UBIQUITIPOLSKA.PL - Sprzedaż & Dystrybucja urządzeń Ubiquiti® Networks w Polsce © 2020. This time slot method eliminates hidden node collisions and maximizes air time efficiency, so airMAX technology provides performance improvements in latency, noise immunity, scalability, and throughput compared to other outdoor systems in its class. The IsoStation 5AC provides high isolation solutions in fixed beamwidth increments through interchangeable horn antennas that have been optimized for an urban environment. Pracuje w paśmie 5 GHz, wykorzystuje standard AC i oferuje nawet do 450 Mb/s przepustowości. Featuring a die-cast aluminum base and interchangeable horn antenna, the IsoStation ac with proprietary airMAX ac chipset and dedicated management Wi-Fi isolates beam communications between your devices. Ubiquiti Networks lancia la seconda generazione di airmax ac CPE con la … The tailored antenna radiation patterns spatially filters both in … Symmetrical Antennas Możesz określić warunki przechowywania lub dostępu do plików cookies w Twojej przeglądarce. Welcome to Multilink Solutions Inc! Ubiquiti IsoStation IS-5AC. airMAX® ac 2×2 BaseStation Sector Antenna. Ubiquiti IsoStation IS-5AC. All horn antennas are optimized forco-location. The tailored antenna radiation patterns spatially filters both in-band and out-of-band spurious RF emissions to increase the noise immunity of the IsoStation 5AC. Features: New Design Improved Surge Protection Management WiFi Radio/UISP Mobile AirOS 8 UISP Mobile app for … The airMAX® ac Sector Antennas feature significant advances in scalability, noise isolation, and beam performance to complement the Rocket™5ac radios in Point‑to‑MultiPoint (PtMP) networks. Jest przystosowane do wykorzystania jako urządzenie klienckie (CPE) w połączeniach typu punkt-wielopunkt lub do zestawienia połączeń punkt-punkt. Radio airMAX® ac escudada con antena de aislamiento. Ubiquiti IsoStation AC. IsoStation 5AC представляет собой инновационную точку доступа. IsoStation 5AC to zintegrowane urządzenie bezprzewodowe firmy Ubiquiti. TOUGHCable™ is The EdgePoint™ offers an innovative combination of robust routing performance, fiber backhaul capability, and the convenience of passive PoE support. https://www.doubleradius.com/ubiquiti-isostation-5ac-is-5-ac The airFiber® X Antennas feature significant advances in noise isolation and beam performance to complement the airFiber X radios for carrier backhauls and Point-to-Point (PtP) bridging. De IsoStation AC beschikt over een verwisselbare 45° antenne en … Network Video Recorder The UniFi® NVR is pre-installed with UniFi Video software for quick and easy deployment. Jest przystosowane do wykorzystania jako urządzenie klienckie (CPE) w połączeniach typu punkt-wielopunkt lub do zestawienia połączeń punkt-punkt. Jest przystosowane do wykorzystania jako urządzenie klienckie (CPE) w połączeniach typu punkt-wielopunkt lub do zestawienia połączeń punkt-punkt. IsoStation AC Metal Strap Shielded airMAX® ac Radio with Isolation Antenna Model: IS-5AC Gigabit PoE (24V, 0.5A) with Mounting Bracket Power Cord Quick Start Guide TERMS OF USE: Ubiquiti radio devices must be professionally installed. Providing high throughput andan innovative form factor, the IsoStation 5AC is versatile andcost-effective to deploy. It manages the UniFi Video Cameras and … Read More. Features: 2.4 GHz: Yes: 5 GHz: Yes: Maximum data transfer rate 450 Mbit/s: Ethernet LAN data rates 10,100,1000 Mbit/s: Frequency band Ubiquiti Networks launches the latest generation of airMAX ac CPE (Customer Premises Equipment) with dedicated Wi-Fi management, the IsoStation™ 5AC. Ubiquiti Networks lanza la última generación de airMAX ac CPE (Customer Premises Equipment) con gestión dedicada Wi-Fi, la IsoStation ™ 5AC. They are ideal for cluster sector installations with highco-location requirements. Prices, specifications, and images are subject to change without notice. Zapisz produkty na liście życzeń, aby kupić je później lub udostępnij znajomym. The tailored antenna radiation patterns spatially filters both in-band and out-of-band spurious RF emissions to increase the noise immunity of the IsoStation 5AC. 7588 Central Parke Blvd Ste 109 Mason OH 45040; 5135018006 Ubiquiti Networks launches the latest generation of airMAX ac CPE (Customer Premises Equipment) with