However, it's fairly simple to counter by picking up early Sweeping Lenses and remembering to use them as you're beginning to engage. Cooldown: 8 seconds ∙ Cost: 65 mana ∙ Range: 625. A statistical breakdown of the Morgana vs Shaco matchup in the Bottom Lane. Shaco Support is different from playing Shaco Jungle, but the experience from playing Shaco Jungle is still helpful. It's good to ward your jungle (specially early game) as he can steal your buff and get away. Learn who Shaco wins or loses lanes against to accelerate your game sense. In Support, Shaco is strongest versus Janna and will win ~53.46% of games. Shaco Counter in Top Lane. If he uses his Deceive to enter fights, he won't be able to use it again for a while. Shaco build guides on MOBAFire. Build guides for Shaco on ProGuides. Shaco Item Stats. Shaco is also countered by Kalista , Garen and Kai'Sa Shaco is also countered by Kalista , Garen and Kai'Sa While you're looking at our Shaco … Shaco can be difficult to keep track of. Counter Information. Try turning and focusing him if possible. In this guide you will be showing how to counter her Shaco. Always keep an eye out for a puff of smoke in the fog of war - this means Shaco is nearby. Report. Sett Win Ratio 58.39% Counter Ashe Win Ratio 57.69% Counter Rakan Win Ratio 55.76% Counter League of Legends Premiere Shaco Strategy Builds and Tools. Be aware and ready for Shaco's ultimate, Hallucinate, which often confuses players. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Shaco build, runes & counters. Estadísticas de Campeones, popularidad, porcentajes de victoria, mejores objetos y hechizos recomendados. Shaco build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. Always try and only use your E when your Arcane Comet is up, otherwise you will be missing out on potential DMG that you could of done. This algorithm is able to determine the best summoner spells, item build order, skill order, runes reforged, rune stats, counters, and team mates. Shen Win Ratio 60.66% Counter Sett Win Ratio 59.17% Counter Anivia Win Ratio 58.82% Counter Sorcery + Domination. UNIQUE Passive - Torment: Spells burn enemies for 3 seconds, dealing bonus magic damage equal to 1.5% of their maximum Health per second. Counter picking is key to winning from champ select. Show all build pages. Shaco counter guide for Support. Find Shaco builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds, and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, and support in S10. The best Shaco players have a 58.41 % win rate with an average rank of Diamond II on the Shaco Leaderboard. This is a very tiring champion, since when it’s at stake you can’t put too much on the line, but you can win. Sett Win Ratio 58.39% Counter Ashe Win Ratio 57.69% Counter Rakan Win Ratio 55.76% Counter When the game starts, a few seconds before your buffs start try to get baron and dragon pit warded. Shaco can assassinate targets during the mid-game. Pick Rate 9.66% 1,667 Win Rate 52.43%. It's good to ward your jungle (specially early game) as he can steal your buff and get away. Vel'Koz Win Ratio 57.14% Counter Rell Win Ratio 56.69% Counter Sett Win Ratio 56.61% Counter It's usually a great idea to buy pink wards so that Shaco can't sneak in whereever he wants. Pick Rate 20.34% 3,511 Win Rate 52.26%. This. We've used our extensive database of League of Legends stats along with proprietary algorithms to calculate the most optimal build for Shaco. In Support, Shaco is weakest versus Aphelios and will lose ~81.72% of games. Passive: Shaco's auto-attacks slow enemies for 2 seconds when this ability is off cooldown. Shaco jungle is a strong counter to Xin Zhao, Amumu & Master Yi while Shaco is countered most by Karthus, Udyr & Vi. Submitted By chanhien. But here I will teach you how to win Shaco by recommending some champions and giving you some tips, to destroy Shaco. 348. We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, … These are items we saw in Shaco players' builds at the end of the game. If he can't score kills early he'll be useless in team fights. Counterjungling his Red buff or Blue buff can greatly limit his early gank potential. Find the best way to counter Shaco by learning all the counter tips and having the best matchup against the champion. Shaco. Shaco Counters. This is a favored route by any shaco player to invade your jungle after they finish their camp. Shaco is a response to Nautilus, Thresh, and Leona players looking to pubstomp the lane. Power Spikes. 