rising star 2018 judges

Sally expects publication in 2019 – ‘if the characters will only stop going off on tangents.’Sally lives in upstate New York State where she enjoys time in and on the water and teaches about health, play, and youth development for Empire State College and the Network for Youth Success. After graduation she worked with the National Booking Director of Columbia Artist Management, Inc. Stefanie left C.A.M.I. Sheri Taylor-Emery is a past winner of the Rising Star Award (2017) and while her book THE FIFTY-WEEK WIFE is still in search of a publisher, she is fortunate to be represented by Carly Watters of P.S. ******************************************************************************Dawn Loffler, Dawn Loeffler comes from Bagley, MN. Catfish Alley “…tackles the racial divide of both 1920s and current-day Mississippi in a page-turning narrative that has, at its heart, the search for personal connections as the path to both survival and understanding,” said Lalita Tademy, author of Cane River. An avid cook, she is often found in the kitchen or tending an unruly garden. Illustrating is Jeremy’s way out of this small Ohio town. When not writing romance or romantic women’s fiction, she can usually be found cleaning up after her two big white furry dogs and slightly less furry children. In 2006 she began to devote all of her writing time to mystery fiction. Follow her on Instagram @patricialsands. ******************************************************************************LG O’Connor. She has written hundreds of articles for dozens of different Canadian and U.S. print periodicals and is the best-selling author and/or illustrator of several non-fiction books. All of our judges have been carefully selected based on their industry experience and their passion to inspire future role models. Dalton Harris, the youngest person to have ever won Digicel Rising Stars, has made The X Factor after his bid to impress the judges … In the meantime, she organizes artistic performances and attends a writer’s group to stimulate the dormant creativity out of the pruned trees in her yard. For the latest on the author, visit http://nikkistern.com******************************************************************************Sandy Richardson, Sandy Richardson’s first novel The Girl Who Ate Chicken Feet (1998) received Bank Street College's outstanding merit rating for The Best of Children's Books (1999) and was nominated for the South Carolina Junior Book Award in 2001-2002. Mary Ann is currently completing her ninth novel, the fourth in her contemporary cozy mystery series, Love After Life entitled Something Blue. We our proud to announce the judges for WeAreTheCity’s Top 100 Rising Stars. She also wrote the poetry chapbook/DVD, Some Women Writers Kill Themselves, co-wrote Shooting Women: Behind the Camera, Around the World (Intellect/U.Chicago Press), and contributed to the books Women on Poetry and Women Write Resistance: Poets Resist Gender Violence. Find out more at Patricia’s Facebook Author Page, Amazon Author Page or her website. A portion of her profits goes to support the Rutland County Humane Society. Her debut novel, The Last Dreamer, was released by Lake Union Publishing in 2015. She taught freshman writing at Montclair State University for eight years and continues to give writing workshops. Her nonfiction work, From Maidens to Mavericks: Mendocino Women was published in 2017 by Mendocino’s Kelley House Museum. She especially likes exploring characters’ emotional realities informed by past experiences, dreams, feelings, fantasies, nightmares, imagination, and self-reflection. She earned her B.A. Bryant is provocative and unflinching as she reveals her characters' private hopes and fears....” Lynne and her wife live in Manitou Springs, Colorado, where Lynne writes novels, teaches nursing, and continues to be inspired by the generative power of women.Visit her website at www.lynnebryant.com. Simcoe Rising Star #dreambig was created in 2018. She currently lives in Troy, New York, where she teaches writing at Hudson Valley Community College. Ute lives in New Hampshire. She loves dogs, gardening, cooking, and reading. Her women's fiction, Days Made of Glass, released January 2016, and The Last True Cowboy, first in her Chestnut Creek series will release in December.Laura is a city girl who never grew out of her tomboy ways, or a serious cowboy crush. She spends her free time cleaning up other people’s vacations while secretly dreaming of escape into a fictional workplace of leisure. The winners were announced at the 2018 WFWA Retreat Awards Dinner. She loves quiet space, eccentric people and colorful reading glasses. ******************************************************************************Donna Everhart, Donna Everhart is the USA Today bestselling