Her emotions overwhelmed her and she cried. be used by thieves planning their entrance/exit strategies, but doubles as The Second Yatagarasu [herself] Little crow-girl [Shi-Long Lang] Ma'am [Mike Meekins] Smart-alecky brat [Wendy Oldbag] Age Range. After the murder was solved, Edgeworth still didn’t remember Kay, so she returned the cravat she was given seven years ago. While Courtney and Debeste did appear again to try and take Edgeworth off the case, Kay assisted Edgeworth and they managed to discover the truth behind both the attempted murder that day and the IS-7 incident 18 years prior. Kay is part of the Second Yatagarasu, alongside Franziska von Karma and Maya Fey. Franziska von Karma The first five costumes are simple texture and palette changes and are unlocked from the start. This doll proved Blaise’s guilt in the murder as well as his plan to frame Kay. ★ BUSINESS INQUIRIES: adrianafigueroamusic [at] gmail.com ★ Hello, my name is Adriana! Kay used her Little Thief device and the results of SS-5 led to them uncovering Simon Keyes as the true mastermind behind everything (the murder of Knightley, Crane, and the president), as well as all the kidnappings. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. no conozco la serie,pero se ve linda,muy buen As Edgeworth was investigating said assassination, he met Kay again and she helped the investigation by providing a few photos. A few days later, Kay and Edgeworth went to the detention center to speak to Knightley, only to discover that he had been murdered in the prison workroom. Kay Faraday • Age: 17 • Gender: Female Young girl purporting to be the 2nd Yatagarasu. As it proved to be very difficult, Kay kept telling him to just give up, but he kept telling her to just believe in him. With all the layers of Kay’s pride and gusto ripped off, we get to … looked up to him as a hero of justice who put bad guys behind bars. The daughter of a prosecutor, Kay claims to be the inheritor of the title "Yatagarasu", a legendary thief from years before. Because he believed in her, Edgeworth then did whatever he could to prevent her arrest, which resulted in him giving up his prosecutor’s badge. Dragon Age: Origins: Oh, Alistair. Oftentimes, Byrne would sometimes bring Kay to the courthouse and buy her swiss rolls after his trials. Raymond Shields The next day, Edgeworth continued trying to prove Kay’s innocence. a crime scene recreation tool. Height: ?? The Industrial Revolution refers to the rapid changes in the organization of manufacturing industry that transformed countries from rural agricultural to urban industrial economies. I absolutely love Kay and I always have. Said storeroom led back to the P.I.C meeting room, which is where Edgeworth and Kay were then quickly arrested. Name Origin: At one point, he even gave her a Promise Notebooks (and the promises are as follows): 3) Always greet people with a smile, even people you don’t know. Kay claimed herself to be Edgeworth’s investigative partner and the two worked to solve the murder and kidnapping. She strives for a world in which the court system is sufficient to d… Kay wasn’t happy with this, so she took out her anger by hurting Edgeworth. Kay’s next meeting with Edgeworth was at Gatewater Land. This is because she idolizes her father, seeking to become a “Hero of Justice” just like him. Kay, stricken by grief, flees the scene, and this is incredibly telling of what kind of person Kay Faraday truly is. Lisa Kay Wiki: Salary, Married, Wedding, Spouse, Family Lisa Kay is an English actress, born in 1977 to Peter and Jean Hazel Kay. Toutes les … Tyrell Badd I think she’s adorable and funny and she’s been through quite a bit and managed to still stay energetic and cheerful and curious through all of it. Edgeworth’s faith in her caused her to remember a Moozilla doll that turned out to be an audio recording device. energetic, upbeat, and a little bit reckless, but she's very determined Kay and Gumshoe eventually found John and everyone then began re-investigating the SS-5 incident. As the trio of Edgeworth, Gumshoe, and Kay questioned Shih-na, two things were brought to light: Shih-na’s identity as both Calisto Yew and the cloaked figure Kay had seen earlier. Kay was waiting near Lobby #2 when Detective Dick Gumshoe was assigned to guard it. 10-17 [Born 2001-2] Occupation. Kay and Edgeworth decided to try and solve these two cases, with Kay seeing that as her first real job as the Yatagarasu. Kay Faraday Kay Faraday ( 一条 美雲 , Ichijō Mikumo ) is a self-proclaimed thief, and also a new assistant for Miles Edgeworth , along with Dick Gumshoe . From the stand, a now 24-year-old Kay Faraday watched the proceeding unfold in the case of Vera Misham, who stood accused of murdering her own father with poison. Anyway! Ema Skye, Kay Faraday ~ The Great