Christmas and Easter are not God-ordained holy days; they are syncretism brought in by the Catholic Church when they blended paganism with Christianity. I believe it is the conjunction black moon that is the beginning of the month as proven in 1Samuel 20. I lost my mom a year ago Easter. Thank you, Nicole. (Ex. “The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will show them his covenant.” Psalm 25:14. It’s the night before the Passover. This life is just a short glimpse at our real life to come. Home Announcements New Moon Love Feast Dates 2021. The next new moon appears on Friday, September 6, 2013 after the sun sets. Stella, *stella is not associated with Enoch, Jubilees, Jashar, Wisdom, etc. I thank the Lord for bakers like you, also glorifying God with your talents! The Feast of Trumpets, also known as Rosh Hashana (The Jewish New Year) begins at sundown on Monday, September 6, and ends at nightfall on Wednesday, September 8, 2021. Keep up us in the know with such beautiful dedication. They say there is a great sign in the heavens this year the day after the Feast of Trumpets. tanx a lot for this,ADONAI bless u for this good work. God bless you all. 15:15-16). The Adamic Please note that Biblical days start and end at sunset. The fact that you are keeping the Sabbaths and tracking the Feasts brings joy to Yehovah. the last new moon was sighted on thursday 14 january 2021 this marked the 11th biblical month. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Also 2 Thess 2:3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the “falling away” comes first, and the man of sin, the son of perdition……Strong’s: G575 falling: away, seperation, departure, hereafter, forth etc. The first statutories of the year they remind us that YAHSHUA became a lamb that was slain for all of us and the second Feast of the year remind us that HE is coming back again the second time to take us “home”. Leviticus 23:1-44 And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying…, Leviticus 25:1,13 And the LORD spoke to Moses in mount Sinai, saying…, Numbers 28:1-29:40 And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying…, Romans 14:5 One man esteems one day above another: another esteems every day …, Colossians 2:16,17 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect …, Mathews, I understand your question. Why is God bringing up this issue, in 900 a.d. and today? Our Father in Heaven created the biblical feast days in preparation for Jesus’ first advent and the Second Advent that is yet to come. Thank you. Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? Only God took me away from the distraction of my family problems in Kenya to Israel where on the night of 28.12.2008 on the internet as I was listening to Dr Bill Winston of Bill Winston Ministries Chicago, I learned the meaning of the fall of man Genesis 3 and how Jesus restores domininion and a new life to whosoever believes and accepts him as Saviour. Judy Perrin, author of “Yes, Yes, God Says Yes!” published by Creation House. The name Yeshua (the Hebrew name given to God’s son) means “God saves.” Here is a good history of how the name Jesus evolved from Yeshua (or Yehoshua). LE 23:34 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, The fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the feast of tabernacles for seven days unto the LORD. There is a work called, “Mathematical Bias and the Biblical Calendar” written by Shawn Richardson. Then along comes Nehemia Gordon, a Karaite Jew, to research and bring back the OBSERVATION of the moon as well as linking it to the Abib to begin the New Year, from which the entire count starts for the Feast days. The day of atonement speaks of two events: (1) the day the anti-Christ becomes the abomination that brings desolation, and steps in to the temple and declares himself to be God. Thank you, Patrick, very kind. ( Log Out / Lastly, are the seventh day adventists then right about their worship system? It doesn’t matter what you know or don’t know. So 2017 is the 120th Jubilee since man’s creation–Amazing! by Charles Meek . Those are God’s approved holy days in Leviticus. Why did you, as many Americans do, use the name Yeshua for our Redeemer? September 6 is the first day of the seventh month on the Hebrew calendar – the month of Tishrei. 25:31-46). The family name is YAH = I was, am and will be, in other words: The Eternal and Our Creators Name is Yahweh, his Son’s Name is consequently: Yashua or Yahushua which means: Yahweh is our (eternal) Salvation. Hoping to one day have fellowship with believers here. Shemoth (Exodus) 31:16 TS2009, “Do not think that I came to destroy the Torah or the Prophets. I hope I’ve helped you. Jesus (Yesuah, the Messiah) is the Bridegroom, our Bridegroom and we, the church, are His Bride. Where did Jesus (Yeshua) change or do away with the festivals and-or the laws? Finally, when you read about “The Day of the Lord”, there are references to all nations keeping the Sabbath, the First of the Month and the Feast of Tabernacles. Thursday night it couldn’t be seen, Observed. The Mosaic Abib means ripe barley. there are 4 hemispheres . I can hardly wait…. Aside from my earthly husband, Jesus is the best thing that has happened to me in my life-time! God, your True and Loving Father, looks at the heart. In summary, the wave sheaf offering represents the resurrected Messiah