author of The Education Of Dixie Dupree, and The Road To Bittersweet. Literally. She is a former fiction editor of literarymama.com, and current fiction editor of Kyoto Journal. To connect with Barbara, please visit www.barbaraclaypolewhite.com, or follow her on Facebook. Both books are the story of an American woman who grows restless in America and tests herself against the less innocent cultures of Europe. Visit her at www.camillepagan.com. It was inspired by a true event, was a finalist in the Malice Domestic competition and nominated for a CWA Historical Dagger. A book lover from an early age, her current day job is at a public library where she loves to connect people with books but dislikes when they mess up her tidy shelves. She will be the keynote speaker at the InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship fall 2018 conference in Alberta. None of them are named Seigfreid. Molly earned an MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College and a PhD from the California Institute of Integral Studies. rising stars I chair the panel of judges, which include industry leaders from health care systems, retail pharmacies, hospitals, academia, associations, and pharmaceutical manufacturers. Hennie Heymans – CEO – DHL Express. A third novel to complete the story is in development. Website and blog: tamunroe.com******************************************************************************Julia Kelly, Julia Kelly is the award-winning author of books about ordinary women and their extraordinary stories. You can find Kelly at http://www.authorkellybyrne.com/ and her novel, Chasing Kate, at Amazon. More about Lori and her novel can be found at https://lorihenriksen.com/******************************************************************************Camille Pagán, Camille Pagán is the author of four novels: Woman Last Seen in Her Thirties, Forever is the Worst Long Time, The Art of Forgetting, and the #1 Amazon Kindle bestseller Life and Other Near-Death Experiences, which was recently optioned for film. Her next novel is titled Homeplace and chronicles a conflict between siblings about whether to retain or sell ancestral land. In addition to writing inspirational novels, she blogs at The MOM Journey, where moms aren’t perfect and that’s perfectly okay. ******************************************************************************Barbara Josselsohn, Barbara Solomon Josselsohn is a novelist and freelance writer. In a former life she was a snowboard instructor in Utah, and a personal trainer and pet photographer in Los Angeles. After practicing psychiatry for many years, Nancy found fiction to be the perfect escape from spending time inside the minds of very real people. Her next novel, titled The Forgiving Kind will release February, 2019 with Kensington Publishing Corporation. Finding solace in nature and in the company of Ponderosa Pines over 100 feet tall, pushing toward old-growth status, she writes stories, putters in her garden and hikes with her rescue dogs. As a poet, L.D.’s ‘Recipe’ appears in the Gwendolyn Brooks centennial anthology entitled Revising the Psalm: Celebrating Gwendolyn Brooks, ‘Heels’ can be read in the July 2016 edition of TheSkinnyPoetryJournal.wordpress.com and ‘Crafter’s Way’ on Sincerely.com. The series is available from Amazon in soft-cover and Kindle and online from any book store world-wide. To date, six of those novels, threes novellas and a parcel of poems with a few short stories have been published. She lives outside of Phoenix with her husband, dog, and cat but misses her two adult children in Pennsylvania. ******************************************************************************Lynne Bryant. As a freelance journalist, she has written for the Chicago Tribune, Crain’s Chicago Business, and Upscale Magazine among others. She got her degree in journalism and became a copywriter. She is an active member of the Women’s Fiction Writers Association and the Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group. In Lipstick on the Strawberry she takes as backdrops Boston, Massachusetts, and Cambridge, England, cities she's lived in and loved. ICT (Telecoms & Technology) Her first novel, The Lucky Hat Mine, is a delightful mystery about a Southern Belle who answers a wife-wanted advertisement in 1863 and travels to the Colorado Territory only to arrive to find her intended dead. A one-year stint as a book publicist with Amazon Publishing gave Jessie singular insight into Amazon Publishing and over a decade working with small, medium and large traditional publishers contributed to Jessie's remarkably well-rounded understanding of 21st century publishing. As a performing writer, she read an excerpt of her novel on the April podcast of The Frunchroom. PRIVACY POLICY, As a poet, L.D.’s ‘Recipe’ appears in the