features of constitution of nepal 2047

Explanation:- For the purpose of The salient features of the Constitution of India can be discussed as follows: (1) Written and Detailed Constitution: ADVERTISEMENTS: The Constitution is a wholly written document which incorporates the constitutional law of India. (1) This If apart from the Chief Commissioner other Commissioners are appointed, the Chief Commissioner shall act as Chairman of the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority. and socially backward groups and communities by making special (2) Matters relating to the conduct of business of a joint sitting of Parliament and the constitution of its Joint Committee, and the functions and procedures thereof shall be in accordance with rules made by His Majesty on the recommendation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Chairman of the National Assembly. Nepal's constitution says that the country consists of multi-ethnic, multilingual, multi-religious people living in diverse geographical areas. So far we have had a constitution in at regular intervals time. (1) No news item, article or any other reading material shall be censored. country in a manner which might be useful and beneficial to the to the existing laws, have the right to acquire, own, sell and policy which will help promote the interests of the economically health, housing and employment of the people of all regions, by Constitution and existing laws, be deemed to have been exercised by His Majesty. Notwithstanding anything contained in Article 9, honorary citizenship may be granted to an internationally renowned person. (1) Each community residing within the Kingdom of Nepal shall have the right to preserve and promote its language, script and culture. Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, no resolution shall be presented for decision in either House of Parliament unless one-fourth of the total number of members of the concerned House are present. preventing the available resources and means of the country from associations; freedom to move throughout the (5) Subject to this Constitution, other functions, duties and working procedures of the Election Constituency Delimitation Commission shall be as regulated by law. On the other hand, if it is to be hoisted on a pole, the hole. (2) Any person held under preventive detention shall, if his detention was contrary to law or in bad faith, have the right to be compensated in a manner as prescribed by law. the country. Finally after many years of struggle, Nepal adopted its first democratic Constitution on September 20, 2015. by Nepal, eBook: Document: English. (1) In this Constitution, the words (14) His Majesty may, from among the members of the Raj Parishad, constitute a Standing Committee of the Raj Parishad, consisting of a maximum of fifteen members including a Chairman and the following ex-officio members: (c) Speaker of the House of Representatives; (15) The tenure of office of the Chairman and the members of the Standing Committee of the Raj Parishad other than the ex-officio members shall be four years from the date of appointment. Every citizen shall have the In a dramatic reversal of previous formulations, it places sovereignty in the people and makes the king the symbol of the nation, thus legally transforming the state from an absolute to a constitutional monarchy. Explanation: For the purposes of this Article, all services and positions in His Majesty's Government shall be deemed included within the Civil Service, except Army Officers and Soldiers, the service and positions of Police Personnel, and such other services and positions as are excluded from the Civil Service or positions by any law. (1) No person shall be deprived of his personal liberty save in accordance with law, and no law shall be made which provides for capital punishment. Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required. Provided that His Majesty's Government shall consult the Public Service Commission for the purpose of permanent recruitment to gazetted posts of the Judicial Service from persons who are not already in the Government Service or from persons being promoted from non-gazetted to gazetted posts within the Judicial Service. (5) The Vice-Chairman shall preside over a meeting at which deliberations are to be held on a resolution that the conduct of the Chairman of the National Assembly is not compatible with his position. preventive detention shall, if his detention was contrary to law legal aid to indigent persons for their legal representation in WHEREAS, We are convinced that the source of sovereign authority of the independent and sovereign Nepal is inherent in the people, and, therefore, We have, from time to time, made known our desire to conduct the government of the country in consonance with the popular will; AND WHEREAS, in keeping with the desire of the Nepalese people expressed through the recent people's movement to bring about constitutional changes, we are further inspired by the objective of securing to the Nepalese people social, political and economic justice long into the future; AND WHEREAS, it is expedient to promulgate and enforce this Constitution, made with the widest possible participation of the Nepalese people, to guarantee basic human rights to every citizen of Nepal; and also to consolidate Adult Franchise, the Parliamentary System of Government, Constitutional Monarchy and the System of Multi Party Democracy by promoting amongst the people of Nepal the spirit of fraternity and the bond of unity on the basis of liberty and equality; and also to establish an independent and competent system of justice with a view to transforming the concept