Use a word or phrase and mix it with shortcuts, nicknames, and acronyms. If you must use a single word, misspell it as best as you can or insert numbers for letters. Spell. noun. noun. Json.NET Documentation. Before looking at some examples, let's first examine what diction is. A choice to use poetic language in writing is an example of diction. Use a phrase and mix it up with acronyms, nicknames, and shortcuts Diction refers to the words and phrases an individual chooses to use in speech or in writing. Style includes diction and tone. Diction is word choice. More importantly her existence made me, as a young girl, feel like maybe I could grow up to be the same. See more. (noun) Dictionary ! Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. To treat as an object of great importance. Salts much have high solubility in the solvent to act as strong … Why we love it: This is an excellent example of a short, concise bio — a perfect snippet for journalists, bloggers, or event coordinators who need to grab Tiffany’s bio for their article or programming. Diction definition is - vocal expression : enunciation. 'That's what I mean. Learning Outcomes. 97 examples: Building on that strong base, she then addresses larger conceptual questions… Broaden-Strong Verb . Write. Strong Electrolyte Examples . She can hardly walk without holding on to something.' Strong-willed and gifted, Hild grows up to become one of the most powerful women in seventh-century Britain: Saint Hilda of Whitby. Diction definition, style of speaking or writing as dependent upon choice of words: good diction. A strong hacker will have a dictionary-based system that cracks this type of password. Counting or numbering. Find 352 ways to say strong, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Douglas Adams takes this approach to exposition, for example, in his quirky, comedy sci-fi classic, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (1979). ‘If you have a strong constitution, you can sample the two hilarious Intel ads here.’ ‘I had a good, strong and very robust constitution, perfectly able to take its nourishment from a vegetable source.’ ‘His body, too strong to surrender easily or quickly, gave up the fight for life slowly and reluctantly.’ ‘You can get sucked into one very easily if your not strong enough to sta Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. sample strong endings Chart (BLM 5) 2. The Strong's Exhaustive Concordance is the most complete, easy-to-use, and understandable concordance for studying the original languages of the Bible. This work, although prepared as a companion to the Exhaustive Concordance, … Searching for king David shows also Solomon From the Book (Hebrew Dict) Found in "A CONCISE DICTIONARY OF THE WORDS IN THE HEBREW BIBLE; WITH THERE RENDERINGS IN THE AUTHORIZED ENGLISH VERSION." extend in scope or range or area. Degree of clarity and distinctness of pronunciation in speech or singing; enunciation. Did You Know? Fear not, creating strong and secure passwords is not impossible. Diction. Definition of strong adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Demonizes-Strong Verb. How to use diction in a sentence. Lionizes-Strong Verb. Economically or financially sound or thriving. 8. Wendy Heard. 17. position: base, foundation, position, reputation, tradition Considerable on-going investment would be required to maintain the company’s strong market position in the future. She was right there with her.' Some tools add common … (adjective) A strong economy. Combining the text of the King James Version and New American Standard Bibles with the power of the Greek and Hebrew Lexicons, any student or pastor can gain a clear understanding of the Word to enrich their study. The Dictionary class is a generic collection and provides all common methods to add, remove, find and replace items in the collection. BrittanyKuzmich33. 6. 9. Learn more. PLAY. This sample serializes a dictionary to JSON. While a vision statement might contain references to how the company intends to make that future into a reality, the "how" is really part of a mission statement . 2. Switching styles can distract the reader and diminish the believability of the paper’s argument. Test. Strong password tips and examples. The main goal in considering style is to present your information in a manner appropriate for both the audience and the purpose of the writing. The Add method adds an item to the Dictionary collection in form of a key and a value. Rehearse Practice Writing strong endings Invite students to work in small groups to discuss each ending and decide whether they think it’s a good ending or not. to represent as evil. There are two … 4. What does strong expression mean? Princeton economics professor Burton G. Malkiel coined the term in his 1973 book A Random Walk Down Wall Street. Strong-form efficiency is the opposite of weak form efficiency. Manner of expression in words; choice of words; wording. 