going before the Father for us, becoming our High Priest. In His hands always! I would also like to follow daily bible readings for messianic Jews, can you recommend a site? Fast of the 17th of Tammuz - June 27, 2021. Remember that God loves them and put the desire for them in your heart. Jesus tells us that He prays that our flight will not be on the Sabbath when we see the tribulation abomination, Matthew 24 vs 20, even He thinks that we will be worshiping on the seventh day the Sabbath and that refers to the end times that have not fully come yet. Gets us close ❤ GodBless You, It is actually a sin not to keep the proper Sabbath and not to celebrations and keep the feasts because Almighty YHVH actually commands us to keep them. Shalom! Put aside what so many ministers, pastors, catholic fathers and reverends teach and start searching and studying the scriptures yourselves and be baptised with the Holy Spirit if you are not yet baptised with the Holy Spirit. The fact of the matter is God never made a distinction that I can recall in the Bible how the holy days break down between Jewish believers and gentile believers. We are new to these celebrations and just observed the Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets). More questions, maybe privately though. Excited to come across your website as I was looking for 2017 Feasts of The Lord dates. Feast of Trumpets: September 29-30, 2019 Take HEART and BE OF CHEER for you are ‘CHOSEN and BELOVED and ESTEEMED Be well, Joseph. Isaiah 66, the full sized tree, in the end times, still bears those flowers that the Creator takes pleasure in. The commandments for still valid today, KEEP THE COMMANDEMENTS BE OBIDIENT REMEBER YOUR A CHOSEN CHILD FROM THE MOST HIGH. For that I recommend these posts, the resources on this page, and this book. John was just one of those pleasing Flowers and YHWH blessed him with a clearer vision of His plans for the end times. Thanks again to the site and the post, but most of all, THE EVERLASTING FATHER. Jesus’ righteousness Daniel 7:25 may have already been fulfilled, at least partially. Sharing this really helps those of us who are completely confused by all the differences…I’ll endeavour to get hold of a Creation Calendar…I’m also aware that the year is also disputed…Hopefully I’ll get to the bottom of this too!! He said, “Become as this little child, or you shall in no wise enter into the Kingdom of Heaven”. sincere answer. George, the Holy Spirit is drawing you to the truth, God’s laws, they were there from the beginning and are with us today, I was a Sunday keeper at one time, but the Lord drew my family into the truth, regardless of what the majority says, He says John_4:24 “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” and John_14:17 He is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor recognizes him. The same phrase is used in reference to Passover in Exodus 12:25. Vonnie, here is a link to a few congregations in Oregon: Have been guarding the Sabbaths and feasts from end 2015 . For truly, I say to you, till the heaven and the earth pass away, one yod or one tittle shall by no means pass from the Torah till all be done.” Colossians 2:16 – Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Here are some Proof Scriptures. HE has given it to us in abundance and speaks through his appointed. 2021 Biblical Calendar All feasts start at sunset on the day listed. I said it was for Unity’s sake. There are none He would deny if they came in true repentance and sincerity. I have been keeping the Feasts for several years now and I have a couple of friends who came along to say that I shouldn’t be going by the barley in Jerusalem, along with the new moon, but that I should be going by The Barley growing in my region which is Northern California. Hello, this is my first encounter with this site. The year Yeshua was crucified the two were three days apart, but it’s different from year to year. Thanks! Moses said to the people, “Remember this day in which you went out from Egypt, from the house of slavery; for by a powerful hand the Lord brought you out from this place. As the lightening strikes from the east to the west so shall the coming of the L-rd shall be. Karen, this organization sells prayer shawls, and is a reputable non-profit educating Messianic Jewish Leaders in third world countries: I recommend their products and materials. Part of Speech: Verb Seven days into the new month was the Sabbath. Thanks for giving this information but I want clear information with according bible reference. If all believers practice Ps. After that, we explore some of the New Testament references related to that individual feast. I hope all who read this correct information will understand that you cannot be saved by what many think is jesus notice I did not capitalize it because it is not the Name of our Messiah! So I would say the Jews have based their times around His Feasts. The sleepers must awaken to the truth and follow it in spirit and in deed. The Jewish Biblical calendar did not have Sabbath as Saturday or the first day of the week as Sunday. Thank you for information on the feasts. You will have to seek YHVH and determine which you will follow. You are on the right path Ruben…walk with Yahshua and follow TORAH, the doctrines Yahovah, not the doctrines made up by men. The New Heaven & New Earth. Both THE CREATION and THE