what to say in a meeting when you don't know

But you don’t know how to end the conversation politely. Why it works: "Asking your boss to prioritize tasks for you means you don't have to actually say the no word," Breitman says. No guide can tell you how to always know what to say in every type of difficult conversation. cursor: pointer; Practice being realistic by doing the following: If you’ve ever wondered, “How do you hold a good conversation?” you might have thought, “By making other people think I’m really fascinating and witty!” But when I made friends with socially skilled people, they taught me something fundamental about what to say: What you say doesn’t need to be thoughtful, interesting, or make you appear smart. Do not make trivializing comments like “Everything happens for a reason,” because you will come across as insensitive. When you feel more relaxed, it’s easier to come up with the next thing to say. It turns out that the tech-savvy PhD was in a job that required her to represent the department in senior-level executive meetings where it had been deemed acceptable—even encouraged—to interrupt whoever had the floor and fire a rapid stream of tough questions at him or her. What you should say: "Wow, that's an interesting project. I know this sounds weird, so let me show you what I mean. But if you use the Shift of Attentional Focus technique, you constantly move your thoughts back to the conversation. She: Right now, I’m doing a movie on bodegas in New York City. Wondering what your options are? I generally avoid asking someone for a meeting that I don’t have context for. By listening carefully! I define “context” as a point of reference… either you met them at an event, or you know someone who knows them, or you’re a big fan. Here’s an example. This acronym is useful because these topics are relevant to everyone. It takes the pressure off you and makes knowing what to say easier. Even the soft-spoken can still make an impact in every meeting. What can you see? However, it helps to stay calm, show empathy, listen carefully, and offer emotional support if it’s appropriate. I’ve always been uncomfortable talking to people I don’t know well. They have invited you to dinner, along with two of their architect colleagues who you have never met before. He's been writing about social skills since 2012. It’s very likely that these two people will be happy to talk about design, architecture, buildings, and art in general. Remember that just because you think that people will judge you negatively doesn’t mean that they will. SocialPro works together with psychologists and doctors to provide actionable, well-researched and accurate information that helps readers improve their social lives. Just like that, she had inadvertently trained people to go to her boss with their tough technical questions. It was great!”. Every day, remind yourself that everyone gets nervous. Instantly beat self-consciousness with the "OFC-method". Stop trying to say smart things all the time. What do I say to open a conversation?”. But if you don’t have the time to take the call, or want to field the meeting request? }, Free training: Conversation skills for overthinkers. So why would anyone judge you? However, if you want to learn how to be more talkative, read this guide on, “Look at the tree over there, it’s so nice.”. When you’ve just met someone, you need to make small talk. This leads me to the next tip. So don’t get stuck thinking about that one wrong thing you’ve said five minutes ago because even if the other person did notice it, they probably didn’t think anything of it. You’re talking to an English-speaking colleague after a meeting. With this in mind, you could prepare questions like: Memorizing a few questions can make the conversation a lot smoother. Even if someone doesn’t have a job or hobbies, you can ask them what they’d like to do. I’m guessing not. Changing your self-talk can make you more confident and believe more in yourself. And now, colleagues and execs alike know to come to her—first, before her boss—with technical questions. Here’s our guide for how to have a conversation without asking too many questions. Once, while at a professional crossroads, digital marketing executive Dr. Patricia Fletcher reached out to a mentor for help. “What do you want to be doing in 5 years?”. Context is anything reason valuable enough for you to reach out to them. This is because in the phrase 'it's highly likely that we'll have to organise another meeting', you don't say a second meeting will happen, but that it is probable ('it's highly likely'). But despite her technical chops, people kept sidestepping her and going to her boss with questions that she could have answered. My friend Andreas, for example, is great in social settings. When he talks to people, he says things like: He doesn’t come off as smart for saying smart things, but for being socially savvy. Have you EVER judged someone for saying something too simple? It can be incredibly frustrating when you know all of the pertinent information for a particular meeting and project—and yet you find yourself saying, “I don’t know” because people start asking questions with little relevance to the matter at hand (and because, well, you don’t want to say, “seriously?” to the higher-ups). Our review board ensures that our content is accurate and up to date. You can come up with an interesting conversation starter, but you really don’t need to start with anything too flattering or even too forward if you … You can