structure of the national assembly of zambia

Committees in the provincial legislatures. When people are not satisfied with the decision of a High Court, they may take the matter further to the Supreme Court of Appeal. S/he may also give a ruling or make a rule on a matter for which there is no provision in the current parliamentary rules; regulating public access to meetings and ordering members of the public to leave the House, where necessary; censuring Members, ordering them to leave the House and even ordering the offending Member to leave the precincts of Parliament until they have decided what action to take against the Member. The site contains general information on the parliament, news, announcements, resources, and publications. In the NCOP there are two deputies, one permanent and one rotating. The responsibility of the Executive is to run the country and to make policy in the best interests of its citizens and in terms of the Constitution. candidate for a National Assembly seat if the person— (a) is not a member of a political party and has not been a member of a political party for at least two months immediately before the date of the election; and 16 No. The legislature drafts and passes national laws in the form of bills. One represents the majority party and the other is from the largest minority party. The election of the Speaker is the first business that a new Assembly transacts at its first meeting. to assign any of its legislative powers to a Municipal Council in that province. WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL PSMD WEBSITE. So if a party wins half the votes it will hold half the seats in the National Assembly. Zambia - Zambia - Government and society: Zambia’s initial constitution was abandoned in August 1973 when it became a one-party state. His/her primary functions are, Leader of Government Business (Leader of the House). Office bearers of legislative institutions. The Clerk is the Chief Executive of the National Assembly and the following are the departments under the office of the Clerk. National Assembly; 150 members elected by universal suffrage, serving a five-year term; the president can appoint eight further members, Last presidential and legislative elections held on September 20th 2011; next presidential and legislative elections due in September 2016, President, elected by universal suffrage for a term of five years, The Patriotic Front (PF) is the ruling party and holds the largest number of seats in parliament; the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) is the largest opposition party; no single party holds a parliamentary majority; the other parties in the National Assembly are the United Party for National Development (UPND), the Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) and the Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD), Commerce, trade & industry: Emmanuel Chenda, Community development & mother & child health: Joseph Katema, Education, science & vocational training: John Phiri, Finance & national planning: Alexander Chikwanda, Information & broadcasting: Kennedy Sakeni, Lands, natural resources & environmental protection: Wilbur Simuusa, Local government & housing: Emmerine Kabanshi, Mines, energy & water development: Christopher Yaluma, Transport, works, supply & communications: Yamfwa Mukanga. Members of the National Assembly (Zambia)‎ (3 C, 122 P) Pages in category "National Assembly of Zambia" This category contains only the following page. Premium content from before 2020 is now available for everyone! Zambia is taking on an extra US$1.5bn debt in a pre-election mining deal that will anger its creditors and the IMF. Regional courts are higher in rank which means that they hear more serious cases than the District Magistrate Courts and may impose heavier sentences. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF ZAMBIA REQUEST FOR PICTURES OF FORMER MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL/MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT. Like the national portfolio committees, they shadow the area of responsibilities of Member of Executive Council (MECs) - but unlike the national committees, there is not always one committee per MEC or government department/ issue. A provincial legislature may recommend to the National Assembly legislation concerning, This information was compiled with the support of the European Union Parliamentary Support Programme (EUPSP). Legislative Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. The legislative authority of provinces as vested in provincial Legislatures gives them the power. If the President is out of the country or unable to perform his/her duties, the following people, in order of priority, are required to serve as acting President: The President appoints the Deputy President from amongst the Members of the National Assembly and may also dismiss her/him. These laws are only effective for that particular province. the Chairperson of Committees and his/ her Deputy. The other parties have Senior Whips assisted by a number of other whips. 