gerund as a subject

When used as a noun, it is considered a gerund. Q. A subject complement is a noun that follows a linking verb. My favourite occupation is reading. Linking verbs are forms of the verb to be, such as am, is, are, was, and were. (cook) is one of her hobbies. Study the examples given below. 20 seconds . The subject in which the names are used in the sentence is used in the case of the object. Subject. We can use gerund as the subject of the sentence. Gerund used as a subject. Smoking destroys your lungs. Collectively, this phrase behaves like a single noun.Both the gerund and the gerund phrase above function as subject nouns and take the third-person singular verb is. (verb = love; love what? A Gerund phrase is a phrase containing a gerund and any other words associated with it. General and Specific Wording of Subject Clauses *not used / ~awkward sounding, borderline usage ¹ The subject ("agent") may be expressed as a possessive pronoun before the gerund. A gerund, which functions as a noun, can consist of a single word or a phrase. (Get) a good job is not easy. When the gerund is a subject in a sentence, where do you usually see it? (cycle) is fun. A gerund clause can be a subject complement after be:. There are no exceptions to this rule. Driving is a tiresome job. Is the Gerund in the following sentences/questions used as a subject, object or as a complement? The gerund as the subject of the sentence ² When specifying a name, a gerund clause is less commonly used, but it is not incorrect. Seeing is believing. 1. A gerund renames a subject as it works as a noun. There are some exceptions, however. The gerund The use of the gerund . There are several specific cases where gerunds are required, but with a little effort you’ll be using gerunds perfectly! Making noise is what happy children and almost all teenagers do best. Studying English has its rewards. Remember, in every instance below, the gerund is working as a noun. Let’s compare: Exercise is good for your body. Because a gerund is a noun, it can be a subject complement. at the end of the sentence. In many cases, we can use either the infinitive or the gerund in addition to “standard” nouns. No (smoke) in this area. ‘Exercise’ is a noun. Gerunds and infinitives as subjects. A gerund can be the subject or object in a sentence.Is the Gerund subject or object in the sentence in the following 10 exercises? * (Complement is a word, clause, or a phrase that is required to complete the meaning of a sentence. Here, “Sarah” is the subject complement of the sentence because it follows the linking verb “was.” “It” is the subject and the gerund … We could substitute a non-gerund noun such as chess to mentally confirm its function. We can use gerunds as a singular noun, so it can be the subject of the sentence. unexpressed and understood only from the context: Going home seemed to be the best idea. (Get) a good job is not easy. In this case, it can be used as the subject or complement of the sentence. Gerunds and infinitives as subjects October 7, 2014 - The subject o f a sentence is usually a noun or a pronoun. Is the Gerund in the following sentences/questions used as a subject, object or as a complement? Generally speaking, creating a gerund is as easy as adding "ing" to the base form of the verb. Filing papers can give you a paper cut. Let’s revise this content within the {Form} section. Gerund used as a subject. (Find) a parking space is quite difficult in this area. A gerund clause can be the subject of a sentence: Hiking can be a relaxing and rewarding activity. Gerund as Subject Complement. A noun renames the subject, and an adjective modifies it. The gerund always has the same function as a noun (although it looks like a verb). Remember, in every instance below, the gerund is … Example: Saving money helps protect against unexpected expenses. ): In those days, being a student meant spending long hours in the library. Like nouns, gerunds can be the subject, object or complement of a sentence: Smoking costs a lot of money. Gerunds: The Basics. Gardening is my favorite hobby. Identifying Gerunds in a Sentence. Like all things grammar, gerunds do take a tiny bit of detective work to spot. It is important to note the distinction between the gerund verb and the present participle. Gerunds as direct objects: I love reading. (drive) becomes more and more expensive. While the rules of gerund phrases set out earlier help us recognize them in a sentence, gerund phrases have various uses in a sentence. For better understanding, you can learn more about gerunds. gerund as subject. gerund A gerund clause can be the subject of a sentence: Hiking can be a relaxing and rewarding activity. First word. Gerund as Subject, Object or Complement Try to think of a gerund as a noun in verb form. 50 examples of gerunds, Definition and Example Sentences The gerund is a verb that acts like a noun in a sentence. answer choices . The gerund always has the same function as a noun (although it looks like a verb). Swimming in the winter can boost your immune system. Created with use of Wordpress and Pressbooks, Adjectives used only in Attributive Position, Adjectives used only in Predicative Position, Inanimate Possessive Case in Time Phrases, Used to vs To Be Used to vs To Get Used to, ShortLink: Gerund Example: It was singing that made Sarah happy. The gerunds in the examples, written in bold letters, are used as a subject of the sentence. Now we can use this word the same way we would any other noun. When it is used as the subject, the verb form is singular, conjugated as the third person singular, and it doesn’t accept degree verbs. External link to Gerunds as Subjects exercises (167). 