Be kind to your eyes. Learn more about Zack on LinkedIn. Break bread together. Mental Wellness Month. Walk the talk (literally). You'll reap the benefits of a psychological boost that an indoor environment can't compete with. Make sure to always protect your lips with a lubricating lip cream or balm, especially when you're outside. Related News. And if your team isn’t much of a cooking crowd, opt for catering healthy lunches once a week instead (Salad Mondays, anyone?). Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month 6. This month - in its eleventh edition - the National Employee Wellness Month, once again, provides an opportunity for employers and organizations to enhance existing wellness programs and encourage their employees to adopt proactive strategies for improved physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing … Cataract Awareness Month 3. February is American Heart Month ... #OurHearts is a national effort to encourage and motivate people to adopt heart-healthy behaviors, together. Read food labels. A part of overall senior care Atlanta wellness is learning how to de-stress and relax on National Relaxation Day, which is part of the month-long National Wellness awareness happening on Wednesday, August 15, 2020! January is National Financial Wellness Month! Bringing chair massage into your office means your team can take short breaks for some serious relaxation and rejuvenation, all without interrupting the overall flow of the workday. He is currently the Education Production Team Lead at Foundr Magazine, a web site for entrepreneurship education and was previously Content Manager at Zeel. Encourage your employees’ athleticism by sponsoring your team to join a corporate league, and include everyone in the office by hosting viewing parties or a cheering section to bring up morale both on and off the court. Prevent Blindness America. There's been lots of research that points to the therapeutic benefits of exercising in "green spaces.". Take the pledge this August to choose wellness— and … Take things a step further by making a no-smartphones rule during your meal. Simple employee self-scheduling in the Zeel mobile app makes corporate chair massage easy to organize, and massage therapists bring their own equipment and materials to keep costs low. Or, host an awards night for some lighthearted fun and prizes to bring your team together and make them feel appreciated. Stress has a way of hurting your health—and interfering with your breathing. Vita Liberata makes a genius product called Body Blur, which manages to erase all those pesky imperfections in one fell swoop. If you already practice wellness, then maybe you don't need a reminder. Slow down. A massage not only feels heavenly, it's a powerful friend of your health and well-being. National Patient Safety Awareness Week. Nutrition Month Banner and Poster. Disclosure: I'm an Amazon Affiliate, which means I get a teeny tiny percentage of sales from some of these featured products. Rather than cut them, you should gently push them back with a wooden orange stick. Just recently, I attended two fabulous media events in New York City where I got an opportunity to see exciting new products and services geared to make us all healthier. Wellness Month was born out of the idea that if we are going to do big things in the world— build our careers, raise a family, further our education, create new ideas, and nurture our bodies — we need to take care of ourselves. In honor of Wellness Day, here are 15 ways to support your wellness. Beginning your day with a good stretch is like sipping a good cup of coffee (if you're not a coffee-drinker, then I'm sure you have your own special way to begin your day). National Nutrition Month(R) is just around the corner -- are you ready for it? Get quality sleep. Guaranteed you and your massage wrap will be friends for life. Use Go Game to get everyone in your office playing games for charity. It can also interfere with your … But when you spend your days in a feverish rush, you miss out on special subtleties and nuances that speed by and elude your notice. National Cancer Survivors Day (June 2) 12. Monies donated will be used to … Share articles with your employees via email, in newsletters or by posting them to your intranet site. Get outside and exercise. Some people (guilty as charged) don't drink enough water because, well, it's a bit ho-hum. Encourage employees to wear blue, the official color for diabetes awareness. National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month National Endometriosis Awareness Month National Kidney Month National Nutrition Month National Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Month Save Your Vision Month Trisomy Awareness Month Workplace Eye Wellness Month. Aug 1 - World Lung Cancer Day. Here's a promotion that'll save you 18 