how should we celebrate national days

One of America’s favorite games gets to be honored on National Scrabble Day. Organise screenings of films like Jane Campion’s The Piano, … Use up those leftovers from the holidays with one of these recipes for National Glazed Ham Day . Another day that deals with your early goals is Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day. 2021 is considered the Year of the Ox. Jimmy Kimmel named November 17 National Unfriend Day. What would the holidays be without ham? In some other countries, this day is celebrated in the month of October while World Daughters Day is considered on September 28. This page grows every week, as I do new tutorials, round ups and recipes to celebrate these fun days. Time to step away from the keyboard and grab a writing utensil. There are too many National Food Days to list them all here, so I have pages devoted to each month. Since 1987, the United States has celebrated National Women’s History Month during March to correspond with International Women’s Day, which is March 8. Location: … Grab some bait and a fishing pole, June 18 is National Go Fishing Day. In order for it to be an official day, it must be sanctioned by the government. . Wear your hair out in its natural form to school, work or a social event. If you are a foodie, I have some special National Day Calendars just for you. Check our this tasty recipes for, Treat your family to a sweet start for breakfast with these recipes from. The calendar features 12 animals in a repeating cycle. There are almost 2000 National Days of the year. – Celebrate this tasty national day with one of these Copycat Girl Scout Recipes. Get your binoculars and go bird watching! Forget about mobile phones for one day! National freedom day is celebrated in the United States of America. It’s National Goof Off Day! It is not just food, holidays and animals that get their turn with National Days. People created this base off of beliefs and ideas and if you have similar beliefs or ideas suggest you try and fit in that circle if you don't. In April, it's April Fool's Day. Be sure to check back often to see what new National Day has been added to the list. You will receive a confirmation email that can take several minutes to arrive. March 8 marks International Women’s Day, and this year’s theme could not be more on point: “Women in Leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world.” As we … I have several recipes that you could use to celebrate this fun day: Animals are a popular topic when it comes to celebrating National Days. We appreciate Fridays every time they come around, not just the random day someone decided we would acknowledge it. Check out fun facts of. It’s National Clean out Your Bookcase Day. Start spinning some records in honor of National Disc Jockey Day on January 20. The particular days in which great changes, events, or declarations have been made for the welfare of the concerned people, tribe, class, or the whole country is known as national days.There are certain days in our calendar which we observe … Summer months are usually relaxing, so it makes sense to celebrate: More focus on the family this month is during National Family Week. Continue Reading. Likely there are individuals on your staff who are artsy in … Find out more about this tasty day and get a special gingerbread cookie recipe. If you wear blue jeans, you’ll want to learn about National Zipper Day on April 29. Find out more about the (almost) lost art of letter writing on December 7, which is celebrated each year as National Letter Writing Day. In the more than 80 years since Columbus Day became an official holiday, it has drawn criticism. Find out on National Mr. For instance, it meant so much more for say 1920 Third Republic to celebrate its national day rather than nowadays Fifth Republic. Wondering why gingerbread is associated with Christmas, or pumpkins go with both Thanksgiving and Halloween? What better way to showcase our national pride and educate our children on the... #2 Watch the fireworks for free. Buy a treat, take a walk, visit a shelter! It’s National Handwriting Day on January 23. March 23 does double duty. These main course food holidays will have the whole family trying something new for dinner tonight. The first Sunday in February is celebrated as Super Bowl Sunday. If you love trivia, you’ll be interested in these interesting National Days of the year. Every part of our society and lifestyle seems to have a national day devoted to it – even clothing and fashion. May the Fourth? #nationalday #internationalday are two and each National day also has its own hashtag. is September 22 – These tasty dessert ideas will have your family asking for more. National Gingerbread House day is December 12. Many of the national days are unofficial – i.e. Hold an IWD celebration at work. I will only use it to send out the newsletter and will not share it with anyone. In the following post, we discuss South Africa’s Heritage Day; how it began, the connection to braais and how you can celebrate this year. There are plenty of other special days to celebrate during the month besides New Year's, including: January is also National Book Month and International Creativity Month. T-shirts. 