Gwendolyn Brooks centennial anthology entitled. She lives near the Atlantic coast of Florida, but looks forward to one day moving to the log cabin she and her husband have built in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Rising Star is an Indian version of the international franchise series Rising Star, a reality television singing competition. Her most recent release is Elizabeth’s Hope, a prequel novella to the four novels of the A More Perfect Union (American Revolution) historical romance series. ******************************************************************************Sara Dahmen, Sara Dahmen’s first job was producing TV commercials, before building a Silver Anvil winning event coordination company. Because she knows you’re dying to ask, her first name is pronounced Ooh-tah. ******************************************************************************Theresa Munroe, Besides having been a lunch lady and a 6th grade and substitute teacher, T.A. As a blogger, she posted about Jazz at http://chicagosmooth.typepad.com. However, as years exposed Sherrie to travel experiences, ideas for fiction projects stole her attention. Ann-Margret is also a speaker and workshop instructor who specializes in teaching about freelancing. ******************************************************************************Ute Carbone. Her next book (WIP) is set on a farm. All rights reserved. Barbara is the founder and coordinator of the Scarsdale Library Writers Center, in New York, which supports and promotes local and regional writers, and was a first-round judge in the 2018 Erma Bombeck Writing Competition. Saksikan Rising Star Indonesia 2018-----­-----­-----Download Application Rising Star Indonesia :1. Amber lives in the mountains in a small West Coast town but you can find her online at www.ambercowie.com or @ambercowie on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. She is currently completing work on two middle-grade novels and is also owner of and Editor-in-Chief for Southern Sass Publishing Alliances. Voting for the Performance Marketing Awards’ (PMAs) Industry Rising Star Award is now open, and PerformanceIN can reveal the lineup of budding performance pioneers to have made the grade for 2018.. 2018 Rising Star Agent Judges Kerry D’Agostino is a literary agent at Curtis Brown, Ltd. She started at Curtis Brown in 2011 as assistant to Tim Knowlton and Holly Frederick in the Film and Television Department. Her debut novel, Widow 1881 {SillanPaceBrown 2018} is the first in the Flats Junction Series, with the next volume, Smith 1865, following later this year. She also published a four-book small town romance series with Harlequin’s Superomance line. For 12 years ANZ Wealth has proudly partnered with the AFA to recognise emerging talent in the financial advice industry. www.kaelacoble.com. She started writing when she was 14 and writing became her voice. ******************************************************************************Nancy Burkey. Originally she planned to write romances, but either as a consequence of a series of failed relationships or a genetic distrust of happily ever-after, her heroines are strong women who battle tough environments and intersect with men who might—or might not—love them. reviews books by women writers. A paranormal/shape-shifting/alternate history/time travel trilogy was something she wrote just for fun and never expected to get published. She is finishing a second memoir, The Portrait of a Lady, an homage the eponymous novel by Henry James. In addition to writing, she’s been an Emmy-nominated producer, journalist, marketing professional, and (for one summer) a tea waitress. Her second book, a mid-grade sci-fi/fantasy titled Black Lightning, was the recipient of the 2017 Literary Classics International Book Award, as well as a Readers' Favorite finalist. “In the beginning…” in high school Sherrie expected her entire writing future to focus on journalism and for 20+ years she did have interesting opportunities writing columns and features for various newspapers and magazines in Alberta, Colorado and New York. Her articles and essays have appeared in a range of print publications including The New York Times, American Baby Magazine, Parents Magazine, Brain,Teen Magazine, Consumers Digest, Writer’s Digest, and Westchester Magazine. She is the author of The Awful Mess (2013), The Ribs And Thigh Bones Of Desire (2014), and Bardwell’s Folly (2016, all Sheer Hubris Press). Rising Star 2 Contestant List: Please check below details and vote your favourites. Her short story, What A Little Cinnamon Can Do will become a podcast for King’s River Magazine summer of 2018. She’s working on a WWII home front historical set in Baltimore and on the fourth book in her Secrets of Roseville paranormal romances while her agent markets an