myhockey tournaments rochester

Bill Gray's Regional Iceplex, Rochester, NY. On behalf of the Union Thunder PeeWee B team, we had a great time both on and off the ice. Once the schedule is released, it is unlikely that we will be able to make changes to accommodate your schedule request. Thanks for all you do. I just felt that not only was the tournament very well organized and run but that the players and families of all the teams that we played had great sportsmanship. Individuals not canceling more than 72 hours in advance will be considered a "no show" and will be charged for one room night plus tax. MYHockey Tournaments Contact Information Mailing Address: MYHockey Tournaments LLC 3023 N Clark Street, Suite #900 Chicago, IL 60657. Thanks for putting together such a great tournament. For early season tournaments, we may utilize ranking and rating info from previous seasons as well as our experience with organizations, teams and leagues to guide placements. Teams may register by completing the registration form and sending with full payment or a $250 non-refundable deposit. For tournaments in Illinois, rosters must be received 72 hours prior to the tournament. Rollaways/cots are available at most hotels. Forgot account? Cheektowaga Warriors (TB) 06 AA: 5-3 : Rochester Jr Americans 06 AAA: 20210204: Email Address: (required for occasional follow-up) Something not right about this score? All traveling team will receive a 30% discount for each out-of-town tournament they attend. If you are considering flight times that conflict with the guidelines listed above, please contact us to discuss the times before booking. Indian Trail, NC, Ages: U10 - U18, U15 Midgets, JV HS, Varsity HS Teams cancelling more than 50% of their entire room block within one (1) week of the tournament start date will be subject to charges for one night per room plus tax, for their entire block of rooms originally listed on the rooming list. Teams traveling by air should provide us with flight times no later than 21 days prior to the tournament start date. for skill level. (6 days ago) Tim regan has been organizing tournaments since 2008 and was a founding member of myhockey tournaments. Thanks for accommodating! Empire State Cup MYHockey Tournaments LLC January 16-18, 2021 2700 Brighton-Henrietta Town Line Rd, Rochester, NY 14623 Claim your business I just wanted to write to tell you how much our team enjoyed the two MyHockey Tournaments that we participated in this year. MyHockey Tournaments LLC Jim Babin Avoid Myhockeytournaments- they mistreat and mislead young athletes by robbing out of town hockey players the ability to play in the Championship when they qualified. We are operating USA Hockey sanctioned tournaments in a safe environment. Hotel check-in times are typically 3:00 - 4:00pm and are posted on the Hotel Information Page. Bill Gray's Regional Iceplex is a 176,000 square foot, multi-use sports facility located on the campus of Monroe Community College. However, keep in mind that special requests and rooming list changes may tend to fragment your block. Learn more about how you can reach local hockey fanatics through Tweet. With 20 ski centers in Western New York, winter activities include downhill and cross-country skiing, snow-boarding and sledding. Great competition all weekend. For all other locations please provide a copy of your official, certified roster to our on-site director at the site of your first game. Divisions: AA, A, B, March 12-14, 2021 The hotel was very nice and the whole staff was very pleasant. We will place your team based on all of the information available to us. 1,331 likes. It was great to be able to get continuously updated scores in all of the divisions via your website. At check-in a representative of each room should leave a credit card imprint to cover incidental charges (i.e. Tournament Locations We Welcome Salt Lake City/Provo and Cleveland to our Lineup!, Write or check out a review on your favorite local. This rule also protects all teams from the possibility that players of a higher level would be added to any team. As the season progresses, the rankings and ratings become more accurate and this information becomes the primary reference source used to place teams. Sports League. We will contact you if additional information is required. Thank you for a great tournament. Awesome tournament !! All hotels attempt to keep your team as close together as possible. Most teams and associations are now familiar with the website, AA For Saturday through Monday tournaments, held over various holiday weekends, play will begin on Saturday at 7:00 am and all championship games will conclude by 6:00 pm Monday. It is our goal at MYHockey Tournaments to provide the most rewarding tournament experience possible. It is generally best