In ancient Mexico, the dog, turkey, and duck were the only domesticated livestock; sheep, goats, pigs, cattle, and horses were introduced by the Sapnish. Did you know? The Aztecs' basic diet therefore tended towards vegetables and fruits, supplemented by game animals, fish, turkeys, and … Lastly, the Aztecs had a highly structured system in which chinampas and tribute provided a surplus of materials and therefore ensured the Aztec were able to meet their caloric needs. These various types of meat made up only a very minor part of the Aztec food that was eaten. Maize was the central food in their diet, along with vegetables such as beans and squashes. What kinds of animals did the Aztecs raise to eat? Corn, beans, and squash. What did the Maya, Aztecs, and Incas eat? Numerous Nahuatl words borrowed by the Spanish were … The Aztecs ate a wide variety of animals, both wild and domestic. They hunted and fished as well, and used animals such as deer, rabbits, iguana, fish and shrimp for food. Game (especially rabbits, deer and wild pigs), fish, birds, salamanders, algae (used to make cakes), frogs, tadpoles and insects were also a valuable food source. Even insects, such as grasshoppers and worms were harvested. The Aztec diet was dominated by fruit and vegetables, as domesticated animals were limited to dogs, turkeys (totolin), ducks, and honey bees.Game (especially rabbits, deer and wild pigs), fish, birds, salamanders, algae (used to make cakes), frogs, tadpoles and insects were also a valuable food source. What kinds of things did they think the gods controlled? The Aztec diet was dominated by fruit and vegetables, as domesticated animals were limited to dogs, turkeys (totolin), ducks, and honey bees. (turkeys, dogs, ducks, and geese) Did they have any kind of work animals? What kinds of animals did the Aztecs raise to eat? I also did my fourth blog post on human sacrifice and I saw that you commented on it. Large amounts of algae were collected from the surface of the Texcoco Lake water. Toggle text. (no) _____ _____ The Aztecs prayed to hundreds of gods and believed that these deities controlled all aspects of life. The Aztecs had a far different palate than their European contemporaries and they didn’t domestic many of the animals we associate with meat-eating … What did Aztecs eat? Did they have any kind of work animals? Potatoes and a tiny grain called quinoa were commonly grown by the Incas. Turkeys, ducks, and geese. The Aztecs' basic diet therefore tended towards vegetables and fruits, supplemented by game animals, fish, turkeys, and … The Aztec language, Nahuatl, was the dominant language in central Mexico by the mid-1350s. 1 thought on “ Human sacrifice and cannibalism in the Aztec people ” kalleksc April 27, 2013 at 2:05 am. I read through your blog post and was also surprised to find how similar the practice of human sacrifice was for both the Maya and the Aztecs. In ancient Mexico, the dog, turkey, and duck were the only domesticated livestock; sheep, goats, pigs, cattle, and horses were introduced by the Sapnish. The Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations ate simple food. The Aztecs had advanced farming methods. Name three crops they grew in the fertile soil around their capital. In addition, even if no herbivores were available to eat, the nutrients needed were found in the leaves and seeds of amaranth which also provided protein.
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