Because Curley has more money, status, and power than Lennie, his ego transforms Lennie into the ideal target for his rage. Curley even abuses his own wife in order imaginable degree, area of To learn more, visit our Earning Credit Page. The loneliness in the story is what causes most of the conflict in the story. Read More. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from Sparknotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. He can no more evade Curley's wife's advances than he can escape Curley's revenge. Describe the physical and internal characteristics of Lennie and George in Of Mice and Men. Satisfied, Curley leaves to go look for his father. Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. What makes Steinbeck's novella about a bygone era in America such a classic? She panics, and Lennie, scared, grabs her to quiet her, but he accidentally breaks her neck in the process. Why is George constantly upset with Lennie in Of Mice and Men? She is never given a name and is instead seen a symbol of the random dangers that lurk around every corner. In this quote Curley;s wife is expressing her dream of being an actress,”’Coulda been in the movies, an’ had nice clothes … An’ I coulda sat … Curley, on the defensive and looking for someone to fight, picks a fight with Lennie and punches him unmercifully. - Description & Quotes, The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe Study Guide, Common Core ELA - Literature Grades 11-12: Standards, Praxis English Language Arts - Content & Analysis (5039): Practice & Study Guide, Common Core ELA Grade 8 - Language: Standards, College English Composition: Help and Review, 9th Grade English: Homework Help Resource, SAT Subject Test Literature: Tutoring Solution, Common Core ELA Grade 7 - Literature: Standards, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Study Guide. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Not sure what college you want to attend yet? He is forced to travel from town to town, seeking enough work to keep food in his belly and clothes on his back. But through Curley's wife, those destructive forces come to fulfillment. He is constantly anxious about maintaining his dominance over the workers, and often picks fights with men twice his size. George and Candy call her by other names such as "jailbait" or "tart." 6 chapters | Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. This only fuels Curley's hatred. study Although Steinbeck’s insistent repetition of these characteristics makes Lennie a rather flat character, Lennie’s simplicity is central to Steinbeck’s conception of the novella. has thousands of articles about every His wife explains that Curley “spends all his time sayin’ what he’s gonna do to guys he don’t like,” which proves to be the case when he tries to “throw a scare inta Slim” because he thinks Slim is flirting with his wife. *Very much ‘one of the boys’ when social interaction requires it, but is a lonely solitary character a lot of the time. He's a small man with a huge chip on his shoulder, embodying the classic Napoleon complex, in which a person of small stature tries to prove his toughness through attitude and aggression. Curley is the boss’s son, and because his father only appears once, Curley is the main representative in the novella of the land-owning class. Curley represents the menace of power, illustrating how those with a bit of authority and a lot of hatred can derail a person's dreams. This lesson explores the most important characters in John Steinbeck's 1937 classic, ''Of Mice and Men.'' He is the foreman of the ranch where George and Lennie temporarily work and he's also the ranch owner's son. Terri Beth has taught college writing and literature courses since 2005 and has a PhD in literature. credit by exam that is accepted by over 1,500 colleges and universities. Analysis. A look at the novella's major and minor characters might provide the key. A small man with a fierce demeanor, he despises Lennie for his greater strength and size. But a thoughtless encounter, and a moment's random carelessness, costs two lives. Candy represents the fate that awaits George and Lennie if they remain in the itinerant life. Of Mice And Men Curley's Wife Character Analysis 799 Words 4 Pages The characters in Of Mice and Men all have original and unique characteristics inside of them, but no matter how different, they all have the same reactions of giving up when thinking about dreams. Eventually, he attacks Lennie, but Lennie does not fight back until George, seeing his gentle friend battered and bruised, gives the go-ahead. He looks to George's guidance to compensate for his own diminished mental capacity, and George gladly fulfills the role of surrogate brother and guardian. Alongside the novella's four main characters are a host of key supporting characters: Slim is a leader among the ranch workers. Quiz & Worksheet - Of Mice and Men Character