to check with us before purchasing tickets or making reservations and we will confirm our ability to meet your schedule request. Create New Account. It is our goal at MYHockey Tournaments to place teams in divisions which provide the closest match to your team's age and skill level. MYHockey Rankings and GameSheet Inc. Agree to Long-Term Strategic Partnership. General Information and Inquiries - Toll Free in the US and Canada. You unfortunately don't see that everywhere. This is a requirement of our USA Hockey sanction so that all team's insurance will be in force. Hockey Time Productions. Thanks again. August 16, 2019 MYHockey Rankings (MHR), the premier source for youth hockey rankings, and GameSheet Inc, the most trusted name in digital scorekeeping and league management, are pleased to announce the signing of an… U15 Midgets an average of 10 rooms for 2 nights each is 20 room nights.) Whether you want to spend some time on the beach, Busch Gardens, catch a Stanley Cup Champion Lightning game or simply enjoy awesome weather, Tampa is a great tournament location. Teams requesting lodging at the same hotel with other teams should indicate this to MYHockey Tournaments on the, All Tournaments: USA Hockey Sanctioned and roster requirements strictly enforced to protect all teams and participants, All Tournaments: Four Game Minimum, Five to Six games Maximum, NO GATE FEES; Free entry - all tournament games, No curfews, all games played to completion, Individual and team awards for 1st and 2nd place teams, Continuous, real time scores and standings direct from the tournament rinks to our website, Complimentary hotel rooms for team manager or coach when 15 rooms or more are reserved and utilized by the team, Discount programs are available for individual teams participating in multiple tournaments,for organizations with multiple teams in the same tournament and for early registrations. There wasn't a clear front runner that didn't belong in our bracket. Early departures (parties checking out earlier than the departure date listed on the rooming list form) are subject to fees determined by the hotel (typically one nights room and tax). The rankings website includes game scores for teams of many levels across North America and calculates ratings and rankings for teams based on their scores and the scores of their opponents. All rooms are guaranteed for late arrival. U12 Peewees No exceptions. Not Now. In this situation, registration fees will not be refunded. Failure to comply and/or attempts to circumvent procedures and obligations will result in expulsion from the tournament. Thanks, we had a great time! We are very happy to discuss your team's placement, based on all of the information we have, and the rankings/ratings of the other teams within your team's division. The competition was well matched, the officiating was top-notch, the rinks were great and everything seemed to flow very well throughout the tournament. Big Bear Tournaments. Tournament Director: Rob Cothern. Thanks for a great tournament......the drive home was worth it after the big win!!!! 1890 West Ridge Road, Rochester, NY 14615, 717 East Henrietta Road, Rochester, NY 14623, 1111 Jefferson Road, Rochester, NY 14623, 33 Corporate Woods Parkway, Rochester, NY 14623, 1300 Jefferson Road, Rochester, NY 14623, 400 Center Place Drive, Rochester, NY 14615, 500 Paddy Creek Circle, Rochester, NY 14615, 30 Celebration Drive, Rochester, NY 14620, 4695 W. Henrietta Road, Rochester, NY 14467. Every team in our division was evenly matched. No refunds, by cash or check, will be made. Phone: 855-898-4040 FAX: 773-541-8953 email: Generally, younger teams (mites, squirts, pee wees) begin play earlier each day and will complete their championship games earlier on Sunday or Monday. Teams and individuals may check in throughout the day or evening. It is possible that your team may play teams that are slightly older or younger than those in your home playing area or with a different designation, AA, A, B, AE, etc. View map, Other tournaments offered by MYHockey Tournaments LLC, March 12-14, 2021 We have released the schedule for our Rochester tournament for March 13th-15th at Chautauqua County Youth Hockey Association - Jamestown Lakers Center State Youth Hockey Association Batavia Ramparts West Seneca Youth Hockey Association Clinton Youth Hockey Brampton Hockey Inc Camillus Youth Hockey Association Rochester also offers a variety of cultural opportunities, such as the Eastman House Museum of Photography and Film, the Memorial Art Gallery and Rochester Museum and Science Center. 