Brahmam etam viharam idhamahu, Ditthiñca anupagamma silava On his way he came to a fork in the road and stood wondering which way to turn. The lustful also sees the "good side" or "beauty," and therefore gets involved. Any of these can be used as a vehicle for attaining absorption (jhana) through the technique of metta-bhavana. Thus all these terms are interconnected. But what is even more wonderful is the impact which metta has on the environment and on other beings, including animals and devas, as the Pali scriptures and commentaries illustrate with a number of memorable stories. Whoever with firm faith will recite the sutta, invoking the protection of the deities and meditating on metta, will not only safeguard himself in every way but will also protect all those around him, and will make spiritual progress that can be actually verified. He stopped for some time at the port town of Tamralipi (modern Tamluk) waiting for a ship, and during that time engaged himself in business and made a thousand gold coins. To be "not brazen, nor fawning on families" thus is a pointer for the person of metta not to indulge in self-righteousness of any form. These are ways of stimulating the feeling of metta for yourself. But when day after day passed and the monks still kept occupying the bases of the trees, the deities wondered when they would go away. One sleeps happily; one wakes happily; one does not suffer bad dreams; one is dear to human beings; one is dear to non-human beings; the gods protect one; no fire or poison or weapon harms one; one's mind gets quickly concentrated; the expression of one's face is serene; one dies unperturbed; and even if one fails to attain higher states, one will at least reach the state of the Brahma world. When the monks could not stay and meditate in that beautiful forest provided with all facilities because the deities were hostile to them, they had to leave the place. This may be someone you do not know well but see around. It will make you believe in the power of love, and it will make you go out there ⦠Frugality, from consideration of others, is a noble trait. Keeping the eyes closed, repeat the word "metta" a few times and mentally conjure up its significance — love as the opposite of hatred, resentment, malevolence, impatience, pride and arrogance, and as a profound feeling of good will, sympathy and kindness promoting the happiness and well-being of others. "May all beings in the western direction be free from hostility, free from affliction, free from distress; may they live happily. ", VII. It's seeing the thing from a higher perspective instead of from within the thing, like being self-aware. This is developed in the next method of practice, the universalization of metta. Meta-data is data about the data. The third part envisages in this imagery the fruition of that process of spiritual development whereby one brings about an all-embracing application of spiritual love which can powerfully condition society as a whole and lead one to the heights of transcendental realization. "higher, beyond;" from Greek meta (prep.) Communication as paradox and paradox as communication: An interparadigmatic proposal of coexisting cultural epistemologies Meta definition, pertaining to or noting a story, conversation, character, etc., that consciously references or comments upon its own subject or features, often in the form of parody: A movie about making a movie is just so metaâespecially when the actors criticize the acting. Then think of someone you actually dislike — an “enemy”, traditionally— someone you are having difficulty with. (b) by being inoffensive (to all beings) and thus avoids offensiveness; (c) by not torturing (all beings) and thus avoids torturing; (d) by the non-destruction (of all life) and thus avoids destructiveness; (e) by being non-vexing (to all beings) and thus avoids vexing; (f) by projecting the thought, "May all beings be friendly and not hostile"; (g) by projecting the thought," May all beings be happy and not unhappy"; (h) by projecting the thought, "May all beings enjoy well-being and not be distressed.". ", 3. The "mental drill" in terms of directional radiation, the radiation of metta to the above twelve categories of beings in the ten directions, makes the universalization of metta a most exhilarating experience. Likewise, the three categories of deva, manussa and vinipatika — gods, human beings, and those fallen into states of woe — comprehend the totality in terms of cosmological status. In 1956 he was a member of the editorial board of the Sixth Buddhist Synod in Rangoon, which brought out a complete edition of the Pali canon. How many people with the first name Meta have been born in the United States? As he was led to the chapter house for the ordination ceremony, the purse containing the thousand gold coins dropped out from under his belt. Kandy, Sri Lanka, The Philosophy and Practice of Universal Love, You may copy, reformat, reprint, republish, and redistribute this work in any medium whatsoever, provided that: (1) you only make such copies, etc. ", 4. These pious devotees fed the monks and begged them to stay on as their guests, promising to build each a hut near the grove on the sandy stretch