View the College's COVID-19 test results dashboard. The total number of Moravian College students (housed on and off campus) who are positive for COVID-19, and their Moravian -affiliated student contacts. This total indicates the total student COVID-19 positive case load at Moravian. Covid-19 Moravian Mask Definition. Covid-19 Response and Reopening; Testing Data; College of the Holy Cross. Moravian College mandates mask-wearing on campus. Classes began, on campus and online, on January 18, 2021. Menu. The numbers below reflect tests administered by the college. For more information and for more local details and data, please visit the NY Forward COVID-19 Regional Metrics Dashboard. This dashboard shows aggregate data related to testing, infection rates and alert levels. During the semester, the case information included in this dashboard is reported daily during the week and may fluctuate as the data are updated. Kenyon College. The Carthage College COVID-19 Dashboard provides information and updates on COVID-19 data specifically related to the campus community. The chart below provides recent data on COVID-19 testing, positive cases, and recoveries. This dashboard is Resident students who test positive for COVID-19 and their resident student contacts. Home Wellness Center COVID-19 (coronavirus) Bears Return COVID Dashboard. Moravian College is committed to making its website accessible to all users. Active Cases: The total number of people in the on-campus College community with known active COVID-19 infection. The dashboard will be updated each morning, Monday through Friday, to reflect the number of confirmed-positive COVID-19 cases that have been reported by students, faculty and staff, as of 4 p.m. the day before. Contact or 610-861-1320 to make plans for your campus visit. Percent of Positive Tests (Prevalence of Disease). Any COVID-19-related death of a student, faculty, or staff member will prompt a review of campus operational status. Campus access, restrictions and operations may be affected by changing conditions due to COVID-19. Source: New York State Statewide COVID-19 Testing For more information about COVID-19 in our region, please visit the Oneida County COVID-19 Dashboard.. Dashboard Questions? Check this page for ongoing updates and answers to frequently asked questions. Wisconsin plans to direct its more than 47,000 doses of the new Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine next week to teachers, which may allow other groups recently made eligible and those coming next to get shots sooner, state officials said Tuesday. A combination of community and campus criteria may result in a change in campus restrictions, changes in format of course delivery, or partial or full closure of the college. Moravian College is accepting visitors by appointment only for tours and interviews. Virtual tours are also available. Please contact the Dean of Students Office at or 315-859-4020.Media inquiries should be directed to Vige Barrie, Skidmore College COVID-19 Dashboard. This dashboard uses Health Center data and is updated by Kristy Sullivan and Sharon Maus. College staff in student-facing, on-campus roles also undergo weekly testing. Quarantine Space: On-campus space designated for residential students only who have been exposed to an active case of COVID-19. COVID-19 Dashboard. Total Tests: The total number of COVID-19 tests collected since the College’s testing program began on August 12, 2020.. Learn more about risk statuses Current R-MC COVID-19 Status: This status was reduced to Elevated Risk on Friday, March 5, 2021 to reflect sharply reduced case numbers on campus and statewide, increased student compliance with Protect the Hive and public health protocols, reduced local hospital pressures, and ongoing vaccination efforts in the Chickahominy Health District.. The following dashboard has been reset on January 2 to track C ovid-19 cases and daily testing on the Colby College campus for the 2021 Jan Plan and spring terms. COVID-19 Dashboard; COVID-19 Dashboard. REQUIRED employee training Rationale & Requirements As an institution, Moravian College is deeply committed to fostering mutual respect and human understanding, and to preserving a community where all members can learn, thrive, and work together effectively. Last Updated: March 5 2021, 9:30 a.m. Current Status: Yellow Details about what status levels means in terms of campus activities and movement are available here.. *This is based on what has been seen previously as the incubation period of MERS-CoV viruses. COVID-19 Dashboard. Week of 3/1: 1304 . An overview of the COVID-19 situation at Whitman College. Active Cases – The number of employees and students currently in isolation.. Mississippi State Department of Health Dashboard. Stonehill testing results are being defined as all tests performed on individuals who are part of the Stonehill campus community for the 2020-2021 winter break as either students, employees, affiliates or partners. “This is … COVID-19 Dashboard. The Fall 2020 dashboard … It has been 10 days from the start of their symptoms, Their symptoms are either gone or improving, They have not needed fever reducing medication for at least 72 hours (more conservative than the CDC 24 hour guideline). Non-resident students: The number of positive cases (and their Moravian-affiliated contacts), when combined with the number of positive resident students (and resident student contacts), provide a total student positive case and contact count that challenges