hold someone accountable in spanish

Other translations. See also: accountable, hold. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. • I hold the police responsible for my son's death Voice over Police denied any knowledge of who was on the bike. rendre comptables de leurs actes. Holding someone accountable simple means that you're helping them be responsible for their own actions. You can't just tell people they're accountable, and then leave them to it. tenez-vous responsable. Spanish Translation of “accountable” | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. The expression you found in the dictionary is correct: Hold someone accountable (for something) However sometimes we switch "someone" and "accountable", especially if the object is too long to fit in between "hold" and "accountable", as in your case (i.e. Instó a las autoridades a exigir responsabilidades a los autores de violaciones de los derechos humanos. Suggestions. to hold someone accountable for the promises Spanish translation: ...le exigirán el cumplimiento de sus promesas ... English term or phrase: to hold someone accountable for the promises: He made many promises, including increased social spending, renewed government control over industry, and legalization of coca leaf production. Lv 4. • In the past, juries have usually sided with the industry, holding smokers liable for the damage they inflict on themselves. hold the government accountable 135. hold them accountable 129. hold someone accountable. Yes, it may work for some, but not for all. Translate "accountable" to Spanish: responsable English Synonyms of "accountable": reliable, responsible, dependable, serious, trustworthy, trusty Define meaning of "accountable": Worthy of reliance or trust. Share. faire rendre compte de leurs actes. To Hold Someone Accountable, First Define What Accountable Means. Translate "accountable" to Spanish: explicable, justificable • Please, however, do not think that I hold … In a world where you get results through teams and teamwork, enforcing accountability plays a key role to success. ... to blame something on someone. English term or phrase: holds itself accountable Mil gracias The College holds itself accountable by adhering to the quality standards established by the International Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), and is committed to providing a well-rounded education for a career in business, government, or non-profit organization both locally and internationally. Definition of hold accountable in the Idioms Dictionary. Relevance. -- John Mason Brown Holding people accountable is a skill you can learn. It urged the authorities to hold accountable those responsible for serious human rights violations. 7 - You have to hold people Accountable. "the party responsible for the disaster"). At the end of a meeting, most … Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Sherry. que les responsables rendent compte. I hold you accountable for John's well-being. It means different things to different people. I must hold you responsible for the missing money. That means that she'd like to give you constructive criticism and tell you when you're falling short so that you can help yourself. Favorite Answer. hold accountable ": examples and translations in context. "The only true happiness comes from squandering ourselves for a purpose." accountable Adjective. hold in, hold against, hold back, hold down. " What does hold accountable expression mean? hold accountable phrase. 5 Answers. ; Worthy of being depended on. belville. 1 decade ago.

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