words to describe tourism

She is the author of multiple books, including "That's Amore" and the "Weird and Wonderful Words… The list was clearly taken by asking "good" foreigners these questions, you know the ones that come for 2weeks & then leave, they clearly never consulted any of us who hang about on jt LOL! Frances: When I am with Americans, often Japanese who do not know I speak in broken English think I don't understand their backtalk. Opinionated Did you know that Japanese students clean their schools by themselves? Making it your business to keep communal space clean is a distinctly different mindset from some Western countries. lol. Now before you cry racism, I'm sure if JT allowed us to talk about our own countries, we'd have just as much, if not more to complain about. What were the foreigners given? Coming back here this year after living overseas, it has been almost impossible to adjust back to what it was. I just don't see much laughter or fun going on in the sad lives of the people who feel the need to make a point of dissing whole groups of people on account of their nationality. They don't trust the cleanliness of the other person. 1. "As everyone know, operation of Japanese National Railway is terribly inaccurate. Ghana's Year of Return 2019: traveler, tourist or pilgrim? Are you little girl? It amazes me that JT would put such a post up like this. It is much better to criticise your own people and country in order for it to grow and prosper, then to trash another's because you have forgotten how about the negative things that go on in your own country and how people really act. I can see that there is truth in all these comments but the truth is. again, there is always exceptions to generalisations, but I think we all get the gist of it. Du Bois. I wouldn't say that Japanese are good at time management AT ALL. Daytime - Serious Business! In a class of thirty Japanese kids, not many people want to stand up by themselves and read out of an English textbook. If all Japanese, all be very silent, and make a distance between people. Reality is they know very little of other cultures. Not so much kidness for the sake of simply being kind. I saw my fellow black man suffering. People's perception needs some changes. Anyone living in Japan longer than a year knows this isn't true and is mostly a facade. Can they think outside the box, be creative, and come up with novel solutions to old problems? Japanese beaches are a good example of young people leaving trash all over the place. If they return, we should offer them land and dual citizenship as restorative and social justice … As for diasporans and development … they do not have the money to develop us in Africa. One day, Japan may bun out and corrupt. Many of the traits described above may be true but there always seems to be a very big BUT to each one. However, in the right situation, I think that in many cases Japanese people tend to be very kind, as long as it's FOR a reason. Can they take existing technology and make it better? I'm from the US and it's in no way any better than Japan but these are just myths. This article well demonstrates how myths subconsciously impact on human perceptions on particular cultures . Then other things will follow. And don’t spit on a form. I don't think so! Please. A word of advice to any aspiring English teachers in Japan is to make lots of group activities. That is the beginning of it all. thank you for the article. This translates to the perceived ignorant persona Americans abroad present. There were much, much worse comments than mine. "This is the real Japanese? So sorry to burst your bubble but: 'And there is never any lack of politeness or friendliness on the part of Japanese people.' We got lost and everyone was very polite and helpful. Japanese culture is so different from the English/international one. Don't steal people's time, and value your own, too. Postscript: President Rawlings passed away as this article was to go to press. I think the more cynical comments come from people who have stayed in Japan (frankly) too long! Sorry about this one. Ghana was seen as a place where the black man had reason to feel proud and was not exploited by neocolonialism, so that was something in and of itself. No-one is perfect and there is limits for what we can do and be. Many Ghanaians did not have basic necessities. Yes. People are people, and everyone is different. As a result the Japanese characteristics are deeply ingrained to the history of Japan and although it is gradually changing, it still underlies in daily life. Look a TV. We must have gotten this from the Japanese during WWII when they occupied Philippines for 4 years. Always saddens me to see a beautiful natural environment littered with empty pet bottles and cigarette packs and my Japanese friends are surprised when I pick it up and throw it in a nearby bin. Certainly the attitudes to this whole Fukushima thing have left me feeling baffled. Quite frankly, I was surprised by the response. LIke I said before, "people are people". They don't do it because they want to. a couple times. Have you seen how filthy kitchens are in restaurants? But in the late 1970s and early 1980s, several were so disgusted at their treatment by the United States government that they offered to participate in the Olympics on Ghana’s ‘ticket.’