continuing academic activities. The number and percentage of positive COVID-19 cases among faculty, and their on-campus contacts, whose absence due to isolation/quarantine will challenge continued campus operations. Those tested off campus are placed on the dashboard quarantine until they have test results, if negative they are removed from the quarantine list. UW-Stout COVID-19 Testing Dashboard. Updates will be provided to students, faculty, staff and parents through email and the Skidmore Weekly Bulletin. The Moravian College Health Center, managed by St. Luke’s University Health Network, will provide or coordinate episodic testing of those presenting with symptoms of disease, and conduct routine surveillance testing throughout the semester. Data Glossary. Moravian College to hold in-person graduation ceremonies Police seek info in road rage incident on I-78 in Lehigh County Merck: Study shows COVID-19 drug quickly reduces virus Understanding This Dashboard: COVID-19 cases reported on this dashboard include faculty, staff and students who are interacting on the Reynolda Campus and have known positive, laboratory-verified test results reported to the university. Kenyon. 3.3.20: The Coronavirus Threatens to Upend Higher Ed. COVID-19 Dashboard Misericordia University maintains this page to inform our campus community and others about the number of known COVID-19 cases among students, and employees on campus. Updated daily, this snapshot tracks the public health outlook on campus. A significant increase in COVID-19 cases on campus will adversely impact campus operations. 2.13.20: Will Coronavirus Crisis Trigger an Enrollment Crisis? Athletics; Information for Visitors; Sign up to receive a daily email (Monday - Friday) with the most up-to-date dashboard results. Sarah Lawrence College is located in Westchester County, which is in the Mid-Hudson region of New York State and adjacent to the New York City region. This dashboard tracks the incidence of COVID-19 cases in the Bates community beginning February 9, 2021 with the return of students for the winter semester. All positive tests will be reported to the City of Bethlehem Health Bureau and Northampton County officials. Dashboard. A new public health data visualisation dashboard for COVID-19 has revealed significant issues regarding the quality, consistency and availability of reliable data needed to manage the Coronavirus New COVID-19 dashboard highlights gaps in data needed to address pandemic | UCL News - UCL – University College London Cases are listed by the date and residential status when the test was performed. Dickinson’s spring 2021 reopening plan includes twice-weekly testing of on-campus students and weekly testing for staff and faculty who are in regular contact with others on campus. The purpose of this page is to keep the Moravian community informed about the public health situation relating to the COVID-19 ("Coronavirus"). Tonight's scheduled semifinal game between the Lady Royals and Moravian College at the John Long Center is canceled because of a COVID-19 situation within Moravian's program. Should you find content that is inaccessible, please contact or visit the Accessibility Services Center. Winter Break 2020 - Moravian College was notified about students and employees who were positive during December and January while campus was closed. As part of our COVID-19 health and safety practices, we are rolling out a smartphone app called PolicyPath. This information only includes confirmed on-campus cases as reported to the university through established reporting protocols. The capacity and capability of the local healthcare systems, St. Luke’s University Health Network and Lehigh Valley Health Network, to absorb and treat COVID-19 cases requiring hospitalization and/or intensive care. 3.5.20: Enrollment Headaches From Coronavirus Are Many. Isolation Space: On-campus space designated for residential students only with active COVID-19 infection. There is a limit of two guests (parents/guardians only) per student on tours. These metrics will be updated as new data become available, at minimum weekly by Friday afternoon. Ithaca College is also reporting data to the New York State Higher Education COVID-19 Report.The state reporting requirements are specific to students and employees accessing campus and does not apply to those who are remote, even if they live in the area.We are choosing to provide more transparency on our internal COVID-19 Tracking Dashboard regarding testing and cases that we are … They Won’t Be Relieved Soon. You are here: ... COVID-19 Information. There is increasing evidence that cloth face coverings help prevent people who have COVID-19 from spreading the virus to others. Glossary of Important Terms. Disease incidence is monitored daily here. The dashboard aggregates the available local, regional, and state data twice daily by 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Rhodes College conducts weekly asymptomatic testing of all students, faculty, and staff who are either living on campus or interacting with students on campus. Aggregated screening results will be reported via the college’s Coronavirus Screening Activity dashboard, which will be activated in January. Rollins College in consultation with our Orange County Public Health Department epidemiologist, Jennifer Finnegan, will use these indicators to inform decisions during the academic year. There is a limit of two guests (parents/guardians only) per student on tours. 