Truth Thief This investigation led to proving Simon Keyes’ innocence and instead proved Patricia Roland as the murderer. As Simon Keyes was accused of the murder, Shields took the and and Edgeworth found a way around his replacement and continued to investigate as Shields’ assistant. "…Jurists, you say?" Help the Attorneys as they solve multitude of cases to get a non guilty verdict! Hearing that she was discovered at the Grand Tower prompted Edgeworth and Gumshoe to investigate the Grand Tower. Reminiscing ~ The Girl's Lost Memories. Kay was determined to complete her mission of avenging her father’s death, so she fell for Shih-na’s taunts to come closer. Personality: Kay is energetic, upbeat, and a … Kay attended the president of Zheng Fa’s speech, and during said speech, there was a (staged) assassination attempt which instead resulted in the death of one of the president’s guards. Background: Edgeworth managed to prove Kay’s innocence after deducing and proving that the weapon came from Allebahst’s side as opposed to Babahl’s. Découvrez des t-shirts, posters, stickers, objets déco et autres produits du quotidien sur le thème Kay, personnalisés par des artistes indépendants du monde entier. myCast lets YOU choose your dream cast to play each role in upcoming movies and TV shows. :warning: :warning: Kay is a very bubbly, energetic, and cheeky girl. This caused Edgeworth to remember the events of that day. MUN INFORMATION [ name ] Auste [ age ] 20 [ contact details ] austere_flare / AIM: truthstealer [ characters played ] None (so far; unless random posts on dear_mun count, in which case...Miles Edgeworth from Ace Gender: Female 5) Always try your hardest to learn about things you don’t understand. Nichols was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and moved to Austin, Texas before his first birthday. She's on the trail of her father's killer. Kay ran off to go investigate it, followed a cloaked figure, and ended up discovering the body of Manny Coachen. He had been tied up in the theme park’s Isolation Room. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Occupation: Self Proclaimed Thief (for TRUTH) Edgeworth's obligatory teen girl sidekick, aka Yatagarasu II. She then told him about the fake Yatagarasu at the Embassy, and the next night, they went to investigate it. It began in the late 18 th century in the Midlands area of England, then spread throughout the country, into continental Europe, and to the northern United States. Only two days after the Zodiac Art Gallery incident, Kay was convinced to go to Gourd Lake. Then, eating the swiss roll reminded her of her father. While making observations about crime scenes, she often points out how valuable some of the objects are, and jokes about stealing several of them, much to Edgeworth's distress. That was also the day of Roland’s trial (which had some issues due to the kidnapping of Courtney’s son, John). Little crow-girl [Shi-Long Lang] While investigating his murder, they met his defense attorney Raymond Shields, who then helped them with the investigation. This is the first time that Kay used her father’s “Little Thief” device to recreate crime scenes, and it proved to be rather helpful. Sorry for not updating in a while, I had a bunch of exams I needed to revise for and then last week I just played :warning: :warning: WARNING! Kay used Little Thief to allow everyone to investigate the office of the second murder and what they found showed Shih-na to be involved with the murder. As soon as she woke up, she discovered the body of Jill Crane and, being reasonably startled, she fell back into the hidden storage room of the tower. The impact resulted in her getting amnesia. Kay Faraday was the first new character that was created for the game, and was cited by Eshiro as one of his favorite characters. When she had amnesia, she was far more quiet and guilt-ridden over the supposed crime she had committed and Edgeworth’s sacrifice to prove her innocence. Shih-na then pulled a gun to Kay’s head, but Lang managed to apprehend her before she could hurt her. His father, David Nichols, is a radiologist, and his mother, Kay (née Vermeulen), was a professional trick water skier. On this particular day, Byrne was unable to buy Kay a swiss roll due to the events of said trial. After Calisto Yew was indicted as the murderer of Byrne Faraday (and then escaped before she could get arrested), Kay moved away from the courts for seven years. and knows when to be serious when she has to be. While nothing happened during the show, shortly after it, the Babahlese half of the embassy caught on fire and sightings of the Yatagarasu were reported. Yet another few days later, Kay accompanied Edgeworth and Shields to the Zodiac Art Gallery. She often jokes about stealing valuable objections while