simply state – “That’s valid” or its cousin – “Yeah that’s true in that way”. meetings to repeat what was said in a previous meeting), and that idea is that every meeting should have an official scribe. The conversation would benefit from a silent moment in which you can both breathe before carrying on. We tend to interpret that silence as a negative sign, but it doesn’t mean the conversation is going badly. @Clément - I'm not sure. and if you have to talk to them everyday OR every week then you are DOOMED!! To join the rank of truly exceptional leaders, upgrade your communication toolkit and eliminate your “I don’t knows” in favor of more powerful responses. They instruct their clients to focus all their attention on the conversation they’re having, rather than thinking about how they come across and what they should say next. It’s also a great vessel in which you can add more word phrases like – “That’s … .q-blog-references .q_show_more { “What’s it like to work as a golf trainer?”, “What made you decide to be a golf trainer in the first place?”, “It sounds like you’ve been through a terrible time.”, “I’m so sorry. For example, if someone tells you that a close relative has died, you could say: If you know the other person well, you can add, “I’m here to listen if you want to talk.”. Relate: Haha, I’ve noticed that. Improve socially without doing weird out-of-your-comfort-zone stunts. “I don’t know what to do after I say hello. People who went through training aimed at changing the way they talked to themselves started believing more in themselves.[3]. Reread her reply above and see if you can come up with even more questions. I once spoke with a woman who was truly an expert in her field—the only engineer on her software team with a PhD. Thinking of questions and conversation topics in advance of a social occasion can make it much easier to know what to say. Writing for ForbesWoman, negotiation and leadership expert Selena Rezvani suggests, “Rather than turning to ‘I don’t know’ as a default, prepare yourself with some more powerful responses.”. For years, I wondered how to find a balance between talking about myself and asking questions. LESSON LEARNED: When you stop trying to say smart things, it’s easier to know what to say because you take the pressure off yourself. But despite her technical chops, people kept sidestepping her and going to her boss with questions that she could have answered. If you attempt to sound smart all the time, they may think you are a try-hard or simply annoying. How do you know when to dig in? I’ll find out.” This is a quick, confident, clever answer. Being a self-conscious introvert, I would often exaggerate and overdramatize social situations in my head. See how you can go "from boring to bonding" in less than 7 words. I’ll ask my boss.”. Often, small talk is just fine. What happened was…”, The great thing about this method is that you don’t even have to think of a new question. Let’s REALLY focus on what she just said. For example, let’s say that you have a friend who works for an architecture firm. How do you talk when you have nothing to say?”. “I’m quiet because I don’t know what to say. The short answer is: if you don’t know what your meeting is supposed to achieve, then you probably shouldn’t have it. } When you don’t know the name of the person to whom you’re writing, addressing the letter can seem daunting. Be careful not to flood the other person with questions. display: none; Don’t fire them off all at once. Notice that when you use the IFR method, it’s easier to come up with things to say. Don’t say “Yeah I know how much that sucks.” Instead, elevate them up, “Well it’s a good thing you’re surrounded by great friends, great drinks, and have the weekend ahead of you :)” Don’t … Even if someone is giving you very short, minimal answers, there’s a quick trick you can use to keep the conversation alive. The long answer: for that, we have a checklist. First of all: If you’re wondering, “Is it normal to have nothing to talk about?” the answer is “YES!” I used to have similar worries, and I believed there was something wrong with me. Now that you have done that you … Maybe this guide we wrote can help you, on how to keep the conversation going: https://socialpronow.com/blog/the-5-best-ways-to-keep-a-conversation-going/. If you have the ability to view their schedule, suggest a time. If you find yourself thinking, “I don’t know what to say” after you’ve asked someone a question, follow up on what you just asked. I love language - it's such a fun mess =o) – Eli Mar 12 '14 at 16:46 What’s your takeaway so far? “Give me an agenda or else I’m not going to sit there, because if I don’t know why we’re in the meeting, and you don’t know why we’re there, then there’s no reason for a meeting. Propose to your management that you have an idea to improve communication and reduce time wasted in unnecessary meetings (i.e. The group seems reassured that you’re on top of things. Remind yourself that people care as little about your hiccups as you care about theirs. Which buildings should I make time to see?”, Use "conversational threading" to avoid awkward silence, Learn a proven technique to get past empty small talk. Annoying. Scientifically reviewed by Viktor Sander B.Sc., B.A. Now, when pressed for an answer, she looks the inquisitor in the eye and responds in a way that builds her leadership presence and authority. I once spoke with a woman who was truly an expert in her field—the only engineer on her software team with a PhD. “I