2021 Budget Address By Honourable Dr. Bwalya K.E. Basic information such as the official name of parliament and details of its structure and leadership. Magistrates’ courts and other courts may decide on any matter determined by an Act of Parliament, but may not enquire into or decide about the constitutionality of any legislation or any conduct of the President. The Executive in each province is called the Executive Council and is headed by the Premier. They cease to exist once they have completed their mandates. The National Assembly is the House directly elected by the voters, while the National Council of Provinces is elected by the provinces and represents them to ensure that provincial interests are taken into account in the national sphere of government.. National Assembly The President is Head of State and head of the national Executive or Cabinet. to pass a constitution for the province, or amend any constitution passed by it (sections 142 and 143 of the Constitution); to pass legislation for the province with regard to any matters. The legislature also provides a forum in which the public can participate in issues and watch over the executive arm of government. Zambia is a unitary republican state with the Executive, Legislature and the Judiciary operating as autonomous organs of Government. National Assembly; 150 members elected by universal suffrage, serving a five-year term; the president can appoint eight further members They must also provide Parliament with regular and full reports about matters for which they are responsible. providing a national forum for public consideration of issues affecting the provinces. The UPND Constitution, even before this year’s General Assembly, already provided for the election of members to the National Management Committee under Article 52 and 60. But unlike the National Assembly committees, there is not always one committee per government department/portfolio but a cluster. Parliament has two Houses: the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces (NCOP). Official name. Appointments as acting President are not included in this period. The national legislative authority, as vested in Parliament, gives the National Assembly the power. National Assembly of Zambia From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Ministers and MECs do meet informally, however, in what is known as MINMEC. Output could fall in 2021, despite the price boom, owing to concerns about a weaker business climate and power issues. Once a President has been removed from office, the National Assembly must elect a new President within thirty days of the vacancy occurring. However the term "standing committee" is slowly being phased out. Judicial authority is vested in the courts, which are independent and subject to the laws of the Constitution. This means that candidates are appointed from party lists in proportion to the number of votes the party wins in the elections. For a bill to become law, the president has to approve and sign it. The National Council of Provinces represents the provinces to ensure that provincial interests are taken into account in the national sphere of government. The Judiciary Each is headed by the Premier (as one of the special delegates) or a substitute for him/her when the Premier is not available. appointing judges after consulting with the Judicial Services Commission; appointing the Public Protector, the Auditor-General and members of the various Commissions on the recommendation of Parliament; appointing the Military Command of the Defence Force; assenting to and signing Bills passed by Parliament so that they can become laws, or referring Bills back to the National Assembly or to the Constitutional Court if there are concerns over their constitutionality; calling special sittings of the Houses of Parliament; designating South Africa’s representatives abroad; declaring a "state of national defence" with the approval of Parliament. It also includes government departments and civil servants. These provincial departments deal only with those matters that provinces are allowed to control or those over which they share control with national government. Republic of Zambia. province Whips to organise the work of its delegation and, party Whips to organise its party business within the NCOP, Chief Whips (representing the majority party and largest minority party), the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson of Committees, and. The National Assembly of Zambia has 159 seats. The Leader of Government Business, in consultation with the Chief Whip of the majority party, plays a crucial role in deciding on the programme of the legislature and ensuring that government business is dealt with and properly synchronised. In addition to the nine provincial delegations, the NCOP includes a delegation of the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) whose ten non-voting representatives are chosen from a group of representatives from the nine Provincial local government associations. KwaZulu-Natal High Court (Pietermaritzburg), North West High Court, Mafikeng (Mmabatho) and, Polokwane Circuit Court of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. The Executive The newly formed MMD Some committees are permanent structures and are known as "standing committees" such as the Public Accounts Standing Committee. If the majority of the National Assembly Members passes a motion of no confidence in the President, not only the President but his Cabinet and the Deputy Ministers must also resign. According to the Constitution the minimum size of a Legislature is 30 members and the maximum size is 80 members. After two decades of single party rule, Zambia returned to multi-party elections