48 % This algorithm is able to determine the best summoner spells, item build order, skill order, runes reforged, rune stats, counters, and team mates. Shaco counter items See which champion is the better pick with our Shaco vs Morgana matchup statistics. Shaco counter guide for Top Lane. Powered by AnyClip. Please let us know what you think and how we can improve by clicking here. The key to keeping vision of Shaco is in using true sight (e.g. Use the Shaco guide on ProGuides to find Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, and Play Rate. the Demon Jester. . Analizamos millones de partidas de LoL cada día para obtener estadísticas, emparejamientos, builds y rankings de invocadores. Always keep an eye out for a puff of smoke in the fog of war - this means Shaco is nearby. You can use the Sweeping Lens to detect and disable invisible Jack-in-the-boxes to give you an edge if Shaco invades and sets up a nest. This is the support I highly recommend against Shaco to protect his allies. If he uses his Deceive to enter fights, he won't be able to use it again for a while. Welcome to our Counterplay series, this video will help you beat Shaco.Check out Eagzey! Burn damage is increased to 2.5% against movement-impaired units. Find out the champions that Shaco counters or loses against in both lane and full games. U.GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. Keep vision of him and report him as missing where appropriate. Report. Sett Win Ratio 60.51% Counter Gragas Win Ratio 59.02% Counter Karma Win Ratio 58.71% Counter 13. Shaco support is not overpowered; it's an annoying counter against hook supports. Pick Rate 8.56% Win Rate 51.73%. We've used our extensive database of League of Legends stats along with proprietary algorithms to calculate the most optimal Support build for Shaco. After that, it's all a skill matchup because Shaco has a lot of playmaking potential. 433. (11.4) Shaco support, the boxmaker. Assassin. KamiKZ says “Shaco is a strong assassin who counters Kha zix because of his Q stealth makes him hard to kill and his R removes your isolation damage” Season 11 RANK #1 Kha Zix Jungle Guide KamiKhaZix Challenger by KamiKZ | Diamond Kha'Zix Player isn’t endorsed by Riot Games and doesn’t reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. Report. Once Shaco is level 6, his ability to solo the Dragon or Rift Herald increases thanks to his Ultimate R. Make sure you keep those objectives warded so you can spot him before he takes them. Make sure you stay as a team so he is unable to take anyone down. Braum and its great passive helps to detect Shaco, when he is launching his R. Also the skill E of Braum can make Shaco faye the attacks of the W and his E. It is highly recommended to help in touching Shaco. Try turning and focusing him if possible. Taric Win Ratio 70.00% Counter Rakan Win Ratio 56.86% Counter Sett Win Ratio 56.44% Counter Zyra Win Ratio 58.78% Counter Karma Win Ratio 57.95% Counter Shen Win Ratio 57.47% Counter Taric Win Ratio 70.77% Counter Rakan Win Ratio 57.23% Counter Sett Win Ratio 56.48% Counter Keep entrances to your side of the map warded at all times. Look at the best Shaco counters and matchups to win your lane in Patch 11.4. Shaco is also countered by Kalista , Garen and Kai'Sa. Ranking de equipos. As a former Shaco lover (who wasn't afraid to play Support Shaco) the real strength in Supportco is that it removes your opponent's ability to all-in you and your carry. The damage is … Shaco also counters Galio , Leona and Zyra, In Support, Shaco is weakest versus Aphelios and will lose ~81.72% of games. 22. © 2018-2020. Look at the best Shaco counters and matchups to win your lane in Patch 11.4. Learn who Shaco … Counter Shaco. Welcome to the METAsrc Shaco build guide. When the game starts, a few seconds before your buffs start try to get baron and dragon pit warded. Active: Throws a dagger at the target enemy, slowing them for 3 seconds and dealing magic damage. Placing a ward at his most frequent jungle camps (wraiths, and possibly wolves) will allow you to locate where he is without trying to guess his gank patterns. Submitted By Shaco Oneil. 1. Vel'Koz Win Ratio 57.03% Counter Sett Win Ratio 56.93% Counter Rell Win Ratio 56.01% Counter Patch 11.5 General Counter Tips. pink wards). Having the upgraded sweeper will allow you to catch where he is going to stealth to handily at a low cost of 475g, and a low cooldown of 60 seconds. Sett Win Ratio 57.96% Counter Anivia Win Ratio 57.19% Counter Gragas Win Ratio 56.67% Counter Crafted long ago as a plaything for a lonely prince, the enchanted marionette Shaco now delights in murder and mayhem. 560. Janna Win Ratio 45.64% Counter Braum Win Ratio 46.91% Counter Taric Win Ratio 49.18% Counter League of Legends and Riot Games are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc. League of Legends © Riot Games, Inc. Welcome to the METAsrc Shaco Support build guide. Pick Rate 1.08% 186 … 1/4.
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