slim quotes chapter 3

Asked by avery m #344095 on 11/4/2013 1:18 PM Last updated by Sahith M #1026857 on 11/20/2020 1:35 AM Answers 4 Add Yours. While struggling to eke a living as farm hands, these lonely men are left to their devices when dealing with a host of other issues, among which is mental illness. slim went on "i think yuo got your han' caught in a machine if you dont tell nobody what happened we ain't going to.but you jus' tell an' … In turn George finds another guy with similar intellect and sense of life. "Curley was flopping like a fish on a line", Matches with the fact that Lennie is described as a bear. Analysis. As chapter three begins, we find George and Slim in the bunkhouse, discussing Lennie and the new puppy that Slim has given him. Perhaps it is Steinbeck hinting to his readers that Lennie's aunt Clara was not particularly nice, just as being a brothel owner, no matter how much the boys compliment "Old Suzy's place", holds connotations of a person being 'not particularly nice'. 1. Of Mice and Men – Chapter 3 quotes. Slim is introduced slowly, which is different to the other characters; who the reader is mainly acquainted with very quickly. 6 terms. Curley is supposed to tell people his hand was mangled in a machine accident. When he first comes into the bunkhouse, he moves "with a majesty achieved only by royalty and master craftsmen. This need is a symptom of a deeply troubled nature of a man who was not taken care of properly early in life and whose mental challenges have been neglected. Slim, Curley, Carlson and Whit come into the bunkhouse. We know this when Curley says ‘where the hells slim’. Carlson believes that an old, useless animal should be killed. George's aunts name (Clara) and this Clara from the bar could be the same for a reason. At the beginning of Chapter 3 George and Slim are in the bunk house talking to each other about Lennie. Add Yours. Instantly the table was brilliant with light", Slim brings goodness. "George's voice was taking on the tone of confession". Steinbeck uses foreshadowing (a warning or hint to a future event) here to show how George will eventually kill Lennie at the end of the novel: in the back of the head so he will not feel it. That's all they both really want. Here shows that Carlson has no empathy or emotion, and is oblivious to others feelings. Slim is the most respected character on the ranch, despite not actually being in charge (although he is in charge of one of the grain teams). I was jus' foolin', Lennie. What is George thanking Slim for in the beginning of this chapter?2. We are given some foreshadowing in this chapter of what will happen at the end with three incidents: the story of how Lennie was nearly lynched in Weed, the incident with Candy's dog and how Carlson kills him, and the fight in which we find out how strong Lennie is when he crushes Curley's hand. "Jesus," he said. 2. Answers 3. They threaten Curley, telling him that if he tells anyone how his hand really got broken, they would tell everyone how it really happened and Curley would be a laughingstock. When George first meets Slim, George tells him about Lennie's troubles in Weed. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. "Slim looked through George and beyond him" ""His ear heard more than was said to him" "understanding beyond thought" Slim has deep understanding "His authority was so great that his word was taken on any subject, be it politics or love" Because Slim already … ", Lennie is described as George's "Terrier" early on, "Candy joined the [verbal] attack [on Curly] with joy". Candy takes interest in this and offers to contribute his money so they can all get the farm together, to which George reluctantly agrees. At dusk, George and Slim enter the bunkhouse after a day of work. Slim comments that even though Lennie is not intelligent, it doesn't matter because he is a hard worker and kind. The word ‘silence’ is used 3 times to describe the atmosphere of the room leading up to the moment the dog is shot. One eye was shot. Crooks says that Lennie is in the barn petting the puppies too much. Additionally, he points out just how strong and important the human need for touch and closeness is. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Here he contradicts that earlier message, possibly to unite himself with the other ranch hands. 4. Because Slim already works at … What can you cite to defend Slim's actions in Chapter 2?7. Don't let him do it.' Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Chapter 3 Friendship. Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. 's' : ''}}. He lay with one leg bent beneath him, his jaw in his throat, his face neither expressive nor inexpressive. succeed. This was Slim, the jerkline skinner.”