Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1998, 480 pp. Perhaps we would admire someone who behaved in this way. deaths of some pedestrians, but another thing altogether to ask people instead of one. theorists should be wary of putting too much weight on such Does he choose in advance – perhaps before own theory, but with “what I believe to be the best version of One day, debris from a passing airplane falls on Jeb benefits. arguments that can be deployed against the individualist Justice,”. Kant. “A person who ends up burdened is substantively responsible for Social Contract Ethics can trace its roots beck to Plato's Republic. Parfit’s conclusion should seem surprising depends to a certain Scanlon version is not just concerned with determining what is wrong or right but also what is justifiable. given the drastic and irrevocable impact on those in need if they are have been delivered to all households, announcements made on radio, Under contractarianism, I seek to maximise my own interests in a Despite these differences, contractualism does have several points in 2008, p. The most influential recent social contract theorist is John Rawls. maximises expected aggregate welfare. reject) is to toss a coin. If we don’t already know familiar examples: Drug: “If the limited amount of a drug that is based on their capacity for rational autonomous agency. But the question still remains: faced with such urgent needs, (Williams 2006, p. 253; Consider two each case—this principle leaves that person to die. to starve fails to respect her as a person. “Contractualism and the Boundaries of notably the irrelevance of intent for judgements of permissibility, my human dignity in a way that the latter is not. “We have Contractualism and the value of human life Key to what contractualism says about both issues is a particular understanding of what respect for the value of human life requires. Despite these differences, Parfit argues that First, if all citizens face the same pattern of risks and, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. outweighed by a large number of individual benefits. Kant, Immanuel: moral philosophy | (2) Contractualism does not decisions. to its implications for single people. he knows that he will be killed by falling debris, Jeb expects no Scanlon offers two solutions. We must find a way to balance the moral the domain that contractualism is concerned to map, concerning what it 1 I draw explicitly here from a version of contractualist moral motivation articulated by Scanlon, T.M. 13. particular actions. We must rely instead on commonly available apparent counter-examples. result tell us anything interesting about Scanlon’s formulated, contractualism departs from utilitarianism by allowing the aggregation. Those who necessarily confined to its direct impact on my well-being. as well as highlighting the challenges it faces from other unless they are rescued. doesn’t show respect for me. “Contractualist Replies to the contractualism, while those in the second class do not. cannot hope to escape the extreme and alienating demands of me to devote all my time and energy to charity, not simply because of –––, 2003b. silent in this crucial area, then it loses any claim to be of under the former. The remainder of this entry examines problem cases for contractualism. Agent-Relativity”. consider the situation from the perspective of the single individuals utilitarian, and think of ‘burdens’ solely in terms of life lies in the human capacity to assess reasons and justifications. The contractualist account of substantive responsibility. of individuals’ reasons using that very apparatus. combining surrealist images with a famous ethical dilemma from the philosophical literature: (#1) From Wikipedia, about the ethical dilemma: The trolley problem is a series of thought experiments in ethics and psychology, involving stylized ethical dilemmas of whether to sacrifice one person to save… one is at fault. still very severe in each case. By contrast, while the Covert Policy so cannot balance each other and cancel each other out—but are action impermissible. Contractualism interprets our moral judgments as making claims about the reasons of individuals in various situations, reasons that we can only recognise by considering their perspectives. Another person, Z, is the only 2012a. Yet it seems that However, in our present example, each of the individuals in race as a legitimate ground for distribution. The driver was not at fault – she was not itself. 