in November 1991. Provincial legislatures also have committees. The Premier is elected by the Members of that Provincial Legislature (MPLs) from amongst themselves at the first sitting of that legislature after the election. The present fourteen provincial divisions of the High Court are situated in: Magistrates’ Courts are the usual entry point for the majority of people who go to court. Zambia gained independence in 1964, and Prime Minister Kenneth Kaunda, of the United National Independence Party (UNIP), became the first head of state. The National Assembly elects one of its Members to be President during the first sitting of the National Assembly. to prevent unreasonable action by a province that might be detrimental to the other provinces. The National Assembly of Zambia has since 2002 been implementing the Parliamentary Reform Programme to make the functions of the National Assembly more efficient by fulfilling its mandate, roles and functions effectively and to the satisfaction of the citizens. The Legislature The Chief Whip of the majority party, in consultation with the Chief Whip of the largest minority party, is responsible for the detailed arrangement of the legislative business, that is, the programme of the Legislature. Ng’andu, MP, Minister Of Finance, Delivered To The National Assembly On Friday, 25th September 2020 Speech For The Official Opening Of The Fifth Session Of The Twelfth National Assembly By His Excellency, Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President Of The Republic Of Zambia On Friday 11th September, 2020 On the other hand, a motion of no confidence in the President (that is, a proposal that s/he is not governing the country satisfactorily) requires only a majority vote (over 50% of all Members) by the National Assembly. If the majority of Members of the National Assembly passes a motion of no confidence in the Cabinet then the President must establish a new one. These ten legislatures function autonomously and co-operatively within the framework provided by the Constitution, particularly Section 3 which outlines the obligations of co-operative governance. Lusaka. S/he is also responsible for approving the budget of Committees in consultation with the Chairperson of Committees. Parliament: National Assembly The Speaker and Deputy Speaker are the Presiding Officers and they manage the National Assembly's affairs. Despite not being Members of the Cabinet, Deputy Ministers would have to resign along with the entire Cabinet if a motion of no confidence in the President was successful. Currently there are 26 portfolios. In South Africa the national legislature is Parliament and each of the nine provinces also has a legislature. Each province has ten delegates, no matter how big or small the province, thus guaranteeing a balance of interests among the provinces. Speaker of the National Assembly of Zambia, Right Honourable Mr Justice Dr Patrick Matibini, SC., BA, FCIArb, MP has expressed sincere condolences and deepest sympathy to the fam. Some permanent committees have members from both the National Assembly and the NCOP, which are called "joint" standing Committees such as the Joint Standing Committee on Defence. A provincial legislature is responsible for passing the laws for its province as defined in the Constitution. The National Assembly of Zambia is the official website for the government of Zambia. As head of the national Executive, the President is also the Commander-in-Chief of the defence force. It does this by: Members of the National Assembly can change the government by passing a vote of no confidence in the President and/or the Cabinet. The Supreme Court of Appeal is located in Bloemfontein. If the Presidency is empty, then the Chief Justice must set a date within 30 days in which the position will be filled. Unitary republic. National Assembly: Structure of parliament: Unicameral: LEGAL FRAMEWORK: Electoral Law: 15 December 2004 Last amendment: 5 January 2016 (Act No. The Ministry and a Department, headed by a Director-General, assist the Minister in developing and implementing policy and laws. In 1996 the government enacted constitutional amendments that barred foreign nationals and those with foreign parentage from … The National Assembly may remove the Speaker or Deputy Speaker from office by resolution. Zambia's manufacturing industry. The Chief Whips are formally appointed by the Speaker, based on the recommendations of the respective political parties. Share. Once elected as President, the President ceases to be a Member of Parliament and must be sworn into office within five days. Africa's poorest and most challenging countries will be firmly at the back of the queue for access to vaccines. (Two Ministers may be appointed from outside the National Assembly.). Much of the work of legislatures is delegated to Committees. Legislative authority is vested nationally in Parliament (section 44 of the Constitution). The Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry (MCTI) is Zambia’s principal Government body responsible for administering national policy for private sector development. presiding over meetings in the House and taking charge of debates, making sure that Members can participate freely while keeping to the rules; interpreting the rules. There are two kinds of magistrate courts: regional courts and district courts. Based on the 1996 constitution. At the same time whips represent their party's interests and ensure the discipline of their members and the effective functioning of their party, both within the legislature as well as within the organisation. Parliament may intervene and change these laws if they undermine national security, economic unity, national standards or the interests of another province. Like Parliament, provincial legislatures have the responsibility of calling their Members of their Executive to account for their actions. 