1.We use gerunds as a noun. No (smoke) in this area. Gerund as Subject, Object or Complement Try to think of a gerund as a noun in verb form. But sometimes, to-infinitives and –ing forms are also used as subjects. Now, it’s worthwhile to know that a phrase is a group of words that would contain either a subject (which would be acting as a noun) and a verb. When used as a noun, it is considered a gerund. Complements will be explained in detail in a separate post) (eat) fruits and vegetables is good for your health. Use gerunds when the word is the subject of a sentence, or if the verb comes after a preposition. He apologised for not writing for so long. in the middle of the sentence. — “Driving fast is dangerous.” = Gerund driving is used as the subject of the sentence. Here’s an example of a gerund used as a subject complement: We can use gerund as the subject of the sentence. Gerunds can function as subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, objects of prepositions, and predicate nouns. Gerund phrases as subjects: Swimming laps is the most relaxing activity in the world. It has this structure: (he → his, she → her, us → our, etc.) Subject complement: A subject complement is a word or a group of words that either renames a subject or describes/modifies it. (work) overtime is quite common in this company. Gerunds as subjects: Reading is relaxing. Gerunds can appear alone or band together with other words to form a gerund phrase. Gerund subjects take a singular verb. (Studying is a gerund that has a direct object, “English.” The gerund phrase functions as the subject of the verb “has.”) Picnicking in the woods has its downside. an indefinite or generalised subject ( you, one, we, people etc. Is the Gerund subject or object in the sentence in an exercise. Therefore a gerund can be a subject, object, complement,* or object of a preposition. The –ing form is commonly used to create nouns and verbs. (drive) becomes more and more expensive. A gerund (/ ˈ dʒ ɛ r ən d,-ʌ n d / abbreviated GER) is any of various nonfinite verb forms in various languages; most often, but not exclusively, one that functions as a noun. For example: reading) In this case, it can be used as the subject or complement of the sentence. ‘Exercise’ is the subject of the sentence. A gerund always acts as a noun. Complete the sentences with the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses. I don't like writing. (Reading is a gerund used alone as the subject of the sentence.) October 7, 2014 - The subject of a sentence is usually a noun or a pronoun. Gerunds can be used as subject of a sentence. Gerunds can also function as subject complements. The subject is the thing or person that carries out the action of the verb. Gerunds as Subject Because a gerund is a noun, it can be the subject of a sentence. The structure is: We start with the subject, which has the form of a gerund, followed by a verb. For example: Walking is good for your health. Tags: Question 14 . SURVEY . Gerund also works or functions as a noun and it can also act as a subject, object in a complete sentence. It can be subject of a sentence or object. Let's take a look at some examples which will clarify these unique members of the English language. For timeline diagrams, quotes and exercises, check out our e-book The Grammaring Guide to English Grammar, Grammaring – A guide to English grammar | Copyright © 2009-2021, Non-finite verb forms (infinitives, gerunds and participles). My mom insisted on tidying my room. A gerund is one of three classes of words called verbals — words based on verbs and expressing an action or a state of being but serving another grammatical function. The four types of gerunds and gerund phrases follow: 1. A gerund phrase is a group of words consisting of a gerund and the modifier (s) and/or (pro)noun (s) or noun phrase (s) that function as the direct object (s), indirect object (s), or complement (s) of the action or state expressed in the gerund, such as: The gerund phrase functions as the subject of the sentence. The gerund is a verb that functions as a noun referring to an action, a process or a state. A gerund is a verb that typically functions as a noun or as the direct object of another verb. (cycle) is fun. ; the noun/pronoun or possessive preceding the gerund: ID: 903761 Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: Pre-intermediate Age: 12+ Main content: Gerund Other contents: Add to my workbooks (15) Embed in my website or blog (cook) is one of her hobbies. (Find) a parking space is quite difficult in this area. Part 1 Understanding How Gerunds Function Gerund as the subject of a sentence Reading is her favorite pastime. Gerunds are words that are formed with verbs but act as nouns. (eat) fruits and vegetables is good for your health. The doer of the action expressed by the gerund can be: the subject of the sentence: I like getting up early in summer. They have a variety of roles in a sentence and can be acted upon in varying ways: Sometimes the gerund phrase is the subject; sometimes it is the object or indirect object; other times it is the object of a preposition; and finally, it can also be the predicate nominative. 1625. Gerund as Subject Gerund as Subject of the sentence. The gerund as the subject of the sentence In English, it has the properties of both verb and noun, such as being modifiable by an adverb and being able to take a direct object. A gerund phrase is a gerund plus another element such as an adverb, an adjective, or a noun. The use of the gerund as subject is more common than that of the to-infinitive. But sometimes, to-infinitives and –ing forms are also used as subjects. They’re very easy to spot, since every gerund is a verb with ing tacked to its tail. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Like nouns, gerunds can be the subject, object or complement of a … It is important to note the distinction between the gerund verb and the present participle. The boy enjoys playing. Would you mind opening the window? The gerund as subject In the following examples, the gerund phrase is acting as the subject of the sentence. Sleeping through the night is difficult for me. But, like verbs, a gerund can also have an… Gerunds and infinitives are both verb forms that can function as nouns, and, as such, they are both often used as the objects of “main” verbs. Subject [Gerund] + Verb + …, The most commonly used gerunds are: building, buying, living…. The gerund is obtained by adding the -ing tag to a verb root. (The other two are participles and infinitives.) The term "-ing form" is often used in English to refer to the gerund specifically. 1. Swimming is a good exercise. Is the Gerund subject or object in the sentence in an exercise. Task No. A separate page deals with verbs that are followed by the gerund. The gerund is a verb that functions as a noun referring to an action, a process or a state. (work) overtime is quite common in this company. Subject.

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