75 talking about this. It is our goal at MYHockey Tournaments to provide the most rewarding tournament experience possible. If we are able to fill your team's spot with a team that is paying an entry fee to play in the tournament, we will apply a credit to entry in a future tournament. Lists should be completed as soon as possible. In general, this decision will be finalized 4-6 weeks prior to the tournament start date. The rankings website is the single best resource for comparing and placing teams and we will place teams primarily based on their rankings and ratings at B, U10 Squirts Tournament Locations The 2020-21 Season! Room additions, deletions and special requests or instructions regarding your team's room block should be coordinated through your hotel contact person. When evaluating placement the age make-up of a team is one of the first factors we explore. Room types will be either 2 double beds or a King bed with a pullout sofabed. Sports & Recreation. rich hansen - southeast tournament director. Rochester Rumble MYHockey Tournaments LLC March 12-14, 2021 2700 Brighton-Henrietta Town Line Rd, Rochester, NY 14623 Claim your business Overview; Details; Rinks; Tournaments; Reviews; Overview. The hotel and tournament staff were excellent as was the refereeing. Levels: Squirt thru Midget: AA, A, B and House; HS Varsity and JV. tournament that takes place U14 Bantams Teams with less than 20 total room nights will be ineligible for semi-final or championship play during the tournament. Let us know if … Vendors. See more of MYHockey Tournaments on Facebook. MyHockey Tournaments 2017 Rochester Presidential Power-Play Top 10 Plays by LiveBarn. Bantam and Midget teams will begin later on Friday or Saturday and will play the later championship games on Sunday or Monday. Please remember that once the schedule is released, your request to change the schedule will affect your opponent and probably several other teams. We look forward to attending more of your tournaments in the future! Information on your team's hotel, hotel contact person and game schedule will be available at least 14 days prior to the start of the tournament. Our games were very competitive and the scores reflected such. 2:16. If you must add players to your roster due to injuries or other issues, these players must be formally added to your official roster by USA Hockey or Hockey Canada. Events will be held Nov 2-4 and Feb 16-18. U16 Midgets Kudos to you for setting up the best Tournament I have been in for some time. We are pleased to announce the dates for our 2018-19 tournaments. The safety and protection of our customers is a priority at MYHockey Tournaments. Chris, another great Tourney! Wesley Chapel, FL, Are you a business owner? Thank you for being so accommodating for our two teams. 2020-21 Season Totals for the Rochester Rattlers (Black) 10 AA (Report missing game scores) Current Season Record - All Games (W-L-T): 12-11-1 GF=90 GA=83 * Note: Games listed above that are shaded grey have been added to the system since the last update and are not yet included in the current MYHockey Ratings. Thanks for all of your assistance in getting us there! Most Hotels will provide a complimentary guestroom per team based on the team meeting a specific number of paid guestrooms. Share. Rochester Youth Hockey Tournaments. 2700 Brighton-Henrietta Town Line Rd, Rochester, NY 14623, Rochester Rumble is a hockey We will do our best to accommodate your schedule requests prior to release of the schedule and we will be candid with you about what we can and cannot do, but most teams prefer that the schedule remains stable once it is released. phone calls, room service, movies, etc.) Please contact your local associate registrar or your organization's registrar with questions on rules and procedures for adding players to your certified roster. We had a great time Tim. The hotel will accept individual cancellations until 6:00 pm 72 hours (3 days) prior to arrival for the listed party. This goal is made more difficult because age divisions and skill classifications vary from state to state and between the US and Canada. We are proud to announce that we will be running in the Salt Lake City area during the upcoming 2018-19 season. MYHockey Tournaments, Chicago, Illinois. Defender Hockey Tournaments (302)266-0777 x200 This website is powered by SportsEngine's Sports Relationship Management (SRM) software, but is owned by and subject to the Defender Hockey Tournaments privacy policy. This should be used for either the coach, manager or bus driver. Announcing MYHockey Tournaments 2018-19 Season!!! Please give my thanks to all those involved that helped put together such a great event. MYHockey Tournaments will accommodate these requests whenever possible, but cannot guarantee that suitable blocks will be available when the rooming lists are submitted. Bill Gray's Regional Iceplex, Rochester, NY. Montgomery , Pennsylvania. All games were exciting to watch and coach. Schedules are generally released and