. The only word that can be absolutely used to describe Japanese people that is not up to individual interpretation is: all the long timers here know what im talking about, I could write out a list but id be here until tomorrow. This might be linked to their focus on politeness and respect. Thank you for sharing this illuminating list - and even more fascinating comment section. " Many Westerners find the concept of being so respectful to their elders a bit outside the norm. Haven't you ever gone in the toilet when someone was in there stinking it up and thought, "Damn, flush the toilet?". Yeah sounds to me like what we are told that we are supposed to think about Japanese. but if you open your eyes you will understand that that is just not true and bashing Japan is not the answer. PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE and these generalisations are nonsense at best. actually it did. I have been here 23 years and I have mounds of complaints about Japan and how things are, but I also know that when I have traveled to other countries I saw mounds and mounds of other problems as well. But I also know that when I hear the word "gaijin" followed by not so suppressed laughter a sharp pang of rage shivers through me. I'd replace Kind, Intelligent and Polite on the list with those three. I've had my bike and underwear stolen, my brother had his car stolen, a friend had racist crap painted on his front door and my friend had her camera stolen - all in Japan. By reading the comments posted here, I think they interviewed the wrong people. It's just common sense. I do know some Asian coworkers who will say I hate Japanese in my face when their country loses to Japan or when a Japanese little league team wins a championship. IN GENERAL. That or your have-gotten-over-the-persecution-complex-and-all-kinds-of-other-mental-ssues-that-may-arise-after-the-first-year. This is not simply working productively or working hard. wet-behind-the-ears newbies to Japan, still dazzled by the 'culture' etc.... 11 - Fake. netlike: Having open interstices or resembling a web The skirt’s netlike openings may be polyhedral or round in shape. But like yourself, I find it is a false or insincere friendliness that is obviously right out of line of the Japanese training manual. Many times late at a evening meeting, because pretend are so busy. The bottom line is this. It united Africans and African descendant people living in the disapora. -- The importance of social etiquette in urban Japan, 100% English MBA will advance your career at Doshisha Business School Kyoto. :). Their loss right? A hard-worker or “hataraki-mono” is definitely a common word that classifies a Japanese mindset. Futurologists are scientists who attempt to … "If you look at this central Arabic word we use for love, you can see how it has so many connotations that can branch into many other roots.” Here, Al Khalil outlines six other Arabic words for love we can use to express our various depths of emotion. Unlike America, where group work is often disliked because sharing the workload with other students inevitably means that it gets divided unequally, Love the comments of some of the long timers here, I can only agree. It doesn't make them "cleaner". generally early equates to being "on time". Even then, some relatives still expect proper formal language befitting of their senior status. I pity those who seem perpetually negative and use pretty much anything to bash Japan. Hey I can laugh, papasmurf. Sincere. It's just part of their job. But Japanese are exceptionally clean, polite and hard working people. The tourism idea was unplanned. But in Japan, the older you get, the wiser you are considered and the more respectfully you’re treated. They prefer not to have to voice their opinions alone, but would rather share ideas with their peers and make a group decision. They'll only pick up trash if they have their yellow jackets on and it is the designated trash collection activity time. @Slumdog - Go back and read my comments. I was on an airport bus in the UAE a couple of years ago. You have so many good, hard working honest people here and so many nasty, foul, abrasive and arrogant, snot-nosed people just like in every other country. The African diasporan presence raised the subject of citizenship and nationality. Whether they are 'fake' in their politeness and sincerity is not that important IMO. If we point out flaws and things in the Japanese lifestyle that is either strange or annoying to us, we are Japanese bashers?? The article is grossly incorrect in its depiction of real Japanese people. Japanese sleep on trains without worrying about being robbed. Also, it's also a regular neighborhood activity with jijikai's... it's not like they want to do it -it's a must. Only where people live unfortunately. The results on a thread on Madame Riri asking for the “perfect words to describe Japanese people” were surprisingly positive. But there are also a certain number of bad things (again, speaking from my frame of reference, and that of similarly-minded others on here) that the stereotypical view doesn't see. How to use humble in a sentence. Excruciating article. When people ask me to describe Japanese people I always say one thing, "People are people". By the way, might I ad, unlike the vitriol that you post about the US, I don't see anything here that is nasty, rude, over-hyped or disrespectful. Rant over. Stingy. Sucks for them. In