lance voltron birthday

The Voltron Legendary Defender episode “Launch Date” introduces Allura and the viewer to Lance’s family. Have a great day/night!] Ryner | He was voiced by Jeremy Shada, who also voice as Finn Mertens from Adventure Time and Cody Maverick from Surf's Up 2: Wavemania. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE by Teaophobia Sally | Sinbad | Jim Lake Jr. | Dawn Betterman | Mr. Ping | He wears a yellow long-sleeve shirt underneath a green polar vest with shoulder pads. It was nominated for Best Animated Series, Teens and Tweens at … Though he did sustain near-fatal wounds, Lance survived long enough to get to a healing pod, and was even able to wake up long enough to shoot Sendak. Happy birthday, Lance Mpkp 16. Cloud Guy | Keith is less so. Despite being a skilled pilot in his own right, Lance was often shown up by another student named Keith, who ended up getting promoted to a higher ranked position over Lance. Krolia | Just think: Lance spoils Keith on his birthday :,) my art voltron voltron legendary defender keith kogane klance lance mcclain happy birthday keith happy birthday Done! It's where your interests connect you with your people. See more ideas about voltron, voltron klance, voltron legendary defender. Baby Tooth | I was gonna have Lance just saying happy birthday here, but I dunno, I like this better. Saved by Lova Althén. Ty Rux | Sorry I didn’t post for Lance’s birthday, but I did post on my Instagram for his birthday. Conrad | Soothsayer | Gorgonites (Ocula, Punch-It & Scratch-It, Insaniac, Slamfist & Troglokhan) | Insectosaurus | Casual Marina | "I know I don't say this enough but you're really something special." Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Occupation Origin Tron Paladin Animation Robot Lion Anime Cartoon Space Cat Voltron Fan Art. Melman | Spirit | Lucy Tucci | Voltron Art of Kelsey Wooley Voltron Lance Birthday Voltron legendary defender lance mcclain Blue Lion Red Lion. The birth date of Keith is 23 October, Pidge was born on 3rd April, Lance on 28 July, … Princess Bala | Rocket J. Squirrel | Artists of all skill/experience levels welcome! All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Jujutsu Kaisen-... SHADOWVERSE Episode 46: Everything you should know RJ | Boss Baby | Douglas | Keith x Lance :sparkles: SpaceLace :sparkles: 7 hours ago . Viktor Navorski | Ozzie | Lance – Alias “Lancey Lance,” alias “Loverboy Lance” — Paladin of Blue Lion and later Red Lion. Instagram: klance.15 . Lance is a very flirtatious character known for his infatuation with any beautiful feminine human or alien he sees. Weaver | Lance is flexible and can do the splits same as Finn. Humpty Alexander Dumpty | Sid | Dios, he was so happy. General Warren R. Monger | Happy Birthday Lance!!!!! Varvatos Vex | Moxie Swaggerman | All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. It was revealed on the 100th episode of the Lets Voltron Podcast (released June 14, 2017) that Lance's birthday is July 28. Barry B. Benson | Creator: Way_too_involved Series Begun: 2018-04-12 Series Updated: 2018-10-05 Stats: Words: 24,816 Works: 10 Complete: No Bookmarks: 18 gesu-art. Keith knew this was the beginning of him being all alone again. [5] The Paladin's Handbook official guidebook gives garlic knots as Lance's favorite food. Gromit | See more ideas about lance x lotor, voltron legendary defender, voltron. Paladin Chel | Snow White | Glimmer | #klance #lance voltron #vld keith #keith kogane #lance mcclain #laith #i keep forgetting to post on tumblr #this ones pretty old lol #voltron #gesu art. As the fans are closely related to the ages of the characters of Voltron legendary defender, lots of are also very intrested in the birthdays of Voltron legendary defender characters. Peng | Dave & Roxie | Sykes | Sierra | Ulaz | Aaron | SHADOWVERSE Episode 46: Latest Release, Plot Details & Much More.. Jurassic Park Heroes | But nothing explicit actually happens in this fic! Especially when Lance blurts out how old he's turning in front of the Blades. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Abilities 4 Notes 5 References Hunk is tall, burly and heavyset, with a square jaw and dark brown hair. Lance | Toothiana | Darius Bowman | Saved by Charlie Oak. God | Archer | And it's raining, too. Antok | Tip Tucci | Gran | As we all know it is hard to keep the track of the Paladins ages but we have somehow figured out the concept of the time in the various dimension. Marksman, Piloting, Underwater Combat Trivia. The Boov (Officer Kyle) | Aug 26, 2018 - Explore Voltron Ships's board "Lance x Lotor" on Pinterest. Charlie | Voltron Klance Form Voltron Happy Birthday To Us Boy Birthday Divas Samurai Klance Comics We Bear Fan Art. Days Until. Stoick the Vast | Hunk’s Birthday: 360.1.18.18 voltron legendary defender vld shiro takashi shirogane. King Gristle Jr. | Ryan Kinkade | Swift Wind | Oh | Other characters Keith is 18 years old, Lance is 17 Years old, Hunk is 17 Year old and the age of Allura is not yet revealed as allura is shown as a teenager. Ton-Ton | Whiplash | Puss in Boots | High quality Voltron gifts and merchandise. First name unrevealed. Branch | Zadra | I know his birthday isn’t for like another week but I finally wrote something and just like twitter Netflix, I was too excited to keep it from you guys. Heather | Light Fury | Kenji Kon | Lance is also surprisingly durable despite his light frame as the aforementioned explosion should have killed him. Shrek | Mac | All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Altivo | ", August 2017, AfterBuzzTV with Joaquim Dos Santos and Lauren Montgomery, August 2017, Thace | See more ideas about lance mcclain, voltron klance, voltron legendary defender. Sash, Live-Action Movies Mr. Dinkles | Hunk's casual wear is cushy and engineer-friendly. #voltron lance birthday #voltron #lance mcclain #lance voltron #vld #my art #my favorite blue boy. Douxie Casperan | Keith | Both of them loves womens and flirts with them. Princess Poppy | Ezor | 5,865 notes. Penny Peterson | Swirn | Toothless | Wrong Hordak | Trying to find Voltron Lance or similar listings? Spinnerella | “[y/n], I love it. Alex | Lance is a protagonist of the Voltron: Legendary Defender series. Pidge’s Birthday: 75. Hunkis the beating heart of Voltron and a man of many talents. Bunty | Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III | George Beard | DJ Suki | Meatlug | When Shiro, a Garrison pilot long thought dead in space, returns to Earth, they join with him and Keith to discover the Blue Lion.When the Blue Lion brings them to Arus they meet Allura and Coran who tell them to look for the remaining Lions of Voltron so they can form the mighty robot and defeat the evil Galra empire. Lance has a very large family consisting of up to 12 family members, It was revealed on the 100th episode of the, Lance's Weapons design has resemblance of the MA5D Assault rifle used by. Dr. Cockroach | Movie Plot Details & Spoilers, Black Clover Episode 162: Latest Release, Cast & Plot Updates, My Hero Academia Chapter 303: Latest Release Updates & Spoilers. #klance #lance voltron #vld keith #keith kogane #lance mcclain #laith #i keep forgetting to post on tumblr #this ones pretty old lol #voltron #gesu art. Z 4195 | There ages in the anime are quite confusing as they have shown that some character in the series aged fast and some aged slowly as after just 1 season we get to see that there is lot of difference between the ages of the paladins which lives all the viewers in confusion. It's Julance, also knows as The Month of lance (His birthday was July 28th), and since he's my fav I thought I... Julance: Happy Birthday Lance! Aug 25, 2018 - 宮田の絵置場ですMy illustrations. Do not repost my illustration 3. And it's the readers birthday, and yes, Lance is your brother, so he doesn't flirt with you. Latest Updates, Boss Level Ending Explained! As seen in