CIVIC CALENDAR have two versions. What is the covenant of grace? with that name they included December 25 for pagan Christmas birthday also easter which are both honoring pagan gods tammuz and isthar. Hello Robert, The LORD never goes back on His word and He means what he says. I think it’s amazing that the vast majority of people who think we are free to choose what days to set aside as holy, always reject the God’s Biblically ordained days, and grasp on to those days with pagan origins…even in name (see “easter”). Colossians 2:16 If you are unable to get a copy of the book I recommend, “The Feasts of the Lord”, you might begin with putting the dates listed on this page on your calendar as God’s holy days and print this reference guide, which lists all the commands for observing them. The temple in rev and all else in NT all are spiritual temple. It is beautifully designed and overlays the Hebrew and Gregorian calendars. I’d like to hand one out during my Bible study when we discuss Leviticus next month. Maybe, because of the present time of urgency we are in, it’s been suggested that the veil is coming off, the Light has come on, to know secrets of God now revealed from early prophecy and the opening of hearts to receive these teachings as the book of Daniel said would be unsealed? Observing the feasts for the sake of knowing our Lord more intimately is a wonderful thing to do. Thank you for your detailed information about the creation calendar. When you enter Yerushalem the gates have the names of the sons of Yakob and the foundation the names of the disciples of YAHSHUA. I agree! There’s the weekly Sabbath,, which is kept every 7th day. Continue in your “curiosity” for Him. What and how do I do things that would be pleasing to God? Christi. Note: the blood is to be poured on the ground. First Fruits is based on a day of the week and Passover is based on the date and moves from day to day on the calendar each year. I’ve heard that it may have been on the Sabbath (and He died on a Wednesday). i hope if we still remembering this all Yahweh/Elohim will bless us. The Bible doesn’t say Jesus died on a Friday and resurrected on a Sunday, that is man’s (probably Roman Catholic) interpretation. My name is Charity Njeri Githui from Kenya. Accordingly, each of these Feasts begins and ends at sundown. The last supper Jesus said do this in remembrance of me ! The angel then tells them to inform the disciples, especially Peter, that Jesus is ALIVE! It is clear the Pharisees were not keeping God’s Law; they had made up their own traditions; worst of all, they denied Messiah, of whom all of Tanach ( Old Testament) testified. Diana Molloy. Valerie, I use the Lion & Lamb Ministries calendar. Remember too when he said he would tear down the temple and rebuild in 3days. Sorry, I need to correct the Chapter in Matthew from 13:40 to Matthew 12:40. Not to serve idols ( other God’s) first commandment. Enjoy! Many believe this will be the day that Yeshua returns to take His Bride. If that causes Trumpets to fall on Sunday, Wednesday, or Friday, Trumpets is postponed an additional day (2 days total).” Yet even these rules were not applied to this most recent Trumpets because their calculations were already decided and showed that the New Moon Day would be on September 21, 2017, even though (as far as been reported) no witnesses saw the first light of the moon until early evening on September 22. * Most Christians do not realize that. But in our fellowship we use Yahrusalem calendar. The first to keep the feasts are those in the east. Days of Rest beginning at sundown on Day 1 (26-27/3) and Day 7 (1-2/4) You’ll need to book the 27 th of March and the 2 nd of April off work if you work during the day or the 26 th of March and the 1 st of April if you work nights. Greetings William When will we know the date for the next Pesach (2021)? Thanks for your question. I pray you will find another believer with whom to walk this way. Exodus 20 vs 8–11 The Seedling is growing, to fail the fourth command is to fail at the first, which destroys the one who fails not the tree. But as I said, at this point unity with your congregation is important. The first days of the Feasts are Hi-Day sabbaths, Dear Administrator, You are correct. The Jubilee year is from the Day of Atonement 2017 until the next Atonement in 2018, which is still Hebrew year 5777. He loves you. I am Jewish And know alot about the feasts. 23, plus usually Purim and Hanukkah. Thanks for your post and this site. Below are the dates when the Feast days occur for the next few years. Shavuot (Feast of Weeks/ Pentecost) Shavuot (Feast of Weeks/ Pentecost) is the Biblical harvest-festival celebrated 50 days after the Sunday which falls out during Passover. Not the first night of the crescent, but the 2nd. EX 23:15 Thou shalt keep the feast of unleavened bread: (thou shalt eat unleavened bread seven days, as I commanded thee, in the time appointed of the month Abib; for in it thou camest out from Egypt: and none shall appear before me empty:). Well said Stacey. Jan 26, 2021 - Explore Sara Harry's board "biblical feast ideas" on Pinterest. CIVIC CALENDAR (Beginning on Aviv 2018): Year 5778. May He bless your diligence. I have not read this entirely, but you may want to look at it to learn about the whole subject better. This post most clearly explains how the Lord’s festivals are the basis