2.26.20: Lehigh Valley colleges monitoring coronavirus ahead of spring break travel, 2.25.20: As the coronavirus spreads to Europe, so does concern on local college campuses. This requirement includes students living in off-campus housing. If you have tested positive for COVID-19, email or call 601-925-3030, Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Classes began, on campus and online, on January 18, 2021. BETHLEHEM, Pa. - The Wind Creek Event Center in Bethlehem will soon host COVID-19 vaccine clinics. Contact, For information on Commencement 2021, please visit, August 24, 2020: Return to Campus Update-August 24, August 20, 2020: Return to Campus Update-August 20, August 18, 2020: Return to Campus Update-August 18, August 7, 2020: Coronavirus Update-July 24, July 31, 2020: Coronavirus Update - July 31, July 24, 2020: Coronavirus Update-July 24, June 25, 2020: Coronavirus Update-June 25, June 18, 2020: Coronavirus Update-June 18, June 12, 2020: Coronavirus Update-June 12, April 29, 2020: Coronavirus Update-April 29, April 23, 2020: A Message from the CFO about Student Board Plan Refunds, April 22, 2020: Coronavirus Update-April 22, April 20, 2020: Coronavirus Update-April 20, April 17, 2020: Coronavirus Update-April 17, April 15, 2020: Coronavirus Update-April 15, April 13, 2020: Coronavirus Update-April 13, April 8, 2020: Coronavirus Update-April 8, April 6, 2020: Coronavirus Update-April 6, April 3, 2020: Coronavirus Update-April 3, April 1, 2020: Coronavirus Update-April 1, March 30, 2020: Coronavirus Update-March 30, March 27, 2020: Coronavirus Update-March 27, March 26, 2020: Coronavirus Update-March 26, March 25, 2020: Coronavirus Update-March 25, March 25, 2020: Positive COVID-19 Case-March 25, March 24, 2020: Coronavirus Update-March 24, March 23, 2020: Coronavirus Update-March 23, March 22, 2020: Coronavirus Update-March 22, March 21, 2020: Coronavirus Update-March 21, March 20, 2020: Coronavirus Update - March 20 Evening, March 20, 2020: Coronavirus Update-March 20, March 19, 2020: IMPORTANT UPDATE for STUDENTS and FACULTY, March 19, 2020: Coronavirus Update-March 19, March 18, 2020: Coronavirus Update-March 18, March 17, 2020: Coronavirus Update - March 17, March 16, 2020: URGENT Coronavirus Update - March 16, March 16, 2020: Coronavirus Update-March 16, March 15, 2020: Coronavirus Update - March 15, March 14, 2020: Coronavirus Update - March 14, March 14, 2020: Update from Seminary Dean's Office, March 12, 2020: Nursing Students and Clinicals-March 13, March 13, 2020: Student Weekend Expectations - COVID-19, March 13, 2020: Coronavirus Update - March 13, March 12, 2020: Classes Moving To Remote Instruction For Two Weeks, March 11, 2020: Change to Residential Visitation Policy, March 11, 2020: Coronavirus Update from President Grigsby, March 6, 2020: Novel Coronavirus Update-Returning to Campus, March 4, 2020: COVID-19 Follow-up Message on travel, March 3, 2020: Novel Coronavirus Update (SPRING BREAK NOTICE), February 25, 2020: Novel Coronavirus Update (SPRING BREAK NOTICE), February 5, 2020: Community Health Information: Coronavirus, Information from the Centers for Disease Control on the flu, Information from the Centers for Disease Control on the common cold, Information from the American Thoracic Society on adenovirus, Information from the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Preventing COVID-19 Spread in Communities, PA Department of Health: PA COVID-19 Update, 4.29.20: Moravian College professor, students make 3D face shields, stethoscopes for health care workers fighting coronavirus, 4.28.20: How do you teach theater online? *Note: As a reminder, The World Health Organization changed the name of the virus to COVID-19 on Feb. 11, 2020. COVID-19 cases indicated on this dashboard include positive, laboratory-verified test results by College-authorized testing agencies among students, faculty and staff approved to access campus. View up-to-date … For faculty, the number of positive cases, and faculty contacts, will be monitored and evaluated to determine the impact on continuing classes, which will vary by academic department. Note: Moravian’s leadership may modify this list or identify new trends as additional information and guidance becomes available. Dashboard Definitions. COVID -19 Dashboard Alma College is committed to transparency in providing information about testing and cases of COVID-19 within our campus community. It does not include pre-arrival testing. The faculty and staff at Moravian College worked tirelessly to deliver the Moravian College experience to all of our students this past fall, both in and out of the classroom. This page is updated every Monday with the previous week’s data, using information gathered by the StaySafeCarthage Daily Check-in symptom monitoring tool, Human Resources, and the Dean of Students Office. The current status presents a rolling snapshot.. The college's COVID-19 case dashboard is a source of information about reported COVID-19 cases that impact the St. Norbert College campus. For more information on Alert Levels, please visit the COVID-19 Alert Level page on our website. The dashboard is updated every weekday. Bowdoin Spring COVID-19 Dashboard. McFarland has had 10 positive COVID-19 cases among staff and 21 cases among students since September, according to the district’s COVID-19 data dashboard… ... As the world turned upside down from the global COVID-19 pandemic, the Moravian community stepped up to "Protect the Pack." #MoCoTimeOfCaring. Non-resident students who test positive for COVID-19, and their