hard rock cafe rome shop

Enjoy a guided tour of the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel and St Peter’s Basilica with skip the line admission with a group that never exceeds 35 people! possono usufruire di un 15% di sconto al ristorante di alcuni Hard Rock Cafe selezionati, incluso l`Hard Rock Cafe Roma! Hard Rock Cafe is a global phenomenon with 185 cafes that are visited by nearly 80 million guests each year. E’ possibile parcheggiare direttamente lungo Via Veneto e sulle strade laterali nelle vicinanze. Our online Rock Shop carries the largest collection of Hard Rock Pins including prototypes, limited edition, special series, 3D, online only and much more. Stiamo preparando una sorpresa per l’8 marzo, in occasione della Festa Della Donna! ⚽ Ordina subito il pacchetto ideato per seguire i tuoi sport preferiti da casa, puoi scegliere tra Ultimate Wings Experience e Barbecue Combo Smokehouse e ricevere la consegna a domicilio con Glovo, Deliveroo e Just Eat. Music is life. Handing out of printed material such as maps or brochures will be avoided. Impossible to resist! THE ROCK SHOP BY ST. PETER'S SQUARE (VIA DELLA CONCILIAZIONE 26/28) THE EXCLUSIVE FASHION SHOP OF HARD ROCK MERCHANDISING, OPENED NOVEMBER 26TH 2016 THE ROCK SHOP: Via Della Conciliazione 26/28 – 00193 Roma - (Indicazioni dall'HARD ROCK CAFE & ROCK SHOP). Showing your voucher on your phone will be enough, and it is not necessary to print anything. Tune in on the latest offers, new releases, exclusives, and more! Well, Hard Rock Cafe is a great place! Do Like the Romans Do! October 2009 : Hard Rock Cafe Gran Canaria: continuing unlicensed since 30. A full international menu loaded with good music is what you'll find in this restaurant. Diversi autobus passano inoltre per Piazza Barberini e Via Veneto, il locale si trova di fronte l'ambasciata americana. Hard Rock Cafe Porto: Sollar. Modern Rome, the capital of Italy, has been said to have one foot in the past and one in the present, with 2,000-year-old relics right next to ultra-glam fashions and society. Proteggiti con stile, sono disponili in varie fantasie. Description: Hard Rock Cafe is a global phenomenon with 185 cafes that are visited by nearly 80 million guests each year. The temperature of all attendees will be taken, and admission will be denied to those with a temperature of more than 37 degrees Celsius (99 Fahrenheit), and a full refund applied. Click below for the Rock Shop's hours of operation! UNITED STATES / CANADA Canada, United States. Hard Rock Cafe Rome is at Via Vittorio Veneto 62 and open seven days a week. Come check out our giant selection of T-Shirts, Mugs, Tote Bags, Stickers and More. Your are in Rome and think to stop for a break? Se sei un'agenzia di viaggio, un tour operator o una scuola in viaggio a Roma, contattaci per scoprire i nostri menu riservati a gruppi a partire dalle 10 persone. The Hard Rock Cafe Rome is no ordinary eatery; as soon as you enter you’ll be surrounded by priceless instruments, outfits and other rock-star memorabilia donated by world-famous musicians. Metro più vicina: Ottaviano – Linea A (10 minuti a piedi). Feel Like a Star Hard Rock Hotels & Casinos. shop.hardrock.com. BUS: 62 fermata Traspontina. Ordina i tuoi piatti preferiti comodamente dal tuo divano di casa  oppure passa a prenderli ! Free! The use of masks is obligatory. Add to Bag. Free shipping for many products! TheAdventurousVlogger Recommended for you. Hard Rock Cafe Rome. Rock on into the Hard Rock Hotel Rock Shop and check out the extensive range of Hard Rock designer wear, souvenirs, cool gifts and funky accessories. Entrambi i servizi sono disponibili tutti i giorni dalle 11:00 alle 22:00. Ordina con Deliveroo, Glovo e Just Eat, potrai scegliere tra due fantastiche special combo: Vieni a trovarci durante l'Happy Hour più cool della capitale, tutti i giorni dalla Domenica al Venerdì dalle 16 alle 18, ti aspetta un menu dedicato con bevande e snack a prezzi speciali! You will receive your confirmation immediately. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Hard Rock Cafe Rock The World Blue Rome Shirt at the best online prices at eBay! 272,217 were here. BUS: Da via Veneto prendere il 62 fermata Veneto-Emilia. Il nostro locale offre catering e intrattenimento personalizzato, chiedi subito maggiori informazioni. At Hard Rock we care about our employees and we reflect this through the rewards we offer. 25% off (20 days ago) 25% Off Hard Rock Shop Coupons & Promo Codes - Jan 2021. 3:55. The client must bring their own mask. Plan your next vacation getaway with Hard Rock in mind and use our convenient map to discover new and exciting cafe, casino, and hotel locations to visit worldwide. When you make your reservation, you can choose the type of menu you prefer: The Hard Rock Cafe Roma is open from Monday to Sunday from 11 am to 10 pm. HARD ROCK CAFE ROMA: Via Veneto 62 A/B - 00187 Roma - (Indicazioni dal THE ROCK SHOP) Metro più vicina (10 minuti a piedi): Ottaviano – Linea A. Prendere la metro in direzione Anagnina, dopo 3 fermate scendere a Barberini. Rock Shop® at Cafe Rock on into the shop located at the beach front.

