hugo spritz recipe

Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). Divide 5-6 mint sprigs between 2 glasses. Sign up to receive our recipes and FREE cooking resources available exclusively to our subscribers! The Hugo Spritz was invented by Roland Gruber, a barman from South Tyrol in Italy. It is light and festive whether you are having it in your garden on a warm day or serving it as a special, floral cocktail when you have guests over for a New Year’s Eve party. The perfect floral and fruity cocktail filled with Saint Germain liquor, Prosecco, fresh lemon and fresh mint. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. During our trip to Italy this year, I fell in love with the Hugo Spritz … Helping you cook your way around the World - from our Parisian kitchen - one recipe at a time. Garnish with a mint leaf and lime cordial. Meet the Lillet spritz! Muddle a bit of mint and lime together in an ice-filled wine glass. ALL OPINIONS ARE OUR OWN. Add some ice cubes and pour the Prosecco and the soda water … A spritz is a cocktail made with a base of Italian Prosecco. Required fields are marked *, Rate this recipe Briefly … As much as I’ve enjoyed my Pellegrino Limonata phase, I was ready to get inventive and create a mocktail version of my very favorite—the Hugo Spritz! Cocktail Recipes. Add 2 Tablespoons elderflower liqueur, 2 ounces sparkling water or seltzer and lime slices. Hugo Spritz: a leap in space and time… We are at the beginning of the 20th century when in the Dolomites valley, in the months of May and June, the habit begins to collect the small and white … In fact, I first became acquainted with it in my … We’ve got you covered! The recipe initially called for lemon syrup, … This European-inspired Hugo Spritz recipe combines Prosecco, St. Germain elderflower liqueur, mint, and lime for a perfectly light and … FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT CONTENT, PHOTOGRAPHY OR SPONSOR WORK, PLEASE CONTACT HELLO@AHEDGEHOGINTHEKITCHEN.COM. Avoid serving it with anything that has a flavor profile that would overpower it, such as red meat, foie gras or strong cheeses. 6 Must-try French pastries at Casse Noisette Paris, 11 French Appetizers You Can Make at Home, Tasty fish pasta with cod, tuna pastrami and tomatoes, Kir breton - blackcurrant apple cider cocktail - A Hedgehog in the Kitchen, French Valentine's Day Menu - A Hedgehog in the Kitchen, Cherry Blossoms at Parc de Sceaux (1 hour from Paris). Spritz Hugo Recipe. It is bubbly, bright and delicious and one of our absolute favorite cocktails to make at home (and not just because of the name). This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. I was actually doing a bit of internet stalking for elderflower lemon cake recipes … The Hugo Spritz originated in the northern Italian region Alto-Adige, an area in the mountains where the elderberry plant thrives in summer. Hugo Spritz, sometimes called an Alpine Spritz, is a refreshing cocktail made with Prosecco, Saint Germain liquor, Perrier and fresh mint. Instructions. Step 2: Assemble Add your elderflower syrup to each … ★☆ is the most complete mixed drinks database with These cookies do not store any personal information. We want to know you better and to share a bit of our Parisian life with you, so we will start this fun food journey together by sending you some of our favorite photos in 5 different Parisian neighborhoods. ★☆ The Hugo is meant to be made as a single serving, but you can also batch this drink in a pitcher. The Hugo cocktail is a spritz cocktail made with Prosecco, elderflower syrup and soda water. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. However, I believe that this drink is a drink that can be enjoyed all year. Kick your dinner off with a sweet […], Your email address will not be published. Your email address will not be published. XOXO, Alix + Hugo. Add Prosecco first, then St-Germain, then soda and garnish with the rosemary, mint, orange, and lemon. Every recipe … St-Germain elderflower liqueur. The Aperol Spritz … Cranberry Hugo Spritz Cocktail. Hugo Spritz (Sparkling Elderflower Cocktial) Hugo Cocktail. Pour the elderflower liqueur or cordial and sparkling wine into a wine glass or tumbler filled with ice. The Hugo Spritz originated in the northern Italian region Alto-Adige, an area in the mountains where the elderberry plant thrives in summer. Since elderflower grows in Northern Italy in the Summer, it made sense to prepare this cocktail during the Summer months in Italy. 