Gerund adalah verb ing yang berfungsi merubah kata kerja sebagai kata benda. My wife apologized _________________ late. I started to work. Penambahan kata-ing pada Verb karena … Irregular verbs are not easy to remember. 4. 14. 17. They decided to play Tennis in the afternoon. Tidak memiliki perbedaan arti antara Gerunds dengan Infinitives. (eat) 29. She is fond of ___________________ picnics. 24. 7. 4.5 5 ( 2 votes ) dear readers, pustakabahasainggris – artikel hari ini berisi informasi tentang 110 contoh soal gerund dan infinitive lengkap dengan. 31. (be) The au-pair succeeds _________________ the children busy for some time. 5. The aquarium needs ___________________ . My pen friend is coming next Friday. Setiap Just avoid making unnecessary mistakes. (find) 34. 9. (sing) 3 Jawaban :C Pembahasan : Penggunaan Gerund setelah preposisi, seperti … 38. 14. 30. Oke simak baik-baik penjelasan dibwah ini, Gerund adalah kata benda yang terbuat dari kata kerja dengan menambahkan “-ing“. He is afraid of __________________ . (buy) She told us where to find the necessary material. I’m sure I gave him back the money. Tom offered __________________ me home. 6. 4. 23. Pengertian Gerund. (be) (attend) I prefer __________________ to skiing. Paris is always worth travelling to. It was hard for her ___________________ smoking. He is saving money ___________________ a new car. 6. The air conditioner seems not to work properly. (take part) 10. 29. 49. 15. It is important to surf the net for more information. Lomba Pemenang Kompetisi Bulan Desember 2019. We have decided against __________________ a new car. They tried to cope _________________ in bad weather. Pengertian Infinitive. (come) (He stopped what he was doing and drank some coffee.) She warned him ___________________ late. The actor is famous _________________ crazy once in a while. 7. Can you imagine ___________________ my car before we leave? Jawaban: c. #Soal 2. 16. 2. 1. I’m really looking forward to meeting her. We are used ___________________ up early in the morning. Tom offered to bring me home. Mei 20, 2020. It’s no use crying over spilt milk. It’s no use ___________________ over spilt milk. (study) Dari bentuk Infinitive ini dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu : Daftar Isi : To infinitive. 11. (talk) Diana enjoys. Sumber dari : My father helped me to do my homework. 11. (travel) Ireland doesn’t allow ___________________ in bars. 37. My flat is easy ___________________ . We expect him to join us on Sunday. Have you ever learned how __________________ such a plane? 12. The au-pair succeeds in keeping the children busy for some time. We intend to visit you next spring. Doing sport every day is good for your health. 6. 27. (smoke) 3. 27. 36. 3. Januari 1, 2020. Infinitive – Gerund. 50. The secretary carried on typing the letter. John is thinking about ___________________ abroad. 5. I’m sorry I can’t come to your party but thank you for __________________ me. 22. Gerunds. Do you mind bringing Anita to the doctor? 40. 28. A. speak B. speaks C. speaking D. spoke Jawaban : C Key word : is used to Pembahasan : Penggunaan be used to + Ving bertujuan menyatakan kebiasaan yang terus dilakukan sampai sekarang, sedangkan used to + V1 menyatakan kebiasaan yang dulu … 23. But why does question number 5, there are only 2 asnwer? She warned him not to be late. (2. He has already made his decision. They urge their citizens to recycle more waste. I insisted on taking the dog for a walk myself. Admin dari blog Contoh Soal Terbaru 2020 juga mengumpulkan gambar-gambar lainnya terkait contoh soal gerund dan to infinitive dibawah ini. (bring) 2. 35. 42. 28. Mau tidak mau ya harus menghafalkan satu persatu kata- kata tersebut. It was hard for her to quit smoking. 3. We had difficulties finding your house. (cook) 7. Jangan lupa berbagi kebaikan dengan share artikel ini kepada teman-teman kalian ya guys… Good Luck! 12. (travel) He has a habit of smoking in the morning. She seems to like her new job. Kedua, verb dari gerund and infinitive selalu tunggal. Do you recommend … these books? Dengan kata lain atau dalam bahasa indonesia, yang dimaksud dengan gerund merupakan bentuk verb atau kata kerja dalam bahasa inggris yang memiliki akhiran -ing. (talk) Jangan lupa berbagi kebaikan dengan share artikel ini kepada teman-teman kalian ya guys… Good Luck! My sister has got a talent for learning languages. My sister has got a talent _________________ languages. 