of all the milestones Christianity upholds: Why celebrate all these Jewish holidays? Pray to YHWH for guidance in your search for the truth. Jesus’ resurrection Thank you for this informaton. The SDA claim that Saturday is the Sabbath and they go by today’s modern calendar. I have found both Rabbi Jonathan Bernis and Rabbi Kirt Schneider both very helpful in understanding how to reach Jewish people with their Messiah. If God expects each person on the planet, the common person, to do this, how is this going to happen? It calls it a total Day of Rest. I thank Yahweh for your efforts in propagating truth. I feel that I need to keep the Feasts according to the barley in Jerusalem because that is where the entire Bible takes place is over in the holy land area as well as Egypt and the surrounding areas of Mount Horeb and Sinai. May he bless you on your journey and reveal himself to you as you draw near to him alone. Ex. Thanks for the info. I still wonder how they arrive at their dates of manmade observances and disregard days that were observed by Jesus. I would encourage you to take part in the feasts as much as you can and ask God to use them to reveal himself to you. Deut. The Hebrew calendar is the closest thing we have to what would have been the calendar during those centuries. If you don’t have a Strong’s concordance, it is a great help. Sin is sin no matter how you do it whether it’s done in ‘grace’ or under law. Even family members thought I was being brainwashed, but after reading the lost books of the Bible and much prayer. Here’s a link to my posts on the subject, as well as a home celebration kit. We are under the Law of Christ. Keep your eyes peeled and stay prepared. Feast of Unleavened Breads: April 20-27, 2019 In this post, we explore some of the main prophetic points of this Holy Day. They argue yes because it is tied to the Harvest and you can’t have a wave Sheaf unless your barley is ripe and ready to pick. John 11:9. So, they literally had to count or number their days in order to know when to be in Yerusalem for the pilgrimage feast of Shavuot. It’s only right and proper that we should want to learn His root worship traditions, and the Jewish ways. I Was a Catholic but have now moved to a 7th day adventist church to observe the correct sabbath. If you cannot get out to a congregation or there is not one near you, you my find this article helpful. Most of us look at things in a western way and count a day from 12am – 12pm but this is not the case for Jews as we know the Jewish people observe the sun and moon for their lunar cycle, so if at 8am in the morning the sun raises and then sets at 10am that is one day. Travis, the term “High Sabbath” is one that man has ascribed to the Feasts that include a Sabbath, as opposed to a weekly Sabbath that falls on the seventh day. tanx a lot. Can someone please tell me when do you believe that the Biblical New Year begin. And that is always a good thing to do. Drawing near to Him and being attuned to His Spirit on his special days are the point of the Feasts and His heart’s desire for us in this season. Time for all not only The Jews, to obey the teachings and instructions of The Lord. That could be what they are talking about. Jan 5, 2021 - Explore Douglas Shelton's board "Biblical Feasts" on Pinterest. Feast of First Fruits. Then only the priest could wave the single sheaf before God (The Eternal One) to be accepted for the entire congregation of Israel. EX 10:9 And Moses said, We will go with our young and with our old, with our sons and with our daughters, with our flocks and with our herds will we go; for we must hold a feast unto the LORD. The only laws he completely fulfilled are those related to the priesthood, as our once-and-for-all sacrificial lamb (Heb. The tabernacle was in the center as Jerusalem is the center of the earth. Castee. Micheal lake is really really God -ordained I believe. Even if we’re not completely comprehending all that we read, I’d rather be wrong trying to follow YHVH’s words, than wrong following man’s. (Reference Others refer to the astronomical charts and see the first light of the first crescent and keep that day as the new moon. I believe yes. Thank you for your question, Anton. Been alone with my beliefs, but I can see by the actions and words of people around me that G_D’s love still abounds. hi iam also impressed to hear that testimony may Yahweh build you up in Him iam amessianic believer residing in kenya and looking upon Yahshuas imminent return YAHWEH bless, I am just beginning to learn the feast days of the Hebrew calendar .. I am so glad to see the truth of FATHER YHWH (F.YHWH) reaching new places and people. I want to learn the feast days, what I should do to celebrate them… I would also like to to attend nearby messianic gatherings.. Could someone please give me some info about this? We are to align with his heart, knowing that day is drawing near. If Passover is April 14/15 this year, why is it that you stated above to Myra that Jesus rose on April 20, the day of the feast of the firstfruits…wouldn’t it be 3 days and 3 nights after the Passover? Without partiality without hypocrisy. Benny, the best way to get to what was actually written is to go back to the original vs. choosing one translation over another. Thanks goes to Yehovah for his revelation.
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