percent on $250 or more. Cord Blood Awareness Month Group B Strep Disease Awareness Month Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month Minority Mental Health Awareness Month (National) UV Safety Month Donate Life ECHO (Every Community Has Opportunity) National Therapeutic Recreation Week EveryBody Deserves a Massage Week World Hepatitis Day. National Lucky Penny Day – Yes, this is a real holiday. Week. To fit in everything we want to do in our day, we often sacrifice sleep. Most of us are feeling some degree of constant stress right now, which can impact both physical and mental wellbeing. Here are 5 areas of financial wellness where employees need support most: Helping Save More for Retirement Build them into events such as workshops, displays and health fairs or gather articles and tips for your company newsletter, blog or eposts.. Click on the article links below or check out the Stress and Wellness Blog for statistics and strategies related to many of these celebrations. Use the awareness events listed below for programming ideas at your workplace. Read more about Why We All Need to Practice Self-Care. Men’s Health Month 5. Care for your cuticles. As a family, commit to trying a new fruit or vegetable each week during National Nutrition Month ®. Home cooking isn’t always easy, especially when it comes to making healthy choices. Yes, it's been pretty hot, but consider swapping the air conditioned gym for … Pamper your lips. The weather is a bit chillier than usual, which means it can be easier to gravitate to warm beverages like coffee or hot chocolate than to water. You can also increase positivity in the office with a shoutouts whiteboard. Cut back on sugar. Taking the stairs has been shown to increase life expectancy, increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis, and it burns five times the calories as using the elevator. And yes, every day should be wellness day, but too many of us let self-care and wellness take a back seat in our busy live. What if you had a list of health topics — one for each month — to help you focus your wellness messages? HEALTH & WELLNESS OBSERVANCES Cervical Health Awareness Month National Glaucoma Awareness Month National Birth Defects Prevention Month PROVIDENCE RESOURCES READ: 12 resolutions for real health improvement with Dr. Beckerman BLOG: Diets for change RECIPE: Carnitas LIFEBALANCE: near you with the LifeBalance Fitness Guide. National employee wellness month ideas: 1. Team sports certainly draw people together, but they’re not everyone’s cup of tea. It was fun, informative and upbeat, a nice break from my job as a writer, which can sometimes be intense and oftentimes mentally exhausting. I hope you find your special way toward wellness today and every day. Too many people neglect the health of their eyes, and each year about 50,000 Americans go blind, mostly from treatable or preventable eye diseases like macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. Sometimes those "hidden" details can be shocking, like how much sugar is in a slice of bread and how much salt is in some cereals. Seize the opportunity to shine a spotlight on health, and encourage everyone on your team to take their own wellness seriously with fun-focused healthy activities. These types of fitness classes and activities eliminate the competition aspect and just encourage a focus on health and wellness with your teammates by your side. Hernia Awareness Month 4. But that's not why I'm recommending these products. (Unbelievable, right?) Ask co-workers to bring in their spare pennies from home to fund a special charitable donation. It's an easy—and effective—way to check in with yourself and your nutrition and stay accountable to your health. Oh—one thing. INDUSTRY RESOURCES Practice deep breathing. If you would like to make a donation via Paypal, click the donate button below. And they always increased in frequency near death. Steve Jobs was famous for leading walking meetings around the Apple campus, but thinkers and entrepreneurs throughout the ages also encouraged walking meetings, from Aristotle to Freud, and Truman to Charles Dickens. Taking meetings on the go can provide a much-needed boost to both energy levels and creative inspiration. 