sent to team contacts, along with final hotel information and confirmations, two weeks prior to the tournament start date. Filter Options. Teams with less than 20 total room nights may have their eligibility for semi-final or championship play reinstated by paying a penalty totaling $50 multiplied by the difference between 20 and the total number of room nights used by that team. Looking forward to coming down again. If you are interested in being a vendor at one or all of the Rochester youth hockey tournaments you must first contact our tournament director Rob Cothern. It's evident that you put time and thought into placing teams in the right divisions. The Genesee River, Erie Canal and Lake Ontario, offer a variety of water activities in both autumn and spring, including canal cruises and fishing. Only players included on your team's official roster may participate in the tournament. 1:53. 2020-21 Season Totals for the Rochester Coalition 11 AAA (Report missing game scores) Current Season Record - All Games (W-L-T): 23-4-0 GF=132 GA=52 * Note: Games listed above that are shaded grey have been added to the system since the last update and are not yet included in the current MYHockey … The kids enjoyed playing teams from several different states. Differences between ratings are useful in predicting competitiveness between teams. U18 Midgets Do NOT contact hotels directly! We'll see you next season! Extra charges may apply (typically between $10-$20 per cot per night). Thanks for a great tournament, Chris! Changes to the rooming after this time will be coordinated directly with your team's hotel contact at that time. Maximum 1 comp room per team per night. Details: Youth Hockey Hub: Big Pumpkin: Rochester: 10/30/2020: 11/01/2020: Details: MYHockey Tournaments LLC: Gopher State Outdoor Fall Classic: St Louis Park: 11/06/2020 Rochester also offers a variety of cultural opportunities, such as the Eastman House Museum of Photography and Film, the Memorial Art Gallery and Rochester Museum and Science Center. 16 talking about this. Atlantic Youth Hockey League. 3,855 likes. Rochester Coalition (NTB) 06 AA: 0-0 : Whitestown Wolfpack A: 20210320: Email Address: (required for occasional follow-up) Something not right about this scheduled game? MYHockey Rankings. SortDate. Teams canceling their tournament entry within thirty (30) days of the tournament start date are not entitled to any type of refund. No other rates, discounts or hotel reward points, regardless of how obtained will be honored. MHS - MYHockey Tournaments . Any team whose home rink is greater than 70 miles from the tournament rink, will be considered and out-of-town team, and will be required to comply with MYHockey Tournaments' hotel policies and procedures. No surprises with rink changes, refs showed up and did a decent job and overall, teams were balanced. in Rochester, NY, House If your team is planning a team function or would like to attend another event, please provide us with that information at least 21 days prior to the tournament start date. For COVID-19 related team cancelations, see our COVID-19 Refund Policy for more details. Blue Line Hockey Tournaments. Thanks for all of your assistance in getting us there! Teams playing Saturday through Monday could begin play as early as 7:00 am on Saturday and will finish by 6:00 pm Monday. 2020-21 Season Totals for the Rochester Rattlers 07 A (Report missing game scores)Current Season Record - All Games (W-L-T): 17-11-2 GF=97 GA=78 Rochester Presidential Power-Play MYHockey Tournaments LLC February 13-15, 2021 2700 Brighton-Henrietta Town Line Rd, Rochester, NY 14623 Just wanted to congratulate you and your team on a well-run event this past weekend. This applies to all events EXCEPT the Grizz Cup (Salt Lake City). We hope to have the list of hotels we will be using finalized shortly. 2020-2021 DATES BELOW!! Divisions are usually available from 9U to 18U and from house to AA skill levels. While the 2020-21 season has definitely been a challenge, we are accepting registrations for all posted 2020-21 events! We will always be candid with you team contacts regarding what we can and cannot do in regard to the schedule and we ask team contacts to be candid with their parent groups in regard to scheduling guidelines and parameters. Bill Gray's Regional Iceplex is a 176,000 square foot, multi-use sports facility located on the campus of Monroe Community College. Tournaments held Friday through Sunday could begin as early as 7:00am on Friday and all championship games will be concluded by approximately 6:00 pm Sunday. I think everyone in attendance enjoyed the 3-2 Shootout final! Log In. MyHockey Tournaments 2017 The Liberty Cup by LiveBarn. Thank YOU we had a great time! 3,853 likes. Our Baltimore Stars peewee team had a great time at