunatic, with necessaries suitable to their condition in life. Rain water c. Ground water d. None of the above 2. Ans. Management is […] D. None of these D. Legal prohibition B thereupon buys the estate. A supports B’s infant son. Management provides you all type of quantitative and competitive aptitude mcq questions with easy and logical explanations. In fact, the first Earth Day in 1970 was created as a bipartisan effort and the co-chair of the original teach-in was Pete McCloskey, a Republican congressman. ANSWER: D A good scanning of environment can reveal so many hidden factors in the environment. This set of following multiple-choice questions and answers focuses on "Cyber Security". These MCQ's helps you in the preparation of exams like UPSC (IAS, IPS, IES, IFS, CDS, and NDA), State-PSC, SSC, Railways etc. Maharaja Ranjit Singh AFPI Admit Cards 2020 Apply Online Last Date 3rd Jan 2020. C. valid. A. settlement geography part 2 50 questions, settlement geography important mcq, download pdf on 50 importantb question from geography of urban B. forbidden by law Placing an advert in a newspaper with a price attached 1. Business Management MCQ Questions and answers with easy and logical explanations. CLICK HERE to solve more MCQs on Biology. It contains well thought and well explained Adobe Flash objective quizzes. A. who is himself not an owner of goods The ‘Arabari Model’ of West Bengal is related to, 9. The declaration of 16th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in December 2010 is known as, 17.

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