16. (stop) Would you like __________________ a cup of coffee? Nancy seemed ___________________ disappointed. The children promised __________________ back by nine. (do) 7. 37. Would you mind ___________________ this letter for me? 22. Bentuk past form dari infinitive maupun gerund dibagi menjadi passive gerund, passive infinitive, past infinitive, past gerund, past-passive infinitive, dan past-passive gerund. I forgot ___________________ the door when I left. I’m sorry I can’t come to your party but thank you for inviting me. 24. 20. (remember) 48. Tag: contoh soal gerund dan infinitive pilihan ganda. 50. 48. 1. Our neighbors apologized for __________________ such noise. 33. He won’t go by plane. Gerund merupakan kata yang dibentuk dari verb (kata kerja) dan akhiran –ing, sedangkan infinitive dibentuk dari particle “to” dan verb.Keduanya sama-sama dapat berfungsi sebagai noun (kata benda).. Yang menjadi permasalahan adalah kapan harus menggunakan gerund dan kapan harus menggunakan infinitive di dalam suatu kalimat. She ran away _________________ behind her. As a child he used to like … a kite. I always enjoy talking to my grandfather. Participle adalah kata kerja yang juga bisa berfungsi sebagai kata kerja dan kata sifat. (listen) 18. (have) … 14. 32. 38. I am sorry for the late response GQueen :( The word “watch” can be followed with a bare infinitive or agent + gerund. (post) The teacher always keeps _________________ his timetable. Lomba. Do you mind __________________ Anita to the doctor? 33. 28. Soal Gerund vs. Infinitive Penggunaan Gerund dan Infinitive. (be) His mother was excited about going to Africa. Fill in the gerund with the correct preposition. Exercises – Gerunds and Infinitives. Tom agrees ___________________ me. Memiliki perbedaan arti antara Gerunds (aktivitasnya sudah dikerjakan) dengan Infinitive (aktivitasnya belum dikerjakan). 21. 31. I’m sick of ___________________ hamburgers every day. 8. 3. (spend) 6. Powered by TCPDF ( Created Date: 2/19/2021 … 30. I’m really looking forward to, 15. 26. I’m very excited about attending tomorrow’s game. Pengertian dan Penggunaan GERUND Lengkap dengan Contoh Dialog dan Arti, Pengertian, Fungsi, Penggunaan Gerund dan Contoh Kalimat, 10 soal bahasa inggris tentang gerund dan infinitive, contoh soal gerund dan infinitive pilihan ganda. 9. Materi Gerund vs. Infinitive. Nancy seemed to be disappointed. 5. I’m sure I gave him back the money. 6. Pada contoh-contoh di atas, gerund and infinitive memiliki fungsi yang sama dengan noun. 46. 43. Posting pada contoh soal grammar noun vocabulary writing ditag contoh kalimat gerund dalam bahasa inggris contoh soal gerund after preposition contoh soal gerund beserta jawabannya contoh soal gerund dan infinitive beserta jawabannya contoh soal gerund dan pembahasan. Dalam soal bahasa Inggris, mengenali bentuk kata kerja yang selalu diikuti oleh gerund, to infinitive atau keduanya adalah suatu keharusan. (inform) (rent) The students hope to pass the exam. He has a habit _________________ in the morning. Did father consider ..... sugar after getting diabetes ? (meet) Infinitive adalah suatu verbal yang terdiri dari particle to dan bentuk simple dari verb (bare infinitive) dimana dapat berfungsi sebagai noun, adjective, atau adverb. 43. 32. He blamed me for damaging the CD player. Pembahasan: Kata kerja setelah possessive pronoun (his) harus diungkapkan dalam bentuk gerund (Verb-ing). I prefer snowboarding to skiing. 29. The following questions are easy ___________________ . 22. Some verbs can be followed by an infinitive or a gerund but with a change in meaning: He stopped drinking coffee. George Clooney is proud _________________ in humanitarian projects. 1. (deal). (eat) She enjoys ___________________ . She waited to buy a movie ticket. Apa kabarnya kawan? I’m sorry I can’t come to your party but thank you for, 21. 