2. You could even organize a group to participate in a 5K race, and pay for employees’ entry (which often donates to a charitable organization). July, 2021. Fast Facts: Everything You Need to Know About the Thyroid, What You Need to Know About Glaucoma: Q&A With Dr. Marlene R. Moster. And with that, you're risking infection or irritation. Use the articles in our wellness calendar to spread the word about a timely health issue each month. Competition is a great motivator. Decode food labels with these seven easy steps or read this helpful book by dietician and nutrition expert Bonnie Taub-Dix, Read It Before You Eat It. © 2020 Zeel Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Switch office happy hour over to hydration hour (and offer reusable water bottles with the company logo) to help your team learn about the benefits of getting enough water to stay healthy and help them meet their personal wellness goals. And with the passage of time, lips lose volume, making them even more vulnerable. Learn more:…, 7 Reasons to Move to Sacramento (Including In-Home Massage), Though the CDC still advises against non-essential, Kathrine Switzer, the first woman to officially ru, Eighty percent of adults do not meet the key guide, Life moves pretty fast, making us feel anxious or, Five Employee Perks that Won’t Break the Bank, These 10 Office Hacks Will Make You Happier at Work, Booking Massage* for Employee Appreciation – How to Do It, and Why, Employee Appreciation Gestures that Meaningfully Promote Engagement, How to Foster Mental Health Awareness and Wellness at Work, Housekeeping Appreciation Week: 10 Ideas to Reward Your Team. As we celebrate National Wellness Month, here are some ideas and resources for taking care of yourself and others. World Sickle Cell Day (June 19) 14. Depending on what floor your offices are on, your employees don’t have to take the stairs the whole way. You can't compete with a spa for the ultimate in self-care and relaxation. 22 teaspoons. but this so-called midlife has gifted me with various spots and spider veins that I'd rather cover up. Plain old petroleum jelly makes a good lip moisturizer, or you can try one of the zillion of other products out there. Can you guess how many teaspoons of sugar the average American consumes each day? Create an “office trails” map of different paths and … Take the month of January to get back into the habit of drinking enough water every day – aim for at least 64 ounces, or eight glasses, per day. Typically, this time of year is all about finally getting out of doors after a long winter and rainy spring. Sitting down with coworkers to share a meal offers wellness benefits that have nothing to do with what you actually eat. Slow walking is actually a way of actively meditating. But sleep … Global Family Day (Jan. 1) Human Trafficking Awareness Day (Jan. 11) National Clean Off Your Desk Day (Jan. 11) National Fun At Work Day … Aug 1 - Respect For Parents Day. Obstacles to Physical Activity. Recommend a trip up and down the stairs by hanging printed reminders at the elevators, or post motivational and humorous notes along the staircase. March: National Ladder Safety Month: American Ladder Institute: March 14-20. Need I say more? Toss the pantyhose. National Animal Poison Prevention Week (March 21-27) National Poison Prevention Week (March 21-27) National Protocol Officers Week (March 21-27) Week of Solidarity With the Peoples Struggling Against Racism and Racial Discrimination (March 21-27) World Folk Tales and Fables Week (March 21-27) When cuticles are dry and jagged, it's tempting to pick, chew or cut them. Stretching may seem overwhelming and time consuming, but the most important areas for mobility are in your lower extremities (your calves, hamstrings, hip flexors in the pelvis and quadriceps in the front of the thigh), say experts at Harvard Medical School. Organize a food donation campaign for a local food pantry or shelter. And since my legs never tan (nor would I even try) I'm so glad I found a way to cheat on the sun. Breathe out through your mouth with a whooshing sound for a count of eight. November 14 is World Diabetes Day, a perfect opportunity to get the whole office involved. See our criteria for highlighting NHOs. Ahhhhh. Stretch. 1. Its deep-knead massage wrap is the perfect way to get a spa-like heated, shiatsu-style massage on your neck, shoulder, back, legs or calves, complete with heat to soothe your sore muscles and six massage nodes to soothe your desire for a massage with varying pressure. Related: Creating a Workplace Wellness Program for a Happy, Healthy Team. Hold your breath for a count of four. Recognize World Diabetes Day. August is Wellness Month, and more specifically, Wednesday, August 15, is National Relaxation Day! Resist the urge to lick your lips or breathe through your mouth, which can dry them out even more. I try really hard to remember to incorporate wellness into each day, but my feeling is that there's always something new to learn and discover. Raffle off prizes like pedometers, t-shirts, and cookbooks to your staff. If you can't get to a spa or it's too costly, you can still indulge with one of Wahl's products, which allow you to take matters into your own hands. Taking the time to stop working, eat slowly, and share a meal together encourages physical, mental, and emotional wellness on your team through personal, connected relationships. Smooth it on, and you're good to go, flawless