the Philippines, still today, elementary and high school students clean their schools and do the gardening. Yes, bad experience, but I wouldn't call it 'rejection' as such. There is nothing worse on Japan's expressways than BMW, Benz, Lexus and Audi drivers, except for truck drivers and cheapo car drivers. Therefore the Japanese had to equip themselves to survive in those autocratic times. It has been pointed out how Japanese can doze off anywhere. Associate Professor & Director, Christiansborg Archaeological Heritage Project & Adjunct Lecturer, University of Massachusetts Amherst. I didn't hear anything about it saying making generalizations of Americans. If you are always guarded it sticks out and they will be the same to you. Eastern bloc nations gave minimal support. I find 1-10 to not only be true for Japanese but also Americans, British, Egyptian, Pakistani, Indian, Vietnamese, Hispanic, Africans, Northern European, Russian, Taiwanese and ofcourse Canadians. Monitor visitors' activities to ensure compliance with establishment or tour regulations and safety practices. Outspoken. The people who got Japan into WWII were bad drivers. Unfortunately, soon after, African American perceptions of Africa altered with the Ethiopian famine. Trusting. My realisation of the attitudes of the Japanese was one of the reasons I left. I will always remember the warmth and consideration. When is the haka performed? It drives me batty. generalization I know but, that's what we is talkin' 'bout aye? Thanks for that. So, when I was in office, I did not think African Americans travelling to Ghana was something to be revived. Tourism Review provides original, creative, multi- and interdisciplinary contributions on a very wide range of issues including: • Understanding and meaning of tourism and all stakeholders in the tourism ecosystem • Tourism business environment and ecosystem • Tourism management, stakeholders and … Traditionally, the haka was performed when two parties met as part of the customs around encounters. It was quite a pleasant experience especially after living in Dubai for 4 yrs having to deal with other cultures I won't mention. Japanese are so creative! yes, in every country all over the world. I would say the percentage is similar in any of our own countries. Often, I was too busy to give thought to the (slave trade and colonial) past. Horrible scenes on the television – overwhelming images of Ethiopians covered in flies, with bloated stomachs, dissuaded lots of African Americans from identifying with Africa. For instance, Valerie Sackey (Ministry of Communications) and Dr Ben Abdallah (Minister of Culture and Tourism) who approached me with the idea. According to Forbes, Russia, France and Great Britain are on the other scale of politeness and are considered the rudest nations in the world. The amount of garbage drivers toss in the country is truly sad & yes a lot of those gomi picker uppers aren't so much good samaritans but just conditioned to the task. Tying in with polite, Japan has a reputation for being very formal. What described in the article are just in honeymoon phase probably. I'm sure if JT allowed us to talk about our own countries, we'd have just as much, if not more to complain about. This amazes me and I am utterly impressed that people pick up trash that they do not generate. The ugly harassment of Koreans in Okubo, Tokyo is exceptional. This article , I think, name should be, “What do Japanese people hope foeigner people think about Japanese”. Read more: Of course there are exceptions. We must do like a ceremony. I was familiar with Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. Did you know that Japanese students clean their schools by themselves? I just found myself agreeing with every single point in one of your posts. All-in-all, for my experience, the place is pretty clean. What was once only a dream – described in books such as Arthur C. Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey – is now becoming a reality. Daytime - I love Japan I overstepped the mark in my ignorant, and somewhat arrogant, gaijin ways and I got the 'treatment' for it. Clean teeth, if so clean people. Sleekit is one of the best-known Scots words, thanks to our National Bard Robert Burns using it to describe a field mouse. Also it's worth remembering that Japanese people in Tokyo are not entirely representative of the Japanese population at large, in the same way that New Yorkers aren't entirely representative of Americans. I just don't see much laughter or fun going on in the sad lives of the people who feel the need to make a point of dissing whole groups of people on account of their nationality. I was always interested in culture and art. Everyone is fair game and that includes Japan. For once I have to agree with a Moderator: why do threads like this always end up with people who live in Japan attacking the native population? They consistently leave handbags and briefcases at their tables when getting coffee at Starbucks. Sleepy. I've read this countless times before or variations on it. We should learn from how Americans work. I just don't see much laughter or fun going on in the sad lives of the people who feel the need to make a point of dissing whole groups of people on account of their nationality. No janitors, just students hauling trash bags, sweeping the steps, and wiping down the halls with washcloths for a good 30 minutes each day. I know I have never felt safer walking down a street than I do here. I hope that these comments will apply to ALL future posts and to ALL cultures and countries. Even though I understand that contradictions are always part of life anywhere I travel to, Japan's cultural qualities and values are the reasons for me to visit her again. In Japan, feudalism ended only one-hundred and forty-five years ago." I can't speak for every one else, but the reason these articles kinda get me worked up, is that most of these traits are common to decent people the world over. As somebody with limited experience of Japan, I found the article an interesting addition to my readings on teaching English in Japan. 