the series Lance really loves Killbot Phantasm but it’s the word choice here I want to focus on. Jeremy Shada, his voice actor, has described him as being 16. Lance yikes HARD queer bait but i ... happy birthday Lance! Lance Birthday Week. Sleeping Beauty | Sanderson Mansnoozie | The characters in the anime are well animated and are made with proper researched storyline and that’s why they loved by fans from all over the world. Tigress | B.O.B. Draal the Deadly | High quality Voltron Lance Birthday inspired Art Prints by independent artists and designers from around the world. Frosta | John H. Miller | Rico | Alan Abernathy | On the surface The Paladin’s Handbook, a Voltron Legendary Defender tie in guide, looks to be a just a bit of harmless fun for kids. Ernie Smuntz | Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan, Shorts, Television and Video Games Hammy | Yasmina Fadoula | 3. King Trollex | Simple as that! Tuffnut Thorston | Stormfly | Penny | Powers/Skills Lance begins as a cadet at the Galaxy Garrison, a school for space exploration. Queen Lillian | Keep him close. The Age of Shiro is 25 and that of Pidge is 15. Henry Wu | softhance. Thing One and Thing Two | His hair is long and straight in the front, spilling over the orange bandana he wears on his forehead. Captain Underpants | Yi | Chief Tannabok | Donkey | Shiro’s Birthday: 41. Everest | Delta | King Quincy | Stefano | 1. AN (pre-chater) - I know this is a day late, I didn't have my creative juices flowing yesterday. Lou | One day, Lance and Hunk follo… 1. Voltron | voltron safe zone — happy birthday Lance!! #voltron lance birthday #voltron #lance mcclain #lance voltron #vld #my art #my favorite blue boy. Pidge’s Birthday… The Cat in the Hat (Live Action) | My... Voltron Legendary Defender Characters Ages And Birthday Dates, Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 22: Latest Release, Cast & Plot Updates. Princess Fiona | Lance with Pidge and Sokka with. Lance was originally only known to be in his late teens. Toby Domzalski | He's home, had been for a few months. 121. Ugga Crood | Blind Paladin Pidge Voltron Shiro Allura Voltron Legendary Defender Galra Zarkon. Hookfang | Once a trainee at the Garrison she is now on an adventure through space. I wrote this chapter for you guys! Ulaz Po | Fowler | Captain Smek | Astrid Hofferson | Goals LVSF Week 1 - Rain. VintagerieNaphtaline. (181) $16.29. Angie | Archie | | Yes, Voltron Legendary Defender Character Anime Series is available on Netflix, you can stream it online or you can also download and can watch later. Paulie | He functions as a Paladin of Voltron, piloting both the Blue Lion and the Red Lion. Lance has a very large family consisting of up to 12 family members. Hunk, Pidge, Allura, Coran, Shiro, and Keith Sammy Gutierrez | Dozer | Hobby Family Sandy Crood | Video games, Flirting High quality Voltron gifts and merchandise. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LANCE!!! Vintage Voltron Defender of the Universe numeral candle Party-time 1984 - Birthday cake decoration. When I say happy, you say birthday . Mother (Unnamed), Marco (Brother), Luis (Brother), Rachel (Sister), Veronica (Sister), Grandma (Unnamed), Lisa (Sister-in-Law), Nadia (Niece), Sylvio (Nephew) Skipper | However, Keith ended up getting expelled, letting Lance and his friend Hunk move up a class, where they met and were teamed up with another student named Pidge. He grew up in or near Varadero. 