legs and all. National Patient Safety Foundation. Encouraging employees to take the stairs instead of elevators is a small step towards developing daily healthy habits. That means swapping out those ready-made smoothies and granola bars for things like air-popped popcorn, celery or carrot sticks, and making your own smoothies using fresh or frozen fruit or veggies and plain yogurt or milk. Sitting down with coworkers to share a meal offers wellness benefits that have nothing to do with what you actually eat. It’s about going on weekend trips and family vacations for some much-deserved rest and relaxation. Never before had I really seen the gorgeous trees, flowers and architecture that I soaked in along the way.) Organize a National Nutrition Month ® presentation at your local park district or senior center if safe. 2. Skipping out of the office to discuss business on a park bench or while taking a stroll in the fresh air will help to get your heart rate up and inspire new ways of thinking, and will encourage your team to soak up the sunshine and natural surroundings outside the routine of your four office walls. I Found My Secret to Feeling Younger and Stronger. You may not mean to do it, but when you're stressed you hold your breath or take much shallower breaths. I love wearing dresses and skirts with bare legs in the summer (who wants to wear pantyhose when it's so hot?) Give yourself a massage. Whether it’s yoga, meditation, kickboxing, or a team jog, getting physically active as a group is a great way to connect. Practice deep breathing. Aside from preserving mobility and independence as you age, stretching helps keep your muscles flexible and strong and protects your joints and muscles from injury. If you would like to add an event or sponsor the Wellness calendar, please contact us. Yes, it's been pretty hot, but consider swapping the air conditioned gym for an outdoor workout instead. Use them to help promote workplace wellness for you, or your company. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Cheers! Use these wellness toolkits to find ways to improve your well-being in any area you’d like. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the most effective. 3. August is National Wellness Month, and August 21 is designated as National Senior Citizens Day. Out of sight, out of mind. National Scleroderma Awareness Month 10. Also wear sunglasses and use safety eyewear or protective goggles where necessary. National Safety Month 9. Start with deep breathing exercises. Make sure to get annual eye exams, eat a well-balanced diet, and, if you smoke, quit. Your lips, which have thinner skin surrounding them and have no oil glands, are fair game, too. Flavor your hot, cold or sparkling water with flavors like coconut, blueberry and white tea and add some sprigs of mint or other herbs for a really yummy and special drink. Your cuticles are there for a reason—they provide a barrier and protect your nail matrix. It’s well-known that stress exacerbates pain. Take out a sensible portion, put it in a bowl (a pretty, decorative one makes snacking even more special), then put the rest away. Men’s Health Week (June 10–16) 13. Your employees will experience improved posture, boosted morale, and a number of other wellness benefits. Instituting healthy meals at the office will improve productivity and energy levels, and increase collaborative idea sharing. It always feels like there's not enough time to get everything done, doesn't it? Employee Wellness Month is officially in June – but that doesn’t mean that workplace wellness needs to be confined to one month a year. For a sampling of Men’s Health Month activities developed and implemented with our partners, click here. Updated on February 26th, 2019. ), juice and pasta sauces. Encourage employees to track their mood and energy levels throughout the month to see if making healthier snack choices cures that afternoon slump after all. Venture out of the office to an exercise studio together, or hire a professional to lead a class wherever your company works. Drink more water. and transports nutrients for energy and health. This post originally appeared on 3. Eating between meals is OK and won't pack on extra pounds—if you do it right. Discover the health observances and awareness programs running through March 2019. Another easy thing to do is … Encourage acknowledgment among your employees this month by starting a game of gratitude tag (recognize a coworker for a recent achievement, then they pay it forward to the next person). Start an office scoreboard for healthy activity accomplishments and have employees compete for fun, healthy prizes. Alzheimer’s Disease Is Devastating. Take Employee Wellness Month as the impetus for breathing new life into your company’s kitchen cabinets.
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