Our Constitution originally consisted of 395 Articles and eight Schedules. Which body was responsible to draft the Constitution of Nepal, 2072? Powers and Functions of British Prime Minister. Positive Features of New Constitution Nepal 2072 2015 1. This complete constitution has been generated from excerpts of texts from the repository of the Comparative Constitutions Project, and distributed on constituteproject.org. The American constitution is federal in character. The Indian Constitution was framed over a period of 2 years, 11 months and 18 days. The name of state will... 3. Date effective: September 20, 2015; 5 years ago () Location: Constitutional Assembly Secretariat, Singha Durbar, Kathmandu: Commissioned by: Constituent Assembly Of Nepal: Purpose: To establish Federalism in Nepal: Nepal. Salient Features of Constitution of Pakistan: The Constitution of 1973 is strikingly different from the earlier Constitution of 1956 and 1962. 2. Introduction ▪ Finally, Nepal has succeeded to draft and promulgate the new constitution through the Constituent... 3. Protection of the age old religions and culture, secularism with freedom to adopt any religion are other salient features of the constitution. It establishes competitive multi-party democratic system with periodic elections. The executive rights of the country shall vest on the Council of Ministers while the President would be ceremonial head-of-the-state. The Salient Features of China Constitution. Salient Features of the Constitution of Nepal 2015 By Swikar Dahal 2. A constitutional division of powers has been made between the centre and the federating units. Salient features: (a) The content of the Constitution is comprised of a preamble in contrast to the 1935 Constitution, and 17 articles especially on duties of the netizens. Preamble; The paramount position of Marxism, Leninism and Mao’s teachings has been acknowledged in relation to ideological goals of the political system. It comprises of 280 Articles. It can easily be amended by 2-3rd majority of parliament members. 1. Realising a dream cherished by the Nepali people since the past 65 years, the new constitution will formally take the country towards a federal structure from the existing unitary structure that remained rooted in the country for 240 years. An important reason for the extraordinary volume of the Constitution is that it contains detailed provisions regarding numerous aspects of governance. Introduction: Constitution has been considered as a basic law in all over the world. 2. Why was it necessary to draft the Constitution of Nepal in 2072 BS? The assembly took 2 years, 11 months and 18 days to write and enact the constitution. The Constituent assembly could not draft the constitution in its original and extended total tenure of 4 years. Salient features of the new Constitution The Constitution of Nepal 2072 passed on Wednesday (Sept 16) by the Constituent Assembly meeting envisions a federal democratic republican and inclusive and prosperous Nepal by institutionalising the achievements of the democratic movements held in … The Preamble to the Constitution of India declares India a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic State. The Bulkiest Constitution of the World. Answer. Salient Features of the Constitution 1. Another salient feature is parliamentary administrative system. Some of the important aspects of the constitution include the following: The Constitution restructured Nepal into a federal republic. Watch Introduction to Salient features of Indian constitution in E from Parliament Sovereignty in System and History of Indian Constitution and Salient Features here. Drawn from various sources –borrowed –H.WORK 3. Salient features of the new Constitution. The constitution of Nepal is divided into 35 parts, 308 Articles and 9 Schedules. The four important features of the Constitution of India are as follows: (1) The Indian Constitution is the most detailed Constitution in the world. Some of the salient features of Bhutan’s Constitution are: It is based on popular sovereignty. Anyways, we would like to congratulate the political leaders to have been able to issue this constitution despite of differences and to have been able to take Nepal into a new federal Republic state. inform local development partners about the salient features of the recently promulgated Constitution of Nepal. 2 10. Salient Features: Description: 1948: The first constitution of Nepal titled ‘Government of Nepal Act, 1948 was effective from 1 April 1948. Related Posts. EXERCISE What is constitution? A written Constitution is a one which has been framed in given time-frame and then adopted on a fixed date. Salient Features of the New Constitution of 1990 or of the constitution of 2047 B.S. The Constitution of India is an elaborate document and is the most voluminous Constitution in the world. Initially it consisted of a Preamble and 92 Articles. Finance Minister’s address with the highlights of the Constitution of Nepal, 2072. Senior advocate Dr Chandra Kanta Gyawali said that the constitution that secures the welfare of the people is the real constitution of Nepal. So let us irst start analyzing briely the salient features of the Constitution. Traditional principle of Democratic Centralism has also been given due place within the Constitutional setup. Watch all CBSE Class 5 … India is the largest democracy with a written constitution. has its own specialty. Salient Features of the Constitution of Nepal, 2015 by Dr. Bipin Adhikari, a leading constitutional law expert, describes the contents of the new Constitution from the perspective of a scholar. Salient features of the new Constitution Sep 