A. You would instruct women not to wear eye makeup on the day of this diagnostic procedure because eye makeup often contains metallic ingredients. The myocardium is the thick, middle layer of the heart and is composed of cardiac muscle. Which of the following is the process by which a graphic pattern is created from the electrical impulses generated in the heart as it pumps? Which of the following evaluates the condition of the myocardium through the use of a gamma camera that allows the physician to measure ventricular contractions? Request PDF | Parasitic diseases of the heart | The following chapter is one of a series of chapters in the volume entitled Infections of the Myocardium appearing in Frontiers in Bioscience. Etiological classification of cardiosclerosis: 1. a. AV node 22.Which of the following factors gives the myocardium its high resistance to fatigue? Make Print-Friendly, When you're ready to print, just click this button: 4. Tell the patient to avoid using deodorants, powders, or perfumes before the procedure. The ER physician has ordered an arthrogram of the knee. Which of the following is used to diagnose upper GI bleeding? D. Which of the following is an example of an invasive diagnostic procedure? Which of the following outlines the size, shape, and position of urinary organs? Trey, an 18-year-old soccer player, is in the ER because he injured his knee during tonight's soccer game. D. Myocardium The myocardium is one of three Which of the following evaluates the condition of the myocardium through the use of a gamma camera that allows the physician to measure ventricular contractions? Study Festival 2 (Heart and vessels) flashcards taken from chapters 18, 19 of the book Human Anatomy & Physiology. The diagnostic procedure that directs high-frequency sound waves through the skin over the area of the body being examined and produces an image based on the echoes is called. B. ECG changes are visible after approximately 120 seconds. A diagnostic procedure called ____ uses a contrast medium and fluoroscopy to help diagnose abnormalities or injuries in the cartilage, tendons, or ligaments of the joints. Which of the following conditions is most often responsible for diminishing blood flow to the myocardium? silhouette : An ultrasound of the heart. Report a problem? The nurse evaluates this therapy as ... Prescribe daily weights starting on the following morning. Which of the following uses a contrast medium and fluoroscopy to assist in the diagnosis of abnormalities or injuries in the cartilage, tendons, or ligaments of the joint? a radiation exposure badge that registers the levels of radiation to which a medical staff member is exposed, Keep all X-ray films at a temperature between 50 degrees F and 70 degrees F. Which of the following is important in the proper handling and storage of X-rays? 3. Endocardium 3. When used therapeutically, radiology is called ___ therapy and is used to treat cancer by preventing cellular reproduction. ask the patient about prior exposure and encourage him to keep a record of past exams, When teaching the patient about X-ray safety, you should. To restore the function of the myocardium in the initial stages of the disease and prevent transient ischemia in the later stages, a combination of medications with traditional medicine recipes will help. a. The condition that reduces the flow of blood through the coronary arteries to the myocardium and is a common cause of heart failure and myocardial infarction is called A)arrhythmia. Cardiac muscle tissue or myocardium forms the bulk of the heart. The doctor performs ___ pylelography by injecting the contrast medium through a urethral catheter to evaluate function of the ureters, bladder, and urethra. Which diagnostic procedure is an X-ray examination of the internal breast tissues? Which of the following involves the oral administration of barium and is also called an upper GI series? Which of the following is used to treat cancer by preventing cellular reproduction? Completing this quiz will allow you to see what you know about the myocardium and its characteristics. A lower GI (gastrointestinal) series, which provides a series of X-rays of the colon and rectum, is also called a, An upper GI series to help diagnose and evaluate obstructions, ulcers, polyps, diverticulosis, tumors, or motility problems of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and small intestine is sometimes called a. Hemophilia is a hereditary bleeding disorder that About This Quiz & Worksheet. A cerebral angiography is used to diagnose. a. Atrial depolarization 24.The _____ nerve carries parasympathetic fibers to the sinoatrial (SA) node. Tell the patient to take the oral contrast medium the evening before the test. We are talking about the division of biology, which studies the structure, features of vital activity and the functioning of various tissues of any living organism, including man. Which of the following evaluates the condition of the myocardium through the use of a gamma camera that allows the physician to measure ventricular contractions? Which of these statements would you include in your patient teaching to prepare Trey for the arthrography? The condition called arrhythmia is characterized … A patient has been found to be at high risk for cardiovascular disease after a highly sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) blood test indicated a value of 3.0 mg/dL. Which of the following uses a contrast medium and fluoroscopy to assist in the diagnosis of abnormalities or injuries in the cartilage, tendons, or ligaments of the joint? In which diagnostic procedure is a series of X-rays taken before giving the patient a specially prepared fatty meal and taking an additional series of X-rays? Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis. ____ is one type of radiation therapy, done as an outpatient procedure that allows deep penetration without damaging superficial tissues and is used primarily for deep tumors. B)acute coronary syndrome. The aim of our study was to evaluate the longitudinal deformation of the left ventricular (LV) myocardium at the two opposite ends of the prediabetes spectrum as defined by fasting blood sugar and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c). Thallium : Shadow. View Chapter 06 study guid.doc from AHLT 100 at Bryant & Stratton College. Which of the following is a communications standard for handling, storing, printing, and transmitting information in medical imaging? In the international classification of diseases, 10 revisions are determined by code: 1. a. Vagus Module 5: Sections 18.06-18.07 1. echocardiogram : A radioactive nuclide. Which of the following procedures is safe to use in obstetrics to evaluate the developing fetus or to detect multiple fetuses, because it does not expose the patient or the fetus to radiation? Several dozen holes are made in the myocardium to ensure its blood supply directly from the left ventricle. Suggest a correction? Change the time of diuretic administration from morning to evening. ventriculography : Administered on myocardial imaging. When you're ready to print, just click this button: Cardiac muscle is very unique because it possesses the characteristics of skeletal muscle AND smooth muscle. The technician uses a scanner to detect radiation from the radioisotope and converts it into an image. investigators to describe the condition of the myocardium damaged by severe coronary artery disease (CAD). The entire body may be scanned for "hot spots" or places where the radioisotope is concentrated, in which procedure? I25.1 Atherosclerotic heart disease Chapter 12: Cardiovascular System Disorders Test Bank MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. ____ is performed to evaluate the function of the bile ducts and involves injection of the contrast medium directly into the common bile duct. Please let Knowledge Mouse know below: Please let us know what is wrong in the feedback boxes below. Congenital cardiosclerosis. Chapter 6 1. Word Search Puzzle - Midterm Exam -MED 251. Which of the following would you include in the pre-procedure guidelines for a patient who is to have a mammogram? Teresa asks if there is anything in particular she should do to prepare for the ultrasound. asked Oct 14, 2015 in Anatomy & Physiology by Judys. What would you tell a patient in preparation for a barium enema? The nurse evaluates that the client correctly understands how to report signs of bleeding when the client makes which of the following statements? The patient would like to know what this test measures. 1. It uses standard x-rays or ultrasound to view internal structures. perfusion : Evaluates ventricular function and wall motion. Which of the following is included for a patient having a cholecystography? Which of the following ideas would you include in your teaching? The X-ray examination of the internal breast tissues to help in diagnosing breast abnormalities is called. An ___ procedure is one that requires a radiologist to insert a catheter, wire, or other testing device into a patient's blood vessel or organ through the skin or a body orifice and requires surgical aseptic technique. This morning, her supervisor called Angie into her office and told her that her last dosimeter reading was above the maximum allowable level. Which of the following is TRUE regarding cellular injury of the myocardium? Make Print-Friendly. Which procedure includes nonionizing radiation and a strong magnetic field to allow the physician to examine internal structures and soft tissues of any area of the body? Which of the following evaluates the condition of the myocardium through the use of a gamma camera that allows the physician to measure ventricular contractions? Request a sodium restriction of 1 g/day from the health care provider. You would expect to see relatively large numbers of which of the following embedded within their plasma membrane? Instruct the patient to follow a clear liquid diet beginning the morning before the procedure. C. Myocardial cells remain viable if blood flow returns within 20 minutes. Which of the following is characteristic of a noninvasive diagnostic procedure? Which procedure is diagnostic for irregularities or compressions of the spinal cord? Which diagnostic procedure demonstrates the status of blood flow or the presence of aneurysm, narrowing or blockages of vessels, or hemorrhage? Cardiosclerosis is divided into two forms according to the clinical course: 1. focal cardiosclerosis; 2. diffuse cardiosclerosis. It evaluates the functional