so that they could spend their days and nights plunged in meditation under the ancient boughs of the majestic trees. It evokes within a warm-hearted feeling of fellowship, sympathy and love, which grows boundless with practice and overcomes all social, religious, racial, political and economic barriers. "May all Noble Ones in the eastern direction... above be free from hostility, free from affliction, free from distress; may they live happily. We cover gaming words like nerf, buff, and what it means to be OP. There are various ways of practicing metta-bhavana, the meditation on universal love. The impact of the Buddha's metta-radiation was so immediate and overwhelming that by the time the animal neared the Buddha it was completely tamed as though a drunken wretch had suddenly become sober by the magical power of a spell. It will be clear from this analysis that only when one tends to see the good in people, and prefers the welfare of others, and accordingly is inoffensive (to remove any annoyance or hurt) and actively promotes well-being, does metta function as a solvent. Essentially metta is an altruistic attitude of love and friendliness as distinguished from mere amiability based on self-interest. The technique is as follows. The benefits of metta are indeed great and comprehensive. Its function is to "prefer well-being" rather than ill. The five ways of generalized radiation are as follows: 2. It will be seen, therefore, that universal love simultaneously infuses well-being and happiness and removes the mental and physical suffering caused by the mental pollutants of hostility, enmity and anger. 54, Sangharaja Mawatha Thereafter one should take up all the continents — Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North and South America — visualizing country by country and people by people, covering the entire globe. ", 5. It seems that a cow was giving milk to her calf in a forest. They were like dispossessed villagers whose houses had been commandeered by the officials of visiting royalty and they kept watching anxiously from a distance, wondering when they would get their houses back. Meta (pronounced MEH-tah in the U.S. and MEE-tah in the U.K.) derives from Greek, meaning "among, with, after, change." Once the Buddha was returning from his almsround together with his retinue of monks. The commentaries to the Pali canon are replete with stories, not only of monks, but also of ordinary people who overcame various dangers, including weapons and poison, through the sheer strength of metta — selfless love. When you are gone, they will again start their wrangling and quarrels.". Sabbe satta bhavantu sukhitatta, Ye keci panabhut'atthi But this thought-force has to be generated in a very specific and skillful way, following a certain sequence. Having visualized one's own house in this manner, one must now visualize the next house, and all its residents, and then the next house, and the next, and so on, until all the houses in that street are similarly covered by all-embracing loving-kindness. Metaphor definition, a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance, as in ⦠Thus metta is a real healing power. Metta in conduct includes the exercising of prudence, that is to say, practical wisdom. As one radiates thoughts of love in this order, the mind breaks all barriers between oneself, a revered one, a dear one, a neutral one and a hostile one. The seven ways of specified radiation are as follows: 2. You can use an image, like golden light flooding your body, or a phrase such as ‘may I be well and happy’, which you can repeat to yourself. Accordingly, he went to the jungle-monastery of Cittalapabbata. Charity begins at home: if one cannot love one's own people one will not be able to love others. As an able man can become very conceited, the practitioner is advised to be "honest and upright," while being "gentle in speech, meek and not proud" -_ indeed a perfect synthesis and an equilibrium of traits. If one trains the mind in the manner of a "mental drill" after having exercised it with the first two methods, the meaning of the five unspecified or generalized terms will become clear. And when they were armed with the protection of the Metta Sutta, which they recited and meditated upon throughout their journey, by the time they reached the place, the deities were full of friendly feelings and already waiting for them. A person living thus now plunges into the cultivation of the all-embracing mind of metta through definite techniques of meditation as envisaged in the remaining part of the sutta. "Fully established" (anutthita) refers to a life that is firmly rooted in metta, has anchorage in metta under all circumstances. After the monks had settled down contentedly in these huts, each one selected a tree to meditate under, by day and by night. Then think of someone you do not particularly like or dislike. Byarosana patighasañña Next, one should visualize state after state, starting with one's own state, then the rest of the states in the different directions, the east, south, west and north. If these qualities of metta are sufficiently cultivated through metta-bhavana — the meditation on universal love — the result is the acquisition of a