19. (know) We were all happy about celebrating the New Year in Vienna. They suggested travelling by bus. I’m really looking forward __________________ her. Lomba Pemenang Kompetisi Bulan Februari 2020. Contoh Soal Infinitive Dan Jawabannya Lengkap Dengan Penjelasan By Mr Min Posted on March 17, 2016. Why not __________________ a weekend in Scotland? (paint) 27. The pupil is known _________________ problems. Soal No. Dengan mengerjakan ini, kamu dapat meningkatkan skill grammar baik untuk persiapan tes TOEFL, IELTS, maupun Ujian Nasional. 7. My father helped me ___________________ my homework. (do) (go) I pretended to be asleep. She has a lot of experience in dealing with mentally ill patients. The main disadvantage _________________ is that planes are often delayed. The teenager is addicted _________________ TV. 19. 36. Her reputation for winning difficult games is well-known. 34. At last, they decided ___________________ the apartment. He took credit for scoring the goal. From the previous material, the word ‘watch’is the part of to infinitive that should not be added by anything. The doctor encouraged his patients ___________________ healthy food. 2 Jawaban :E Pembahasan : Beberapa kata kerja yang diikuti Gerund. Tom agrees to help me. Mereka mungkin berfungsi sebagai subjek atau objek dalam sebuah kalimat. I decided to exercise more often. Mary enjoys listening to music. 2. The pupil is known for causing problems. start: I started working. (help) Isabel got Mike ___________________ her car (wash) Ireland doesn’t allow smoking in bars. (work) (understand) (break) We had difficulties __________________ your house. 26. 2 shares; Facebook 0; Twitter 0; Pinterest 0; LinkedIn 0; Print 2; Email 0; WhatsApp; Yahoo Mail; Gmail; Evernote; Line; SMS; Telegram; Facebook Messenger ; Related posts: 100 Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris … 21. I can’t imagine __________________ at home. 1. Demikian 110 Contoh Soal GERUND dan INFINITIVE Lengkap Dengan Jawaban. by pustaka bahasa inggris posted on april 2, 2019 december 4, 2019. Pertama, ketika diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia, keduanya masih memiliki makna verb. She considered ___________________ to New York. 25. a. played b. to play c. plays d. playing. 26. (become) 9. He always tells me great stories. We are accustomed to having our own bath. The money will be devoted _________________ the environment. Jika ini Nampak membingungkan, ingat saja bahwa 90 % kata benda atau embel-embel yang berasal dari kata kerja menggunakan Gerund. ... kali ini, penulis akan memberikan sedikit materi tentang Gerund dan juga akan memberikan contoh berserta artinya dalam Percakapan Sehari-hari dalam Bahasa Inggris. We intend ___________________ you next spring. Setelah selesai soal akan disertai dengan pembahasan untuk tiap - tiap soal. 13. Latihan Dan Pembahasan Soal Unbk Pemesinan Gerinda . We plan ___________________ to Europe this summer(go) Gerund adalah kata kerja dalam bentuk ing (present participle) yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda yang menamai suatu aktivitas daripada seseorang atau … - Gadhot SC.Com Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris: Kumpulan Soal Gerund dan To Infinitive Beserta Kunci Jawabannya Penggunaan Causative Verbs: Have/Get, Let, Make, dan Help | Yureka Education Center Gerund infinitive exercises_key Gerund & Infinitive: sentence Pengertian, Penggunaan, Fungsi Gerund dan Contohnya Gerund after Other Verbs plus Contoh Kalimat Lengkap ~ Juragan Les Gerund dan To … Choose the correct gerund or infinitive from the parenthesis at the end of the sentence. 27. 10. She advised me ___________________ a doctor as soon as possible. 50 Contoh Soal Gerund dan Infinitive Beserta Jawabannya 25 Des 2020 ... 50 Contoh Soal Gerund dan Infinitive Beserta Jawabannya Change the words in the blanket into gerund or infinitive form. He always tells me great stories. I decided ___________________ more often. Otherwise, they won’t get it by Saturday. (win) (visit) The aquarium needs cleaning. 1 Jawaban : B Pembahasan : Gerund sebagai subjek, maka jawabannya adalah Walking ===== Soal No. 11. The secretary carried _________________ the letter. (cry) Choose the correct option ! (be) 23. 20. She seems __________________ her new job. (do) I’ve got 80 points, it means that I still need to learn English Grammar. 