clan maclachlan septs

Some may be of Scottish descent from Clan MacLachlan of Argyll. Rob Roy MacGregor (1671-1734) was a member of this since John Knox lead the Scottish Parliament to declare the Presbyterian Church the national church of Scotland in 1560. It replaces all other sites claiming to represent the same. In 1170 Gilbert, the son of Gille Criosd, First Earl of Angus, was granted the barony of Ogilvie, north of the Firth of Tay, near Glamis. The MacFarlanes are descended from Gilchrist, brother of Maldowen, third of the ancient Earls of Lennox during the 13th century. When surnames began to be used, they were used to identify the person in relation to their leaders, saints or God. The Clan Maclean Association is the original association and over the years has been joined by Maclean Associations all around the world. From this Donald, according to Crawford, are descended the M'Gilchrists of North Bar; Merquirhir McIlcrist was tenant in Cornekmoir, Tiree in 1541. is descended from the same line as the O'Neills, High Kings of Ireland. It is used to explain the variety of surnames of members of a clan or family. Copyright 2010 Clan Maclachlan Society, Western USA Branch. Gillecrist de lacu (of the loch) was one of the assessors of the lands of Dunduff in 1231. was lost at Culloden while commanding a regiment of 300 men. The Gilchrists who were vassals of the ancient Earls of Lennox almost certainly fought alongside the great Scottish hero, William Wallace (Braveheart), at his victory over the English at the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297. In the ancient Old Gaelic form, our name was either Giolla Chriost or Gilla (Gille) Criosd. This MacEwen was a Chief of a clan and proprietor of Otter. In 1493, James V confirmed the barony of Otter to Colin Campbell, Second Earl of Argyll and thereafter Otter remained in possession of the Campbells. Gillascop MacGilchrist had a charter of the five penny lands of Fyncharne and others in 1243 from King Alexander II. Surnames regarded as septs (sub-branch) of the Maclachlan clan include Ewing, Gilchrist, Lachie, Lauchlan, MacGilchrist, MacLaghlan. Motto: Fortis Et Fidus which means Strong and Faithful (trusty) In the context of Scottish clans, septs are families that followed another family's chief. The name “Gilchrist” in a variety of forms occurs as both a first name and as a last name in numerous early legal documents. It is used to explain the variety of surnames of members of a clan or family. Clansfolk of Clan MacLachlan. The Maclachlan clan motto is "Fortis et fidus" which means "Brave and Faithfull". In the 1745 uprising with Prince Charles Edward Stewart, the Chief of the Clan served the Prince and In any event they are family. Septs: Eunson, Ewan, Ewen, Ewenson, Ewing, Gilchrist ... Clan MacLachlan received the lands of Glasrie near Dunadd as a dowry for marrying the daughter of Suibhne Ruadh, the Red haired Sween. . Without lands, the MacEwens became a broken clan and found their way to many districts. At that date, Johan Enynsone MacGilchrist, one of the King's tenants in Perthshire, also rendered homage. All rights reserved. In those days surnames were uncommon, and generally used only by people with wealth and power. The manner in which the Clan MacEwen lands were lost suggests that Swene MacEwen was a victim of the Campbell facility to exploit the law to their own benefit at the detriment of simpler neighbors. In fact, each has its own unique contribution to Scottish and Irish history and share a common ancestor with the MacLachlans. A great-grandson of this Gilchrist was named Bartholomew (in Gaelic spelled “Parlan”). There is a Maclachlan clan Web site here. History in brief. Donenaidus Makgilkriste, dominus de Tarbard, granted to the Monks of Paisley the right of cutting wood within all his territory for the building and repair of their monastery. This is the ONLY Official Site of the Clan Maclachlan Society, Western USA Branch. Septs of the Clans: Mac Tartan of New Scotland (Nova Scotia); Click to enlarge [jpeg:10K] SEPT CLAN MacA'Challies MacDonald MacAchin MacDonald (of Clanranald) MacAchounich Colquhoun MacAdam MacGregor MacAdie Ferguson MacAdie Munro MacAichan MacDonald (of Clanranald) MacAindra MacFarlane MacAinsh MacInnes MacAinsh MacGregor MacAlaster MacGregor MacAlaster MacAlister … The Taylors who are affiliated with Clan Cameron as a sept are said to be descended from Donald "Taillear Dubh na Tuaighe" (Black Tailor of the [Lochaber] Axe), who lived in the time of Mary Queen of Scots. What is a Sept?Sept is a term which comes to us from the Irish, which means "family." The Gilchrists - A Sept of Clan MacLachlan. Records from around 1513 indicate that the MacEwens had been pretty well dispersed from their homeland. He was the "natural son" of Ewen Cameron, 14th Chief of Clan Cameron and a daughter of the Chief of Clan MacDougall, out of wedlock. Clan MacLachlan is one of the oldest of all Scottish Clans. Alun MacGillecrist was one of the witnesses to a charter by Moregrund, Earl of Mar. The genealogy proves that Clan MacEwen existed long before 1450 and that they were known as the MacEwens of Otter. Many settled in the lands of their cousins an neighbors - the MacLachlans. A sept is a family name that can be related to a clan or larger family for various reasons. Moran: 50. Antrothan, a cousin of Aodh Ui’neill, (king of Ulster from 1030 -1033), was one of those immigrants. Gilchrist, son of Aedh, mentioned above, was the father of Gilpatrick whose son was Lochlan Mor, credited with founding the MacLachlan Clan. What may have remained of the MacGilchrists of Glassary now became a sept of their cousins, the Clan MacLachlan, as often occurred among broken clans with some of the families taking the name of the new clan. Surname distribution in Scotland: The highest concentrations of the MacLachlan surname can be found in Glasgow City, Perth and Kinross (Perthshire and Kinross-shire), Renfrewshire, Argyll and Bute and Dunbartonshire. Septs of the Clan: Ewan, Ewen, Ewing, Gilchrist, Lachlan, Lauchlan, MacEwan, MacEwen, MacGilchrist. Clan MacLachlan Society, Victoria, Inc. 4/4 Fordham Avenue Camberwell Victoria Australia 3124 03 9836 4232 Aim/Purpose: The CMSV was formed in 1995 to give greater opportunity to Victorian MacLachlans, Gilchrists, Ewings etc. Septs are sub-groups or families bearing different surnames within a clan. The powerful Ui’neill’s (O’Neill) who ruled Northern Ireland for nearly 800 years claim decent from Niall of the Nine Hostages. This charter is updated but probably is of the end of the thirteenth century. Gillespic, 5th of Otter, flourished about a century later. Gilchrist means "servant of Christ." (63) (Watson, Scottish Verse , 238-9.) This charter is probably the oldest one in existence dealing with the lands in Argyllshire. Although of ancient origin, there are few authentic records of this clan. The MacLachlan clan motto is "Fortis et Fidus" (Strong and faithful) and the clan crest is a tower on a rock. Gilli in Norse and Gilla in Irish were commonly used since in the Old Gaelic language it meant “man of” or “follower”. From this arose the Ogilvie Clan. Lochlainn, (from which MacLachlan is derived) was a favorite forename in the Ui’neill family. Lochlann was originally a term to describe Scandinavia, composed of the elements loch (meaning "lake" or "fjord") + lann (meaning "land"). Clan Maclachlan claims as its eponymous ancestor Lachlan Mor. Gaelic Name for MacLachlan: Mac Lachlainn (Son of Lachlan) =[ This web site is best viewed by Netscape Navigater 2.01 ]= Origin of Clan MacLachlan. Return to Index of Clans/Family Histories. The Gilchrists were probably at the Battle of Cullodin Moor in 1746 since both the MacLachlans and Ogilvies participated. Septs of Clan Cameron. In 1230 Gilchrist MacLachlan witnessed a charter granted by Lomond, ancestor of the Lamond Clan. [30] [31] "Sept" is actually a term borrowed from Irish culture in the nineteenth century to explain the use of a variety of surnames by members of a single clan. Saint Martin's Cross. The Reverend Alexander