historical women’s fiction story. The show is hosted by TV Actor Ravi Dubey. Ann comes from Montclair, New Jersey, spent a decade in Europe, and now lives in Hoboken, New Jersey with her third and final husband. Bell, J.v.L. Visit www.saradahmen.com for more information. You can find out more about Julia and sign up for her newsletter at juliakellywrites.com. Connect with Lorrie on Facebook (lorriethomsonauthor) and Twitter. She loves hearing from readers. In addition to her romantic fiction, she is a freelance editor, the author of several nonfiction books, and earned a Master’s in English in 2008. She is president of the Society of Southwestern Authors association and co-chairperson of her community social committee. Check out her blog at https://mimosamorningswriters.wordpress.com and website www.sandrazbruney.com. Julia called Los Angeles, Iowa, and New York City home before settling in London. She then earned both a Master’s and PhD in nursing. Originally from England, she writes and gardens in the forests of North Carolina, where she lives with her beloved OCD menfolk. ******************************************************************************Lorrie Thomson, Lorrie Thomson is the award-winning author of A Measure of Happiness, What’s Left Behind, and Equilibrium. Northerners by upbringing, she and her husband of 26 years have raised three Southern-ish children, much to their amazement. Her website address is http://www.janmaher.com. If she not writing and drinking copious amounts of coffee, you’ll likely find her walking through the woods near her home and taking lots of pictures to support her photography habit. Her debut novel, Shadow of the Hawk (young adult historical fiction) won the 2016 WILLA Literary Award, the 2015 Literary Classics International Book Award, the 2015 Chaucer Award, and the 2016 RONE Award. Jamaican Rising Star Dalton Harris wows judges and audience at The X Factor UK auditions. Continuing to publish children's books, non-fiction, contemporary fiction, and fantasy. As a writer, Lori believes in synchronicity, the influence of the patterns of past generations and the power of story. ******************************************************************************Jessica Glenn, Jessie Glenn attended Reed College and Portland State University in Portland, Oregon and started her book publicity company, Mindbuck Media, in 2006. Her previous work has won first place at the 2011 Southwest Writers International Contest in the historical fiction category, earned an honorable mention at the 2012 Soul-Making Keats Literary Competition, and placed quarter-finalist in the 2014 Amazon Breakout Novel Award. Popular playback singer and music director Shankar Mahadevan, playback singer and actor Monali Thakur and actor-singer Diljit Dosanjh return as the experts in the show. Ms. Bell is President Emeritus for FLOW (For Love of Writing). She writes contemporary women’s fiction with fantastical elements that dive into the inner emotional world of the main characters where the real magic lives. Find her on Twitter @mirymom1 or at her blog/website: http://samanthabryant.com******************************************************************************Betty Bolté, Award-winning author Betty Bolté writes historical and contemporary stories featuring strong, loving women and brave, compassionate men. Her YA short, "One Hot Mess" appeared in the summer 2017 RWA anthology, and she was delighted to sell her first adult-themed novella, Kiss Me, I’m Irish to Boroughs Publishing Group. Rising Star 2 Start Date: 20 January 2018. After completing nursing school, Lynne worked as a psychiatric and public health nurse. Bell. She gave up the corporate CFO gig to write full time. Bell and her novels can be found at www.jvlbell.com. In doing so, he creates a no-nonsense, truth-talking character named Penny Kind, who speaks to him. Nancy writes in the suspense-thriller genre with strong underlying women’s fiction themes. She lives in Los Angeles where she’s working on her first fantastical women’s fiction series. Over the years Dee has sold stories to several newspapers and magazines, including the various confession magazines, while working as an educational advisor for Seminole State College of Florida. She and her husband now live half the year in Canada and half in Mexico. All of those things were exciting. Her father, who passed away in 2006, has always been and will always be an inspiration in her life.Teya’s favorite thing is speaking to third graders, lighting a flame for dreaming big. She is a mother of two, wife of one, and a debut novelist who enjoys skiing, running, and creating stories that make her browser search history highly suspicious. ******************************************************************************. The third season of Rising Star