your Pittsburgh tournament. Every season offers exciting possibilities for indoor and outdoor entertainment in the Rochester area. After a completed list has been submitted to MYHockey Tournaments, your list will then be forwarded to the first available tournament hotel, based on your preferences. Near. Plan for success when making flight arrangements; assuming that your team will play in the championship game on the last day of the tournament. They offer multiple playing dates for all classifications in attractive locations, to bring the best-matched competition together, while not forgetting that the ultimate goal is fun. A Sports League. Reservations must be done through MYHockey Tournaments. Varsity HS, This tournament is hosted at the following rink(s). Registration is open! Divisions: AA, A, B, March 13-15, 2021 Please complete the form and tell us how to fix things. Hope to see you next year. It is our goal at MYHockey Tournaments to provide the most rewarding tournament experience possible. Tournaments (773) 269-6547 In the mean time, here is the list of hotels we used last season and we anticipate using a similar list for out events this season. We have extensive experience in placing teams from throughout North America and we reserve the right to make the final decision on placement. Examples of divisions that we often field: All teams are required to present a copy of their official roster that is issued by their respective sanctioning body, either USA Hockey or Hockey Canada. The annual event, put on by MYHockey Tournaments out of Chicago IL., will take place at the Bill Gray’s Regional Iceplex and runs from January 18th through the 20th. incurred throughout the weekend. Ashburn, VA, Ages: U8 - U18, U15 Midgets, JV HS, Varsity HS MYHockey Rochester Fall Classic It is the goal at MYHockey Tournaments to provide the most rewarding tournament experience possible. The Hotel and schedule was great, team had a blast. ... and will be required to comply with MYHockey Tournaments' hotel policies and procedures. Age groups for teams from the US and Canada are largely the same, however areas with larger numbers of players, Ontario, Michigan and Western New York, for example, separate major and minor aged players within the age group. Please indicate on the rooming list form, the room that is to be designated as the complimentary room if your team meets the hotel's requirements. Playing out of great … Print this Report. or. A great city that attracts teams from all over the country to play a healthy mix of Florida teams makes the hockey great for both local and far away teams. Rochester, New York – Over 2650 ice hockey players and family members will come together this weekend for the Empire State Cup ice hockey tournament. Interest. The schedule will generally be published to our website for public viewing four to five days prior to the tournament start date. Your experience on this site will be improved by allowing cookies. A minimum of 20 room nights is mandatory (i.e. This tournament was very well run. It is important to note that entry fee balances and all required documentation must be received prior to release of the schedule to your team. The organizers were easy to work with, the tournaments ran smoothly, and the medals and plaque were of a very nice quality! MYHockey Tournaments runs youth ice hockey tournaments in 14 cities across 10 states. Learn more about how you can reach local hockey fanatics through My Hockey Tournaments Activities . JV HS I wanted to commend you on setting up the Peewee A1 division with "like" caliber teams. We had a great time Tim. Payments may be made by check, credit card or ACH bank transaction. It's one of the best run tournaments we've ever participated in, and we look forward to participating again! he is the main contact for teams playing in our northeast locations: detroit, hartford, philadelphia, pittsburgh, and rochester. In some cases a AA team from one league may fit best into an A division based on their ranking/rating and an A team from another league may fit best into a AA division based on their ranking/rating and we will make these types of placements when appropriate. Teams playing Friday through Sunday, could begin play as early as noon Friday and will complete championship games by 5 pm Sunday. Relevance Date Distance Most Popular When All Future Dates Next 7 Days Next 3 Months Next 6 Months. Related Pages. Four tournaments listed as Friday through Monday, teams will play either a Friday through Sunday or Saturday through Monday schedule. Email this Report. As a condition of acceptance to the tournament, all out of town teams MUST reserve rooms through MYHockey Tournaments and stay in an authorized hotel, at tournament rates.

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