McFarlane, minister of the parish of Kilfinan, writing in 1794, states that On a rocky point on the coast of Loch Fyne about a mile below the church of Kilfinan is seen the vestige of a building called MacEwens Castle. A sept might follow an­ other chief if two families were linked through marriage. If you have any information or corrections, please feel free to … Select any of the items below for more details, and you can get back to this page by simply clicking the 'back' button on your browser, or selecting 'Clan Septs' from the top menu. Clan Tartans, (background is a representation of the Clan MacLachlan tartan) The Clan MacLachlan tartans recorded in the official tartan register of the Tartans of Scotland are numbers 1710, 828(Dress), 1593, 1277, 732, 775(Htg). The surnames of the Septs listed below [left] give the Clan [right] to which they are associated with. They descend from the same line as the O'Donnells. Clan Maclachlan Society, Western USA Branch. Individuals of Maclean ancestry and those from the many sept families of the Clan have united together to form these Associations. In addition, one MacEwen family held title to Barmolloch in Lorne around this time. The Clan MacLachlan Society was founded in 1979 and now has over 1200 members Thomas MacLauchlan (1816-86) edited Book of the Dean of Lismore. They suffered severely when Alexander II campaigned against Argyll in 1222. The Mores were a sept of Clan Leslie while the Muirs were a sept of Clan Campbell. Swene MacEwen, 9th and last of Otter (the last Chief), granted, in 1432, lands of Otter to Duncan Campbell of Lochow in repayment for overdue loans, and resigned the Barony of Otter to James I. fought in all the royalist campaigns. The clan claims descent from Lachlan Mor, who lived on Loch Fyne in the 13th century, and who has left his name upon the countryside he once controlled: places such as Strathlachlan, Castle Lachlanand Lachlan Bay. Clan Lachlan and Clan Lamond, Clan Neill who study valour, Clan Tavish on the floor and on the brae of Glassary are kin to me . The Gilchrists that exist today did not drop the “Mac” from their name. The most famous of these kings was a half real, half legendary person known as Niall of the Nine Hostages (derived from the ancient tradition of capturing important persons and holding them for ransom). As early as 1230 Gilchrist MacLachlan witnessed a land charter and in 1292 Gilleskel MacLachlan received a charter for his land in Argyll. Clan MacEwen or Clan MacEwan is a Highland Scottish clan recorded in the fifteenth century as Clan Ewen of Otter . It is preferable to speak of "The names and families of Clan X" rather to call a name "a Sept of Clan X". A family profession? English and Scottish. (This was about the same time that McBeth ruled part of Scotland). These smaller septs would then make up, and be part of, the chief's larger clan. A MacLachlan served in the first parliament of Robert The Bruce in St Andrews. He married the daughter of the King of Dalriada and received lands. Evidenced by the fact that we have many people with these ties and surnames actively involved, they are every bit a part of our family. Finally, other MacEwens settled along the shores of Loch Lomond, probably before the end of the 15th century. Clan Maclachlan Item code: C130 Although the origin of this clan is disputed it is thought that Aodh Anrothan (Hugh the Solitary), the son of Aodh Athlone O'Neill, travelled to Scotland from Ireland in the early 11th century. Two major Septs of the Clan MacLachlan are listed below. Symbols of Clan MacLachlan = In Scotland = Maclachlan Courtesy Electric Scotland: Grangemouth, Scotland Clan Maclachlan Society, Western USA BranchUnited Ewen of Otter, who gives his name to the clan, lived at the beginning of the thirteenth century. Septs of the Clan: Ewan, Ewen, Ewing, Gilchrist, Lachlan, Lauchlan, MacEwan, MacEwen, MacGilchrist. His name is derived from Eoghan which translates from the Gaelic as Born of the Yew Tree.

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