of the Rule of Law into a living reality: NOW, THEREFORE, keeping in view the desire of the people that the State authority and sovereign powers shall, after the commencement of this Constitution, be exercised in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, I, KING BIRENDRA BIR BIKRAM SHAH DEVA, by virtue of the State authority as exercised by Us, do hereby promulgate and enforce this CONSTITUTION OF THE KINGDOM OF NEPAL on the recommendation and advice, and with the consent of the Council of Ministers. (b) nothing in this clause shall be a bar to appointment to any position of a political nature, or to any position which has the responsibility of submitting advice, opinions or recommendations after carrying out studies or research on any subject. exclusive power of enacting, amending and repealing the law (b) the Minister of Justice, ex-officio member, (c) the two seniormost Judges of the Supreme Court, ex-officio members; and. (6) No member of Parliament shall be arrested between the date of issuance of the summons for a session and the date on which that session closes: Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to prevent the arrest under any law of any member on a criminal charge. (10) The State shall pursue a (5) Any Bill, except for a Finance Bill, passed by the House of Representatives and transmitted to the National Assembly shall be sent back with approval or recommendations within two months from the date of receipt. policy of mobilizing the natural resources and heritage of the Human Rights. holding, and the right hind leg supporting, the flag staff. Nepal Table of Contents. (1) Traffic in human beings, perform pursuant to this Constitution or the existing law during greater than that prescribed by the law in force the time of the All other decisions, orders and implementation warrants to be issued in the name of the Council of Ministers pursuant to clause (4) above shall be authenticated in such manner as may be set forth in rules approved by His Majesty. existing at the commencement of this Constitution; and. (11) A Proclamation or Order of a State of Emergency issued pursuant to clause (1) may be revoked by His Majesty at any time during its continuance. The number of states and boundaries of state can easily be amended according to constitution. (1) His Majesty shall summon a session of parliament within one month after the elections to the House of Representatives are held. Federal Democratic Republic Explanation: For the purpose of this clause, the words "legal practitioner" shall mean any person who is authorised by law to represent any person in any court. (14) The State shall, in order Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States. Constitution of Nepal 2072. Highlights of Nepal constitution 2072 2015 Features. (13) The State shall pursue a Preliminary . (1) His Majesty shall, in respect of every financial year, cause to be laid before a joint sitting of Parliament an annual estimate including the following matters: -, (b) the moneys required to meet the charges on the Consolidated Fund; and. This is the first Constitution of the Constituent Assembly in Nepal's history. constitute the nation. Wikipedia Citation. (7) The State shall pursue a policy of making the female population participate, to a greater extent, in the task of national development by making special provisions for their education, health and employment. (3) From BD mark off E making BE equal to AB. about environmental cleanliness, and the State shall also make (d) natural resources, and the distribution of their uses. Any contravention of this provision shall be The national (1) The Nepali language in the Devanagari script is the language of the nation of Nepal. the lives, property and liberty of the people. (9) Subject to the provisions of this Article, elections for the House of Representatives and other matters pertaining thereto shall be regulated in accordance with law. (2) All citizens shall have the following freedoms: (b) freedom to assemble peaceably and without arms; (c) freedom to form unions and associations; (d) freedom to move throughout the Kingdom and reside in any part thereof; and. {{Citation | title=The Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal 2047 (1990) : English translation | … punishable by law. PRAJA FAILIYOS PUKARAUN JAYA PREMALE HAMI NEPALI SARALE.BAIRI SARA HARAUN SHANT HOUN SABAI BIGHNA VYATHA. (3) A Prime Minister appointed pursuant to clause (1) or (2) above shall be required to obtain a vote of confidence from the House of Representatives within thirty days. shall affect the custom, usage and tradition relating to the Write in points. 1. such policies in matters of education, health and social employment. The fine shall be recovered as government dues: Provided that if the person so accused submits an apology to the satisfaction of the House, it may either pardon him or remit or commute the sentence imposed on him. Provided that this clause shall not be applicable in the case of descendants of naturalized citizens. engaged in any occupation in Nepal; that he has (2) A person who is a Nepali citizen, who has a Bachelor's Degree in law, and has worked for at least four years as a second class gazetted officer in the Judicial Service is eligible for appointment as a District Judge: Provided that nothing herein shall prevent the continuance or the reappointment of the Judges who at the commencement of this Constitution are working as Judges. The constitution guarantees the citizens' unfettered rights to political pluralism and a multiparty democracy. The constitution is largely written in gender-neutral terms.

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