~- ~- ~- 8 ¶-. 6. General Comment 4 on adolescent health and development in the context of the Convention on the rights of the child. 21. CRC General Comment No. The General Comment on article 24 of the CRC will clarify (a) the normative content of the right of the child and adolescent to enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, and to facilities for the treatment of illness and rehabilitation in relation to health care services and (b) the legally binding obligations contained in article 24. The Convention in article 1 defines discrimination against women. The Committee draws the attention of States parties to the general comment No. Mental disorders and psychosocial illness are relatively common among adolescents. 14 (2013) on the right of the child to have his or her best interests taken as a primary consideration (art. In this regard, States parties are required to (a) develop policies and enact and enforce legislation that protect such adolescents from violence, e.g. In taking these measures, States parties have to take into account the evolving capacities of adolescents and involve them in an appropriate manner in developing measures, including programmes, designed to protect them. 11-12 December 2019 | Alabang, City of Muntinlupa, Philippines. Such laws or regulations should stipulate an age for this process, or refer to the evolving capacity of the child; and (b) provide training for health personnel on the rights of adolescents to privacy and confidentiality, to be informed about planned treatment and to give their informed consent to treatment. The Committee strongly recommends that States parties review and, where necessary, reform their legislation and practice to increase the minimum age for marriage with and without parental consent to 18 years, for both girls and boys. General Comment 4 of the CRC on adolescent health and development highlights that States parties have not given sufficient attention to the specific concerns of adolescents as rights holders and to promoting their health and development. While fully respecting the provisions and principles of the Convention, all health facilities, goods and services should respect cultural values, be gender sensitive, be respectful of medical ethics and be acceptable to both adolescents and the communities in which they live; (d) Quality. $ Î Î Î & Ô Information for children: Committee on the Rights of the Child. 7. 2003. States parties have an obligation to provide adolescents with disabilities with the means necessary to realize their rights. On 11-12 December 2019, CRC Asia co-organized with the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) Philippines the ASEAN Dialogue on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child General Comments held in Alabang, Muntinlupa City, Philippines. However, if the adolescent is of sufficient maturity, informed consent shall be obtained from the adolescent her/himself, while informing the parents if that is in the “best interest of the child” (art. 24. We welcome all feedback and commentary. In this regard, financial and human resources need to be allocated to promote research that would inform the adoption of effective local and national laws, policies and programmes. 3. Information, skills development, counselling, and health services. Submissions received on draft general comment on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment. States parties should (a) ensure that health facilities, goods and services are available and accessible to all adolescents with disabilities and that these facilities and services promote their self-reliance and their active participation in the community; (b) ensure that the necessary equipment and personal support are available to enable them to move around, participate and communicate; (c) pay specific attention to the special needs relating to the sexuality of adolescents with disabilities; and (d) remove barriers that hinder adolescents with disabilities in realizing their rights.
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