3/5 happy birthday lance hugs (Keith) Saved by Caroline Sarah. Last name unrevealed. Megamind | 5,865 notes Jul 27th, 2017. Eva | Sea Hawk | Coran | Click "Buy it Now" 3. Here they are! Summary. Fishlegs Ingerman | Defend the Universe (Succeeded), Defeat Zarkon (Succeeded) Roxanne Ritchi | This takes place after all of the events of season 6 by the way. Lance was originally only known to be in his late teens. Yocheved | We display a big selection of Voltron Lance, featuring items such as , , , , plus much more.Browse our vast collection of Voltron Lance, or try a simple search for a more particular Voltron Lance.Our site has access to thousands of listings from retailers, so we may have what you are looking for! Spirit Jr. | Tim Templeton | 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. However, his age was clarified in The Paladin's Handbook official guidebook, revealing he is 17. It was revealed on the 100th episode of the Lets Voltron Podcast (released June 14, 2017) that Lance's birthday is July 28th. voltron safe zone. Well, thanks for reading! TH/ENG/日本語(a little bit) Pls give a credit, if u repost my art. Gia | Rita Malone | Oscar | Minion | The birth date of Keith is 23 October, Pidge was born on 3rd April, Lance on 28 July, Hunk on 13 Jan, and Shiro was born on 29 Feb. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Since the fans find out about the difference in the ages of the Voltron legendary defender characters they have been asking why there is difference between the ages of the characters. Kolivan | Both of them are arrogant, stubborn and immature. Christy Fimple | Turbo | The first episode was streamed on 10 June 2016 and last episode was streamed on 14 December 2018. Doris the Ugly Stepsister | Follow. Voltron baby lance | Tumblr. Follow. Chet | Hello hello everyone. Let us know in the comments, Voltron fans! Brooklynn | Saved by Quiznak. How to Train Your Dragon Heroes | His Bayard takes the form of a rifle or a sniper. Burnish | Bucky, Spike and Quillo | Kung Fu Panda Heroes | Entrapta | Keith is anexpelled ace pilot cadet from the Galaxy Garrison who functions as a Paladin of Voltron fighting the Galra Empire, piloting, at first, the Red Lion, but later transitioning to the Black Lion after Shiro's disappearance. Dronkeys | Lance is Cuban. Smidge | Madagascar Heroes | Keith's Birthday Hoe Down, a voltron: legendary defender fanfic | FanFiction. It's where your interests connect you with your people. ! Echo | ... Voltron Staff Appreciation Event (EXTENSION)This event will be extended to September 7th! "The hunter becomes the hunted" is a quote in some of Lance's favorite movies. Zuba | Wallace | ... Lance’s Birthday: 192. Do-Gooder Shen's Parents | A product of Netflix and DreamWorks. LVSF Week 1 - Rain. Enemies Colonel Cutter | Roddy St. James | Mort | Mr. Toilette Ree | Both with a characters power of earth. Vitaly | Select style and color 2. Movie Plot Details & Spoilers! Days Until. Jack Frost | Turns out, his birthday did involve a surprise, but not for Keith. He functionedas a Paladin of Voltron, piloting both the Blue Lionand the Red Lion at different times. White Shadow | [A/N: Since you all are reading this book, even though you could have stopped, but you guys kept reading. FarmerCargo Pilot (Formerly)Fighter Pilot (Formerly)Blue Paladin (Formerly)Red Paladin (Formerly) Click here: Best Selling T-Shirts More great designs here: Trending Tee - Funny T-Shirt IMPORTANT: 100% Printed in the U.S.A - Ship Worldwide Kids Voltron Legendary Defender Lance Blue Lion Action Shirts.Net HOW TO ORDER? Full Name Lances Loves Retro Earth Video Games. Feb 1, 2019 - Explore firekitten's board "Voltron" on Pinterest. Kanjigar the Courageous | Break out your top hats and monocles; it’s about to classy in here. Barf and Belch | Select size and quantity 4. But your walls are better. Lance begins as a cadet at the Galaxy Garrison, a school for space exploration. Delta Dawn | Let's Voltron Interview with Jeremy Shada at WonderCon 2016, Den of Geek: "Is the Paladin's Handbook Canon? His size makes him a formidable opponent and capable of wielding his Bayard; a formidable hand-held cannon. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Skya | Cooper | King Peppy | Ginormica | Hunk | SharpshooterThe TailorUncle Lance 1. Trollzart | Thunk Crood | After all is said and done, Lance's friends have a little something else planned. Animated Features Serving as a reboot of both the anime series Beast King GoLion and the Voltron franchise, the show features The Paladins of Voltron who must come together to form the robot Voltron and take down the Galra Empire. Read LANCE'S BIRTHDAY! from the story Voltron Trash by Artemisinn with 2,782 reads. Lance’s Birthday I know his birthday isn’t for like another week but I finally wrote something and just like twitter Netflix, I was too excited to keep it from you guys. As well as a capable fighter, he's also a pilot, mentor, diplomat, engineer, and galaxy-renowned chef. none the less, he decided to join the rest of the team. As excitable as ever, Lance is thrilled when Keith's space-birthday is coming up. Summary: ... Their leader was gone, they couldn’t form voltron, nothing would be the same. Queen Angella | Keith says and smiles, genuine emotion in his eyes. Jan 19 26. shallura, pidgegunderson, keithkogane. Crisis Ending Explained! Lance holds you tighter, and you’re enveloped in his warmth. Ruffnut Thorston | Spike | Perfuma | Nicholas St. North | Erica Wang | Shrek Heroes | Type of Hero Blue | Enter shipping information 5. As the fans are closely related to the ages of the characters of Voltron legendary defender, lots of are also very intrested in the birthdays of Voltron legendary defender characters. Lance Birthday Week. The Fish | Guy | Netossa | Biggie | Bumpy, See Also E. Aster Bunnymund | That’s why the paladins also aged according to the speed of time in the galaxy they are on. Blumfump | Aug 11, 2017 - I forgot upload this one here :'v So this was the piece I did for the B-day of Lance the last 28th of July :3 Support me too... Lance's Birthday Bullwinkle J. Moose | Voltron baby lance | Tumblr Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. Hutch | Lance was once a student at a school known as the Galaxy Garrison, which trained people to become space pilots to explore the cosmos. Lance slowly let his eyes close, stilling humming to himself, as the candle burnt out, wishing someone would just save him. When Shiro, a Garrison pilot long thought dead in space, returns to Earth, they join with him and Keith to discover the Blue Lion. Metro Man | For My Birthday... Frostfeathersam. Lance & Rachel (Voltron) are Twins. Hunk is tall, burly and heavyset, with a square jaw and dark brown hair. Lance is a natural sharpshooter and skilled marksman who has often shown his skills by nailing his enemies with powerful shots that are few in number, displaying his rarely seen precision in a fight. Looking for Artie 3000 Robot at great prices? King Julien XIII | Nov 16, 2018 - Thought I'd hit two birds with one stone. Shifu | Revvit | Your arms slowly make their way around his back, and you smile. When the Blue Lion brings them to Arus they meet Allura and Coran who tell them to look for the remaining Lions of Voltron so they can form the mighty robot and defeat the evil Galra empire. Blade of Marmora Garby | Lance is Cuban. Guy Diamond | Allura | Valka | Both characters are voiced by Jeremy Shada. Apart from his one-sided rivalry with Keith and his inflated ego, Lance is a great help, supporting his love interest, Allura, and goofing around with Pidge and Hunk. Dragon | gesu-art. Mom – Mother of Lance, Veronica, Luis, and Marco. Pidge | Classified | He, Hunk, and Pidge are in the Garrison in the same year and assigned to the same cadet team. Jin | He was so tired in the moment. Only 1 available and it's in 1 person's cart. I woke up with this song stuck in my head and an idea for what Lance gets Keith for his birthday, and wrote this piece before work. Rain | Lance's Birthday Art Trade 2017 The official blog for the Birthday Art Trades in the Voltron Fandom. Catra | So clearly Shiro is one of the oldest paladins and Pidge is one of the youngest. 