tremendous inner power which preserves, protects and heals both oneself and others. One should now project into the vastness of space powerful beams of metta towards all beings living in other realms, first in the four cardinal directions — east, south, west and north — then in the intermediary directions — northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest — and then above and below, covering all the ten directions with abundant and measureless thoughts of universal love. Appagabbho kulesu ananugiddho, Na ca khuddam samacare kinci The reason for this is that the dead person, having changed form, will be out of the focus of metta-projection. - New Projects And blessed with a favorable climate, the people were highly righteous, following the Teaching of the Buddha with great fervor and sincerity. This immense inner potential of merit can be fully exploited only by the practice of metta, as is clear from the description of metta as that "maturing force" which ripens the dormant merits. And since this mind is free from all thoughts of ill-will, the aggregate of love, mind and freedom is defined as universal love leading to freedom of mind. Radiant with friendliness and good fortune, with compassion and wisdom, may all those in this great country enjoy peace and plenty. No harm can ever befall a person who follows the path of metta. The Karaniya Metta Sutta: Hymn of Universal Love, In this way does metta act as a paritta, a healing formula affording safeguards. Meta is a prefix that in most information technology usages means "an underlying definition or description." meta-analysis definition: 1. a research method that combines the results of several related studies to produce betterâ¦. "May all beings above (in the upward direction) be free from hostility, free from affliction, free from distress; may they live happily. Further, the practitioner of metta is advised to refrain from any action, even social conventions, for which a wise man may reprove him as lacking in prudence or propriety. Monks, when universal love leading to liberation of mind is ardently practiced, developed, unrelentingly resorted to, used as one's vehicle, made the foundation of one's life, fully established, well consolidated and perfected, then these eleven blessings may be expected. This method, in its basic form, is applied to the class of beings (satta), the first of the five generalized objects of metta. Having a conversation about conversations is meta. The Buddhist Publication Society is an approved charity dedicated to making known the Teaching of the Buddha, which has a vital message for people of all creeds. Next, visualize your meditation teacher, if living; if not, choose some other living teacher or revered person. available, Access to Insight is owned and managed by the, 1. May he be free from disease or trouble! The Elder suggested: "Let us go, brethren, to the Blessed One and place our problem before him. Venerable Ananda, the Buddha's attendant, was so deeply concerned about the Buddha's safety that he ran in front of the Buddha to shield him, but the Buddha asked him to stand aside since the projection of love itself was quite sufficient. This is not the case of one who has developed metta-samadhi. Just as the earth cannot be rendered "earthless," even so the mind of metta cannot be limited. Thereafter extension by extension, direction-wise, should be clearly visualized and spread with metta-rays in abundant measure. Meta is a word which, like so many other things, we have the ancient Greeks to thank for. Objectively, metta as a thought-force is capable of affecting any mind anywhere, developed or undeveloped. The reason for this is that the intimacy between husband and wife introduces the element of worldly love which defiles metta. Similarly, it is with the other qualities of inoffensiveness, non-tormenting, non-destroying and non-vexing in deed, word and thought that one can outgrow the negative traits of being offensive, of tormenting others, of destructiveness and of vexatiousness. In each of these modes of practice, any of the four phrases of the standard metta formula — "May they be free from hostility, free from affliction, free from distress; may they live happily" — may be used as the thought of radiation. In this way the entire town or the city is to be covered; then the district and the entire state should be covered and radiated with thoughts of metta. As you suffuse yourself in this way with the positive thought-force of love, you become like a filled vessel, its contents ready to overflow in all directions. (See Vism. : Juntos podemos lograr esta meta utilizando el mejor tratamiento disponible. ", 5. It is not a rare experience to see diseases cured or misfortunes warded off, even from a great distance, by the application of the thought-force of metta. : Together we can achieve this goal, using the best available treatment program. Ill-will, anger and hatred, being dissimilar emotions, therefore constitute the "remote enemy." Our Word Up series takes a word and breaks it down, so you know how to use it! In the practice of metta it is important to understand the emotions which nullify metta either by being similar or being dissimilar. But