what is the embarrassing things george tells slim bout lennie in chapter 3? Answer. It’s just pretty damn difficult to difficult to navigate that thing sometimes. Only Slim realizes what happened, and consolingly leads him away. The behaviour of the other ranch hands is alarmingly blood-thirsty, in spite of the fact that they know Lennie and probably think he is a nice guy. All the men in Weed thought that Lennie tried to rape her, so they were going to kill him. The bunkhouse was a long, rectangular building. 0 0. 2. Previous Curley's Wife. 6. The girl said, “yes,” but she got scared when Lennie wouldn’t let go of her. Answered 2012-09-26 03:14:06. 18 Answers. Well, this is embarrassing. A lie. In each case, there is violence or the threat of it. He then kills Lennie by shooting him, because he sees it as an action in Lennie's best interest. Answer. What are your Expectations from this subject Rhythmic Activities? One is the person we show to the world, who has self-respect and dignity and tries to behave accordingly. Then, as he helps George up, he says to him that he had to do what he did. At Slim's insistence, George tells about the episode in Weed that led them to seek work elsewhere. 11. 2. What is Carlson’s problem and what does he tell Candy to do? Relevance. The pic on the right was taken three days ago. Next Crooks. 2. George (/ ˈ dʒ ɔː r dʒ / in English or [d͡ʒe̯ord͡ʒe] in Romanian) is a masculine given name derived from the Greek Geōrgios (Γεώργιος; Ancient Greek: [ɡeɔː́rɡios] Modern Greek: [ʝeˈorʝios]). After sharing an awkward moment with the hashtag #IGotCaught, the Twittersphere flooded with brutally honest confessions, because we've all been caught doing something a little embarrassing at some point. How long will the footprints on the moon last? One so embarrassing you still think about it to this day?I definitely have. Top Answer. What does George tell Slim happened in Weed. 3. Continued. 1. After Candy shows them which bunks to take, the conversation turns to people at the ranch, whom he describes. George used to pick on Lennie by playing jokes on him. What sneaky thing does Lennie try to do? “Girls get hairy arms or hairy upper lips, and it can be embarrassing.”. Hair in unwanted places is a common side effect of puberty. Answer Save. Slim and George have a long conversation. George recites the dream to Lennie like a story, which suggests that they don’t really believe in it, even though the things they are dreaming of are quite modest. Before Carlson leaves with the dog, what does Slim remind him of? He got kicked in the head by a horse when he was a kid" (25). Slim, Curley, Carlson, and Whit return. In a telling conversation with Slim in Chapter 3, George explains that he used to play tricks on Lennie in the past but has since stopped doing so. After George fished him out, Lennie was completely grateful, having forgotten that George had ordered him into the river in the first place. George Milton. they care so much about each other will be the reason that their relationship ends. The woman fled and told the men of Weed that Lennie had raped her. The question is from Of mice and men. George put out his hand and grabbed Slim. 0. Evidence Sure,” said George. Related Questions. Name the 2 things George tells Lennie to do with regard to Curley. 1. 85. As they hear the other men’s voices approaching, Candy says quietly to George that he should have shot his old dog himself, and not let a stranger do it. I'm 385lbs and need to do something about it...again. Here’s 17 things women think when they first see your penis. 2 Answers. My aunt and her two girls were coming to visit after her divorce. 1. 10. 12. George and Lennie were forced to hide from a lynch mob and sneak out of Weed under cover of night. to show how brutal or rough being a ranch hand can be. 1. 15. What two embarrasing things does george tell slim about why does george reveal these questions? I guess. We've all done embarrassing things. Of Mice and Men, published by John Steinbeck in 1937, is set in the Salinas Valley of California during the Great Depression.The novels two main characters, George and Lennie, embody the American struggle to survive the Depression, but the novel is timeless because it captures the personal isolation and suffering present in the land of opportunity. George tells the other two not to tell anyone else about their plan. What is the mission statement for the African sandals business? Steinbeck wants all men to be like Slim: to work for the sake of working, not to work according to a hierarchy or greediness or wages. Horseshoes. Asked by Wiki User. Unlike Lennie, however, George does change as the story progresses. 1 decade ago. 1. George and Slim strike up a gradual friendship throughout the book, and Slim provides George with much needed advice and friendship at the end of the book. What secret does George tell Slim? George’s shooting of Lennie is foreshadowed throughout Of Mice and Men. What two embarrassing things does george tell slim about? 9. What two embarrasing things does george tell slim about why does george reveal these words? Carlson and Curley, however, assume that George wrestled the Luger away from Lennie before shooting him. 2) "He's my. What page does George tell slim about weed? How many inches tall is a sixteen Oz monster energy can? I was really excited to have a new friend. In Section 2, Slim—who is consistently presented as a humane, trustworthy character—introduces the idea that any creature too weak to survive in a hard world must be killed. 3. Your gonna have to specify the book honey! Asked by Wiki User. What two embarrassing things does George tell Slim about? Slim jumped up. George tells Slim that Lennie met a young girl in Weed and he asked her if he could touch her soft dress. George tells Lennie not to even look at her Why does George reveal these things? George and Lennie had forgotten that Candy was in the room, but the question seems harmless, so George tells Candy that he could get it for six hundred dollars. He says this because most workers live alone, traveling from job to job. Lennie doesn't protect himself until George tells him to fight back. Be the first to answer! For George, it was easy to pick on Lennie because he is so gullible, “Why he’d do any damn thing I tol’ him. The next thing George relates is what happened at their last work ranch. What does George tell Slim happened in Weed? What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you at school???? Crooks enters the bunkhouse to tell Slim the tar is ready for his mule’s hoof. Favorite Answer. If Curley hits you first, beat him up. Slim, Curley, Carlson, and Whit return. lennie got kicked in the head by a horse when he was a child. Why does george refuse to go with whit to see whether slim and curley … "Wait a minute," he shouted. it symbolizes the journey the ranch hands take. What two embarrassing things does george tell slim about? You can do certain things to help minimize the appearance of your body hair. First things first: make sure your room does not get too hot and that you’re not sleeping under a thick blanket. What sneaky thing does Lennie try to do. 1 decade ago. and find homework help for other Of Mice and Men questions at eNotes ; George thanks Slim for Lennie's new puppy. Each time Slim helps make the assessment to do what is merciful or what is right. 0 1. ashevillebabe. Relevance. He used to tease him all the time and have so much fun doing it because Lennie was so dumb he'd fall for anything. 13. Asked by Wiki User. George may be terse and impatient at times, but he never strays from his primary purpose of protecting Lennie. I can’t pick up the clothes. Be the first to answer! 1 decade ago. 2. What is the relevance of NSTP community immersion to the goals and aims to the NSTP. What does Whit show Slim? George looks to Slim for advice regarding what to do … Candy then explains how he lost his hand on this ranch a long time ago, so they gave him two hundred and fifty dollars and how he saved up fifty more since then plus he has fifty more coming to him at the end of the month. Look at me looking at the pile and you will think: Just pick it up. Slim leads George up to the trail and on toward the highway, leaving Carlson to wonder — along with Curley — "Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin' them two guys?" Bring his puppy from Slim into the bunkhouse. What does George tell Slim happened in Weed? Carlson, irritated by Candy's smelly dog, tells Candy the following: "He ain't no good to you, Candy. Describe georges reaction when slim calls lennie "a cuckoo." Jimmy Fallon sparked a wildfire on Twitter again, and this hashtag is one of his funniest yet. 9) Get Offended If there is anything that white people absolutely love to do, it is get offended. What two embarrassing things does george tell slim about?
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