1. Ezor | Corporal | Proteus | Crane | Veronica. Zephyr Haddock | Harold Hutchins | At the same time he felt numb. Bow | Grug Crood | Hap | I just need to get used to posting on tumblr too. 5,906 notes. Gobber the Belch | Misha Belenkoff | Queen Essence | Lance is a former pilot cadet in the Galaxy Garrison, beginning as a cargo cadet before being promoted to fighter class after Keith was expelled. So the character in the anime also known as Paladins. Cinderella | Castaspella | Merlin | Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna. There are also lots of fan made theories about the difference in the ages of paladins. Shiro | The Missing Link | Cash Networth | Verne | Steve Palchuk | Peng | Nick and Fetcher | Form Voltron Voltron Ships Voltron Klance The Originals Show Netflix Originals Miraculous Ladybug Voltron Force Fandom Jokes Lance Mcclain. Monkey | The Society of Robes | Join the community. Ben Pincus | So for this chapter it's going to be a Reader X Keith! Nadia Rizavi | His skin tone is mahogany and his eyes are dark to match. Skidmark | Chunky | Mermista | Other/Recurring Heroes Warning: There is an intense make out and mentions of smut in this! 1. Lance's Weapons design has resemblance of the MA5D Assault rifle … Pig | Feb 18, 2020 - Lance McClain is a pilot of the Blue Lion but was chosen to pilot the Red Lion for Voltron Lance's personality is very egotistical, cocky, confrontational, flirtatious, and sometimes arrogant. Lenny | | He, Hunk, and Pidge are in the Garrison in the same year and assigned to the same cadet team. Creator: Way_too_involved Series Begun: 2018-04-12 Series Updated: 2018-10-05 Stats: Words: 24,816 Works: 10 Complete: No Bookmarks: 18 - Finished my animation a bit early and was too excited to wait! Vendel | Eret | Voltron Klance. Voltron One Shots (x Readers) ️ 407K 9K 5.4K Characters Included: Keith Lance Shiro Hunk Pidge Matt Allura Lotor Rizavi Griffin Leifisdottir Kinkade Request ONLY if opened. Feb 18, 2020 - Lance McClain is a pilot of the Blue Lion but was chosen to pilot the Red Lion for Voltron Lance's personality is very egotistical, cocky, confrontational, flirtatious, and sometimes arrogant. Plot Details & Spoilers, Motherland: Fort Salem Returning for Season 2! Phil Betterman | Voltron: Legendary Defender 5 out of 5 stars. gif klance voltron gay anime lance mcclain keith kogane voltron lance voltron keith voltron klance Scorpia | The heroes have... Black Clover Episode 162: Everything you should know This takes place after all of the events of season 6 by the way. Aug 5, 2019 - Explore Annalies 's board "Lance Mcclain", followed by 334 people on Pinterest. Miguel | His reflexes are also extremely quick, as he realized that the drone that infiltrated the Castle was not Rover, and he managed to discern this quickly enough to protect Coran from the ensuing blast, although he was injured himself in the process. Printed on 100% cotton watercolour textured paper, Art Prints would be at home in any gallery. Guardians of Arcadia | Sarmoti | Lance's idea of how laser guns sound is "POW, POW, POW!!". Coran | Arthur Pendragon | Private | Keith’s Birthday: 279. James Griffin | Oogway | Tiger | Happy Birthday Lance!!!!! Smoove Move | Now also there is a lot of confusion going on with the Voltron Legendary Defender Character Ages as fans love a lot of main characters from the anime they also keep a close look to the other details of the characters. Keep him close. Claire Nuñez | #lance #lance mcclain #lance icons #voltron icons #voltron #vld3 #** #hope u like! 1. Plaxum | Vela had always had a strong connection with the world around her, which is good since she's blind. #there aren't too many screencaps to work with when his gun is … Kolivan | Keith is anexpelled ace pilot cadet from the Galaxy Garrison who functions as a Paladin of Voltron fighting the Galra Empire, piloting, at first, the Red Lion, but later transitioning to the Black Lion after Shiro's disappearance. King Micah | Blinky Galadrigal | See more ideas about lance x lotor, voltron legendary defender, voltron. The Voltron Coalition Handbook states that a year has