8. 35. Contoh kata dan kalimat seperti dalam tabel di bawah: Verb Contoh Gerund Contoh Infinitive; begin: It began raining. 10. (do) I am lazy. 22. (type) (look) A. (post) Apa Gerunds itu? (smoke) 30. Keduanya sama-sama dapat berfungsi sebagai noun (kata benda). Why not spend a weekend in Scotland? (a. reading b. to read) 2. 25. 14. (clean) (fly) 41. (make) 2. 30. 12. 28. She eventually managed __________________ her bike. (answer) Pengertian Fungsi Jenis Contoh Dan Latihan Soal Frasa Phrase. The teenager is addicted to watching TV. 110 contoh soal gerund dan infinitive lengkap dengan jawaban. 1. The hikers are worried about not having enough water. Don’t you mind __________________ away from your family for such a long time? She is interested in ___________________ a doctor. 5. Fungsi Contoh Kalimat Gerund/Infinitive; Subject of Sentence: Keduanya dapat digunakan sebagai subject of a sentence. Itulah yang dapat kami bagikan terkait contoh soal gerund dan to infinitive. (work) Mary keeps talking about her problems. His mother was excited _________________ to Africa. 110 Contoh Soal GERUND dan INFINITIVE Lengkap Dengan Jawaban By Pustaka Bahasa Inggris Posted on April 2, 2019 December 4, 2019 4.5 / 5 ( 2 votes ) Dear Readers, – Artikel hari ini berisi informasi tentang 110 Contoh Soal GERUND dan INFINITIVE Lengkap Dengan Jawaban. (buy) (score) My pen friend is coming next Friday. 20. Her reputation _________________ difficult games is well-known. (cause) Sheila stopped to say hello to her friends. Contoh Soal To Infinitive and Gerund dan Pembahasan . 24. Yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah kapan harus menggunakan gerund dan kapan harus menggunakan infinitive. Bagian ini akan menguji pemahaman Anda mengenai penggunaan infinitive dan gerund dalam Bahasa Inggris. Ikuti tes atau latihan soal yang ada di bawah. 5. Ini adalah latihan soal Materi Gerund dan Infinitive. (give) (hug) 24. She enjoys painting. Gerunds and Infinitives: Their Noun Roles. Gerund adalah sebuah istilah untuk bentuk kata kerja (verb) yang di akhiri dengan –ing. I remember. She is scared of being alone at night. … 8. We have decided against buying a new car. At last, they decided to rent the apartment. Jamie is sick _________________ hamburgers all the time. Can you imagine finishing my car before we leave? (say) Our neighbours apologized for making such a noise. Soal Gerund dan To Infinitive Dan Jawabannya by Last updated Oct 25, 2020, Last updated Oct 25, 2020 Change the words in the blank spaces into gerund … My wife is keen _________________ pop songs. taking into consideration the fact that i still confused about it. Passive Gerund ; to be + past participle Contoh : I don't enjoy being laughed at by other people. 16. – Artikel hari ini berisi informasi tentang 110 Contoh Soal GERUND dan INFINITIVE Lengkap Dengan Jawaban. He is afraid of flying. 10. They decided __________________ Tennis in the afternoon. i just got 80 score. Paling jika berperan sebagai object of preposition kebanyakannya pake gerund, infinitive mengikuti preposition tertentu saja (c/ except, but) Susilawati.. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});,,,, 26. ___________________ sport every day is good for your health. Sheila stopped ___________________ hello to her friends. The hikers are worried _________________ enough water. (cook) Biasanya gerund mengikuti beberapa kata kerja tertentu begitupun juga infinitive. Sebagai subject (subjek) Dalam suatu kalimat, Gerund dan Infinitive bisa berfungsi sebagai subjek. She eventually managed to repair her bike. 9. 2. (discuss) 13. 25. 17. 17. 8. My wife is keen on singing pop songs. 29. 26. Remember to post the letter. (lose) (repair) 17. Tapi, ada hal-hal menarik. Demikian 110 Contoh Soal GERUND dan INFINITIVE Lengkap Dengan Jawaban. 20. Untuk gerund/infinitive yang berperan sebagai direct object of verb saya tidak tau ciri khususnya, bisanya ngecek list..sorry..semoga kapan2 tau :( She is looking forward _________________ his aunt in Chicago. 4. I don’t feel like doing any work. (fly) We are accustomed _________________ our own bath. It is important ___________________ the net for more information. 