dedicated Wi-Fi management, the IsoStation™ 5AC. Pair the airMAX® Sector Antenna with a Rocket™M BaseStation for sector coverage in Point-to-MultiPoint (PtMP) networks. Produkt wykorzystuje protokół N / airMAX, posiada zintegrowaną... Polska Społeczność Ubiquiti Networks na FB, Ubiquiti Polska należy do grupy UI Polska, Ubiquiti Polska - Polityka plików cookies. IS-5AC Ubiquiti 5GHz Isostation ac Gen2 CPE 14dBi. Ubiquiti Networks UBIQUITI IS-5AC 5 GHz IsoStation AC Usando tecnología airMAX ac, el Ubiquiti IsoStation AC soporta hasta 450 Mbps reales TCP/IP. airMAX AC Tiene una antena que ofrece 14 dBi de ganancia, opera en el intervalo de frecuencia de 5150 – 5875 MHz. Intelligent QoS Priority assigned to voice/video for seamless streaming. The IsoStation 5AC comes with a 45° isolation antenna. Achat Point d'accès WiFi Ubiquiti IsoStation AC IS-5AC (IS-5AC) sur LDLC.com, n°1 du high-tech. UBIQUITI-IS-5AC 5GHz IsoStation AC. ... Используя технологию airMAX ac, IsoStation 5AC поддерживает пропускную способность TCP/IP до 450 … Enhanced Co-Location The IsoStation 5AC uses horn antenna sectors designed for increasedco-location performance without sacrificing gain. PoE Adapters power Ubiquiti® products that support passive PoE. Ubiquiti Networks launches the second generation of airMAX ac CPE (Customer Premises Equipment) with dedicated Wi-Fi management, the IsoStation™ 5AC. IsoStation AC может обеспечить пропускную способность до рекордных 450 и более Мбит/с, а модель IsoStation 5AC более 100 Мбит/с. Ubiquiti IS-5AC Isostation Shielded airmAX ac Radio CPE With a die-cast aluminum base and interchangeable antenna, the IsoStation is available in two models and brings increased performance to your network using technology that isolates beam communications between your devices. Symmetrical horn antennas (30° and 45°, the default) are ideal for cluster sector installations with high co-location requirements. Improved Noise Immunity The IsoStation 5AC provides high isolation solutions in fixed beamwidth increments through interchangeable horn antennas that have been optimized for an urban environment. Asymmetrical Antennas This feature is especially important in an increasingly congested RF environment. Ubiquiti Polska - Polityka plików cookies, Pobierz plik CSV ze swoimi danymi osobowymi oraz z zaakceptowanymi warunkami, Szafy 19" SZB IT do samodzielnego montażu, UBIQUITI ISOSTATION 5AC IS-5AC, 25DBM, 14DBI. The IsoStation 5AC provides high isolation solutions in fixed beamwidth increments through interchangeable horn antennas that have been optimized for an urban environment. Ubiquiti IsoStation 5AC — Радиомост на расстояние 100 и более километров. They offer best front-to-back ratio in the industry andthe lowest side lobe radiation. IsoStation, 5GHz airMAX AC CPE Radio with speeds up to 450+Mbps, 14dBi gain interchangeable Isolation Antenna horn (default 45 degrees), all-metal shielded radio base; 5km range; v8 airOS with airMAX processor & airMagic; dedicated WiFi radio for management with quick setup via UMobile App. Modular Design Asymmetrical horn antennas (60° and90° versions) are designed to have attenuated side lobes and extremely low back radiation. Pracuje w paśmie 5 GHz, wykorzystuje standard AC i oferuje nawet do 450 Mb/s przepustowości. Horn Antenna Options Utilizando la tecnología airMAX ac, la IsoStation 5AC admite un rendimiento TCP / IP real de hasta 450 Mbps. Not responsible for typographical or illustrative errors. Scalability High capacity and scalability. Point d'accès/CPE extérieur Wi-Fi AC 5 GHz PoE avec antenne intégrée. Dit access point is immuun voor deze signalen, waardoor u verzekerd bent van een stabiele connectie. Pracuje w paśmie 5 GHz, oferuje maksymalnie 100 Mb/s realnej przepustowości. Jest przystosowane do wykorzystania jako urządzenie klienckie (CPE) w połączeniach typu punkt-wielopunkt lub do zestawienia połączeń punkt-punkt. Ubiquiti IsoStation IS-5AC, Radio con Antena de Corno 14 dBi The Ubiquiti IsoStation 5AC (IS-5AC) provides high isolation solutions in fixed beamwidth increments through interchangeable horn antennas that have been optimised for an urban environment. Unique beam performance and greatco-location characteristics allow for a higher density of sectors than traditional sector technology. 