one has to be wary of the near enemy because it creates self-deception, which is the worst thing that can happen to an individual. Ethics, in the Buddhist context, is right conduct, which brings happiness and peace of mind, and never gives rise to remorse, worry or restlessness of mind. It is an emotion, something you feel in your heart. When asked, "What is it?" Then gradually relax out of meditation, and bring the practice to an end. It is a common experience in Buddhist countries to see how people are cured from all sorts of diseases and freed from misfortunes through the recitation of paritta. It manifests as a force that "removes annoyance" and its proximate cause is the tendency to see the good side of things and beings and never the faults. To promote one's own interest is a primordial motivation of human nature. Meta is a Christian Greek baby girl name. True metta is devoid of self-interest. Buddhist Publication Society The monks agreed and they set out at once, it is said, without even informing the devotees. And so he stayed on for another four months. The ability to remain non-harassing, inoffensive, non-torturing, non-destructive and non-vexing means a very refined, beautiful and loving mode of behavior in a world where interaction between human beings creates so much tension and misery. "May all females in the eastern direction... above be free from hostility, free from affliction, free from distress; may they live happily. "May all beings below (in the downward direction) be free from hostility, free from affliction, free from distress; may they live happily. Hence the Buddha's assurance in the Metta Sutta: Love wards off ill-will, which is the most damaging of emotions. It's basically what works in a game regardless of what you wish would work. Naññamaññassa dukkham iccheyya, Mata yatha niyam puttam The ten ways of directional radiation involve sending thoughts of metta to all beings in the ten directions. His main goal is the long term sustainability of the business. The visualization must be clear and the thought-radiation must be "willed" well. It will be a theme for meditation as well as a formula for protection (paritta). Its energies include divination, healing, protection, emotion, love, wisdom, dreams, luck and wealth. ", IX. The practice of Metta meditation is a beautiful support to other awareness practices. The unliberated mind is imprisoned within the walls of egocentricity, greed, hatred, delusion, jealousy and meanness. he said, "I have a thousand gold coins, sir." METTA MEDITATION. You will then write 4-5 words in the title meta tags relating to the keyword. Metaphysical definition is - of or relating to metaphysics. It is told that five hundred monks received instructions from the Buddha in the particular techniques of meditation suitable to their individual temperaments. Learn more. The bhikkhus were captivated by the sight. Since then he has written numerous books and translations of Buddhist texts, which have been published in many countries. For a follower of the Buddha this is one supreme instrument that can be wielded with advantage everywhere. Yena viññu pare upavadeyyum Digha va ye mahanta va Having radiated thoughts of metta in the order already mentioned — oneself, the meditation teacher and other revered persons — one should now visualize, one by one, one's dear ones beginning with the members of one's family, suffusing each one with abundant rays of loving-kindness. Purisa means the male principle evident in all the spheres of existence, and both itthi and purisa together comprehend the entirety. "Perfected" (susamaraddha) indicates a mode of completeness through total adherence and development, leading to that fully integrated state in which one enjoys perfect well-being and spiritual felicity, indicated by the passage detailing the eleven blessings of metta. It is only when one actively practices non-harassment towards all beings that one can outgrow the tendency to harass others. There were a few villages nearby, and also a small market-town ideal as alms-resort. The examination of the doctrinal and ethical side of metta will proceed through a study of the popular Karaniya Metta Sutta, the Buddha's "Hymn of Universal Love." Gift Aid: I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. The Pali commentators define metta as the strong wish for the welfare and happiness of others (parahita-parasukha-kamana). Firmly committed to putting Buddhist principles into practice, he has achieved distinction for multi-faceted humanitarian activities in his native India. Love should be protected from it lest the masquerades of these emotions deceive the meditator. The object of metta always is a living being, and the thought-force will become ineffective if the object is not alive. Sukhino va khemino hontu Santindriyo ca nipako ca Since it takes the approach of friendship, even the hostile one turns into a friend. Bhuta va sambhavesi va God is love and love is God, or a quality in Being. Everyone comes to be looked upon equally with the eye of loving-kindness. When the monks assembled to wait upon the seniormost Elder of the group, each one recounted his experiences. By the time one has completed the two methods, the