contacts who regularly visit the Moravian campus. These off campus cases are not included in the dashboard numbers. Moravian College will track the following: The ability to isolate and/or quarantine all students housed on campus who test positive (cases) or who are known to have been in contact with a positive case (contact) is essential for limiting the spread of COVID-19 on the campus. Face coverings will be required when inside all Moravian College buildings and outside when physical distancing is not possible. For staff, the number of positive cases, and contacts (who are also Moravian personnel), will be monitored to determine the ability to continue providing essential support services to campus. This dashboard is updated each afternoon with the previous day’s information. Here Are the Latest Developments. Close contact quarantine time is 14 days from the date of their exposure, or 10 days with a negative test on or around day 10. Quarantine - People are quarantined because of a close contact exposure or symptoms and a pending test. The dashboard is updated when the previous day's testing data is available. This dashboard shows ongoing COVID-19 results for testing administered by the Protect Purdue Health Center since Aug. 1, 2020, for faculty, staff and students, including student-athletes. The following symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure.*. OFFICIAL MESSAGE: Protocol Changes Due to Covid-19 Prevalence January 17, 2021 Dear Students, With the close of our first week on campus, we have seen a rise in the number of cases of Covid-19 at Colby and increased evidence of student-to-student transmission. Lehigh Valley colleges get creative with remote learning amid coronavirus, even in hands-on fields, 4.21.20: Convert Campus Spaces to Health-Care Facilities, 4.15.20: Some College Students Returned Home, Some Couldn't: What It's Like On Campus, 4.4.20: Lehigh Valley colleges opening dorms for doctors and nurses on front line of coronavirus fight, 3.11.20: Muhlenberg College ending in-person classes because of coronavirus; most students must leave on-campus housing by Saturday afternoon, 3.6.20: Coronavirus is here: What to do if you have symptoms, how to get tested and more of your questions answered. Trends related to the incidence of infection and exposure to COVID-19 will be monitored daily. COVID-19 Dashboard. This framework will remain in place until a COVID-19 vaccine is widely available. Muhlenberg is currently in LEVEL 1 - NEW NORMAL. Call the Health Center at (610) 861-1567. The content within the dashboard on this page relates to the key trends concerning campus-wide operations. Should you find content that is inaccessible, please contact or visit the Accessibility Services Center. For information on Commencement 2021, please visit Moravian College is committed to making its website accessible to all users. ... That amounted to a little more than a third of all positive test results, according to the Bethlehem school’s COVID dashboard. Subscribe. The Spring Dashboard tracks daily COVID-19 activity throughout the Spring Semester. The Mississippi State Department of Health maintains a COVID-19 dashboard that is updated daily. 2.7.20: Is the new coronavirus breeding undue fear and stigma. A student given a screening test is not quarantined. These off campus cases are not included in the dashboard numbers. The number and percentage of positive COVID-19 cases among campus staff, and their on-campus contacts, whose absence due to isolation/quarantine will challenge continued campus operations. Below are messages sent by the College on COVID-19: Per the CDC: Reported illnesses have ranged from mild symptoms to severe illness and death for confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases. Moravian College is accepting visitors by appointment only for tours and interviews. As a part of Reed College’s COVID-19 Prevention and Response Plan, the COVID Risk Assessment Group collects, monitors, and shares relevant data in order to inform decision making for campus operations. Moravian’s COVID-19 dashboard as of Friday showed four active cases, two each among residential students and employees. People remain in isolation for 10 full days from the start of their symptoms and can be released from quarantine once they meet the following criteria: Regional Data - Counts come from the Pennsylvania COVID-19 Dashboard All cases reported to the Health Center are shared. Those tested at the Health Center will have results the same day and are not added to the quarantine counts on the dashboard. This will be located on the College’s website and will share information such as: total number of positive cases in our community; percentage of our population that is positive, percentage of our population in quarantine and much more! The dashboard is updated daily and shows newly reported COVID-19 positive test results during the time period indicated among students, faculty and staff in or around the Bucknell University campus community (i.e., students living on campus or near campus, and employees working on campus). Cumulative Positivity Rate – Percentage of the campus population who have tested positive for COVID at any point since testing began.. Employees – Faculty and staff who are expected to access campus in spring 2021. Williams reviews aggregated student, faculty and staff testing results and other metrics as part of our effort to protect the college and local community.
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