properties of the heart. Which of the following would you include in the post-procedure care of a patient who has had a barium enema? ask the patient if he has allergies to the contrast media, iodine, or shellfish, Prior to a CT scan with contrast, you should, instruct the patient to tell the physician if she becomes short of breath or experiences itching, When assisting with an IVP, the medical assistant should, Use appropriate lead shielding when taking X-rays. Laser revascularization. Also known as radionuclide imaging, ____ involves the use of radionuclides, or radioisotopes, that are administered orally, intravenously, or through routes that introduce them into organs or body cavities. Visceral pericardium 1. Which of the following diagnostic procedures may include a double-contrast study in which the combination of air and barium provides a clearer view of structures and allows identification of small lesions? Postinfarction cardiosclerosis. Large number of mitochondria in the cytoplasm 23.The P wave of an electrocardiogram represents _____. The supervisor at your radiology clinic has asked you to conduct a session for new employees on the topic "Reducing Exposure to Radiation." For which diagnostic procedure would you ask if the patient is a metalworker? A patient who is instructed to follow a clear liquid diet before a diagnostic procedure may include. If a patient is to receive an iodine contrast medium, you should ask the patient which of the following questions? One type of nuclear medicine scan, the ___ scan, evaluates the condition of the heart's myocardium. Studies showing the myocardium. Which of the following is the diagnostic test that involves injection of a contrast medium directly into the common bile duct or through a T tube? Thyroid uptake and scan Which nuclear medicine scan requires the patient to take a capsule of contrast medium on the first day of the scan and then return 24 hours later for a second scan? This J Teh Univ Heart Ctr 1 (2009) 5-15. The human heart can otherwi… The radiology facility where they are taken, The medical assistant may be responsible for, "There may be swelling or pain in the joint for 1 or 2 days.". Which of the following is used to diagnose ulcers, diverticulosis, tumors, and motility problems of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and small intestine? (B) Why is the myocardium … a nuclear medicine procedure called ____ is often used to locate and determine the extent of brain damage from a stroke. technetium 99m : Named for an Austrian physicist. Pulmonary Emboli B. Aortic Spasm C. Angina D. Atherosclerosis Which of the following actions causes the atrioventricular (AV) valves to close? Explain that the table will be placed inside a long, narrow tube about 22 inches in diameter and that he will hear a loud knocking noise as the machine scans. a. In which procedure does a radiologist instill barium sulfate through the anus into the rectum and then into the colon? D)coronary artery disease. In which procedure does the X-ray camera rotate completely around the patient on a special table while the computer compiles on cross-sectional view from each rotation of the camera? The term “hibernating myocardium” suggests a tran-sient condition of the viable myocardium, a contractile dysfunction that disappears after revascularization.10 The hibernating myocardium should be differentiated from the stunned myocardium and from transient left ventricular (LV) dysfunction occurring due to stress-induced isch-emia. 2. Which of the following is characteristic of nuclear medicine? (A) A person has a heart condition in which the myocardium at the right atrium is scarred and not contracting properly. Which of the following in Angie's best response? The use of X-ray technology for diagnostic purposes is called diagnostic, Also known as excretory urography, ____ is performed to evaluate urinary system abnormalities or trauma to the urinary system. Tell the patient the stools may appear whitish or lighter than usual, but this is normal. 4. Motility problems of the colon and rectum are diagnosed by. 3. Myocardium 2. A need exists for apparatus and methods to evaluate the condition of heart muscle, particularly the blood flow in potential treatment sites, to optimize treatment results by, when necessary, altering existing pressure/flow conditions to accept direct vessel implants into myocardium. Which diagnostic procedure requires the patient to avoid eating fish before the procedure? In which diagnostic procedure does the physician perform a lumbar puncture, remove some cerebrospinal fluid, and instill a contrast medium to evaluate spinal abnormalities? Which of the following instructions would you give to Teresa? Which radiologic test is used to diagnose gallstones? Increased intraventricular pressure b. Depolarization at the AV node c. Ventricular relaxation and backflow of blood d. Contraction of the atria ANS: A REF: 227 2. A) tight junctions B) desmosomes C) glycolipids Drink three or four glasses of water, without voiding, within 1 hour of the test. The heart wall is a three-layered structure with a thick layer of myocardium sandwiched between the inner endocardium and the outer epicardium (also known as the visceral pericardium). C) myocardium . This study aimed to explore