1. Whether you prefer Sudoku, crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles or word games like Scrabble, today is the day to celebrate them! Here are some other foodie National Day Calendars that feature only food holidays to honor with your favorite recipes: If you would like a printable calendar of National days for the month, you can find them here: There are almost 2000 national days and holidays. This is simply a matter of observing the day because some national events are significant, and many businesses often close down that day. Every month is full of days and weeks to observe and celebrate. Literally. Some tie in closely with popular national holidays, and others tie in with the weather or with popular monthly trends. National Hamburger Day? Enjoy the Super Bowl Game with chicken wings. What old items can you get rid of in your life? Some normal day to day inventions, business and items get a turn too. The celebration is done in a grand manner with the display of fireworks in some states. It’a National Kiss Your Fiancé Day on March 20. Looking for a peaceful way to relax in nature. More and more companies and websites are now allowing people to submit ideas for new national days. July … amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Take part in the festival. March 22 is the day to forget about responsibilities and duties. There are many ways to celebrate National Caregivers Day. Here at Always the Holidays, I choose the ones that fit in with some of my own personal likes – food, drinks nature and decor. Celebrate the day with one of these recipes on, Artichoke hearts may seem intimidating but they really aren’t. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; February 20 honors the bookcase in an organized way. Here at Always the Holidays, we love to celebrate all of the national days with crafts, food and fun ideas. April 2 is celebrated as National Ferret Day. Click the link, then just sit there and … Get some ideas for achieving your goals. Americans share three national holidays with many countries: Easter Sunday, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day. Traditionally, the words “national days” were used to celebrate days when a country became independent, but in modern times, we often use the word for trending and popular topics. With so many national days to consider, I have divided my list of the pages of information about the various national days into main topics to make it easier for you to find your favorite. Check out these holiday themed national days for more information. Find out why this day exists! Grab a snack and setting down for movie night with these snack inspired food national days. Kids and the young at hear will enjoy celebrating with one of these fun recipes. I know people just want an excuse to post about their dogs or their girlfriends, but it really is unnecessary. Are you a guitar player? Tell your special person how much you love them on National Spouses Day – January 26. Sign up for my newsletter to get information on all these special days delivered right to your inbox. The most important part of celebrating this date is showing appreciation and thanks to the caregivers you know. There is even a day (March 26) called Make Up Your Own Holiday Day. This category is new to my calendar. Founded in 1957, Chase’s observes its 60th anniversary with the 2020 edition of the Calendar! When it’s almost spring, it’s a good time to celebrate National Johnny Appleseed Day. Everyone loves a free t-shirt! Always the Holidays is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Start a feminist lunch time film club. Time to tempt your sweet tooth in spades. Besides that tricky day, children will also appreciate: One whole week is just for budding poets, so get writing (or reading) during Young People's Poetry Week. Lots of drinks do too! Easter, which falls on a spring Sunday that varies from year to year, celebrates the Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. October is the month of everyone's favorite holiday: Halloween. Find out about the history of the bikini and learn more about early two piece swimsuits for National Bikini Day on July 5. Well, you’re in luck, because at National Today, we've compiled all the best days of the year and listed them here on our site. Some celebrations last all month; April is the Month of the Military Child and Math Awareness Month. Celebrate these pasta inspired national days with us. 21 May Do you gossip? Pucker up! Find out more about, Coconuts are a versatile food that is great for snacking and in recipes. August 12 is National Vinyl Record Day. It's a time for the whole family to enjoy time together before school starts. Candy Corn Day is October 30. You can opt out at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button at the bottom of any email. By using The Spruce, you accept our. Find out about the turning of the tassel for National Graduation Tassel Day on May 17. