The cathedral and the college are named after Saint Mél of Ardagh . St. Mel's Roman Catholic Church in Flushing, New York invites all generations, nationalities and cultures to be part of our faith community. 2020: 4-15pm- 6-45pm: ... St Mel’s College Exams Schedule 2020/2021 . Hunter Slim Grey School Pant (Secondary) € 32.00 – € 34.00 Select options; Hunter Skinny Grey School Pant (Secondary) € 36.00 Select options; St Mel’s College Knit Jumper € 42.00 – € 56.00 Select options; Russell Grey School Pants (Secondary) € 30.00 – € 34.00 Select options; St Mel’s College School … Get in touch with us.. St. Michael's Boys' National School, St. Mel's Road, Longford, Co. Longford, Ireland. School open for all students except TY who start on Monday Sept 7th 2020. Saint Mels is a Primary Public School in the region of Longford. Christmas . St. Mel’s College, Longford is a Roman Catholic Voluntary secondary school for male students only, under the trusteeship of the Bishop of Ardagh and Clonmacnoise. Tuesday 1st December. This is the one thousand and eight hundred and fourty seventh Public School in the district and it's on twenty first ranking position in the county counted by number of learners. 244 talking about this. ... St. Mel's College, Longford… Call 043 334 5536 or Email: St. Mel School was founded in 1959 by the Sisters of Mercy who had a vision where children are educated in heart and mind, formed to be men and women of faith, learning, virtue, and service to others.. St. Mel’s is a Catholic Diocesan College in Longford Town Phone: 043 3346469 Longford Co. Longford ,Longford N39XP92 Post Primary School Roll number: 63750B e: w: Check out their facebook! The school shares its name with St Mel's Cathedral in Longford and it is situated to the rear of the cathedral. Proud since 1853 Saint Michael's BNS is the oldest school in Longford town with a proud tradition in the education of boys from our parish and the town of Longford since 1853. Welcome to St. Mel Catholic School! All students are expected to attend school wearing the full uniform properly and to be neat and tidy in appearance. 2010 St Mel’s College welcomed the parishioners of Longford following the fire on Christmas Day 2009 in St. Mel’s Cathedral. Principal: Declan Rowley Enrolment: Boys: 548 (2019/20) Ethos: Catholic Catchment: Longford-Newtownforbes Fees: No St. Mel's College. 2013 Former pupil and present teacher Declan Rowley is appointed as Principal of the school. School Uniform The uniform of St. Mel’s College is very much part of our identity as a community and it reflects the personal attitude of the student towards himself and his school community. It is that vision that lives on today! St. Mel’s college, while was previously a boarding school now caters for day pupils only from Longford town and surrounding areas. 115 talking about this. School Self Evaluation -2016-2020; Admission and Enrolment Policy 2020/2021; Department of Education Inspection Reports; German Inspection Report; Science & Biology Inspection Report; School Uniform; Student Support Services; Facilities; FAQ; Downloads. St. Mel’s is a Catholic Diocesan College in Longford Town St Mel's was originally a boarding school since its foundation, later becoming a day school.
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