c'est la gare translation english

Context sentences for "c'est la guerre!" Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. Translation of "C'est la guerre" in English. in English. C'est la vie, even in English, is a sad, Chaplin-esque acknowledgment that … this means war. French-English Vocabulary / Vocabulaire Français-Anglais C'est la barbe ! C'est la vie lalalalala (x4) هذه ليلة وألف ليلة. A French phrase meaning that’s war, used to imply that people must accept disappointments or reverses in any field of competition. She is by far the brightest pupil. on va s'aimer danser c'est la la la c'est la vie. See more. Dans la zone tropicale, qui couvre une vaste portion de l'Afrique subsaharienne, l'espérance de vie est bien plus faible que dans la zone tempérée du fait de l'interaction de la pauvreté et de la maladie ; or une faible espérance de vie est une cause puissante de paupérisation (autant qu'elle en est la conséquence). Human translations with examples: but, this [], c'est la, discover, it is life, this is the, and manymore. it's war this is war it's a war there's a war it's the war it is war. Non-French Speakers Prefer the French Original . that's war. Contextual translation of "c'est la morte" into English. هذه ليلة وألف ليلة. this is a war. c'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas la guerre it is the war. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases. The French C'est la vie, surprisingly, is preferred in non-French cultures, and C'est la vie is used far more in English than in French. we're at war. In English, a boutonnière is a flower placed in the buttonhole of a suit jacket. French En outre, dans le Caucase, c ' est la guerre, alors que dans le Nord la paix règne. it was the war. But unlike many expressions that English speakers have borrowed from French, the meaning is the same in both languages. c'est la guerre synonyms, c'est la guerre pronunciation, c'est la guerre translation, English dictionary definition of c'est la guerre. Define c'est la guerre. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. C. Cjthomaswwe5 New Member. on va s'aimer pour toute la vie. C'est la vie definition, that's life; such is life. Yet the French expression "Une fleur à la boutonnière" has an equivalent meaning. The station isn’t very far from here. On va s'aimer. In French, a boutonnière is the buttonhole itself. bab.la is not responsible for their content. I thought it was very appropriate that this could translate as "When you're in drag, your beard is a drag!" C'est la vie lalalalala (x8) Submitted by FTH on Thu, 27/12/2012 - 19:28. it's like a war. Thread ... La barbe, c'est la barbe ! ... C’est de loin l’élève la plus brillante. ... La gare n’est pas très loin d’ici. On va danser. English Translation of “loin” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online.

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