450+ Mbps; Interchangeable Isolation Antenna Horn ; All-Metal, Shielded Radio Base; airMAX Processor for Superior Performance Unlike standard Wi-Fi protocol, Ubiquiti’s Time Division MultipleAccess (TDMA) airMAX protocol allows each client to send and receive data using pre-designated timeslots scheduled by an intelligent AP controller. Long Distance Capable of high-speed, carrier-class links. Intelligent WISP Control Point with FiberProtect™. (MOQ-10). Ubiquiti IsoStation 5AC IS-5AC SKU: Ubiquiti IsoStation 5AC IS-5AC Categories: Isostation , UBIQUITI Brand: Ubiquiti . With flexible sectorisation for optional antenna beam widths, the horn antenna is interchangeable and improves beam‑shaping for specific deployment and environment needs. Ubiquiti IsoStation 5AC Key Features. Pracuje w paśmie 5 GHz, wykorzystuje standard AC i oferuje nawet do 450 Mb/s przepustowości. The IsoStation 5AC IS-5AC provides high isolation solutions in fixed beamwidth increments through interchangeable horn antennas that have been optimized for an urban environment. Compra Ubiquiti Networks IS-5AC - 5 GHz IsoStation AC. Ubiquiti Networks launches the second generation of airMAX ac CPE (Customer Premises Equipment) with dedicated Wi-Fi management, the IsoStation™ 5AC. The asymmetrical versions (60°and 90°) narrow the elevation pattern to increase gain where users need it. We offer three optional antennas with precise radiation angles for specific beamshaping, so you can customize the IsoStation5AC for your specific installation requirements:• 30°• 60°• 90°. IsoStation M5 to zintegrowane urządzenie bezprzewodowe firmy Ubiquiti. PoE Injector, 24 VDC, 24W, AF-5X, UniFi NVR Scalability The UniFi® NVR readily manages and records video from up to 50 cameras. Produkt wykorzystuje protokół airMAX TDMA,... UBIQUITI ISOSTATION M5 IS-M5, 24DBM, 14DBI. UBIQUITI-IS-5AC 5GHz IsoStation AC. Korzystając z naszej strony wyrażasz zgodę na wykorzystywanie przez nas plików cookies. They are compatible with RocketM5 models; however, optimal performance requires the Rocket5ac. Symmetrical horn antennas (30° and45° versions) offer break throughscalability options for wireless systems. De Ubiquiti IsoStation AC is de point-to-point oplossing voor drukke omgevingen met veel RF-signalen. Fiber Cable Assembly, Single Mode, 100 feet length. IsoStation 5AC to zintegrowane urządzenie bezprzewodowe firmy Ubiquiti. Asymmetrical horn antenna options (60° and 90°) have naturally attenuated side lobes and extremely low back radiation, and they offer industry-leading front-to-back ratio and low side lobe radiation. 4515 NW 72nd Ave. Miami Florida 33166, Solicitud de Cuenta de Cliente en español, IsoStation 5AC – IS-5AC Isolation Antenna, airMAX Processor for Superior Performance, 1 Gbps Using SFP or 10G Speeds Using SFP+, BiDi Models for Reuse of Existing Infrastructure. Shielded Ethernet cable and earth grounding must be used as conditions of product warranty. Может работать в режиме радиомоста, точки доступа, репитера. airMAX IsoStation 5AC | IS-5AC. Ideal as an airMAX ac CPE in crowded RF environments such as urban areas. IsoStation 5AC to zintegrowane urządzenie bezprzewodowe firmy Ubiquiti. SPEDIZIONE GRATUITA su ordini idonei Ubiquiti IsoStation 5AC – IS-5AC. The Ubiquiti IsoStation 5AC (IS-5AC) provides high isolation solutions in fixed beamwidth increments through interchangeable horn antennas that have been optimised for an urban environment.The tailored antenna radiation patterns spatially filters both in-band and out-of-band spurious RF emissions to increase the noise immunity of the IsoStation 5AC. Improved Noise Immunity The IsoStation 5AC provides high isolation solutions in fixed beamwidth increments through interchangeable horn antennas that have been optimized for an urban environment. SYSCOM: IS-5AC-UBIQUITI-NETWORKS - IsoStation airMAX AC hasta 450 Mbps, 5 GHz (5150 - 5875 MHz) con antena sectorial simétrica de 45 grados de 14 dBi, inmunidad al ruido mejorada Ubiquiti IsoStation 5AC - IS-5AC The Ubiquiti IsoStation 5AC provides high isolation solutions in fixed beamwidth increments through interchangeable horn antennas that have been optimised for an urban environment. Buy the IsoStation 5AC Direct … US Version Ubiquiti Networks launches the latest generation of airMAX
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