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About See all +44 1524 64496. The Sixth Form at Ripley St Thomas offers you a learning experience in a distinctive and supportive environment. Address: Ashton Road Lancaster Lancashire. Email address or username. The Parent portal is now integrated into the Ripley St Thomas website. Applications now open for September 2021 entry, We are asking for donations in any form, from food to facemasks, from socks…. Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy in Lancashire has 1721 pupils, which far exceeds the country average. The lead school, Ripley St Thomas, has excellent training facilities, including two large training suites, a small and large lecture theatre and a modern library. See more of Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy on Facebook. Cloud Users. All schools are legally obliged to maintain attendance record for its pupils. For example, they may be predecessor or successor establishments. Copyright © Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy. It is much larger than the average sized secondary school. Report this profile About SRG is an award-winning resourcing company dedicated to the supply of scientific, clinical and engineering professionals across the scientific based industries. A reactive website to market the TSA to prospective teacher training students. Strong branding and logos to help schools project the right image, to change perceptions, engage with parents, students and community and to enhance communication … Senior Assistant Principal. Not Now. Contact. Mrs A Casson. When the Ripley Boys’ School amalgamated with St. Thomas’s Girls’ School in 1966, Mrs Dodsworth, the Senior Mistress from St. Thomas’s, decided to retire at the end of the summer term, and Dorothy was one of 5 candidates interviewed for the post at the new Ripley St. Thomas CE Secondary School. Create New Account. Showing 1 - 1 of 1. Notable Alumni Many former pupils of Ripley Boys’ National School, Ripley Boys CE Secondary School, St. Thomas’s Girls’ CE Secondary School, and Ripley St. Thomas CE High School have gone on to achieve great things in many different fields. Applications now open for September 2021 entry, Although this has been a difficult year for everybody, with unknowns not only in…. We exist to provide the best educational opportunities we can for the young people and families we are privileged to serve. Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy. Ripley St Thomas. A lmost all students speak English as their first language. High School . The school admits 270 pupils each September. School Synergy. Welcome to the official Facebook account for Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy. The school has a long and proud tradition, having been established as the gift of Thomas and Julia Ripley in 1864. High School . Mr M Sim. The school has considerably more female than male students, with 50.7% girls and 49.3% boys. Dorothy came from St Christopher’s, Accrington to be the Senior Mistress, with a responsibility for … Ripley St Thomas is a thriving school with a good reputation for academic success and the personal development of its students. Ripley ITT. School Synergy; Leyland St James; Ripley St Thomas. or. Ripley St Thomas is unique in so many ways, boasting academic success, a deeply embedded Christian ethos, a tradition of nurture and service within a strong school community, and we have beautiful gro... We are a large and successful sixth form, offering a wide variety of courses in a close-knit community. Mrs C Walmsley. … Telephone: 0152464496. 3,691 check-ins. Children on roll: 1733. The Sixth Form at Ripley St Thomas offers you a learning experience in a distinctive and supportive environment. As a trainee teacher on the Ripley TSA SCITT Programme you will spend a much greater proportion of time in school than you would on a traditional PGCE programme and the curriculum will be delivered by outstanding teachers who work in our partnership schools. The school also takes pride in its facilities and infrastructure, including school management systems, marketing and communications with parents and students. User name: Password: LOGIN SYNERGY: RESET PASSWORD: LOGIN RIPLEY Principal. Ripley St Thomas is a Voluntary-Aided comprehensive Church of England Academy opened in 1864, now with over 1700 pupils aged 11-18 on roll. Vice Principal. Select a school from the drop down list:*. Forgot account? Any exam queries, please contact us via email on Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy. Welcome to the official Facebook page for The Sixth Form at Ripley St Thomas. Ripley St Thomas CofE Academy. Contact Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy on Messenger . Ripley St Thomas. Vacancies - Ripley St Thomas. Their spirit of adventure, philanthropy and faith is still at the core of what we do and what we offer today, 150 years later. Or log in with. Key to results. It offers clear, regularly updated guidance to staff on how to get the best from the students. 