don’t know how to respond when a conversation starts drying up. Wish for death. These are the questions I always have in the back of my head, ready to go whenever I need something to say. I think it's someone you are conferring with, but I don't know if that always implies a conference, or if a conference is just a place where people formally confer. Here’s an exercise you can do right now: Look around you. In the business world, a person who speaks with confidence is likely to be perceived to be competent. You’re not sure how to explain why you must leave. Here’s how the conversation went: Inquire: What kind of documentaries do you make? Stand there awkwardly while waiting for one of them to notice you. Break up the questions by sharing a little bit about yourself every now and then, as I described in the IFR method section. I’ll find out.” —Chris Turkovich, principal program manager, “Based on what we know today, my thoughts are…” —Selena Rezvani, leadership author, speaker, and consultant, “I don’t have the data at hand, but I’ll get it to you later today.” —Senior software engineer. Notify me when someone responds to my comment. Talking about what you have in common will make the conversation more enjoyable for both of you. Blurting out a panicked “I don’t know!” may seem like the path of least resistance in an uncomfortable moment—but if you want to be taken seriously as an emerging leader, you should ditch that phrase and learn what experienced leaders say when they don’t know the answer. I used to think that periods of silence in a conversation was always my fault and that I had to “fix it” somehow. A silence isn’t awkward until you start stressing out about it. You don’t have to be perfect. You see, social skills aren’t something we’re born with. She’ll probably think I’m boring. You go to an event and instead of meeting people, pull out your phone and furiously check email. Making new friends Don’t Invite Everyone to Your Meeting. But over the years, I’ve learned exactly what to do whenever I find myself thinking, “I don’t know what to say.”. It’s hard for me to keep a conversation flowing without feeling as though I’m interrogating the other person.”. You don’t want the girl think that you’re just trying to pick her up; you want her to see that you have a real interest in her. No matter how meticulously the engineer prepared for the meeting (and firing squad), she would inevitably fumble, lose her composure, and say, “I don’t know. “I don’t know what to say in conversations because I get so worried about what the other person is thinking of me. For example, if you’ve exhausted the current topic, you can always jump back to something you’ve talked about earlier. You say you would like to consult with the Consumer Coalition, and come back with a response out of session or at the next meeting. The other person keeps subtly steering the conversation back to the topic. How do you think of something to say when you’re in this situation?”, When therapists work with shy people, people with social anxiety, and others who completely lock up in conversations, they use a technique called Shift of Attentional Focus. ), These questions are open, meaning that they encourage the other person to give a more in-depth answer than “Yes” or “No.”. The pattern goes like this: they talk a bit about themselves, we talk about ourselves, then we let them talk again, and so on. It’s OK to say, “I just need a moment to process that” if their news is particularly shocking. Leading media outlets such as TIME Magazine, The Chicago Tribune, The Hill, MSN, WebMD, and 100+ more rely on SocialPro’s expertise in psychology. It feels like everyone else is so much more socially skilled than me.”. We don’t want to constantly ask questions, nor do we want to constantly talk about ourselves. (See my guide on how to start a conversation for more opening lines and advice on how to have more to say when chatting to new people. Digging deeper also helps you uncover commonalities. She: That almost all bodegas seem to have cats! It is saying to the questioner … This website uses cookies to function properly. Try this: Simply repeat the last part of their response using an inquisitive tone of voice. Loneliness the intro conversations, the greetings are easy. You know that asking questions about the topic would lead to a conversation that involves sharing feelings or opinions. The scribe is the person who is responsible for taking notes in the meeting. Challenge your inner critical voice. But how do you start a conversation? That's really the best thing you can do. You feel a genuine desire to learn more about the topic. And then I inquired again, repeating the IFR sequence: Try to make the conversation go back and forth like that. What questions might we come up with to move the conversation forward? Besides, it’s important to know that there can be many reasons for a break in a conversation. Or someone who NEVER asks questions? You: “What was the best part of your vacation?”, Them: “Probably when I went scuba diving.”, You: “Cool. Here’s a video that explains conversational threading with a real-world conversation: Often, I didn’t know what to say because: Take this quiz and get a custom report based on your unique personality and goals. Being quiet is a normal personality trait, and there’s no need to force yourself to be more outgoing. People DON’T want a constant stream of thought-provoking clever remarks. – Determine what needs to be decided, discussed, arranged, determined, etc., by the end of the meeting. However, don’t use this trick too often, or you will come off as annoying..q-blog-references .hidden{ We all have moments when our negative thoughts take over, like “Argh, I can’t talk to people!” or “Why do I feel like I have nothing to say?”