investigating, but she makes it very clear that the only thing she ever actually intended to steal was the truth. The only way Edgeworth and Gumshoe were able to entirely know it was her was from the belongings she had when Jenson had found her. When the three arrived at the Grand Tower, they discovered Crane’s murder and investigated a bit before Courtney and Sebastian showed up and indicted Kay for the murder. if her mother is alive. After this, Kay told Gumshoe about her promise notebook and how one of the promises was to never accept gifts from strangers, causing Gumshoe to lie on her behalf. Who do you think should play Kay Faraday in Ace Attorney? The two had agreed to combine their money and split a pack of swiss rolls, so Kay went to find some to exchange her loose change for a dollar with. Shih-na (Lang’s secretary) quickly apprehended her and accused her of the murder. Occupation: Self Proclaimed Thief (for TRUTH). However, she makes it clear that the only thing she is really looking to "steal" is the truth. After Edgeworth tried to argue against the two for Kay’s innocence, Sebastian’s father and head of the P.I.C, Blaise Debeste, came and tried to quickly arrest Kay. She idolizes her father, Byrne Faraday, and seeks to become a "Hero of Justice" like him, which manifests in her sheer determination. Vote now! Kay est une voleuse qui sortira bien souvent Miles des ennuis. Full Name. The investigation concluded with the arrest of Horace Knightley and revelation of the assassination actually being staged. Kay Faraday. Being saved by Lang's apprehension of Shih-na, Taking a picture with a not so willing Edgeworth, Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth - Kay Faraday ~ The Great Truth Burglar, Gyakuten Kenji 2 OST ~ 35 - Reminiscence ~ The Girl's Lost Memories, The Second Yatagarasu [herself] Kay had decided to save one of the two swiss rolls for her father while she and Gumshoe (who she had by then nicknamed “Gummy”) split the remaining one. Born May 6, 1931 in With all the layers of Kay’s pride and gusto ripped off, we get to … Kay’s mission of bringing her father’s killer to justice was completed, and she had also discovered the identity of the fake Yatagarasu, so she then helped Edgeworth discover the true murderer of the case. After she successfully assisted Edgeworth in indicting ambassador Quercus Alba for both murders, she started another quest to form her own Yatagarasu team and then took a picture of herself, Gumshoe, and Edgeworth. Filled with guilt, Kay ran off to hide in a cherry tree at the top of the tower. English: May come from "Faraday cage.". He drugged her and when she woke up, she was atop the Grand Tower. She’s well deserving of her spot as my second favorite Ace Attorney character of all time. Kay Faraday – Okay for a day. Age: 17 Gender: Female Height: ?? Now knowing that the Yatagarasu at the Cohdopian Embassy was a fake, she sought out Miles Edgeworth to finally bring down her father’s murderer. Personality: Kay is In Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, each character in the game has a total of six alternate costumes. She was under the care of nurse Karin Jenson who took her to see Edgeworth. Misc Facts: She has a device, Little Thief (aka Nusumi-chan) which is supposed to Auto-proclamée "Yatagarasu" (La personne que Miles recherche! She then blew her nose of Edgeworth’s cravat, and Edgeworth simply gave it to her, telling her she was simply borrowing it as to not break any of the promises she had made. This is a compilation of all names that form a reference or pun (so,practically all of them) in the english version of the games. Gary C Faraday, age 68, Marion, NC 28752 View Full Report Known Cities: Marion NC, 28752, Clarks Summit PA 18411, Eagle River AK 99577 Possible Relatives: Arlene E Faraday, Arthur D Faraday, Ashley Lynn Faraday Nicknames. Ma'am [Mike Meekins] Very shortly after this took place, Byrne Faraday was murdered and Gumshoe was named as the suspect. When she was found, she, Edgeworth, and Shields discovered the hidden storage room in the tower. Even Wynne enjoys teasing the poor guy. The first time, she kicked him in the shin but ended up dropping her swiss roll, and the second time he caught her before she did it again. Unnamed Mother, Miles Edgeworth This person ended up being one Miles Edgeworth (and this also ended up being her first interaction with the then rookie prosecutor). asked the man on the witness stand, one Kristoph Gavin. He was named after the Austin Nichols distilling company, producers of Wild Turkey bourbon. Japanese: The kanji for Mikumo are "beauty" and "cloud". Immediately after this, Kay still had not fully regained her memories, but once Edgeworth presented her with her promise notebook, everything came back to her and she recovered. Right