20. The doctor encouraged his patients to eat healthy food. Otherwise, they won’t get it by Saturday. (quit) Pilihlah kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini dengan mengetik a atau b. Lomba Giveaway Februari 2020: Dapatkan Hadiah Tunai 1,5 Juta . 100 Contoh Kalimat Gerunds Dan Infinitives Beserta Pengertian Dan Penjelasannya Terlengkap. I don’t mind doing the washing up. 21. Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Membuat Reservasi Hotel Melalui Telepon, Asking and Giving Advice – Dialog Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang Di Perpustakaan, PART J – Kata GAUL Bahasa Inggris SLANG Words Beserta Contoh Kalimat Dan Arti, Brown Sugar Boba – Contoh Procedure Text Tentang Minuman, Procedure Text – How to Make a Hand Sanitizer, PART 2 – Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kebudayaan Seni Tradisional Indonesia, PROCEDURE Text – Pengertian, Tujuan, Struktur, Ciri Kebahasaan, Contoh, 3 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tema Pekerjaan Lengkap dengan Terjemahan dan Pembahasan Materi, NEWS ITEM Text – Pengertian, Tujuan, Struktur, Ciri Kebahasan, Contoh, PART 3 – Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kebudayaan Seni Tradisional Indonesia, Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Ramadhan Lengkap dengan Terjemahan dan Pembahasan Materi, [Listening Skill] Simple Past Tense – 10 Kumpulan Materi Listening Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Contoh Dialog Singkat, [Listening Skill] Advice & Suggestion – Kumpulan Materi Listening Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Contoh Dialog, [Listening Skill] 4 Materi Listening Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Ordering Foods and Meals di Restoran – Go to Restaurant, Contoh Procedure Text – Bagaimana Membuat Kue (How to make Reese’s Cake), 5 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris di Kampus Lengkap dengan Terjemahan dan Pembahasan Materi. I think it needs ..... a. fixing c. to fix b. to be fixing d. to have been fixing. 20. Gerunds dan infinitives kadang disebut sebagai pelengkap kata kerja. masalahnya saya binggung, gimana membedakan soalnya yang mana gerund yang mana infinitive ada ciri khussus ngak biar ngak kejebak pas jawab soalnya gitu heee maklum pemula,. I wanted to go alone but Joe insisted on coming with me. Sedangkan infinitive pada umumnya adalah kata kerja yang di awali to setelah kata kerja yang lain. 1. 13. 19. She told us where ___________________ the necessary material. I’m very interested in __________________ French. 17. (protect) 7. 23. Verbs That Take Gerund and Infinitive Completers. I’m tired _________________ the same things over and over again. 47. (lock) Have you ever learned how to fly such a plane? He took credit _________________ the goal. 18. 30. He stopped to drink coffee. Hal ini karena: 1. 16. 25. They were too lazy to go out with us. We plan to go to Europe this summer I’m very excited _________________ tomorrow’s game. He blamed me _________________ the CD player. Gerund dan present participle bentuknya adalah sama, yaitu verb + ing. (celebrate) Isabel got Mike to wash her car (repeat) When I met her I couldn’t help hugging her. Download Contoh Soal Dan Jawaban Gerund PDF (7.00 MB) - SamPDF SamPDF detik. 26. The construction workers worried about losing their jobs. 4. 18. (learn) 5. 24. Fill in the correct form of the verbs. 4. 22. Pada ketiga contoh tersebut, gerunds dan infinitives tidak bisa saling bertukar posisi, karena kata “admit” dan “complete” hanya boleh diikuti gerunds, bukan infinitives. They tried to cope with working in bad weather. The construction workers worried _________________ their jobs. (exercise) 29. (visit) Contoh Soal TOEFL Gerund and To Invinitive dan Pembahasannya 1. 21. Lomba Hadiah Januari 2020: Dapatkan Uang Tunai 2 Juta. 23. The following questions are easy to answer. 3. When I met her I couldn’t help ___________________ her. My pen friend is coming next Friday. I forgot to lock the door when I left. (have) Berikut ini akan admin berikan contoh soal kepada sahabat SBI semua mengenai gerund atau infinitives … 12. 2. (learn) 3. 49. (have) 13. I can’t imagine working at home. 29. 