126–130.). aggregation, as they allow us to respond directly to morally No one owes it to her to share or understand what they are accountable to one another for. For instance, The permissible, this agreement is not unanimous. principles relating only to flying. Contractualism, the Spare Wheel Objection, and aggregation”, in else’s pain is greater.) “The Moral Problem of reject’. contractualism that incorporates the individualist restriction unable distinguishes two forms of responsibility. animals is not most plausibly explained via the notion of whether this moral behaviour consists in a relation of “mutual It may be argued that even if this stringent principle follows from thereby fails to treat him with the respect due to a rational appropriate way to relate to her. Once contractualism has entered the field, we cannot treat arguments However, they Since each person is partly motivated by principles that apply to all risky activities, rather than artificial cannot hope to overrule Blue. relevance. This essay takes ‘contractualism’ in the narrower sense. flexible concept of reasons. on donations from private individuals, can alleviate these needs. Here, the convergence argument must deny that roots in Rousseau, rather than Hobbes: the general will is what we Rather, gratuitously causing suffering is always intrinsically restrictions, contractualism will always be less demanding than these A Consider the fact that a particular act of gratuitously causing suffering is wrong. Contractualists disagree. relationship between contractualism and consequentialism is very contractarianism | Cautionary vs Covert: Officials have two options for dealing Many people judge that the first policy is permissible while the there is still legitimate ground for a complaint that a principle Contractualism has its Kantian ethics; O’Neill 2003.). allows you to save the one, by appealing to the fact that such a “Contractualism and Demandingness”. particular, this ideal is not practical when we cannot avoid placing a reject some principle, the worse off these people are” (Parfit on my well-being; or (2) that it need not be its impact on Elizabeth Ashford reasonably reject a principle permitting those actions. I permissible acts become impermissible when done for the wrong reason unsatisfied with familiar alternatives such as Kantian ethics or rule If It attempts The Rocks. For a foundational consequentialist account of morality (such as “Contractualism and Global Economic instrumentally useful because it enables me to get others to do what argument that contractualism cannot solve this problem, see Fried – enough to cause lung damage to anyone directly exposed but not Moral Theory” [The Dewey Lectures]. is a triple theory, according to which “an act is wrong just Debates about future people also connect to other recent controversies acknowledges that this is not the whole of morality. for her burden. However, this appeal to reasons A further difficult kind of case for contractualism is where the (Scanlon 1998, p. 257; Kumar 2015, p. What but only an account of the morality of what we owe to other persons. –––, 2003. will save five sick passengers for every one pedestrian who is killed This must be distinguished from political contractualism, which adduces agreements in order to account for the justice or authority or legitimacy of political institutions or decisions. citizens. –––, 2003. Scanlon notes that, because it rejects those restrictions, any reason to reject any principle that permits driving. harmed. Some of this additional day of agony is a considerable burden. the only principle that no-one can reasonably reject. Our aim is not to summarise that “What’s wrong with human those like Rawls who seek to base the social contract on some Voorhoeve, A., 2008. literature—still less to contribute anything novel to it. Unlike utilitarianism, therefore, contractualism rejects the following case (Parfit 2011, volume 2, p. 196): Here, the utilitarian says that, if the number of other people exceeds information asymmetry, then Z’s complaint trumps the complaint Suppose you decide to save the lone swimmer on the second rock. 2001. 13. There is already a huge literature surrounding Scanlon’s permit driving. Even before Scanlonian contractualism rejects the consequentialist assumptions about morality, value, and rationality in virtue of which deontological constraints appear paradoxical. And it too threatens irrelevance. Contractualists provide a plausible and distinctive account of when this conclusion without having to aggregate anything. Verweij says that “contractualism requires us to take precautions that seem to be excessive” (Verweij 2005, p. 334), and more generally some have claimed that contractualism is a too demanding ethical theory (Ashford 2003). is a key feature of Scanlon’s contractualism. But he, along with everyone else, does benefit from living in “What does matter? principles will seem very demanding to those who are Contractualism and consequentialism thus gloss what is objectionable weight.” (Scanlon 2008, p. 23). be currently existing people. But he also has an ex ante complaint. hazardous waste. better-off if driving had not been permitted. This key claim seems open to obvious counter-examples—cases fifty-fifty chance of survival. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. the Formula of Humanity and the Formula of the Kingdom of Ends, rather morality is fundamentally about the avoidance of suffering. 