. If she tells you to just squeeze the new task in, then do it. If you come off as relaxed about silences during a conversation, people around you will follow your lead. You can use this tactic even if you have no intention of holding of a second meeting just so the person can go. Sometimes a simple, direct, … Self-absorbed. Follow on Twitter or read more. You don’t want to interrogate them. Actionable Steps to Fight Workplace Racism, seems reassured that you’re on top of things, she was able to stand her ground when fielding a tough question. Naturally, you would take a break between questions to share something about yourself. [1], (It’s hard, especially in the beginning, but gets surprisingly easy with some practice. Should I tell her about that time I went to Thailand? You don’t have to be the loudest in the room. “When it comes to business, there’s no such answer as ‘I don’t know,’” she says. A Meeting to Discuss Too Many Meetings. You can then repeat the sequence to keep the conversation going. They’re just that: skills. Mental well-being (Just knowing they are there as a safety net makes me feel more relaxed.). In reality, most of our blunders go by completely unnoticed by others because they are often just as nervous and worried as we are about how they come across. A major reason that people may be distracted in meetings is … Don’t be afraid to move beyond surface-level questions. ), Participants who focused on the conversation rather than themselves felt less anxious. The IFR method is all about finding that balance. It’s not only helpful for continuing your conversations but also makes them more dynamic. Next time you are invited to an event or meeting when you already have something catch yourself when the thought crosses your mind, “I will do both.” When you do, stop, pause and pick one of the choices. Remember this: As two people get to know each other, they are more comfortable sharing moments of silence. Fletcher now looks back on this as one of the best pieces of advice she’s ever received. When her mentor, Jeanne Sullivan, a seasoned investor and corporate board member, asked what Fletcher would do in a hypothetical situation, Fletcher began her response with “I don’t know….”, Sullivan cut her short, reminding her, “‘I don’t know’ is not an answer. [2], Say that you ask someone how their week was. You’ll get a 100% free custom report with the areas you need to improve. Follow up: Oh, interesting. It turned out that I simply needed to learn some strategies to deal with those moments when my mind goes blank. For example, if the topic of work comes up, you can ask basic questions like: These Why, What, How questions can be used in a conversation about any topic. Sometimes you agree with people sometimes you don’t, but when you find area’s where you can surrender and you know that you don’t necessarily see it the same way you have to let them have the professional freedom that they deserve. I hate to say this but I don’t even remember getting that email. LESSON LEARNED: Practice being comfortable with silence rather than trying to eliminate it. Rather than assuming the worst, use the moment to catch your breath and move forward from there. If you don’t know what to say after you’ve asked a follow-up question, say something related to what you just asked. In reality, most conversations contain some silences or long pauses. Here are my tricks for how to know what to say, even when you don’t know what to say. Realize that if you are naturally quiet, that’s fine. The only word you can think of is, “Goodbye.” It feels awkward. You can come across as an absent-minded manager or a courageous innovator. Close This article will help you to say “no!” to excessive meetings. Another safe response is, “It’s nice to see you,” rather than “meet you,” suggesting that you remember meeting them before—even if you don’t. Send an email saying you would like to schedule a meeting, and make sure you say why. Dare to dig deeper into topics you find interesting. Think of small talk as a warm-up exercise that paves the way for more interesting discussions later on. You politely pursue your position; and relay your concerns about the issue. If you want to improve your social skills, self-confidence, and ability to connect with someone, you can take our 1-minute quiz. The reaction you get is directly related to how you say it. I’m pretty sure I would have read it if it’s about improving our services”. Maintaining eye contact, nodding slightly, and speaking in a steady tone of voice signals that you care about the other person. how to have a conversation without asking too many questions, Attentional retraining: A randomized clinical trial for pathological worry, How To Keep A Conversation Going (With Examples), How to Never Run Out of Things to Say (If You Blank Out), How to Stop Being Quiet (When You’re Stuck in Your Head), Don’t Know What to Say? These are empty blanket statements that can apply to any situation that you might encounter. Realize that you don’t always have to have the best answer or say the … How about when only one of five or ten agenda items … Make sure your body language matches your words. Shift the conversation over to the other person by asking sincere questions. Say what you want to