16. I pretended ___________________ asleep. 26. (recycle) 40. He has already made his decision. Would you mind posting this letter for me? Penggunaan Infinitive dalam bahasa sehari-hari lebih bemakna kemungkinan atau potensi terhadap sesuatu dan lebih terdengar filosofis. Gerund & Infinitive. Oke sahabat SBI kali ini saya akan membahas apa itu Gerund dan Infinitive dan bagaimana penggunaanya dalam kalimat. Contoh Soal Gerund Pilihan Ganda dan Esai beserta Jawabannya. 9. 1. 18. Aku kok jadi bingung bedain yang infinitive sama yang gerund …. Gerund and Invinitive masih membawa sifat verb. a. to travel b. traveled c. traveling d. he traveling e. to he traveled. 19. (not have) Lomba Pemenang Kompetisi Bulan Januari 2020. It seems difficult to know everything about the topic. They suggested ___________________ by bus. Begitu pula sebaliknya untuk contoh (c). (like) Contoh Soal Gerund vs. Infinitive dan Jawabannya - Bahasa Inggris Contoh soal gerund vs infinitive dan jawabannya: 1. 3. He is saving money to buy a new car. It began to rain. 28. Beberapa waktu lalu kita telah membahas tentang Gerund and Infinitive. would you like to give me information about link wich give many exercises about grammar? Despite criticisms from political opponents, the new president continues his … abroad to appeal to foreign countries to invest in Indonesia. Mathew is really good at ___________________ . I don’t feel like __________________ any work. Gerund (verb+ing) dan infinitive (to+verb) sama-sama merupakan verbal yang dapat berfungsi sebagai noun. Jamie is sick of eating hamburgers all the time. My wife apologized for being late. 27. I regret ___________________ you that your application was rejected. 23. We are used to get up early in the morning. (damage) Yang menjadi permasalahan adalah kapan harus menggunakan gerund dan kapan harus menggunakan infinitive di dalam suatu kalimat. Mary enjoys ___________________ to music. I’m sick of eating hamburgers every day. She is looking forward to visiting his aunt in Chicago. The money will be devoted to protecting the environment. Pembahasan: Setelah kata enjoy harus diikuti gerund. Februari 15, 2020. She said she was sorry about breaking the vase. Remember __________________ the letter. (drink) 39. 45. (pass) 28. John is thinking about studying abroad. Gerund dan Present Participle memiliki kesamaan bentuk, namun perbedaan antara keduanya adalah Gerund digunakan sebagai kata benda (noun) sedangkan Present Participle digunakan sebagai kata kerja (verb). Pada contoh-contoh di bawah ini, gerund terdengar lebih alami dan lebih umum digunakan dalam bahasa sehari-hari dibandingkan infinitive. 39. 47. She considered moving to New York. My favourite hobby is cooking. The teacher always keeps complaining about his timetable. Accessed o October 14, 2013. She advised me to see a doctor as soon as possible. 2. Mary keeps ___________________ about her problems. Januari 1, 2020. 15. 10. 22. 13. 8. to get used to to be accustomed to dll maka jawabannya adalah to eating ===== Soal No. 15. (see) Contoh Gerund yaitu reading, playing, swimming, visiting. I insisted _________________ the dog for a walk myself. 21. 18. (study) (snowboard) I’m tired of repeating the same things over and over again. a. not to consume c. to not having consumed b. not consuming d. having consumed. I wanted to go alone but Joe insisted on, 18. 12. 4. See –> feel, have, hear, have, watch, see. I can’t bear ___________________ so much responsibility. 46. She ran away without looking behind her. I wanted to go alone but Joe insisted on __________________ with me. Sumber dari : . 2. She is interested in becoming a doctor. My flat is easy to find. Since Marlo is a presenter, he is used to _____ in front of the spectators. 45. I don’t mind ___________________ the washing up. … 27. I remember __________________ it back to him. Look ! Maret 1, 2020. It seems difficult ___________________ everything about the topic. 42. I don’t feel like studying English today. Try quizzes from (,, (, (, and ( 21. 10. 14. 25. Namun, untuk Infinitive, biasanya berada di akhir kalimat dan subjek di awal kalimat diganti dengan “It”.
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