passed since Shiro's return to Earth, making Lance 18 at the youngest by the time season six ends. 1. Lance’s Birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LANCE!!!! "The hunter becomes the hunted" is a quote in some of Lance's favorite movies. AAARRRGGHH!!! Kowalski | Maurice | While he is initially the Blue Paladin, he becomes the Red Paladin once a need to change Lions arises. Into Voltron? I just love Lance because he's one of my favorite characters in the show and I love that he's wears his Blue Paladin armor because blue has always been my favorite color and i like that he always flirt with beautiful girls and he is kind of cute looking. Florrie | Voltron Klance. Just one more week to submit your art in!!! The Devil Below Movie Ending Explained! But after few seasons we can see a lot of confusion regarding the ages of Voltron legendary defenders. Little Creek | Voltron Legendary Defender is one of best action packed Anime Series. As we all know the Voltron Legendary Defender Anime series is set in different galaxies and we have also shown that speed of time is different in other galaxies. Moses | Lance was born on Earth, at some point in his life Lance joined Galaxy Garrison for unknown reasons, and would end up part of the same class as-and later teammates with Hunk and Keith who he has regarded as his rival, even he was a cargo pilot class and Keith was designated to fighter pilot class, but only that … Lady Tottington | Belt | Jamie Bennett | Eep Crood | Shiro’s Birthday: 43. Miriam | I want to try something new for rp so I was thinking of a little space and caretaker rp if you are interested just pm me or just comment! Team Voltron (Shiro, Keith, Lance, Pidge, Allura & Hunk) | 5,906 notes. Tulio | Queen Tuya | Friends/Allies He grew up in or near Varadero. On the morning of his birthday, Lance couldn't bring himself to be anything more than quiet and disturbed. Hope Betterman | Oct 2, 2019 - I love Lance the Blue Paladin of Voltron from Voltron Legendary Defender. Tzipporah | “I hope you like it, Lance.” You whisper, and you can feel Lance turn his head against your shoulder, now feeling his breath against your neck. Mantis | Alias ! Was so much fun to create something silly for one of my all time favorite animated characters. Viper | Thace | Voltron Klance Form Voltron Happy Birthday To Us Boy Birthday Divas Samurai Klance Comics Fan Art Paladin. Sherman | Stella | He is the Paladin of the Yellow LionofVoltron. Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. *** Disclaimer: I do not own Voltron: Legendary Defender. Aja Tarron | Zarkon, Lotor, Haggar, the Galra Empire Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 22: Everything you should know Voltron Birthday Fics, a voltron: legendary defender fanfic | FanFiction. It's Lance's birthday at the Garrison, and Veronica can't miss out on a typical Latin tradition of waking up Lance with las mañanitas! Marty | Lance is Cuban. Jan 17 2. a-very-voltron-birthday. Snotlout Jorgenson | Mr. Peabody | Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Lars Smuntz | King Harold | Following the defeat of the Galran Empire, he became a farmer. Freedom Fighter / Trickster / Warrior, Cargo Pilot (Formerly)Fighter Pilot (Formerly)Blue Paladin (Formerly)Red Paladin (Formerly). Ginger | [4] He grew up in or near Varadero. Voltron Small Soldiers Heroes, Main Heroes Tiny Diamond | Short Fuse | She-Ra | Aug 26, 2018 - Explore Voltron Ships's board "Lance x Lotor" on Pinterest. Krel Tarron | Vanessa Bloome | Manga or... My Hero Academia Chapter 303: Everything you should know Acxa | Favorite. Rocky Rhodes | Gloria | Grace Wain | As the last strings of light disappeared, leaving the birthday boy alone in the cold darkness, Lance had no hope left. Azteca | Babs | The sad birthday song continued until his conscious drifted off and into the darkness. Hunter | Kitty Softpaws | Bridget |

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