Fans of the Hard Rock Cafe chain know that throughout the world, every restaurant looks pretty uniform. If you cancel under this time or do not show up, you will not be refunded. Assaggia un classico! Hard Rock Cafe Seattle: 10. A safe distance of one metre between clients will be maintained whenever possible. The Rock Shop® is the exclusive store experience of Hard Rock Hotels featuring a diverse collection of city-specified limited-edition clothing, accessories, and music-inspired souvenirs. Today's HardRock ROCK SHOP Top Offers: 10% Off Your Online Rock Shop Order; 15% Off Your First Order When You Sign Up For Emails; Total Offers: 13: Coupon Codes: 2: Free Shipping Deals: 1: Best Discount: 10% off: Shop . Come to the Hard Rock Cafe retail store for shirts and other apparel fit for a rock star! Authentic, Irriverent, Unpredictable, Passionate, Democratic as music itself! The first Hard Rock Cafe opened on June 14, 1971, in London, England, and from there the brand has expanded to major cities and exotic locations around the world. Hard Rock Cafe Free Shipping - Best Coupon Codes. Hard Rock offre a tutti i rockers membri del club automobilistico (ACI) e del circuito internazionale AAA uno sconto esclusivo del 20% per tutto il mese di Gennaio 2021, valido sia al Cafe e sia nei Rock Shop aderenti all`iniziativa! Prendete la linea A della metropolitana fino a Barberini, a piedi proseguite fino a Via Veneto. If you have any other questions please contact us. Scopri il servizio di consegna del menu dedicato Hard Rock Cafe tramite Glovo, Deliveroo & Just Eat! Alcuni particolari della Roma classica vi ricorderanno la meravigliosa destinazione che state visitando, tra cui i soffitti finemente dipinti e le colonne in stile corinzio. Il menu del ristorante museo posizionato al centro della strada della Dolce Vita è parte integrante della migliore offerta culinaria della città e si abbina perfettamente all'esclusiva ed energetica atmosfera che rende gli Hard Rock Cafe unici al mondo. So when in Rome, whether improving your wardrobe or seeking out la dolce vita, visit the Hard Rock Cafe Rome for everything an emperor would desire (chariot not included). Hard Rock Café opens a pop-up Rock Shop until November 30, 2019 at Disney Village. January 2010: X # 214: Hard Rock Cafe Ho Chi Minh City: 17. Vista l'alta richiesta del nostro ristorante prendiamo un numero giornaliero limitato di prenotazioni online. The Hard Rock brand is worldwide! Authentic, Irriverent, Unpredictable, Passionate, Democratic as music itself! Sign Up & Get 15% OFF! Name City Address Phone; Hard Rock Cafe Rome: Rome: Via Vittorio Veneto 62 a/b +39-06-4203051 Apart from the restaurant, be sure to visit the Rock Shop where you can buy souvenirs to remember your experience at Hard Rock Cafe Rome. CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19: Hard Rock has an important message to our fans: Learn More, In conformità con le raccomandazioni delle autorità sanitarie locali, l'hard Rock Cafe Roma ha riaperto. Legendary Combo per 1 Persona con Birra: 1 Original Legendary Burger, 1 porzione di Patatine Fritte, 1 Nastro Azzurro in lattina 33cl €18,15; Legendary Combo per 2 Persone con Birra: 1 Original Legendary Burger, 1 BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger, Patatine Fritte formato famiglia, 2 Nastro Azzurro in lattina 33cl €35,85. Come to the Rome Hard Rock Cafe and enjoy an exquisite menu of American food in an emblematic place where the rhythm of rock is felt in every corner. Disponibile in edizione limitata fino al 14 Marzo.

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