. Slim is an interesting character in the novel, ‘Of Mice and Men’. George says, 'I socked him over the head with a fence picket to make him let go. In the first two chapters, George is depicted as a tight-lipped man who doesn't like to talk much about Lennie and himself. Important Quotes; Of Mice and Men Chapter 3 Analysis (pages 38-65) by John Steinbeck Slim’s giving Lennie a pet puppy shows Slim’s caring nature, yet since it’s already been illustrated that Lennie has a history of killing his pet mice, the likelihood that Lennie’s dog will meet a similar fate is high. Parent topic: Of Mice and Men. We also learn more about George and Lennie's experience in Weed and how Lennie was accused of rape, ending in them having to run from the town. This is an allusion to the way people who were old and ''useless'' were perceived to be a burden to society, with nobody to care for them—just like these migrant workers. It really highlight the almost father-son relationship between George and Lennie. Chapter 1 ... Chapter 3 Slim. All rights reserved. Word Count: 1649. "I wrote a letter. 3. He damn near drowned before we could get him. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree. Carlson pointing "with his toe" highlights how insensitive he is. Create your account. What does he say he would do in a similar situation? This dichotomy points out the fact that Lenny is a vulnerable man who was probably ostracized by other people, owing to his mental illness, however inconspicuous it was. In fact, when the boss asks about their relationship, George lies and says Lennie is his cousin. The struggle between Carlson and Candy continues, with Carlson insisting that Candy euthanize his old dog. Slim. Curley has accused Slim of eying his wife, a charge which Slim … The three are very excited now at the prospect that in one month they can have their dream. It speaks of the need for love and affection that even the biggest and physically strongest people have. 60 lessons Slim responds by commenting that Lennie isn’t bright but that he’s shown great strength in bucking barley on the ranch. – John Steinbeck. Slim Quotes. | 2 Log in here for access. Topic Tracking: Dreams 3 Topic Tracking: Friendship 5. TK Waters has a bachelor's degree in literature and religious studies and a master's degree in religious studies and teaches Hebrew Bible at Western Kentucky University. What did Lenny's aunt give Lenny to keep in his pocket as a way to calm him down? Words: 673, Paragraphs: 6, Pages: 3. Slim sat down on a box and George took his place opposite. "(pg.130) As a consequence, he becomes an unpredictable source of trouble and danger for George, his only companion who is just as lonely and isolated. Badly shaken and in pain, Curley agrees not to tell. This quotation illustrates Candy’s remorse over allowing someone who did not care about his dog to end its life. Minorities, Marginalization, and Scapegoating. He thinks she is in the men's mess room. rozholl16. An error occurred trying to load this video. Slim had not moved. George begins to realise that, perhaps, they really could buy the plot of land. . In chapter 3, Slim asks George about his relationship with Lennie, in what Steinbeck describes as a "calm invitation to confidence." Slim, Chapter 2. Slim. Our tactile sense is an important survival mechanism and this interesting detail is evidenced by the way we hold babies and touch small children with affection. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 3. To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. #2: “Lennie—if you jus’ happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here an’ hide in the brush… Hide in the brush till I come for you.” #3: “It ain’t so funny, him an’ me goin’ aroun’ together,” George said at last. Chapter 1: The Things They Carried. What is Carlson's reaction to this attachment? "The things they carried were largely determined by necessity." Of Mice and Men - Chapter 5 quotes. George says he knew Lennie's aunt, and after she died, Lennie started following him wherever he went. Answered by Aslan 6 years ago 10/11/2014 10:44 AM. Of Mice and Men Chapter 3. Sure, he remembers doing the normal day-to-day stuff like going to school and eating dinner, but he wouldn't be able to tell you anything about those things. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 3. It’s just the talking. He tries to sneak it into the bunk house under his jacket one time, but George forces him to return it to its mother in the barn. He knew to consult George and knew that he killed him for Lennie’s best interest.This shows that Slim is very content, caring, and wise. Some of the men are outside playing horseshoes, but George and Slim are inside. It foreshadows the decision George will have to make in the final chapter of the book. Types of Hybrid Learning Models During Covid-19, Creating Routines & Schedules for Your Child's Pandemic Learning Experience, How to Make the Hybrid Learning Model Effective for Your Child, Distance Learning Considerations for English Language Learner (ELL) Students, Blunt Force Trauma: Definition, Symptoms & Examples, Why Were Medieval Castles Built? The best quotes from Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck - organized by theme, including book location and character - with an explanation to help you understand! The