1-8-1 Higashi-Azabu As Kimazukashiii mentioned, "Fake" would be another. We had personalities such as George Padmore and W.E.B. Yes, Chicago is more dangerous than Tokyo but there's no need to be naive about the realities of Tokyo either. As for Ghana, we receive people well. You see? I'm guessing the respondents were your typical, been-living-in-Japan-for-a-year, wet-behind-the-ears newbies to Japan, still dazzled by the 'culture' etc.... Spot on... Or just being polite and not giving totally honest answers. Tel: +81 3 5561 7755 I don't consider these to be Japanese attributes at all. In Japanese, words with similar connotations to the English phrase are “yasashii” or “omoyari no aru,” meaning “thoughtful of others.” One sterling example of this is the custom of bringing a gift (usually food) when you visit another person’s house in Japan. Perhaps I have lived here too long, but generally speaking I cannot agree with this survey. The two-facedness is something really annoys me about the Japanese, I am sorry to say. I see old couples walking and picking up trash on their strolls. Cover a mouth if sneezing or stinky yawn. The Japan Railway (JR) and other connecting subways and train systems are well-known for their incredibly punctual schedules. Bring a gift to neighbors house is only like a rule. But we still live here, still suffer through a lot of the stuff that annoys because there is usually a good reason to stay here. Politeness which is a formality is not sincere at all. But not all sweeping generalizations have to be mean and unfounded. Escort individuals or groups on cruises, sightseeing tours, or through places of interest, such as industrial establishments, public buildings, or art galleries. That should make you feel good. Yes. Sorry, but to say "they" are anything is to generalize, bottom line. It was a very mixed response. They hide their entire individuality in order to fit in to society, and be robot-like workers. Francis: I believe you of your experience when I Japamese encounter situations in which I lose temper that never happens in USA. When people ask me to describe Japanese people I always say one thing, "People are people". Yet, as one intentionally tries to discredit the article, he or she could always find plenty of contradictions. And so do you about your own country. The street/area I live is very, very neat and tidy. Focus on Sustainability, Culture & Creativity or Business in Asia. Punctual - common sense. Clean - goes with the climate.. Most storefront owners sweep up the sidewalks and streets outside their stores, too. do some people act that way? Unlike polite, which can have its downsides, kind is a genuinely positive word. Well...that was my illusions shattered! This difference is why Japan made miselable nation." For my name ideas, I focused on creating names that appeal to customer values using words like: Happy, Tour, Dependable or Travel.A business name that lets your customer know what solutions you provide or the core values your business hold is a great way … Japan takes its time management very seriously. If someone breaches this law of politeness even a bit, the insulted person is obliged to protect own honour by either self-defence or revenge (and in extreme cases by ending own life). I too think this list is a pretty good list on most of them I would agree, although some are are a bit muddled. Author must have had bad company or is bad company. Thank you! Appoint is appoint. No, is so childish shout all a time. Here has a culture that is like 'All people must work hard' It binds and chain people. Actually I think it's a pretty good list. There’s a definite stereotype of people from Asian countries being the brainy cream of the crop. No group of people are perfect. We are aware of our responsibilities to ourselves, our fellow Africans, and those in the diaspora. They were not angry ones. To you people who make all of those negative comments about the Japanese, I want to you to think about something. I have never seen any middle-aged or younger folks partaking in this act, I can only hope the youngins can learn from example. Actually, don’t do stinky yawn! Or perhaps the complainers that complain about the complainers, yet really offer nothing insightful to the discussion themselves. 