2/3 fl oz. This drink is light, fresh, bubbly and floral, so I would serve it with mild cheese like a goat cheese or simple comté, crackers, dried fruits and cashews or a simple salmon appetizer like our salmon mousse. This Italian cocktail is a personal favorite of mine, since I’m a huge fan of floral flavors, … He created it as an alternative to the Spritz Veneziano, also known as the Aperol Spritz. Hugo Spritz cocktail recipe. […] to plan the perfect French Valentine’s Day Menu? From light cocktails like the Aperol Spritz and Hugo Cocktail to stronger ones like the ever popular Negroni, here you'll find a drink for every taste. But he changed the name because he didn’t think it suited the drink. THIS SITE CONTAINS AFFILIATE LINKS. This is typically a Summer cocktail, comparable to an Aperol Spritz. Aperol Spritz. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. A demain (talk to you tomorrow)! You are searching for real food recipes and we have you covered! The Hugo Spritz is our cocktail of the day on October 13. We had never heard of it and so she told us all about this elderflower, Prosecco and mint drink. Hugo Spritz, sometimes also known as an Alpine Spritz, is a refreshing cocktail made with Prosecco, Saint Germain liquor, Perrier and fresh mint. Thank you for signing up to receive our healthy, wholesome recipes with a French flair! The Hugo Spritz, (Ugo in Italian, pronounced OOH – goh) It’s the preferred aperitivo in the Dolomites.The refreshing and light Spritz has been high – altitude tested by respected … The name was chosen at random by Roland Gruber. There was an error submitting your subscription. Food is our passion and we are so happy to share that passion with you. Decorate with a twig of mint … ½ ounce Elderflower Liqueur (15mL) 4 ounces Prosecco (120mL) A dash, 1 ounce Soda Water (30mL) A few fresh mint leaves; Instructions. Fun fact : in Italy, they say “Ugo” (without pronouncing the “H”), so this is actually an “Ugo Spritz“!). For the Hugo Spritz recipe we prepare the cocktail directly in the glass. Prosecco sparkling wine. Sit down with a Hugo Spritz and plan your romantic Valentine’s Day dinner. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If there’s a cocktail that embodies the word refreshing, this is it. Tag @ahedgehoginthekitchen on Instagram and hashtag it #ahedgehoginthekitchen, Receive healthy, real food, International recipes & Paris tips to satisfy your wanderlust for FREE 2 times per week. Fill a wine glass with ice cubes. It is typically served in a large wine glass over ice. Take 2-3 mint leaves and twist them to release their oils, then add them to the glass. Hugo Spritz. Decorate your Hugo Spritz drink with a sprig of mint and a lime slice. Add some ice. For the Hugo Spritz recipe we prepare the cocktail directly in the glass. You would typically find people enjoying a Hugo Spritz on the beach in Italy or in a terrazza on a warm Summer evening. ©2016-2021 ALIX + HUGO STRICKLAND FRÉNOY. A Hugo Spritz Is typically served in large wine glasses over ice with a sprig of fresh mint and a slice of lemon. We truly appreciate you inviting us into your inbox. a fresh and tasting long drinkideal especially in the summer heat. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Hugo Spritz. Divide 100ml each elderflower pressé, tonic water and Prosecco equally between the … … ★☆ When we went around the table and introduced ourselves and Hugo said his name is Hugo, our teacher boldly exclaimed that the Hugo Spritz was her favorite drink! You will receive 1 email per day for 5 days starting tomorrow. Step 1: Muddle the Mint Briefly muddle the mint in your serving glasses, or rub between your palms. POUR ingredients into ice-filled glass and briefly stir. Gently muddle (crush to release the flavor oils) a few mint leaves and add to a stemmed wine glass; Add the elderflower liqueur; Add plenty of ice to the glass… Slightly crush the mint in a Milord glass. Instead of soda water you can use 4 cl of apple juice and decorate your Hugo Spritz mixed drink with an apple slice. If you’ve traveled to Italy, you might have stumbled across the traditional, refreshing alcoholic beverage. Although this is an Italian cocktail, we first heard about it when we went wine tasting in Athens. If you want to try a French cocktail, make our French Kir Breton next! Instructions To Make A White Spritz Cocktail :Fill a wine glass with ice. A Hugo Spritz is a classic Italian cocktail that is the perfect aperitif. I would love to hear your feedback on this drink. Looking for a refreshing, easy cocktail for summer happy hours? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Pour in the elderflower … Ah, a light and lovely Hugo Spritz. Fill a wine glass with ice. Sacha Baron Cohen, one of the main characters in the 3D movie Hugo, has his birthday on that day. Elderberry (or Sambuco Nero in Italian) is the plant from whose flowers (elderflowers) are transformed into Sciroppo di Sambuco, a syrupy-sweet cordial that is the key ingredient to an authentic Italian Hugo Spritz… recipes, photos and videos of cocktails, shooters and non-alcoholic drinks, This website uses cookies to improve your experience, Here are some of our coolest Halloween cocktails, The perfect Bloody Mary… a matter of taste, Why Tequila Sunrise is the Best Cocktail to opt for Your Next Party. Tear and place mint leaves into glass. Slightly crush the mint in a Milord glass. Top off the glass with 4-5 ounces of chilled prosecco. Hugo Recipe Ingredients. In a large wine glass, muddle together, 4 mint leaves with a few pieces of lime, add ice and a shot of st Germaine then fill w prosecco. Add a splash of sparkling water, stir gently and garnish with a sprig of mint Check out … |. 5/12 fl oz. Method. Paris in the Spring : Your Guide to Spring in Paris from a Local Couple! The Hugo is a slightly alcoholic aperitif, originating in South Tyrol, but widespread in Triveneto, Austria, Switzerland and Germany, based on prosecco, elderflower syrup, seltzer (or sparkling water) and mint leaves. Hugo Spritz. Instructions Fill glass with ice. Glass of Hugo cocktail photo by grafvision on Envato Elements. The main ingredient used in the Hugo Spritz cocktail is an elderflower liqueur. Try this cranberry version for a festive twist on a delicious classic. Hi new friend! I'd like to receive the free email course. The drink was invented in 2005 by Roland Gruber in Northern Italy (the South Tyrol region just … This will get the oils moving to impart all that tasty mint flavor into your hugos! Step 1 – Just fill a large wine glass with ice.Step 2 – Pour in the St Germain and Prosecco.Step 3 – Mix with a spoon or cocktail stirrer.Step 4 – Pour in the Perrier.Step 5 – Add the lemon and fresh mint. Please leave a comment below if you make this Hugo Spritz cocktail! Saint Germain liquor (an elderflower liquor). Hugo cocktail, Italian aperitif. The recipe initially called for lemon syrup, which was later changed to elderflower syrup and then to elderflower liquor. Ingredients 6 cl Prosecco 2 cl Fiori di sambuco Mixybar 6 cl Soda water Preparation Pour the ingredients into a wine glass full of ice and stir gently. 2 fl oz. Add the mint and a few slices of lime to each glass. Top up with prosecco. ★☆. This Italian cocktail is a simple, floral, delicious cocktail made with Prosecco, Saint Germain liquor, Perrier and fresh mint. Il cocktail - hugo-spritz. Please try again. If you love this Hugo Spritz recipe, be sure you try the Aperol Spritz. … It’s easy to see why, as this … It is bubbly, bright and delicious and one of our favorite cocktails to make at home (and not just because of the name!). Cocktail Friday: a Hugo … We’re planning to add having this cocktail to our own French new year celebrations. Hugo Cocktail. Pour in the … Lillet Spritz. Thomas Henry Soda Water. How to make the perfect hugo spritz. And let me just tell you… I think I nailed it. Add some ice cubes and pour the Prosecco and the soda water in the glass. We thought it sounded divine and couldn’t wait to give it a try once we got back home (we didn’t find it available in any of the cafes in Greece). Create the perfect Hugo Cocktail with this step-by-step guide. 5 easy steps and you’re all done! ★☆ The Hugo has taken Europe by storm over the last ten years or so, nearly knocking the beloved Aperol spritz from the throne as the most popular afternoon drink. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Pour one ounce of St. Germain directly over the ice and then add a few mint leaves and a slice of lime. Welcome to Sip and Feast's drink category. Loading... Difford's Guide … Making this cocktail couldn’t be simpler! Crush or muddle to release the flavour. Add elderflower cordial and soda water. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Initially he had chosen to name the cocktail Otto. ... Hugo spritz recipe…

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