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Keep a supply of notecards … You can celebrate Father's Day and Family History Day in June. I am working on the other months of the year and they will be ready soon. When Is The Best Time of Year to Buy Furniture? Read our post on National Carnation Day to learn the answer, plus more carnation facts! Get some history on the development of the color television for National Color TV day – June 25. Celebrate more than just Valentine's Day with these silly days: February is also Black History Month and includes International Snow Sculpting Week. There are – and you should be […] January 29 is National Puzzle Day. 11 May: National Technology Day: This day celebrates India’s advances in the field of technology and its contributions to the world. April 19 is the day to turn off your drier and take your clothes outside. Each month has its own list of National Food Days. We celebrate our national holidays because of historic national events (such as America’s Independence Day, Memorial Day or Labor Day). There are so many popular days out there, that it’s next to impossible for a single site to list them all. National Garden Meditation Day is the perfect day to do this. In fact, for … Both holidays and national days can be either official of unofficial. Brush up on your knowledge with these posts: Is your spring weather still cold? Serve up one of these delicious, Start your next party off with a bang with these recipes for, Chocolate, hazelnuts and yum all in one tasty, You can add pretzels to recipes in so many ways! Other fun days during September, in addition to Labor Day, include: September is also Classical Music Month and includes Fall Astronomy Week. The last Saturday in April is honored as Go Birding Day. Discover more about National VCR day, celebrated on June 7. Both Halloween and Thanksgiving seem to feature this popular candy. Find out more about the history of vinyl records here. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series. The Spruce / Margot Cavin There are plenty of other special days to celebrate during the month besides New Year's, including: . And since, I love to eat, it’s no surprise that many of the National day pages on my site focus on food. Stay informed and … The comedian said we should all go on Facebook and unfriend people who aren’t really our friends. Find out about the lazy, lasagna loving cat on National Garfield the Cat Day – June 19. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Find out more about the ferret. We mostly focus on the not-so-well-known holidays that you might not have heard of, but we also highlight all the days of the year you already know about. Our National Days. Many of the foodie national days are celebrated with food and drink, but other National Days … The calendar is full of odd holidays that can help you give what might be “just another day” a little spark. Usually, the first part of June will always be good for the summer gathering, so that this national loving day would be amazing for the gathering and for the celebration of love. While women have always played an important role in society, historical records often focused more on … If you enjoy reading and celebrating all the national days as much as I do, and want some more  some inspiration, be sure to check out my National Days board on Pinterest. It makes sense, then, that August would be designated as Family Fun Month. Come celebrate them with us at Always The Holidays! A national day is a day of the year which is celebrated by nations and countries around the world in a special way. amzn_assoc_asins = "1641433159,B07N3BBNT7,1643322842,B07VDPJMR2"; © 2021 – Carol G Speake. This posts will give you some inspiration for your gingerbread project. Find out about the man who spread the Apple Tree across our country. With Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year's Eve in December, it's not surprising to find Cookie Cutter Week as well.​ Lesser known holidays this month include: December is also Write a Friend Month, the perfect time for sending holiday wishes. Discover some suggestions to celebrate the day and find some be like a child quotes to share with friends. Have you ever heard of Backwards Day? March 2 is National Old Stuff Day. Challenge yourself to do nothing for two minutes. Find out all about this fun national day. Find out the history of this day and get some tips for creating a meditation garden. Long-term strategies to foster gender diversity are crucial, but … Activities to Do in November for Kids and Parents. Marina Bay comes alive with the annual National Day parade on 9th August, culminating in a spectacular display of fireworks at night. Put down the electronics and get out the books for Dr. Seuss Day (also known as National Read Across America Day.). This highly intelligent animal has been domesticated for centuries. If you are nursing a headache the day after Super Bowl Sunday, you’ll love to find out about National Football Hangover Day. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "alwaystheholidays-20"; In celebration, we’ve gathered 52 things to do to honor Singapore’s 52 years of independence. amzn_assoc_title = ""; Holidays others will enjoy are: October is also Sarcastic Month and includes Chemistry Week. March 24 is, Grab a glass of America’s favorite drink on May 8 for, Welcome in the taste of summer in a glass with, Shaken or stirred, the choice is yours, but be sure to set aside June 19 to celebrate, November 18 is the day to enjoy a glass of warm apple cider. Celebrate Pumpkin Cheesecake Day for the Thanksgiving holiday with these Pumpkin Cheesecake Muffins. Days after the secular world has ceased spreading Christmas cheer, the Church celebrates the 12 Days of Christmas until Epiphany. Every month has at least one well-known holiday. Time to Take care of the planet for National Earth Day each year in April. Find out all about this flower and check out an orchid picture gallery, too. a person or a company came up with the day it and it just took off with other people. But did you know that there are also some great math holidays? Find out all about the big game and get some recipes to serve, too. Cinco de Mayo is a great time to celebrate National Tortilla Chip Day . Kids and their families can also enjoy Game and Puzzle Week. Other fun holidays in November include: Since families often gather for Thanksgiving, children can take advantage of Family Stories Month. Be sure to check out soon for more national days articles about our furry and lovable friends. For Christians, Easter is a day of religious services and the gathering of family. Or Look for Circles Day? You can give gifts and words of gratitude to professional care providers, as … Little artists will appreciate that August is also Artist Appreciation Month.​. The History of Heritage Day The 24th of September marks ‘Shaka Day’ or ‘Shaka’s Day’, a day which … amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Each month has its own list of Foodie National days and each month celebrates different food holidays. We are all conversant with the UN International Women’s Day that is commemorated annually on 8 March. This day is for people to think up of a thing, person, animal, phrase, or food and create a holiday to celebrate it with their friends. Step into another dimension on May 11 to honor National Twilight Zone Day. For our Thanksgiving dinner, we had two Americans, one German, one Burmese, and two New Zealanders in our midst. Celebrate the camping favorite indoors with this fun s’mores on a stick treat for, Chicken curries are popular around the world. Get our your pen and put it to paper. Flower lovers around the country will be delighted to learn about National Orchid Day. By now most children are back in school, so it might be good to take note of Positive Thinking Day in September. And when we went over to our Malaysian friend’s home to join her in celebrating Eid, there were many non-Muslims helping her celebrate this important day and, perhaps most importantly, helping her eat her amazing Malay cooking! In addition to the family favorite, Independence Day, other days kids will love include: In August, the weather can still be pretty warm, but the vacation season is winding down as kids prepare for school to begin again. Find out all about, Enjoy one of our favorite frozen sweet treats on, George Washington chopped down the cherry tree and we make cherry pies now especially on, Get the great taste of peanuts and chocolate at home with these recipes for, Maine is the home of the blueberry production. Brush up on you knowledge of the leader in the fast food industry for McDonalds Day. Recipes to celebrate Oktoberfest,  a European Fall holiday that is observed around the world. Do you love Pasta? 7 Ways To Celebrate National Day With Your Family #1 Watch the National Day Parade live. Many times national days become popular because they are celebrated on Social Media with special hashtags. Are you a music fan? amzn_assoc_linkid = "6845b353f1ec3cce85b27e67035f1a43"; Flesh out your meals with these side dishes food holidays. Join the CELEBRATION NATION by finding out what we are celebrating tomorrow, notices on freebies and special deals for National Days from businesses around the country as well as awesome contests! Every year in the month of September, National Daughter’s Day is celebrated. Apparently, we’ve left behind the late 19 th century and the 20 th century with all their upheavals and national unrest. Remember making old movies with VHS tapes? So call your friends and family for great, delicious food and for the celebration of love. The national freedom day is celebrated in the United States of America on February 1st every year. Find out how to celebrate, Spinach is a superfood. Learn about, Warm up those winter bones with hot chocolate for, Time to raise a glass and celebrate. Put de-cluttering on your list of New Year’s Resolutions just in time for Organize Your Home Day on January 14. Those days we celebrate because they have meaning to us or the people close to or we have some type of other investments. The celebrations of freedom day mean a lot to Americans. This page is updated almost weekly with new information as I add new posts to the site. Stay informed and … Grab a blanket and a picnic basket on April 23 for National Picnic Day. It is based on a lunar calendar that is a part of the Chinese Zodiac. Don’t worry, your email address is safe. – Everything goes better with chocolate, not just cashews. August 17 is set aside each year in honor of a misunderstood pet. It has loads of pins for articles about the topic. February is full of fun holidays