when the two left the tower, they discovered that the president of Zheng Fa was actually assassinated. Pride, sunshine, and a father's love—all things Kay Faraday has lost since beginning her career as the Yatagarasu. THIS CATALOG CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS FOR ACE ATTORNEY INVESTIGATIONS 1 AND 2! Terry Fawles – ...down on the Hello! The costumes are merely aesthetic and serve no purpose in gameplay. Notes: A month without updating they come back with a tag... Hope you all got whiplash from that lmao. Edward G. Faraday, age 85 of Mechanicsburg, passed away Monday, February 6, 2017 at the Holy Spirit Hospital in Camp Hill with his devoted and loving wife, Mary Ellen and stepdaughter Terry, by his side. sidekick, aka Yatagarasu II. [16] The development team felt that with previous Ace Attorney games, players could identify with Phoenix Wright and Apollo Justice; for Ace Attorney Investigations , they wanted players to be immersed in the game and feel like they are Edgeworth. As Edgeworth had to choose his own path that differed from his father, Kay realized that she, too, should find her own way to be the Yatagarasu, ultimately deciding that she didn’t need her own trio as she was already a part of one with Edgeworth and Gumshoe. However, nearly immediately after this, everyone caught word of another murder that had happened on Allebahst’s part of the embassy. Kay Faraday / Mikumo Ichijou Trucy Wright has all three in abundance, and her tricks seem like the perfect thing to cover up a botched heist Also, Byrne means raven, which fits with his association with the Yatagarasu. During those seven years she had no clue where Yew had disappeared to, and only a few days before the events of The Kidnapped Turnabout, Kay discovered her father’s true identity as the Yatagarasu. Kay was raised by her father, and After escaping, they met Shi-Long Lang, and not too long after that, they discovered the corpse of Oliver Deacon. Partially because he's a statuette loving Manchild , but also because he's the only party member you can't kick out until the end of the game, and is often referenced by other characters; it's hard for Leliana to pick on Sten for being a softie when you both left them to die at Lothering. Kay Faraday is energetic, curious, and cheeky. About. Byrne Faraday – Burn for a day. Kay reintroduced herself, untied him, and the two escaped the room. Kay, stricken by grief, flees the scene, and this is incredibly telling of what kind of person Kay Faraday truly is. Kay could also be a pun on 'key', referencing her thievery. The sixth costume is a new model with no color variation and is purchased as a downloadable content. Soon, the Prosecutorial Investigation Committee got involved and Justine Courtney replaced Edgeworth with rookie prosecutor Sebastian Debeste. Self-proclaimed second Great Thief Yatagarasu. Smart-alecky brat [Wendy Oldbag], Self-proclaimed second Great Thief Yatagarasu, Byrne Faraday [father, deceased] Gyakuten Saiban 3 Original Soundtrack es un álbum de bandas sonoras con música de la versión Game Boy Advance del videojuego Gyakuten Saiban 3 (conocido internacionalmente como Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations), compuesto y arreglado por Noriyuki Iwadare. At the Embassy, Kay and Edgeworth watched a Steel Samurai show as they waited for the Yatagarasu to make its appearance. Wiki was used for reference and it’s also where I got most of the pictures. She grew up in Levisham on the North York Moors, and has three sisters, Samantha, Sara and Caroline.Lisa first trained as a dancer, and performed professionally as such in stage shows for some time. Dick Gumshoe Don't know Kay Faraday Original: Mikumo Age: 17 Gender: Female Objects: 1 Modified: 1 month ago Page Views: 53 Info: Edgeworth's assistant Member in: … While there, the attempted murder of Dane Gustavia occurred and the trio began investigating it. She went, and while there, she met a mysterious figure in a hooded red coat. Ace Attorney Investigations' Kay Faraday finds herself in a perilous situation, awaking to find herself lying on the floor bound and with a hangman-noose around her neck! Friends and Family: Her father was Byrne Faraday. During the second attempt, Edgeworth returned the swiss roll to Kay and she ate it. 一条美雲, Age: 17 Ichijou Mikumo | Kay Faraday/Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey/Houzuki Akane | Ema Skye Kidzuki Kokone | Athena Cykes/Naruhodou Minuki | Trucy Wright Houzuki Tomoe | Lana Skye/Kamiya Kay was born as the daughter of Byrne Faraday, and grew up knowing his partner (Tyrell Badd), calling him Uncle Badd. Edgeworth's obligatory teen girl These promises came into play when Miles Edgeworth was investigating her father’s murder.
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