Analysis, {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}}, Crooks in Of Mice and Men: Dream, Loneliness & Quotes, Of Mice and Men Character List & Flashcards. Had he been presented the right circumstances and given the opportunities to thrive, he may have lived a more fulfilling, meaningful life. What information in the text is used to illustrate their work ethic? He was a jerk-line skinner, the prince of the ranch, capable of driving ten, sixteen, even twenty mules with a single line to the leaders." Summary Of ' Of Mice And Men ' 3409 Words | 14 Pages. ...Of Mice and Men Character Analysis: Loneliness In Of Mice and Men many characters are lonely or at least act that way. The working class is stronger (represented by Lennie) and has more moral authority (embodied in Slim), but landowners like Curley maintain their dominance by creating conditions of fear and isolation for their workers. first two years of college and save thousands off your degree. Lennie doesn't protect himself until George tells him to fight back. She once aspired to the glamorous life of a star, but now finds herself stranded on a dusty farm in the middle of nowhere. Reminded of the rabbits he loves to pet, Lennie strokes her head but forgets his great strength. Character Analysis Slim When he first comes into the bunkhouse, he moves "with a majesty achieved only by royalty and master craftsmen. Slim is introduced slowly, which is different to the other characters; who the reader is mainly acquainted with very quickly. Curley’s primary character trait is … This is clear when the reader studies the book from her point of view. She is defined by her role: Curley's wife or possession. Types of Hybrid Learning Models During Covid-19, Creating Routines & Schedules for Your Child's Pandemic Learning Experience, How to Make the Hybrid Learning Model Effective for Your Child, Distance Learning Considerations for English Language Learner (ELL) Students, Blunt Force Trauma: Definition, Symptoms & Examples, Why Were Medieval Castles Built? Like his father, Curley wears “high-heeled boots” to mark his wealth and status, and most likely to lessen the smallness of his stature. Curley’s wife is the most misunderstood character in the novel ‘Of Mice And Men’ by John Steinbeck. Still, he dreams of a better life, of buying a plot of land that he can farm, one that he can call his own. 's' : ''}}. The conversation turns to Curley’s wife, and the men discuss her promiscuous reputation. succeed. Line-by-line modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. He dreams of self-reliance, ultimately, and of living up to his potential. Curley Curley is the boss's son Curley is a static and flat character. Slim is angry at Curley for constantly asking about his wife. He has accidentally killed more than one beloved animal by petting it too hard. Curley is a violent man who treats the men on the ranch as untrustworthy rats. Looking at Lennie, Curley fists his hands and assumes a fighter's stance. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from Shmoop and verify that you are over the age of 13. For men like this, it is all too easy to fall victim to forces beyond their control. In this way, Steinbeck demonstrates how vulnerable even the strongest of us are to that which is beyond our control, vulnerable to that which we didn't create or desire, but which has the power to destroy. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: Note: all page numbers and citation info for the quotes below refer to the Penguin Books edition of Of Mice and Men published in 1993. John Steinbeck's 1937 masterpiece, Of Mice and Men, tells the story of George Milton and Lennie Small, two itinerant farmworkers in Depression-era California. What does Curley's wife mean when she says, "They left the weak ones here" in Of Mice and Men? different to be misunderstood in the 1930’s vs today. I just like to know what your interest is (25). Sociology 110: Cultural Studies & Diversity in the U.S. Clues to Portia's character can be found in the major events of the play. The other guys filter back into the bunkhouse. However, George's lack of money, home, and education puts him at the mercy of his circumstances. - Description & Quotes, Carlson in Of Mice and Men: Description & Quotes, George Milton in Of Mice and Men: Description & Quotes, Lennie Small in Of Mice and Men: Description & Quotes, Of Mice and Men Chapter 1: Summary & Quotes, Slim in Of Mice and Men: Description & Quotes, Who is Candy in Of Mice and Men? As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 83,000 The characters I think are lonely are Lennie, George, Candy, Crooks, and Curley’s Wife. Even Lennie feels the sense of menace when Curley first comes into the bunkhouse. Thus, Lennie's strength keeps him on the verge of danger, and George has to be on constant guard, helping Lennie try to control what he doesn't understand. As a woman in the Depression Era, Curley's wife has few choices but to follow her husband wherever he leads. Refine any search. Did you know… We have over 220 college Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1415 titles we cover. You can test out of the The fact that Steinbeck… She finds Lennie alone in a barn and invites him to touch her soft hair. 