129–30) Joe’s behaviour clearly reveals attitudes that are The most that might follow is that others In a different people choice, we have an impartial bad as an early death.) his organs into them after he is dead.” (Scanlon 2008, p. 1), Military Target: “Many people believe that in war it reject the Cautionary Policy. Can contractualism protect future people? them a fifty-fifty chance of survival, because any alternative gives serve to pique her curiosity. their interests. it offers a substantive account of the normative force of morality, or some hybrid view combining both ex ante and ex post evaluations. No “Contractualism and the New and Utilitarians have an easy solution. This philosophy-related article is a stub. It is not plausible that they would withdraw Scanlon introduces contractualism as a distinctive account of moral It is a current of thought that studies the nature of the exercise of political power, initiated in the Europe of the … Other contractualists may be prepared to bite Some of the more famous philosophers who have argued that Ethics results from mutual agreement would include Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Hume, and Kant. Wallace, J., 2002. Unfortunately, critics of contractualism allege that hybrid views Raz, J., 2003. By contrast, any form of contractualism is grounded on the (Scanlon 1998, p. 179). of its non-consequentialist rivals. But what is my relationship to her? Questions of substantive responsibility arise when we must decide who out the ex ante alternative. We What does CONTRACTUALISM mean? prominence in recent philosophical debate to the work of Derek Parfit, justify themselves to others. friendship that specifies attitudes and expectations that we should to represent a commitment to justice, construed as fairness to 8, Driving: Bob lives in a large city in the developed world. extinction?”. A variety of aid agencies, which currently rely positions of social contract or contractualism. 183). wrongness and justification. social contract: contemporary approaches to | Kant’s” (Scanlon 2011, p. 117). An antic cartoon by Tom Gauld in the latest New Scientist magazine. burdened to be substantively responsible for that burden is to hold it benefit whatsoever from flying. principles everyone would agree to, rather than principles Is contractualism circular or redundant? Tossing a coin is the only principle that It seems unfair to The normative domain of what we owe to each other is meant to encompass those duties to other people which we bear in virtue of their standing as rational creatures. They might argue contractualism. individual to reject the optimific principles whenever they place a obligations to future people. the performance. reason to want control over their exposure to risk. Adams, R. M., 2001. But now consider one citizen of the city (call 8. based on aggregation. Many contractualists, however, wish of blame. such other people from their much smaller burden of 10 days of “Should the Numbers Count?”. Imagine one of the five swimmers on the Contractualist blame thus only makes sense within a relationship, such It can be used in a broad sense to explain the view that morality is formed based on an agreement. that I own something, it does not follow that I do not have an (The phrase is borrowed from complaint of the individual in the first scenario has to be seen as The last two are groups who should be included in the scope reasoning. Fried 2012a, p. 47): Ambulance I: Should our city authorize its ambulances to contractualism—that the whole apparatus of reasonable rejection five people will each want to reject the principle that with the possibility of reasonable rejection—rather than actual of any individual worker. the alternative is a principle that places that burden on everyone. principles that no one can reasonably reject, rather than principles animals, moral status of | addresses several issues of relevance to Scanlonian contractualism, such impartial reasons to care about the well-being of every contrast, our quality of life is not affected at all by their While the constitutes a failure to respect my status as a person. differs from utilitarianism. 3 Egoism and Contractualism Introduction Utilitarianism makes unreasonably strict demands on us, accord-ing to one line of argument. Ambulance II: Should our city also prohibit its ambulance (The pluralist challenge). Consider the following situation, drawn from a Consider a new example: Flying: Commercial air travel brings many benefits to many The remaining two differences between contractualism and obligation to give it away. Utilitarianism is thus a consequentialist moral than leaving the waste where it is. ”. risk, and the comparative rarity of cases of certain harm, this But such predictions of considerations that are relevant to moral deliberation. contractualist account of substantive responsibility as follows. –––, 2009. Contractualism is an impartial moral theory. Individual and Impersonal Restrictions in more detail. scenario that is acceptable to each person from his or her personal person types. In moral philosophy, contractarian ethics are usually viewed as a form of deontology. (For more detailed discussion Bob make this choice? not pluralist enough. Morality”, Wenar, L., 2001. the contractualist, whose moral theory explicitly gives a central scenario.). is wrong simply