Indonesia is the continuation of Indonesian reality singing competition, Rising Star Indonesia aired on RCTI from 17 December 2018. She hopes you’ll sign up. Inside WFWA, March 4, 2021New Member Welcome, Details on Upcoming Events and Workshops, Member News, and more. Her upcoming historical women's fiction novel, The Light Over London, will be published by Gallery Books in January 2019. Reviews call her new thriller, The Former Assassin “a riveting read from start to finish” and “an explosive page-turner.” Her essays are included in three published anthologies, as well as the New York Times, Newsweek, USA Today, and Humanist Magazine. Her poetry collection Desire Returns for a Visit is forthcoming from Launch Point Press. Visit her website at meghanmastersonauthor.com for more information. She believes we have the potential to strengthen and transform ourselves through telling stories.Before turning to writing, Lori worked as a social worker and licensed family therapist in San Francisco and now lives in Oregon in the foothills of the Siskiyou Mountains. Mary Ann holds two degrees in nursing but is currently working part-time at a local non-profit. When she began writing contemporary women’s fiction in 2010, she was forced to reduce her reading time (which might have been exorbitant), but writing produces a similar joy. This story was inspired by Nancy’s experience as a psychiatrist working with psychotic murderers in a large, state-run, public hospital. Jennifer Fromke writes from North Carolina, where she pines for colder temperatures all year long. Now participating in ANWA (American Night Writer Association), Winner of NaNoWriMo, judging writing in many capacities, involved with Women’s Fiction Writers Association, and many other local community associations. She has also had two one-act plays produced. She’s lived in southern New Hampshire with her family forever. www.teyapeck.wix.com/teyapeck On face book as: Teya's Books*****************************************************************************Alexis Krasilovsky, Alexis Krasilovsky is the author of Great Adaptations: Screenwriting and Global Storytelling (Routledge) and the novel Sex and the Cyborg Goddess (under the name Alexis Rafael). I’m so honored to receive this award,” said Shelby Riley, the 2018 RISING STAR Award winner. She enrolled in drama and played a Fandango hostess in the chorus of Sweet Charity. She was born in Germany, emigrated to New Zealand and currently lives in the U.K. She writes “stories that stir the soul” with characters whose imperfect faith collides with real-life conflicts. She’s also raced motorcycles and jumped out of a helicopter into a lake to test a stunt when she worked on Fear Factor. ******************************************************************************Jessica Moore, Jess Moore resides in historic gold-mining California and writes YA novels in the very early morning while her family sometimes sleeps. Her non-fiction book on cookware, Flame, will also be out at the end of 2018. Judges Day One – 4th July. Next year, the representative of Israel to the Eurovision will return to be chosen by the Kdam Eurovision, and this show will return to be a regular singing reality show, like it was in the first season. Bell is a Colorado native who grew up climbing 14,000 foot mountains, exploring ghost towns, and learning about early pioneer life. That makes her a superhero all the time. Stef Ann sold her first romance in 1987, and subsequently had twenty-three novels and one novella traditionally published. ******************************************************************************Meghan Masterson, Meghan Masterson is the author of The Wardrobe Mistress, about one of Marie Antoinette’s wardrobe women who spies on the queen during the French revolution and finds herself torn between her loyalty to the queen and her love for a fiery revolutionary. Teya Peck is an author and speaker. She plans on publishing her third novel, Zook’s Corner this year. Lynne’s second novel, Alligator Lake (2012), was described by Natalie Baszile, author of Queen Sugar, as "a gutsy examination of southern race relations. Learn more about Lorrie’s work at www.lorrie-thomson.com. Mindbuckmedia.com******************************************************************************Suanne Schafer, Suanne Schafer’s pioneer ancestors and world travels fuel her imagination. Sally Crosiar’s debut novel Come Back (2017) uses four voices to uncover family secrets and address the unintended consequences of running from trauma. As a short story writer, she’s been published in the Tallgrass Anthology Home edition, Chicago’s Beverly Arts Center’s BacStreet Journal and PopMatters E-Zine. Jones, Karen (K.S.) Her debut novel The Case of the Missing Bride (Bloodhound Books) is a historical mystery set on a ship in 1862. Banking & Financial Services. Judika, Nazril Irham, and Rossa returned as the experts from previous season. New Member Welcome, Details on Upcoming Events and Workshops, Member News, and more. Upon retiring, she finished her first novel, Sweet Sunset, better known as her dysfunctional family book, and sold it last year to the Wild Rose Press. ******************************************************************************Jennifer Fromke. 