4,576 people follow this. Log in Forgotten your password? ”, The latest news and success stories from Ripley St Thomas. At Ripley we are unique in having a school farm, where all children learn about agriculture and horticulture as part of their education, and this will feature in our curriculum on learning outside the classroom. Outcomes for all groups of students are outstanding. URN: 136731. WELCOME. Company Website. Advice and guidance for all pupils with SEND is located in Synergy. Head of Sixth Form. Then Ripley ITT could be your route into teacher training. Create New Account. WEBSITES. The 94.8% attendance rate of the school, which is extremely high, and above average in the UK. Dorothy was the last of the ‘big three’ – with George Phythian and Norman Ellis, who were the senior leaders of the newly created Ripley St Thomas CE Secondary School in 1966. Log In. About See All +44 1524 64496. Ripley is a large school situated in beautiful grounds in the city of Lancaster. ”, The latest news and success stories from Ripley St Thomas. Click here to login Our tutor team is a small group that provides a unique programme of advice, support and guidance to help you achieve your academic and personal potential and your vision for the future. Fax: 01524847069. The Bay Learning Trust is a group of local academies comprising of Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy, Carnforth High School and now Morecambe Bay Academy. Due to the national lockdown restrictions Saint Aidan's is an online-only school for most students. … Of these 380 are in the Sixth Form. Community See all. Visit the Sixth Form Open Evening page and catch up with everything. See more of Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy on Facebook. LOGIN PLEASE WAIT. A new website for Ripley Teaching School Alliance (TSA) who provide high quality teacher training at Ripley St Thomas school in Lancaster. It will become a place to communicate and engage with school, giving you the ability to track the progress and development of your child as it happens. Password. Login. Open help text for Academic qualifications progress score for Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy (2018)) More score details (-0.14 to 0.04) Open help text for Academic qualifications progress score for Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy (2019)) More score details: Progress description: Average : Average: Average: Local authority state-funded schools / colleges: NA opens a … These establishments are linked with Ripley St Thomas Church of England High School, URN: 119796. My child is happy at this school. Postcode: LA1 4RS. We're looking forward to tomorrow's virtual session on Student Finance and Budgeting, delivered by, Meet the Sixth Form Student Leaders for 2020-21. Cooke & Cree created a new brand for the project and have developed a set of marketing and training material, including a website with literature and video sequences. Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy, Lancaster, Lancashire. Our vision is that School Synergy will become the single access point for all parents and carers, providing up to date school news and information. Log In. Community See All. “ History. 4,421 people like this. 4,595 people follow this. School Synergy; Leyland St James; Ripley St Thomas. “ View inspection reports. Note - some providers only offer pick up or drop off and not both. or. 4,406 people like this. The large majority of students are White British, with a very small number from ethnic minority backgrounds. The school has a long and proud tradition, having been established as the gift of Thomas and Julia Ripley in 1864. Not Now. As a worshipping community, witnessing to the Christian faith in all the school’s activities, Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy aims to develop to the full the academic, spiritual, aesthetic and physical potential of each pupil, encouraging in its members a real and living faith in God. Their spirit of adventure, philanthropy and faith is still at the core of what … School Synergy brings together over 30 separate systems into a single integrated system to provide meaningful ‘joined-up’ information in a very easy to use and intuitive interface for Schools. Operation Gratitude launches – can you help. Lessons are for all to achieve in. Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy. Log in using your email address or username. 3,685 check-ins. We’re always looking for outstanding individuals to aid the delivery of an outstanding education. Then Ripley TSA SCITT could be your route into teacher training. 4.3K likes. Password: Show password. Activate your account. 1. Forgotten account? The academy demonstrates excellence in all aspects of its work Visit the Sixth Form Open Evening page and catch up with everything. 63 talking about this. Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy converted to academy status on 1 May 2011, replacing Ripley St Thomas Church of England High School. Ripley is a large school situated in beautiful grounds in the city of Lancaster. Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy is a mixed Church of England high school operating under academy status, in the city of Lancaster in the north west of England. Built to engage and communicate with parents, students and stakeholders, our beautiful responsive websites help to market and promote your school… BRANDING. Contact. Mr P Cairns. Welcome to the official Facebook account for Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy. Ripley St Thomas CofE Academy. 251 were here. … Links; URN Establishment name Type of link Date linked; 136731: Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy : Successor: 30 April 2011: Regional schools commissioner (RSC) region: Lancashire and … Alert me Print Results. The school has over 1700 pupils between 11 and 18 years old, 350 of whom are part of the sixth form. Senior Leadership Team. Logging in for the first time? Sign in with Microsoft 365. We look forward to seeing our wonderful students in person once again in the week beginning 8th March and to keeping their learning going online in the meantime. Email or Username. As a trainee teacher on the Ripley ITT Programme you will spend a much greater proportion of time in school than you would on a traditional PGCE programme and the curriculum will be delivered by outstanding teachers who work in our partnership schools. COOKE & CREE, 9 LOCKSIDE OFFICE PARK, LOCKSIDE ROAD, PRESTON, PR2 2YS. We are a large and successful sixth form, offering a wide variety of courses in a … Copyright © Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy. Contact Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy on Messenger . Responses for this school: 16.

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