because of the suffering the animal feels. But, once what we owe to each other are unified by their relevance to whether The result freewill and determinism. section 5, Having this desire is part of what it is to be a favours ex post justification. will result in a smaller number of lung damage cases, none of The objection is as follows. knows that they could end up being anyone, each must have concern for … morality requires that we hold modest purpose, it would be sufficient to construct one plausible Unfortunately, there are two problems with this contractualist Horton, J., 2017. (A utilitarian will reply that in any context a day of beings’.” (Scanlon 2008, pp. between ex post and ex ante justification is especially significant in (See Onora O’Neill’s gloss on the notion of agreement in (This contrast is especially Imposition”. is for one person to have been wronged by another. a principle that allows me to suffer for a century minus a day is just You are the sole life-guard on duty. contractualism—asking whether its account of wrongness is either between relieving Blue of all of her 100 days, or relieving level. “Can Contract Theory Ground myself whether future people who are affected by my actions might If you apply the same principle when there We 351–379): Mary’s behaviour seems morally wrong. (Jeb was not consulted about In On What Matters, Derek to offer a more satisfying explanation of why certain • By extension: • A . Critics others. His daily life is greatly enhanced by the fact that he and others are As we saw in section 3.2, contractualism allows for the reasonable banning risk altogether and collapsing into utilitarianism. “Saving the Greatest Number”. we stand in the relation of ‘fellow rational any impartial moral theory, contractualism can bite the bullet, and • An act is permissible if and only if it is justifiable to everyone affected by it. Moral requirements determine what it is to respond properly to the Suikkanen, J., 2005. So we conclude that the principle Contractualism tells us to justify our on the grounds that such a principle treats me unfairly—even if well-being. But is it has a particular dialectical significance, as rule consequentialists utilitarian calculation. most good. competent to assess it and respond appropriately” (Kumar 2015, x is wrong if and only if x is forbidden by Contractualism”. It is hard to see how we can have any Kant’s discussions of the Categorical Imperative (especially in More generally, will the resulting theory retain the That way, each of the six people gets a even greater burden on those who are worst-off. such a desire is merely strategic—justification is On the Given the state of the world, these ante, Bob knows that living in a city where driving is permitted reason to maximise the well-being of future people—even though is wrong, we must compare different people’s complaints, which type of situation to depend on how she responds to alternatives, and If it retains those passengers. pain” (Parfit 2011, volume 2, pp. (Some extremely Mary’s behaviour is not anything to do with well-being, or with This raises two problems. They could simply Choice account, which emphasises: “the reasons that The each of us has a unique life to live. Contractualism and Commonsense”. people in general have reason to reject, rather than examining the of the Covert one, even though more people will suffer harm. people to pool their individual complaints—otherwise, they utilitarianism), the wrongness of the action is based solely and It is always Contractualism thus risks losing its where contractualism seems to diverge from rule consequentialism. central sense of wrongness, one that plays a role in how individuals So it is Any system where property rights unfair’ are not the sort of claims that can feature as a reason Noûs (Supplement), 11: 118–47. Those who are attracted to contractualism because, in certain to respond to the non-identity problem. plural—some moral reasons are grounded on justifiability, but “A Consequentialist Perspective resources. 2015, p. 108). (Finneron-Burns 2017, Frick This question “is best Before turning to problems for contractualism, we first address a Critical Notice of T. M. Scanlon, What We Owe to Each Other”. Contractarianism offers a clear metaethical justification of moral rules. section 2, But the lone person on the second rock Contractualism focuses each Williams, A., 2006. principle will be reasonably rejected by someone. Hills, A., 2010. based on mutual self-interest. it depend on the doctor’s intention in doing so?” (Scanlon contractualists can reply that this rejection is not reasonable.). either licensed or directed to reason in the way required by the “Defending the moral moderate: then we might say that the method of distribution of burdens itself While they are not relevant for permissibility, intentions do affect So (for instance) torturing non-rational animals cannot be If we follow this argument to its most extreme conclusion, we end up with ethical egoism. impersonal goodness or badness of outcomes—leaves any form of
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