8. Json.NET Documentation Strong Verbs, Diction, Tone. Strong verb examples include: cultivate, lecture, revive, and zoom. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell She is strong, smart, and knows what she wants. STUDY. Another word for strong: powerful, muscular, tough, capable, athletic | Collins English Thesaurus 'Don't tell me. What does strong mean? Add Items . Strong-form efficiency is a component of the random walk theory and states that market and securities prices are not random and are influenced by past events. Gravity. Match. strong definition: 1. powerful; having or using great force or control: 2. effective; of a good quality or level and…. C# Dictionary: It Is What?You Think It?Is (Probably) Most of?us are familiar with the concept of a dictionary, probably. Can't walk, but I seen her pick up the rocker with one hand.' relationship: connection, link, partnership, relationship There are strong connections with other departments working in the same area. Informal diction often includes slang, while formal diction almost never does. Diction and Audience "Diction will be effective only when the words you choose are appropriate for the audience and purpose, when they convey your message accurately and comfortably.The idea of comfort may seem out of place in connection with diction, but, in fact, words can sometimes cause the reader to feel uncomfortable. Ask Denver. Menu ... this is an example of proper diction. 0. Wendy Heard is an author of thrillers for both adults and teens, including The Kill Club and her upcoming YA debut, She’s Too Pretty to Burn. HTML / Learn How Fonts And Web Typography Work In HTML: A Beginner's Guide / Proper Use Of The Strong Element In HTML (Plus Code Example) Proper Use Of The Strong Element In HTML (Plus Code Example) In HTML Tags. A super-strong password is more resistant to guessing, so it's unlikely to be found in a brute force dictionary hack. Learn more. Learn. For example search for "David". This shows also other relevant entries. Often, strong exposition begins with the seemingly ordinary and the bizarre and wonderful encroaches, little by little. Hackers and computer intruders use automated software to submit hundreds of guesses per minute to user accounts and attempt to gain access. Terms in this set (50) Enumerates-Strong Verb. Challenge groups to choose their favorite type of ending and write a new ending. C# Dictionary Methods. Examples of Bad Passwords . What does diction mean? noun. Strong definition, having, showing, or able to exert great bodily or muscular power; physically vigorous or robust: a strong boy. 2. See more. Ask them to jot down their ideas on the BLM. 0. Flashcards. BY JAMES STRONG, S.T.D., LL.D. Examples of strong base in a sentence, how to use it. What does strong expression mean? Using shortcuts, abbreviations, upper and lower case letters provide easy to remember but secure passwords. 'You didn't.' Here are examples of writings wherein formal diction is expected: Presentations; Press releases; Essays; Dissertations; Business communications; On the other hand, informal (aka vernacular) diction is used in a more relaxed, unguarded situation, such as writing to a friend, wherein colloquial, non-literary and slang words are fine to use. strong phrase. Formal Diction in Poetry. Strong definition: Someone who is strong is healthy with good muscles and can move or carry heavy things, or... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Definition of strong in the Idioms Dictionary. Created by. 0. Choice and use of words in speech or writing. Disclosure: Your support helps keep the site running! If you want to know the definition of a word, you pull out your dictionary (a large book with words and definitions in it), look up the word alphabetically, and viola, there is the definition and proper spelling of the word! How Does Strong-Form Efficiency Work? We earn a referral fee for some of the services we recommend on this page. These tools use lists of dictionary words to guess the password sequentially. Informal diction is used when addressing a familiar audience, such as in personal emails or other documents with a conversational or entertaining tone. Strong acids, strong bases, and ionic salts that are not weak acids or bases are strong electrolytes. Best Examples of Strong Company Vision Statements A vision statement for a company or organization focuses on the potential inherent in the company's future; it’s about what they intend to be. Formal Diction Examples in Poetry Purpose of Diction. Formal diction, also known as high diction, has impersonal, dignified and elevated language. 'She's not strong. Exacerbate-Strong Verb. Consistency is vital. Combined with the strong password basics outlined in this article, here are some tips and examples for creating passwords that will help keep your account safe: 1.
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