https catalog gmu edu mason core

Revisions including new name: Mason Core Committee approved by the Faculty Senate Dec. 4, 2013) Requirements for Catalog Year 2019-2020 Mason Core Requirements Mason Core Committee (Charge as revised and approved by the Faculty Senate – April 1, 2009, composition of membership amended September 7, 2011. These courses and related experiences are the foundation of a student’s academic career at the university. The GPA computed for all institutional credit gives the cumulative GPA, which is the basis for the university's retention policies, including good standing, warning, probation, suspension, and dismissal. Students should be aware of their catalog year when planning their course of study. Students seeking a bachelor’s degree at George Mason University must complete the Mason Core. For questions about which catalog year applies, see an advisor. The Schedule of Classes is the authoritative source for information on classes scheduled for this semester. The University Catalog is the authoritative source for information on program requirements and courses. For approved Mason Core courses and accurate course descriptions consult the current academic catalog. See the pages in the Mason Core Requirements Archive below for earlier catalog years. The list of courses below contains all Mason Core courses that have been approved, but may not be reflected in the 2020-2021 Catalog.. Art At George Mason University, Academic Integrity is demonstrated in our work, community, the classroom and research. Requirements for Previous Catalog Years. Mason Core categories may have restrictions due to Major-specific policies, please consult the catalog to see Mason Core requirements for a specific major. We maintain this commitment to high academic standards through Mason’s Honor Code. CourseLeaf is the new software which George Mason University is using to update and maintain course and program curriculum data and to build and validate class schedules. THR 230 Fundamentals of Production THR 395 Theater as the Life of the Mind THR 412 Great Film Performances *Must be taken 3 times to complete req. Creating a Mason Core Literature Course?-Download the Curriculum Map for Literature-Download the Mason Core Rubric for Evaluating Student Work in Literature Courses-Visit the Mason Core Submission Instructions page-Find additional help with Mason Core and CIM Use the table below to look-up Mason core requirement course equivalencies within the Virginia Community College System (VCCS). Requirements may be different for earlier catalog years. MUSI 381 University Chorale* MUSI 383 Symphonic Band* MUSI 385 Chamber Singers* MUSI 387 Symphony Orchestra* MUSI 389 Jazz Ensemble* MUSI 485 Chamber Ensemble* PHIL 156 What is Art? It is published annually. See the Schedule for the most up-to-date information and see Patriot web to register for classes. 3 In a topic relevant to botany. 2 In a topic relevant to zoology. Cumulative GPA also determines students' eligibility to graduate and have university honors posted to their record at graduation. The Catalog is the definitive record of currently approved courses at Mason. Environmental Science, BS 5 1 In a topic relevant to wildlife. It is an agreement made by all members of our community to not “cheat, steal, plagiarize, or lie in matters related to your academic work.”

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