2020 RISING STAR Award Final Round Agent Judges NALINI AKOLEKAR , Vice President joined Spencerhill Associates after a lengthy editorial career and several years in advertising sales. 2018 Distribution Rising Star Contest. She enjoys support from WFWA and is honored to be a judge for the WFWA Rising Star contest. Her short story, Books You'll Love. She’s a USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller, as well as a two-time RITA Finalist. Samples of her work are available on her website at http://sandradehelen.com/wp/******************************************************************************Karen Sargent, Karen Sargent is an award-winning author whose debut novel, Waiting for Butterflies, is the 2017 IAN Book of the Year. ******************************************************************************Orly Konig, After years of pushing the creativity boundary in corporate communications, Orly Konig decided it was time for a new challenge and made the switch to fiction. A native of North Carolina, she resides in her home state with her husband and their tiny heart stealing Yorkshire terrier, Mister. www.stefanieaugustcreative.com, www.stefanieaugustwrites.webs.com. Coble is also a Certified Professional Résumé Writer through the Professional Association of Résumé Writers and Career Coaches, a member of the Women’s Fiction Writers Association as well as the League of Vermont Writers, and is a graduate of the WoMentoring Project. Now in its 14 th year, ANZ Wealth and OnePath has long been a proud partner of the award, which recognises emerging talent in the financial services industry. There's a lesson there somewhere! The Rising Stars judges’ comments. Her first novel, Friends And Other Liars, was published by Sourcebooks Landmark in February 2018, and by Atlantic Corvus in the U.K. under the title Friends And Liars in June 2017. Literary. Kunlavut Vitidsarn Rising Star Thailand,Finalist Yonex Swiss Open 2021 The Eurovision singing contest for this year was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the representatives for the cancelled competition will be moved to 2021 instead. She has been awarded prizes in contests with the League of Minnesota Poets, Northwoods Arts Council, KRLS Poetry Slam, poetry.com, and Poetry Motel. An American-Canadian, Sandra was born in Miami, Florida, and lived in Rio de Janeiro, Berkeley and Chicago before immigrating to Ontario, Canada in 1970, where she and her husband cohabited with their two toddlers (now adults), two horses, a dog, three cats, twelve chickens and two pigs. Two more novels are in the submission process. She wrote the Menopausal Superhero Series including Going Through the Change, the sequel Change of Life, and the three-quel Face the Change, all available through Curiosity Quills Press on Amazon or by request at your favorite bookseller. Out of Darkness, Into Hope: Novels of Suspense and Healing. to work independently, producing shows and musical events in small theaters and venues in New York and the region. Her recent essays (part of a collection) have been published in NYT, WaPo, Salon, and Toronto Star and she has an upcoming essay in Longreads. The Seer, Volume IV has recently been released and the fifth and final novel in the series is being written. Margaret Ann Spence is the author of Lipstick on the Strawberry, published by The Wild Rose Press in 2017. In 1989 she relocated to Miami, FL, Stefanie to create the Miami Beach Music Studio, a rehearsal and production facility. Dawn has been published several times in The Talking Stick, as well as Dust & Fire, and Rivers Meeting Project anthologies.Multiple publishings in local newspapers: Park Rapids Enterprise, The Backwoods Journal, and Bemidji Pioneer. Sara is a paralegal for a law firm in Chester County, Pa, an avid road cyclist, and indoor cycling instructor at a national chain. If he can face fears of failure and rejection, he might get everything he ever wanted in both art and love. Follow her on Twitter @ShelbyLRiley and on Instagram @shelbyrileywrites. ******************************************************************************Leslie Lynch. ******************************************************************************Nicky Penttila, Nicky Penttila writes science fact and adventurous fiction, reads mightily, and wonders at it all.

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