the relationship between integrated backscatter (IBS) and mitochondria in arrested myocardium.Twelve open-chest dogs were … Review her work practices for radiation safety. Angie has been working in the radiology center at a local hospital for the last 5 years. So, we are now talking about the structure of the epicardium, its development and the functions performed. Packages of X-ray film should be opened only in the ___ to avoid exposing or damaging the film. Standard X-rays and ultrasonography do not require inserting devices or breaking the skin and are therefore considered ___ procedures. O A. Vasodilation Only O B. Vasodilation And Increase In O2 Extraction By The Myocardium OC. Which of these is not a benefit of digital radiology? Which diagnostic test is used to detect pyelonephrosis an hydronephrosis? OBJECTIVE:Prediabetes comprises a heterogeneous group because of the poor concordance of its definition. When you're ready to print, just click this button: Make Print-Friendly Want to suggest a feature? Often it occurs in the center or left side of the chest and lasts for more than a few minutes. "Ecchymoses are large purple skin bruises." Which of the following is not permitted during patient preparation for a barium enema or an intravenous pyelogram? 6 The Journal of Tehran University Heart Center For which diagnostic procedure should a patient take a special drink the night before to help outline the intestines? Which of the following words describes a layer of the heart wall? The procedure that directs high-frequency sound waves through the skin over the area of the body being examined and produces an image based on the echoes is ___. Which of the following is the process by which a graphic pattern is created from the electrical impulses generated in the heart as it pumps? Today, X-rays have both diagnostic and ___ uses. The diagnostic procedure performed by a radiologist, who injects the contrast medium through the urethral catheter and then takes a series of X-rays to evaluate the function of the ureters, bladder, and urethra is a. Post-myocardial cardiosclerosis. Motility problems of the colon and rectum are diagnosed by, Quiz Yourself Online With These Questions, Create an Embedded / Hosted Online Quiz With These Questions. Myocardial infarction (MI), commonly known as a heart attack, occurs when blood flow decreases or stops to a part of the heart, causing damage to the heart muscle.The most common symptom is chest pain or discomfort which may travel into the shoulder, arm, back, neck, or jaw. Which of the following measures and evaluates a patient's lung capacity and volume? All the following apply to the heart except: A) it is a cone-shaped organ B) it weighs less than a pound ... myocardium D) pericardium . A physician who interprets radiologic films for other physicians is a. Parietal pericardium 4. The diagnostic procedure that directs high-frequency sound waves through the skin over the area of the body being examined and produces an image based on the echoes is called. C)heart failure. Explain how this condition could explain a problem with the START of the innervation of the heart through the conduction system. For the uninitiated in questions of medicine and biology of the reader, the meaning of the word "histology" may seem incomprehensible. Treatment of the disease can improve the condition of the patient and maintain its performance over a long time. A ___ is a substance that makes internal organs denser and blocks the passage of X-rays to the photographic film. The X-ray, discovered in 1895, is a type of ___ wave. The myocardium (cardiac muscle tissue) undergoes a significant amount of physical stress due to its contractions. Localized cancers are treated with ____, in which temporary radioactive implants are placed close to or directly into cancerous tissue. Which diagnostic procedure uses a gamma camera to detect signals induced by gamma radiation to locate and determine the extent of brain damage from a stroke? You will also be tested on the general physiology of the heart. Which of the following would you include in the teaching given to a patient who is going to have a closed machine MRI? Which nuclear medicine scan requires the patient to take a capsule of contrast medium on the first day of the scan and then return 24 hours later for a second scan? A. Cardiac cells can withstand ischemic conditions for about 60 minutes. Other articles where Myocardium is discussed: animal development: Circulatory organs: The heart muscle layer, or myocardium, develops from the visceral (splanchnic) layer of the lateral plate that is in contact with the endocardial tube; the parietal (somatic) layer of the lateral plate forms the pericardium, or covering of the heart. What would be the best answer for the nurse to give? physiological and morphological alterations of myocardium following ISO administration in rats have been proven to be comparable with those taking place in human MI, thus making it a well-recognized standard model used to study the Correspondence: Ibrahim Jantan, Drug and Herbal Research Center, At the physician's request, you have scheduled Teresa, a 24-year-old gynecologic patient, for a pelvic ultrasound at 10:00 AM on Thursday.
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