no exceptions . LATE PICK UP POLICY: For Children Who Ride the Bus It is important for parents/authorized person(s) to be at the bus stop at the scheduled time so that Doña Ana County Head Start staff can deliver the children in a timely manner. Late Pick-Up Policy Our school closes promptly at 5:30 p.m. We reserve the right to charge a late fee of $10.00 per child from 5:31 to 5:40 p.m. An additional fee of $1.00 per minute per child will be due after this time. 10+ minutes – $20 plus $2 per minute over 10 minutes. There will be . Our District; Accessibility; Calendar; Careers; Sitemap; Contact Us; Board of Education We expect our parents to plan sufficient time to dress their child, collect the child’s clothes, artwork, speak to a staff (if necessary) and leave the centre by closing time (dependent on location). or warnings. Late Pick-up Policy; Wellness Policy; 2019-2020 Late Pick Up Policy. 5: 30. pm is applied per family. At LIAC, the pool staff is on-site at all times, but at the Haskell pool, our coaches provide the only supervision for our swimmers. Dear Parents and Guardians, Thank you for choosing Imagine North Lauderdale as your partner in your child’s education. Late pick up policy. honored we have the opportunity to educate your child and will strive hard to ensure we fulfill our mission. Please make sure your emergency contact information is up to date. To make sure that children are picked up on time many day care centers fine parents who pick up children later than the agreed time. LATE PICK-UP POLICY. Our Late Policy is as follows: A fee of $1 for every minute that your child is in the building after . LATE PICK-UP POLICY Program Pick-Up Times: Short day - 4:00 pm Full Day Programs - 6:00 pm • If a child is picked up after their designated time, a late fee will be charged to your account. The first 30 minutes after class ends, is a fee of $5.00. Late Pick Up Policy English (.rtf) 4485 S. Irving St. Englewood, CO 80110 P: 720-833-6990 F: LATE PICK-UP POLICY Swimmers should be picked up promptly after all practices. Late Pick Up. Please call so that we can make proper arrangements to care for your child. Late Pick Up Policy . Measures were taken in case of delayed pickup: DACHS has adopted the following procedures for children that are not picked up at the bus stop: If you are going to be late in picking up please call the school (815) 439-9886. This fee must be paid at the time when you pick up your child. If the parent has If it becomes too late in the evening and no one on the blue emergency card can be reached, your child can be taken to the 113th police precinct. If your card is declined, you will need to pay the late fee in cash before attending the next day of camp. The late fee is $10/10min, your credit card will automatically be charged for late fees. I also respect the fact that Lindsay has a family and ensure I will pick up my child at the agreed upon time. A late pick-up is any time after 2:25 pm. 1 (888)BRICK-50. Our team is. Late Pick-up Policy Parents of participants enrolled in Children’s Center Programs will be charged $2.50 per minute / family based on the program pick-up times listed below: Part Day Preschool 12:00pm Part Day Explorers Program 2:00pm Full Day Programs and School’s Out 6:15 pm Camp Rainbow (M- F) - 12:00pm After 10 minutes, this late pick up fee goes to $2 per minute. Some day care providers will even exclude a child if the parents are consistently late picking up. Late Pick Up Policy Spanish (.rtf) Late Pick Up Policy English . Late pick-ups are extremely upsetting to your child. Late Pick Up Policy Spanish. A “late pick up” form will be completed for all children who are picked up after 6:00 pm. Late child pick-up procedure. Late Pickup Policy. If you are late … If I am late picking up my child: I understand that if I do not pick up my child up at 5:00pm I will be charged a late fee of $20.00 and $20.00 for every half hour or part thereof.
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