and celebrations. Invite patients to write “Happy Doctors’ Day” notes to their physicians. Be sure to check back soon for updates. Check out Black Cat Appreciation Day for more details. Here's Why We Don't Celebrate National Food Days A look at how national food days are conceived, created, and made official by various government bodies. I’m currently putting together a calendar for each month of the year as a place to learn about all the national days of the year. What is Women's Day and why is it celebrated? This National Days Guide is your go-to page for all the cool facts about crazy, foodie and fun national days. March 10 is National Landline Telephone day. Yes, thank you. In South Africa, however, there is another national day that is set aside to celebrate women, which is separate and different from the one mentioned above. Give your sweet tooth a boost with these tasty dessert inspired National Food Days. August 6 is celebrated each year as National Gossip Day. March is the month when ​everyone is welcome to be Irish for St. Patrick's Day. November kicks off the holiday season, with Thanksgiving leading the way. Grab one and make some of these recipes. On November 21, we celebrate National Gingerbread Cookie Day. Mother's Day and Memorial Day are two of the holidays celebrated in May, but there are plenty of others that are perfect for children and families: Kids will no doubt enjoy Astronomy Week this month, too. This year this day (National Daughters Day 2021) will fall on Friday, September 25 while the majority of people celebrate this day every year on the 4th Sunday of September. Carol Bainbridge has provided advice to parents of gifted children for decades, and was a member of the Indiana Association for the Gifted. You can find them here: Each of the holidays have their own traditional day on the calendar, but around holiday time, there are also many national days that celebrate one aspect of them. Once you confirm this, you will be all set up to receive the newsletter. Mother’s Day: The day we celebrate motherhood and take a day off to appreciate mothers. Potato Head Day – April 30. Does yours need a good organization? Will Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow this year for National Groundhog Day? Catch the fireworks at Marina Bay. Check out these pages for the calendars that I have finished. Check out one of these delicious recipes for home made tortilla chips, nachos and dip ideas. "National days and national celebrations are part of a national narrative, and these are almost always political," political psychologist James Liu says. All content on this site is ©Carol G Speake (Always The Holidays) unless otherwise stated. Chase’s Calendar of Events is a definitive day-by-day resource of events that are being celebrated in America and around the world. Breakfast is the first meal of the day and the perfect time to celebrate these early morning food holidays. Catch the action from anywhere around the bay. Good reason to watch Star Wars. By mid-summer, some kids may start to get bored, so it's no surprise that July is National Anti-Boredom month. Get daily tips and tricks for making your best home. Do you know that every day of the year has at least one National Day associated with it? June is also National Audio Book Month, which is perfect for a summer road trip. Join the CELEBRATION NATION by finding out what we are celebrating tomorrow, notices on freebies and special deals for National Days from businesses around the country as well as awesome contests! Bond with your furry friend for National Pet Day on April 11. And if that is not enough, Super Bowl Sunday is also, It’s party time on March 23! Put a smile on your face on March 27 by celebrating Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day. Find out why and get some recipes to celebrate, Set some time apart on the first Monday in April for, This breakfast treat is so popular it has two days names after it! You won’t believe the changes everyone’s favorite spud has gone through. Other fun days for kids are: March is also Women's History Month and includes International Brain Awareness Week. What do carnations and US presidents have in common? There are hundreds of popular national days celebrated in the USA and around the world. Animal Cracker Day is such a fun day. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; Get Out Your Guitar Day is celebrated on February 11 each year. Check these tasty national days for some inspiration for your next gathering. Decorate your cars, books and windows with a sticker for National Sticker Day on January 13. Many of those days, like Halloween and Mother's Day, are quite well known while others are not. You will love this day! Galentine’s Day, celebrated on February 13 each year, is a great day to get together and honor your gal pals. Be sure to keep checking back to see what is new this week. Don’t miss a single on of them. It’s celebrated as National Puppy Day and also Cuddly Kitten Day. Get some fun facts about the mythical creature unicorn on April 9 for National Unicorn Day. Some cities and states are opting to celebrate National Indigenous Peoples' Day instead.

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