16, 2015- The Constitution of Nepal 2072 passed on Wednesday (Sept 16) by the Constituent Assembly meeting envisions a … Compare the salient features of the constitution 1956 and 1962. The new constitution that will be formally promulgated on September 20 expresses the determination to build an equitable society on the basis of the principle of proportional inclusion and participation, by ensuring economic equality, prosperity and social justice. It may also be noted that the system of law and justice in Nepal, until recently a … It establishes Nepal as secular and federal democratic republic with bicameral parliament. The constitution is largely written in gender-neutral terms. The major issue in framing the constitution was absence of consensus between the political parties and Maoists; radical leftists and royalist rights. American Constitution is a very rigid constitution consisting of only Seven Articles and twenty-seven amendments, so far. study and score Free Salient features of Indian constitution-Solved questions with detailed explanations, history and making of constitution, salient features, parts, articles, citizenship, union and its territories, fundamental rights, fundamental d The Indian constitution, Salient features of the constitution,the constitution of India has several salient features that distinguish it from the constitution of other countries,in the Kesavananda Bharati case 1973, the supreme court ruled that the constituent power of the parliament under Article 368 does not enable it to alter the 'basic structure' of the constitution. On behalf of all Development Partners, The constitution had 68 articles. The executive rights of the country shall vest on the Council of Ministers while the President would be ceremonial head-of-the-state. In 1958, France witnessed a grave and very critical situation. The present administrative system of Nepal is parliamentary system of government. This is a flexible constitution. Besides, this is the 4th constitution of China, preceded by the 1954, 1975, and the 1978 constitution. Salient Features. Provision of the federal system. Unformatted text preview: THE BASIC FEATURES OF THE CONSTITUTION OF MALAYSIA The BASIC FEATURES of the Constitution of Malaysia are as follows: Written constitution Supreme constitution A federal system Fundamental rights Emergency powers Constitutional monarchy Conference of Rulers Basic Features Affirmative action Special amendment procedures Parliamentary Government Electoral … What are the Salient features of the Constitution of Nepal – 2072? Following are the salient features of the constitution of Pakistan 1973. Define it in your own words. The British Constitution is an example of an unwritten constitution. A written constitution is that which is based on written laws duly passed by a representative body elected for this very purpose. Till 2006 (October) the Constitution has been amended 93 times. 9. It establishes independent judiciary and press freedom. In spite of the king is the main body of the country the full power of administration is exercised by cabinet of mi misters. Sovereignty of people and legislative sovereignty. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Reddit WhatsApp Tumblr Pinterest Vk Email. Define it in your own words. The next Constituent Assembly elections were held in November 2013, and in between this period, politics of Nepal remained in suspension. Though, we can’t limit the salient features of the Indian constitution. Unlike British Constitution, India has a written Constitution. However, the provisions of any law, whether made before or after the coming into force of this Constitution, which are inconsistent with this Constitution, shall be null and void. This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the State. After the elections, a 2nd Nepalese Constituent Assembly was created. Following are 20 most important Features of Indian Constitution that every Indian must know. 7 In fact, the defense of sovereignty is the supreme law and sacred duty. Our Constitution is written, lengthy and detailed. In other words we can say constitution is a ground norm (basic law) and all other laws drive their validity from constitution. The number of states and boundaries of state can easily be amended according to constitution. Law is not in codified form. Nepal- Salient features of the new Constitution RSS , Kathmandu Sep 16, 2015- The Constitution of Nepal 2072 passed on Wednesday (Sept 16) by the Constituent Assembly meeting envisions a federal democratic republican and inclusive and prosperous Nepal by institutionalising the achievements of the democratic movements held in the country. The path to new Constitution was highly strenuous as there was lack of consensus among the legislators. It was enacted by the constituent assembly of India. This complete constitution has been generated from excerpts of texts from the repository of the Comparative Constitutions Project, and distributed on constituteproject.org. Features of Nepal constitution 2072 1. With this Nepal now stands as youngest republic in the world. Similarly, a bi-cameral federal parliament, a constitutional bench in the Supreme Court, and formation of constitutional commissions on national natural resources and finance, on national inclusion, on indigenous nationalities, on Madhesi, on Tharu and on Muslim are other features of the new constitution that is finally coming after two CA elections and almost a decade of constitution drafting process. Similarly, in order to get the citizenship by decent, one needs to have father or mother Nepali at the time of his/her birth.
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