say, and don’t filter yourself too much. After that you go blank then you are DOOMED!! You start telling a story to a group of people and — in the middle of it — realize the story sucks. When people hang out with you, they usually want to have a good time. (You can say smart things when they naturally pop into your head, but you don’t need to force them.). Every time you say “I don’t know,” you teach people not to come to you next time. If you want to know how to always have something to talk about, simply look around you! They reply, “I went to Paris with my friends last weekend. “Good question. This keeps the conversations going, and as it moves forward, you can throw in small facts about yourself that you feel comfortable sharing. When most of the meeting is irrelevant to you. You can start with a couple of simple, fact-based questions and then dig deeper to learn more about the person you’re talking to. First, a story: A marketing department once had 10 hours of meetings in five working days. Social anxiety If your friend mentioned that they saw a movie last weekend, and then the conversation moves on to, say, work, and then the work topic dies out, you can say: “By the way, you said that you saw a movie last weekend, was it good?”. But they probably don’t judge us half as harshly as we judge ourselves. Personal development It turns out that the tech-savvy PhD was in a job that required her to represent the department in senior-level executive meetings where it had been deemed acceptable—even encouraged—to interru… No, that’s stupid. Making conversation What kind of statements could you make to get a conversation started? The PhD software engineer from the story above practiced these responses while standing in front of a mirror until she was able to stand her ground when fielding a tough question. It feels really awkward and embarrassing. I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO SAY!”. In short, Conversational Threading relies on the fact that your interactions don’t have to be linear. Communicating with confidence is part of a leader’s job. Introversion & Extraversion. “Why don’t I know what to say after someone replies to my questions? Social skills Hack #1 Just because you can do both doesn’t mean you should do both. You may not know the answer to the question right this second, but you don't want to let a small setback undermine all of your hard work and overshadow everything you do know. Another thing you can do to come up with things to say is to stop trying to come up with conversation topics. With a steady, sure tone of voice, say, “I don’t know” or “I’m not completely sure, so I’d rather get you the exact and accurate answer by (give date).” Then, in a very obvious way, write down the question and person’s contact information (or select someone else to do … The idea is to give the other person your full attention and let your natural curiosity come up with things to ask. The one next to where I live has a cat who always sits on the counter. Continue anyway. Then, just as you’re about to close your laptop and head for the door, your boss’ peer asks, “How are projections looking for Q2?” Your boss nods in your direction and suddenly, all eyes in the room are back on you. You decide to introduce yourself to John. Offer an explanation. I’ve never been there. Use them when a topic dies out. They have already given you every word you need. Here are four powerful options I recommend you commit to memory: “I don’t have enough information to answer your question.” —Jeanne Sullivan, founding partner of Starvest Partners (and Dr. Patricia Fletcher’s mentor), “Good question. Start improving your confidence, your conversation skills, or your ability to bond - in less than an hour. It turns out that Dr. Phil was right when he said, “We teach people how to treat us”—and that this is especially true when it comes to establishing credibility and influence at work. He’s also a member of Mensa with an IQ of 145. “I’m quiet because I don’t know what to say. I couldn’t come up with anything to say because I was nervous. How do you say I don't know when you don't know an answer without looking incompetent? Looking around my workplace right now, I can see a bunch of stuff that could inspire statements, which in turn could start a conversation. (Make sure you share something about yourself in between the questions so that the other person doesn’t think you’re a spy.). This is noted in the Minutes. People always introduce themselves first, which avoids any confusion. But don't worry, Twitter has you covered: users have taken to the social media platform to share how they handle a meeting when they have absolutely nothing to … Of course, if you’re already feeling nervous, it might not be so easy to just “relax and stop worrying about it.” But there’s a trick that you can try. The other day, I was talking to someone who turned out to be a filmmaker. You can then choose which questions would be most suitable for the conversation. It’s important that you share an equal amount of information about yourself. I'm really busy with the ABC assignment right now, so let me know if you want me to re-prioritize." “Hi Mark, you don’t know me but I actually sent you a couple of email years ago about a project that I thought will greatly improve Facebook’s services in third world countries.”, “Really? The truth may be that you vaguely remember the person, but it’s a case of the person being out of normal context.

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