consciousness will be sufficiently developed and all-embracing. : The goal is to generate hard currency and revitalize the economy. Compare: post-. Our earth is only a speck in our world-system, which again is a minute dot in the universe with its innumerable world-systems. The original name of this practice is metta bhavana, which comes from the Pali language. So this Elder stayed on permanently and attained Nibbana there. The definition of meta is a person or thing that is more than usual or that goes above and beyond. This finding of fruition is exactly what metta does. Each of these tendencies is rooted in antipathy and malevolence, and provides a contrast with metta, both as a mode of conduct and as a psychological state or attitude of mind. By "developed" (bhavita) is implied the various processes of inner culture and mental integration effected by the practice of meditation on universal love. Apart from its higher implications, today metta is a pragmatic necessity. If the leaders from different walks of life were to give metta a fair trial, no principle or guideline to action would be found to possess greater efficiency or fruitfulness in all spheres. La meta de la organización es acabar con la pobreza infantil. If you want to be free from the harassment caused by the deities, learn this sutta. Acharya Buddharakkhita is founder and president of the Maha Bodhi Society in Bangalore, India. He also edits and publishes a monthly magazine, Dhamma. : We must work hard to reach this target. ", XII. The substitution of a negative trait by the opposed positive course implies a very developed and mature approach to life. ", 4. See more. "Free from distress" (anigha) means the absence of mental suffering, anguish or anxiety, which often follows upon hostility or bodily affliction. 1-10. In most places around the world, everyone knows that receiving red rosesâwhether itâs one or a dozenâis how you say âI love you.â This rose color meaning conveys deep affection, such as desire or longing for your significant other. Thus four types of thought applied to five, seven, and 120 objects of metta amount to 528 modes of radiation. ", 8. The explanation of metta-bhavana, the meditation on universal love, will give the practical directions for developing this type of contemplation as set forth in the main meditation texts of the Theravada Buddhist tradition, the Visuddhimagga, the Vimuttimagga and the Patisambhidamagga. MOLECULE: A set or subset of polyamorous relationships, such as a triad, vee or quad, or a complete romantic network. These ten directional ways may be combined with the five categories of general radiation and with the seven categories of specified radiation, as we will show. The word meta means âtranscending or more comprehensive.â The Pathfinder. Metta is indeed a universal, unselfish and all-embracing love. By making this change one also promotes one's own well-being in the best possible manner. Ven. 1-10. Such is the impact of metta-bhavana on others, even among invisible beings. And with such a consciousness, when each of these universal concepts is grasped, the universalization becomes effortless. ", 5. It can actually effect what has been willed. "May all those who are embodied (sabbe attabhavapariyapanna) be free from hostility, free from affliction, free from distress; may they live happily.". You start by becoming aware of yourself, and focusing on feelings of peace, calm, and tranquillity. When one projects this total wish for others to dwell happily, free from hostility, affliction and distress, not only does one elevate oneself to a level where true happiness prevails, but one sets in motion powerful vibrations conducing to happiness, cooling off enmity, relieving affliction and distress. Manasam bhavaye aparimanam In connection with this theme we will also look at several other short texts dealing with metta. It is not good enough that one should be good, but one should also appear to be good, in consideration not only of one's own well-being but also of others' well-being. The deities had thought that the monks would remain only for a night or two, and gladly bore the inconvenience. By "practiced" (asevita) is meant the ardent practice of metta, not as a mere intellectual exercise, but by committing oneself wholeheartedly to it and making it life's guiding philosophy, something which conditions one's attitudes, outlook and conduct. Mental culture through meditation for such a person becomes natural and effortless: hence the attribute "tranquil in his senses.". Next, one should visualize neutral people, people for whom one has neither like nor dislike, such as one's neighbors, colleagues in one's place of work, bare acquaintances, and so on. May he/she be happy!". "May all beings in the southeastern direction be free from hostility, free from affliction, free from distress; may they live happily. The present booklet aims at exploring various facets of metta both in theory and in practice. There he went to the famous Mahavihara and asked the abbot's permission to enter the Sangha. Founded in 1958, the BPS has published a wide variety of books and booklets covering a great range of topics.
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