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Character Analysis Curley's Wife Curley's wife, like the other players in the drama, is simply a character type and the only woman in the plot. But Lennie's strength is also a curse. Who is to blame for the death of Curley’s wife? Already registered? Get an answer for 'What are some indirect and direct quotes about Curley's wife that describe her traits? Like Lennie, Curley's wife meant no harm. Nesterenko 1 Polina Nesterenko Language Arts 1A Honors 12 July 2015 AP One Sheet 1. Anyone can earn © copyright 2003-2021 Get unlimited access to over 83,000 lessons. Candy, on the other hand, lives among the ranch hands, yet he continually fears … For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: ). She is simply looking for something or someone to ease her loneliness, even if it's only for a moment. * A hard worker. Visit the Of Mice and Men Study Guide page to learn more. She is beautiful but lonely, and Curley is cruel and indifferent toward her. credit-by-exam regardless of age or education level. Character Analysis. Essential Quotes by Character: Lennie Small ... Chapter 4 Summary and Analysis. In George, Steinbeck examines the tragedy of unfulfilled potential. Why has it continued to capture the attention of audiences, more than 80 years after its first publication? Quote: Well, I never seen one guy take so much trouble for another guy. Lennie Small is the secondary protagonist in Of Mice and Men.He is a huge, lumbering man whose bearlike appearance masks a sweet, gentle disposition. Get the unbiased info you need to find the right school. Curley, the boss' son, is an evil character in Steinbeck 's world. courses that prepare you to earn The character of Curley is the externalization of that threat. He loves soft things and makes George promise that when they have their farm, he will be allowed to keep rabbits. Why are George and Lennie different from the other "guys like us that work on ranch" in Of Mice and Men? Curley is a "thin young man with a brown face, with brown eyes and a head of tightly curled hair." On Chapter 5 of the story Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, we witness how Lennie accidentally kills Curley's wife and leaves her partly-covered body over the the hay. Both Lennie and Curley's wife are victims of their circumstances. Despite Steinbeck’s rendering, Curley’s wife emerges as a relatively complex and interesting character. The character of Curley is the externalization of that threat. Crooks is a black ranch worker named for his crippled back, who is isolated from the rest of the workers and has become bitter, mocking George and Lennie's dream. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Curley is the son of the ranch boss, so he's got a big head—which doesn't quite match up with his body. Everyone in this story is lonely or must have been lonely. An error occurred trying to load this video. Tech and Engineering - Questions & Answers, Health and Medicine - Questions & Answers. and "You keep outa this les' you wanta step outside." Curley, the boss' son, enters and sizes up George. Curley’s primary character trait is insecurity. Quotes from and about Curley from Of Mice And Men Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. Although her purpose is rather simple in the book’s opening pages—she is the “tramp,” “tart,” and “bitch” that threatens to destroy male happiness and longevity—her appearances later … Steinbeck presents him as a god-like figure who has natural authority and contrasts dramatically with the Curley, for instance. The ultimate result is both their deaths. Many people dreamed for the American dream, especially Curley’s wife. Like his father, Curley wears “high-heeled boots” to mark his wealth and status, and most likely to lessen the smallness of his stature. When this revenge plan fails and he loses face, Curley picks a fight with the vulnerable Lennie to reassert his status. It also analyzes the significance of these characters both within the novel and in American literature. He asks Lennie to describe their future farm, and as Lennie does this, George surreptitiously shoots him in the back of the head, ensuring the happiness of Lennie's last moments. | 2 She means no harm, but she is lonely and she looks to Lennie for comfort. She has no identity outside of him. 60 lessons Create an account to start this course today. Two quotes from Curley in Of Mice and Men are "Any of you guys seen my wife?" Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree, Of Mice and Men: Summary and Analysis of Steinbeck's Style, Who is Curley's Wife in Of Mice and Men? Large in stature and exceedingly strong, Lennie has the mind of a child. Slim is an interesting character in the novel, ‘Of Mice and Men’. Of Mice And Men Curley's Wife Quotes Analysis. He knows that ultimately he will end up with only Lennie for company – this is evidenced by him playing solitaire all the time. | {{course.flashcardSetCount}} Teaching Financial Literacy & Personal Finance, Overview of Blood & the Cardiovascular System, Electrolyte, Water & pH Balance in the Body, Sexual Reproduction & the Reproductive System, How Teachers Can Improve a Student's Hybrid Learning Experience. Curley’s insecurity suggests that the land-owning class is more vulnerable than one would be led to believe. - Lesson for Kids, Green Management: Cost Effectiveness & Benefits, What Is a Meter? Candy is an aged ranch worker, broken down in body and spirit, especially after the death of his only companion, his beloved dog. The men on the farm refer to her as a “tramp,” a “tart,” and a “looloo.” Steinbeck depicts Curley’s wife not as a villain, but rather as a victim. Log in here for access. He wants to know if they are the new guys, and when George answers, Curley insists that Lennie must talk when he is spoken to. Yet Lennie can barely control his own strength. Curley’s wife emerges as a relatively complex and interesting character. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Create your account. I believe Curley is a static character because his character does not change in the story. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you 389 Words 2 Pages ... Of Mice and Men, the characters of Candy, Crooks, and Curley’s wife are driven. flashcard sets, {{courseNav.course.topics.length}} chapters | Curley's Wife Misunderstood Character Analysis 1471 Words | 6 Pages. Curley is the boss’s son, and because his father only appears once, Curley is the main representative in the novella of the land-owning class. A small man with a fierce demeanor, he despises Lennie for his greater strength and size. and career path that can help you find the school that's right for you. Lennie's strength and size feed into Curley's insecurities. John Steinbeck's 1937 novella, Of Mice and Men, tells the story of itinerant farmworkers George Milton and Lennie Small as they seek some measure of stability and a share of the American Dream in Depression-era California. In this, then, Curley's wife exemplifies the dangers of randomness, especially for those without power or choice, like Lennie and George. He used to be a lightweight fighter, and he just can't let go of the life: he picks fights just to prove himself on the ranch among other bigger (and better) men. The only female character in the story, Curley’s wife is never given a name and is only mentioned in reference to her husband. He still thinks he is tough and has a temper. Title of Work: Of Mice and Men 2. Lennie repeats George's answer softly. In Lennie, Steinbeck explores human vulnerability to forces beyond our control. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}} lessons Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Curley’s wife is the only female character who is directly featured in the novel. Analysis: The boss observes George’s care of Lennie and suspects George of chicanery. The Of Mice and Men quotes below are all either spoken by Curley’s Wife or refer to Curley’s Wife. Curley sets out to hang Lennie, but George runs with Lennie into the woods. Crooks exemplifies the vile forces of racism in 1930s America. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. With George's blessing, Lennie proceeds to crush Curley's hand with little effort. flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? He is innately gentle and kind. Explain George and Lennie's work ethic in Of Mice and Men. How Long is the School Day in Homeschool Programs? Small in stature, yet kind, intelligent, and hard-working, George's potential is unlimited, but his circumstances are not. He felt intimidated by Lennie's size so he tries to frighten him. Likewise, Lennie's poverty and lack of status makes him the perfect scapegoat for the couple's unhappiness. By Talyah Livanes Of Mice and Men - Character Analysis Curley: Racial discrimination Introduction of Crooks The villains of the novel are Curley, and his wife. What Is The Difference Between NGSS & CCSS? - Description & Quotes, Lennie & George's Relationship in Of Mice and Men, Dreams in of Mice and Men: Examples & Quotes, Foreshadowing in Of Mice and Men: Examples & Quotes, Who is Curley in Of Mice and Men? Instant PDF downloads. Experienced, stable, and wise, he is respected by all, including Curley. Last Reviewed on May 28, 2020, by eNotes Editorial. Both Crooks and Curley’s wife find a companion in Lennie who, due to his simple nature, does not recognize the social constraints that have led to the isolation of these individuals. Curley’s wife dreamed of being a highly paid actress. 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