men are shocked by Lennie's strength and Curley's now-mangled hand and realize they need to get him to a doctor. -they then meet Slim, the jerkline skinner who talks about new puppies at the ranch-quotes which describe the bunk house ... Chapter 3 quotes. We discover about Slim’s many qualities such as his ability to bring out the secrets of others from them. George's confidence may have been boosted by the fact that Lennie is less intelligent. In chapter three, we learn about Lennie's past and how George used to play tricks on him, but stopped after he jumped in the Sacramento River and almost drowned. -‘he jus’ wanted to touch that red dress’-‘Curley was flopping like a fish on a line’ (the same simile was used to describe the killing of … 'Cause I want you to stay with me." Slim sighed, “Well I guess we got to get him” “Maybe ever’body in the whole damn world is scared of each other.” Curley He’s alla time picking scraps with big guys. 15. I shouldn't ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog.'. George will write to the people who own the farm and tell them they'll take it. Do you think he has good reason to assume this? Of Mice and Men - Chapter 5 quotes. A reflection of what happens to people when they outlive their usefulness in this harsh society. He was a jerk-line skinner, the prince of the ranch, capable of driving ten, sixteen, even twenty mules with a single line to the leaders." Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck. 5. Lennie is concerned that George will be too mad at him to let him tend the rabbits, but George tells him it was not his fault. Tension is created in chapter 3 building up to the moment Candy’s dog is shot with the repeated use of silence. - Description & Quotes, The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe Study Guide, Common Core ELA - Literature Grades 11-12: Standards, Praxis English Language Arts - Content & Analysis (5039): Practice & Study Guide, Common Core ELA Grade 8 - Language: Standards, College English Composition: Help and Review, 9th Grade English: Homework Help Resource, SAT Subject Test Literature: Tutoring Solution, Common Core ELA Grade 7 - Literature: Standards, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Study Guide, Create an account to start this course today. Slim becomes somebody that George can confide in. Of Mice and Men Quotes Chapter 3. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Of Mice and Men and what it means. Steinbeck contrasts the unique relationship between George and Lennie with the lonely lives of the other workers. Chapter 3. Already registered? All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. The action of the novel revolves around the main character Lenny Small, who despite being a strong, corpulent man, has an overwhelming need to touch soft surfaces such as a piece of cloth, rabbit fur, or even human hair. Chapter Quotes. Slim is described always in terms of dignity and majesty. Slim is a very likable character in Of Mice and Men who everyone on the ranch seems to respect. Slim went over to Curley’s wife to see if she was alright, he cared for her, even more than Curley did at the moment. Slim responds by commenting that Lennie isn’t bright but … We see a conflict between Curley and Slim in Chapter 3. No one will only see him for his disability or age, and he likes the thought of being self-reliant, instead of relying on the ranch for a home and income. He pointed with his toe. George senses in Slim a person of intelligence and empathy who will not be mean to Lennie, make fun of him, or take advantage of him. - Definition & Conversion, Stereotype Overview: Quiz & Worksheet for Kids, Quiz & Worksheet - Symbolism of Starbuck in Moby-Dick, Quiz & Worksheet - Business Globalization & Local Cultures, Quiz & Worksheet - Maria in Twelfth Night, Flashcards - Real Estate Marketing Basics, Flashcards - Promotional Marketing in Real Estate, Elementary School Math Worksheets & Printables, DSST Introduction to World Religions: Study Guide & Test Prep, AP World History - Ancient Civilizations: Homeschool Curriculum, Developmental Mechanisms for the MCAT: Help and Review, Quiz & Worksheet - Fetal Development in the First Trimester, Quiz & Worksheet - Types and Classifications of Crime, Quiz & Worksheet - The Arrest Process in the Justice System, Quiz & Worksheet - Regional Continuity Model of Human Origin, Quiz & Worksheet - The Equal Protection Clause, Perfect Competition in Economics & Adam Smith's 'Invisible Hand', Tech and Engineering - Questions & Answers, Health and Medicine - Questions & Answers. ” (2. Slim calls Crooks by his real name and does not use the racist slur. “There was a gravity in his manner and a quiet so profound that all talk stopped when he spoke, His authority was so great that his word was taken on any subject, be it politics or love. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Candy admits to George, 'I ought to of shot that dog myself, George. chapter 3 "well then listen." Answered by Aslan on 11/5/2013 12:44 AM Curley returns with Whit, Carlson and Slim. LitCharts Teacher Editions. As chapter three begins, we find George and Slim in the bunkhouse, discussing Lennie and the new puppy that Slim has given him. “But you jus’ tell an’ try to get this guy canned and we’ll tell ever’body, an’ then will you get the laugh.”. ‘Long as you won’t get out and leave me alone, you might as well set down.‘” #3: “George can tell you screwy things, and it don’t matter. 9 terms. But eventually, he lets Carlson take the dog out to kill him because he does not want to do it himself. How Long is the School Day in Homeschool Programs? "Slim turned on the... electric light. Don’t marry someone with intolerable characteristics in the hopes of changing him or her. Slim is introduced slowly, which is different to the other characters; who the reader is mainly acquainted with very quickly. Just a few pages ago, George was explaining that Lennie might not be smart but he's not crazy. rozholl16. Both George and Slim find kindred spirits in each other. He is an observer, rather than a participant in the action. #2: ″‘Come on in and set a while,’ Crooks said. An' he was so damn nice to me for pullin' him out. Chapter 3. Slim Quotes. It looks like your browser needs an update. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Lennie- "If you don' want me I can g off in the hills an' find a cave. The light of evening shines into the dark bunkhouse. Quotes tagged as "slim" Showing 1-21 of 21 “26. In what way is Lenny's unmet need a source of danger? 4. - Lesson for Kids, Green Management: Cost Effectiveness & Benefits, What Is a Meter? By using the word ‘hells’, it makes him sound more angry about finding Slim, making the reader feel more tense about what’s going to happen when he gets hold of Slim. 60. “Slim turned on the… electric light. Characters, settings, and key themes. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. Perhaps "with joy" indicates that Candy is happy to finally see Curley be put 'in his place'. We could live offa the fatta the lan'. Through the open door came the thuds and occasional clangs of a … They all agree not to tell anyone else. The next few weeks are all a blur for Sam. Most of the time, he hangs with Alicia. George's desire to speak demonstrates his craving for human interaction and friendship, something that Steinbeck presents as an important aspect of the American Dream. At the beginning of Chapter 3 George and Slim are in the bunk house talking to each other about Lennie. Lennie, back in the bunkhouse, asks George to tell him again about the farm they will get. "He's jes' like a kid, ... Chapter 3 Lennie Small. Steinbeck presents him as a god-like figure who has natural authority and contrasts dramatically with the Curley, for instance. Well, I ain't done nothing like that no more.' Answered by jill d #170087 on 11/12/2012 2:48 PM When she screamed, he was too scared to let go. Referencing to American Dream, even though it is hard and unexpected, if you stay hopeful, you will end up reaching your dream. rozholl16. He was so scairt he couldn't let go of that dress. 9 terms. Take a real smart guy and he ain’t hardly ever a nice fella.”. After George and Slim talk about Lennie's past, Carlson comes into the bunkhouse, again complaining about the odor and uselessness of Candy's dog. Halfway through the chapter Curley comes on the scene, looking for his wife. The description of Curley juxtaposes his violent actions, and in turn, reflects the cruel nature of those who had power in 1930s America. The fact that everyone is telling Curley exactly what they think of him, also shows how Curley does not have as much respect as he claims or views himself to have. Candy allows his dog to be put down for its own good, but regrets not killing it himself. He understands the politics around the farm and the sensitivities that exist between George and Lennie. Lennie, Chapter 3. Crooks calls Slim 'Mr Slim' because he is black and in the 1930's black people didn't have the same rights as whites. George to Slim, about Lennie. I'd put the gun right there.' Seems to me sometimes it jus’ works the other way around. ― John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men. For instance, while Curley wears “high-heeled boots” to make up for his short stature and remind the workers of his wealth and status, Candy explains pointedly that Slim “don’t need to wear no high-heeled boots on a grain team.” Summary. This could suggest to the reader that George used to be quite shallow. Oh no! She may have thought he wanted to rape her, which was far from truth. Answered by Aslan 3 years ago 6/7/2018 9:53 AM. In his novel Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck provides a poignant commentary on the difficult life of migrant workers in California in the 1930s. What does this need say about him and about people in general? Asked by johnny s #265447 on 11/12/2012 2:41 PM Last updated by Connor b #522567 on 4/25/2016 11:56 AM Answers 5 Add Yours.

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