1 and 3. In other words, by engaging in certain behaviors the employee expects to meet some internal need. My advice to anyone considering a stint in Japan is: go for the usual 2 to 5 years - on the JET Programme if you can - enjoy it, soak up the surroundings and the culture, climb Fuji, sit in onsens, go to Kyoto, marvel at the efficiency of the train system, then...go home, taking your good memories with you. The Japanese comments are interesting. Rawlings rarely gave interviews. Many Japanese people worry about their foreign language skills and fear saying something incorrectly in English when they talk to native speakers. If you are hard worker, you can finish on a time. That, it seems to me, is an extremely culturally imperialistic assessment of life in Japan. Serves her right. And fake goes hand in hand with fake-clean. Those of us who live in Japan know that it's far from perfect, but then nowhere is, and we can sometimes be confused and outraged by how they do some things (I am sure I'm not the only one who has gone on a cursing rampage when an ATM was "closed" because it was after 11:30pm as if it has a wife ATM and some little ATMs to go home to). But I wouldn't be so silly as to then extrapolate for an entire population or even other people and say they this and they that. Some countries are corrupt in humanity while Japan seems to strive by solo human-power and ego to exceed what human can do and be. Clean. Nice 10 items, It does not have followings, Argumentative, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persona_(psychology), Yubari may offer Japan a taste of things to come, Surprise someone with exclusive rental of super VIP rooftop sauna, complete with sushi chef, A look beneath the waves 10 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake, Race, title and anguish: Meghan and Harry explain royal rift, COVID-19 inoculations in Japan off to snail pace start due to vaccine, syringe shortages, Biden, Democrats prevail as Senate OKs $1.9 tril virus relief bill, Okinawan women's civic group chronicles sex crimes by U.S. military. Oh dear lord, I can already imagine the responses. Japanese are money savers. Watch how spending drops when the consumption tax goes up. There are more. Describe how the nominee demonstrated achievement in any of the following areas: increase in agricultural production, increased consumption of local products, development, sales and marketing, community Service, innovations in operations or technology use and ways they support of the South Dundas Agricultural Community. Under his initiative, Ghana’s forts and castles – where enslaved Africans were forcibly put on slave ships to cross the Atlantic Ocean into slavery in the Americas – were turned into heritage sites for tourism. I see old couples walking and picking up trash on their strolls. Being a hipster (a trendy, modern person who likes things that are not popular) is finally cool. Few Japanese are adventurers. Japan Still, I would like to mention something interesting. these qualities you ascribe to all americans dont apply to myself or any of the people i chose to spend time with in america. Doesnt much match what I have actually seen here over the years. 'Language, culture and how people think' are very closely intertwined together. Number 8 talking about grouping, leave off! Next time you find yourself making an overly broad statement about a topic or group of people, stop and think about whether you are make a generalization yourself. And I would also gladly add kawaii! Next time they should stop interviewing people on the street and start interviewing people who sit behind their computers and complain all day, because they are the ones that truly understand the Japanese. Just about every morning the lady next door is sweeping and the surrounding streets look good. A list of ONLY ten things? African Americans struggled to come to terms with the fact that Africans participated in the transatlantic slave trade and sold their ancestors into slavery. This individual is not a natural person in which there is no difference between the external and internal. It is not kindness from a heart, only rule, and exactly no meaning. It's part of the culture to be two-faced and sneaky. I was always on the move. america is usually used as a foil in these articles to make japan seem superior. It should be "Top 10 words to describe Japanese people by weeaboos and Japanese people themselves". Those taken during the transatlantic slave trade must decide. As a foreigner (France), my opinion of Japanese people as a whole looks very much like those ten points. Can they take and pass tests? So she obviously knew she was being rude, but to be caught out was another thing. I don't care where you are. But then when Americans go abroad, they appear to act like we know everything and appear to want everyone around us to know that too. Wash hands after toilet. Rawlings was Ghana’s youngest and longest-serving post-independence leader. It would never happen. Customer service is great in Japan. You know how girls are always said to travel in packs? Sure I'm sure there are people that do it, but it certainly isn't a national trait. be happy in who you are. I'm guessing the respondents were your typical, been-living-in-Japan-for-a-year, Two face experts. Love affairs are sticky. Only follow a rule. It is letting people know how hard you are working. My dad does not … You have to have the right facial and body movements to show you are sacrificing your life for your institution but are still calm and easy-going. Probably because most people in Chicago can simply explain it to you. Being "socially awkward" is not the same thing, that is just not knowing how to act in social situations.

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