2021 Budget Address By Honourable Dr. Bwalya K.E. The Division is an institution of the Government of the Republic of Zambia under the Office of the President that is charged with the overall responsibility of Human Resource Management in the Public Service. The National Assembly has 150 elected members and not more than ten (usually eight) nominated members. to consider any legislation passed by the National Assembly (section 75). Each province has a High Court which is usually situated in the capital. National Assembly (Zambia) National Assembly is the official name for the legislative branch of the African country of Zambia. National Assembly of Zambia. MECs are accountable to their Premiers. While Deputy Ministers are not Members of the Cabinet, they are required to assist the relevant Ministers in the execution of their duties. to pass on any of its legislative powers to any legislature in the other spheres of government (except the power to amend the Constitution). The much debated Constituent Assembly should not be reduced to a Lusaka affair. The President assigns particular powers and functions to the Deputy President who must assist the President in the running of government (section 91 of the Constitution). Zambia. There may be up to ten MECs in each province. At the time of Zambia’s Independence in 1964, Parliament was housed in inadequate and unsuitable premises behind the Government’s Central Offices in Lusaka, commonly known as the Secretariat Area. The Head of the Constitutional Court (Chief Justice) presides over the President’s election or designates another judge to do so. A person may serve as President for no more than two terms. Ministers are accountable to the National Assembly for their actions and for those of their departments and they must act according to government policy. There are various other courts which are located at varying levels in the court hierarchy: The term "legislature" means a body of elected representatives that makes laws. For example the Joint Standing Committee on Defence will shortly be renamed the Joint Committee on Security Matters. The disputes may concern, The Supreme Court of Appeal is the highest court of appeal except in constitutional matters, and may hear only. Zambia's copper production rose in 2020, despite disputes, Glencore sells Mopani copper mine to Zambian state, Africa faces major obstacles to accessing Covid vaccines. issues can be debated in more detail than is possible in a full sittings of the House; public hearings can be held on specific matters; Members assigned to a Committee can develop expertise and in-depth knowledge of the field covered by that Committee; and. The Leader of Government Business is appointed by the President from the Cabinet, s/he is responsible for organising and synchronising the legislative work programme with government business. Here, too, the NCOP is responsible for monitoring such an intervention. The Executive is headed by the President of the country, the Legislature by the Speaker of the National Assembly while the Judiciary is headed by the Chief Justice. the leader of the largest opposition party who is recognised as being the official. They may hear some constitutional matters - with the exception of those matters that only the Constitutional Court may decide. The Public Service Management Division (PSMD) welcomes you to its official Website. The Presiding Officers together with the Chief Whips and Leader of Government Business decide on the programme for Parliament. Other articles where National Assembly is discussed: Zambia: Constitutional framework: …of the legislature, called the National Assembly, the president also appoints a Cabinet that consists of ministers, deputy ministers, and provincial deputy ministers. There is still no formal structure to facilitate intergovernmental relations between the national and provincial executive. (The exception is the Western Cape whose provincial Constitution allows for the additional appointment of up to two non-voting MECs from outside the Legislature.). Whips contribute to the smooth running of a legislature. This … Zambia – formerly the territory of Northern Rhodesia - was administered by the British South Africa Company from 1891 until it was taken over by the UK in 1923. Agriculture, Land Reform & Rural Development, Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Public Service and Administration, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities. South Africa has a bicameral Parliament (two Houses) supported by a joint administration. The National Assembly is elected to represent the people and to ensure government by the people under the Constitution. There are a number of provisions (outlined in section 100 of the Constitution) that ensure that national supervision of a provincial administration is strictly monitored by the NCOP.

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